trump invoked the 5th amendment over 440 times in NY deposition

The point....

trump committed crimes and is being rightfully investigated.

your point.....
deflect, deflect, lie and deflect.

1). They planted evidence
2). They came in and took out evidence trump had against the deep state.

You got it covered ^^^^^^^


I hurt the widdle snowflakes feelsies again, so here comes the projections!!

Is it just possible that he is a dishonest man who has broken multiple laws ?
Is it just possible ?
I think that has already been proven.
Now they just need to get it into court and convict trump.

Of course trump is a con man.
Now he's going to pay. Bigly.

This is the man that said only the Mafia pleads the 5th. Turns out he was right!

He updated his views on this, due to the use by progressives of Perjury trolling in Lawfare.

I once asked, “if you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” Now I know the answer to that question. When your family, your company, and all the people in your orbit have become the targets of an unfounded, politically motivated Witch Hunt supported by lawyers, prosecutors, and the Fake News Media, you have no choice. If there was a question in my mind, the raid of my home, Mar-a-Lago on Monday by the FBI, just two days prior to this deposition wiped out any uncertainty. I have absolutely no choice because the current Administration and many prosecutors in the Country have lost all moral and ethical bounds of decency.
Accordingly and under the advice of my counsel and for all of the above reasons, I declined to answer the questions under the rights and privileges afforded to every citizen under the United States Constitution.

Trump Stymies NY Prosecutor Who Vowed to 'Get Him'

You may now explain why you think I am lying to you.
You aren't lying. You actually believe what you say. You are just merely wrong. I am not really inclined to give you a law school lecture on why you are wrong. You might entertain yourself in researching it out. Start with the admonishment all judges give to all juries that they may draw no inference whatsoever to pleading the fifth. It has no bearing on guilt, innocence or culpability.
Have fun.
Taking the fifth means that you are telling the judge under oath that answering that question will incriminate yourself. It has no other legal meaning. As a legal strategy it absolutely sucks if you are looking to be found innocent.

Nice to know you petite tyrants are now embracing McCarthyism. So are you now exonerating the illustrious Senator from Wisconsin?

In the McCarthy Hearings during the 83rd Congress, close to five hundred witnesses relied upon the Fifth Amendment when called before the three congressional committees.

Of those who plead the Fifth, McCarthy would say, 'If you use [the Fifth Amendment], it proves you're guilty."

McCarthy Hearing Testimony Unsealed
Nice to know you petite tyrants are now embracing McCarthyism. So are you now exonerating the illustrious Senator from Wisconsin?

In the McCarthy Hearings during the 83rd Congress, close to five hundred witnesses relied upon the Fifth Amendment when called before the three congressional committees.

Of those who plead the Fifth, McCarthy would say, 'If you use [the Fifth Amendment], it proves you're guilty."

McCarthy Hearing Testimony Unsealed
Dimmers change their mind a lot....Obammy saying marriage is between a man and a woman, Poopeypants on when life begins, and now the Dimmers LIKE Joe McCarthy and hate Elon Musk!
Any day now. The beginning of the end. The walls are closing in.
Hey, you're catching on now.
Good job.

While POTUS, he couldn't be charged.
Now, with no available Senate to bail him out, he will face a REAL judgement.

They are collecting evidence, it takes time.
Buckle Up.

This is the man that said only the Mafia pleads the 5th. Turns out he was right!

If New York's AG based her campaign, victory and most of her publicly stated ambitions, solely on the promise to put me in jail ...
I'd tell her to go fuck herself too ... :auiqs.jpg:

New York is suffering a crime wave ... And the AG doesn't care about that.
That's what happens when you elect Political Hacks to positions of Power.

You aren't lying. You actually believe what you say. You are just merely wrong. I am not really inclined to give you a law school lecture on why you are wrong. You might entertain yourself in researching it out. Start with the admonishment all judges give to all juries that they may draw no inference whatsoever to pleading the fifth. It has no bearing on guilt, innocence or culpability.
Have fun.
But it does have a bearing on guilt no matter what anyone says. You look guilty invoking the fifth because that's what guilty people do. It's a shitty legal strategy if you are innocent and trying to be found innocent.
But it does have a bearing on guilt no matter what anyone says. You look guilty invoking the fifth because that's what guilty people do. It's a shitty legal strategy if you are innocent and trying to be found innocent.
If taking the 5th had a bearing on guilt, some judge, somewhere, would give that as a jury instruction.
But it does have a bearing on guilt no matter what anyone says. You look guilty invoking the fifth because that's what guilty people do. It's a shitty legal strategy if you are innocent and trying to be found innocent.

It's the perfect legal strategy when all the prosecutor is trying to do is Perjury fish.
There are so many walls closing in on trump, that the repub party is circling the wagons around him...with fingers crossed that he does not screw them over again like he did in the Georgia Senate runoff.
You are such a delusional nitwit. How many years have you copy and pasted the same rant?

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