Trump, Iran and the 2020 Election

England is our ally-------jerk


What role did British intelligence play in fabricating the ''Russian collusion''? Much of the royal family snubbed Trump and family on their recent state visit. Their ambassador to the U.S. is obviously no fan of Trump's ''America First'' policies. I guess he thinks Trump, like Obama, should put America's interests LAST and everyone else FIRST.
I think war with Iran would HURT Trump in 20'.
Hmm, maybe. If there is one thing that americans have come to count on and accept, its republican presidents starting wars. He might rally the patriotic independents to his side,like in 2004.


WWI - Woodrow Wilson
Mexican Revolution, the Occupation of Veracruz - Woodrow Wilson
Russian Revolution - Woodrow Wilson
WWII - Franklin Roosevelt
Lebanon Crisis 1958 - Dwight Eisenhower
Korean War - Harry Truman
Vietnam War - Lyndon Johnson
Cambodian War - Lyndon Johnson
Laotian War - Lyndon Johnson
Multi-National War In Lebanon 1978 - Jimmy Carter
Multi-National War in Lebanon 1983 - Ronald Reagan
Gulf War - George H.W. Bush
Bosnian War - William Clinton
Afghanistan War - George W. Bush
Iraq War -George W. Bush
First Libyan War - Barrack Obama
Iran has NEVER been in compliance as shown by the Israeli intelligence
Nah, that's an unsupported, cherry picked claim that you chose to align with your auperstitions and fetishes. Not compelling, sorry. The fact that the inspectors and the other signatories say they have complied is far more compelling than your rightwing bubble bullshit.

Obozo NEVER had Democrat support for this sham.
Also a shameless lie, as the lobbying of the democrat party compelled tgem to filibister in the senate and to keep it from being tossed from the house.

Sorry ya moron, these are facts.

Poor baby. Denying the photographic proof Netanyahu showed? Not compelling? Only to the willfully stupid such as you. You just stated the lobbying of the DEMOCRAT party kept this sham from a vote. Meaning he had NO support to get this passed. Schemer publicly came out and STATED this was a bad deal. Your bullshit is again debunked. Now for God's sake wipe that egg off your face before it gets too deep.
As the pressure on trump grows, the tail of the dog wags faster.

My greatest concern is trump will wage war against Iran, counting on being a war time President, to will win a second term.

This is what I expect weak kneed liberals to say.

We need a president who is not afraid of war. Our troops are well trained and they are just what is needed to teach the Iranians a lesson.
Unless Iran nukes New York, we're not going to get in an all-out war with Iran. However, we could engage in naval actions against them, air strikes, cyber warfare, special forces operations, etc. We can also help to create an insurgency and arm them.
To be clear, I am not making a prediction on Trump going to war with Iran. Morons like Trump are unpredictable. I don’t pretend otherwise.

The question, however, is that if Trump really did go to war with Iran, would his supporters automatically think it was a great idea?
To be clear, I am not making a prediction on Trump going to war with Iran. Morons like Trump are unpredictable. I don’t pretend otherwise.

The question, however, is that if Trump really did go to war with Iran, would his supporters automatically think it was a great idea?
Not all. Not all of them have completely lost their minds and accept anything he says or does.
To be clear, I am not making a prediction on Trump going to war with Iran. Morons like Trump are unpredictable. I don’t pretend otherwise.

The question, however, is that if Trump really did go to war with Iran, would his supporters automatically think it was a great idea?
Not all. Not all of them have completely lost their minds and accept anything he says or does.
so his followers are very much like all the other presidents die hard followers....
To be clear, I am not making a prediction on Trump going to war with Iran. Morons like Trump are unpredictable. I don’t pretend otherwise.

The question, however, is that if Trump really did go to war with Iran, would his supporters automatically think it was a great idea?
Not all. Not all of them have completely lost their minds and accept anything he says or does.
so his followers are very much like all the other presidents die hard followers....
In certain aspects, sure. But the differences are important, too.
To be clear, I am not making a prediction on Trump going to war with Iran. Morons like Trump are unpredictable. I don’t pretend otherwise.

The question, however, is that if Trump really did go to war with Iran, would his supporters automatically think it was a great idea?
Not all. Not all of them have completely lost their minds and accept anything he says or does.
I agree, but they never seem to make any noise.
To be clear, I am not making a prediction on Trump going to war with Iran. Morons like Trump are unpredictable. I don’t pretend otherwise.

The question, however, is that if Trump really did go to war with Iran, would his supporters automatically think it was a great idea?
Not all. Not all of them have completely lost their minds and accept anything he says or does.
so his followers are very much like all the other presidents die hard followers....
In certain aspects, sure. But the differences are important, too.
well sure there are going to be differences because they are all different people....but all of their die hard followers did not care what kind of shit they said or did...they were with them through thick and thin...the bush followers were some of the more unbelievable ones.....
well sure there are going to be differences because they are all different people....
That's not agreeing that the differences are important, though. In fact, thats doing the opposite and dismissing them. Okay, granted, for the sake of discussion.

Also, you do understand how much importance you are putting on the moral and ethical character of the president...right?
To be clear, I am not making a prediction on Trump going to war with Iran. Morons like Trump are unpredictable. I don’t pretend otherwise.

The question, however, is that if Trump really did go to war with Iran, would his supporters automatically think it was a great idea?
Trump has 90% plus rating with republicans. They are like a cult, and will support him no matter what he does.
No, the President should just let Iran stomp all over us. Capture our tankers, bomb our ships, take some of our citizens hostage.
After all we deserve it.
To be clear, I am not making a prediction on Trump going to war with Iran. Morons like Trump are unpredictable. I don’t pretend otherwise.

The question, however, is that if Trump really did go to war with Iran, would his supporters automatically think it was a great idea?
Trump has 90% plus rating with republicans. They are like a cult, and will support him no matter what he does.
Yeah that is what is so shocking. I mean it would be surprising if Bush’s approval rating remained that high, but Trump’s rating being that high is absolutely batshit crazy. Nothing about it makes any goddamn sense. These people have completely lost their minds.

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