Trump is a complete moron. Need even more proof? Read his new demand about the wall

Trump wants the wall to be "see-through" to deter drug smugglers from throwing their product over the wall.

That's right. Trump wants his wall to somehow be invisible. You cannot make this shit up. SNL could not make this shit up.

Trump calls for 700 miles to 900 miles of border wall

I can't decide if this is further evidence of degenerative dementia or if Trump has always been this stupid.
Trump just says whatever the hell pops into his head. He doesn't actually have any clue about anything he's talking about.
It doesn't seem to matter what he says nor what the consequences are, even if it adversely affect his supporters they still nod their heads in agreement. He could kick them in the teeth and they'd just say "Thank you sir. May I have another?"
Sad. :cry:
He could even shoot someone on 5th avenue and... well, everyone knows the rest
Why isn't this OP in the Rubber Room? Being able to see through the barrier makes it invisible? seriously?
Might end up killing a lot of birds.

Like your windmill blades killing thousands of eagles and hawks and your solar farms where birds are incinerated in mid-air?

Everything has to be looked at in terms of balancing out benefit and harm - all energy industries have a down side. I've never said otherwise. The problem is "you" won't look critically at "your" pet industries - fossil fuels. My personal feeling is we need to diversify, is that a bad thing?

Energy is more important then a fricking wall especially when border security can be attained by other high tech less damaging means.
Might end up killing a lot of birds.

Like your windmill blades killing thousands of eagles and hawks and your solar farms where birds are incinerated in mid-air?

Everything has to be looked at in terms of balancing out benefit and harm - all energy industries have a down side. I've never said otherwise. The problem is "you" won't look critically at "your" pet industries - fossil fuels. My personal feeling is we need to diversify, is that a bad thing?

Energy is more important then a fricking wall especially when border security can be attained by other high tech less damaging means.

There is no such thing as "fossil fuel" plant or animal ever existed at the depths we drill. Oil and NG are an abiotic resource constantly being produced in the Earth's core....there will never be "peak oil"....same nonsense as gorebal warming. As to the wall, if we don't build it, the next democrat president (God forbid) will throw the border wide-open again like Barry did. With a wall, a well-designed and built wall, no democrat can do that again unless they show their true colors and bulldoze it. There is no need for "energy diversity"....we are sitting on a SEA of petroleum...more than the rest of the world combined. And without airhead democrats stopping us, we can be energy-self-sufficient by 2020. No more hundreds of billion$ going to Canuckistan (our largest importer) or the ME. There is no "downside" to oil production...wait until we open ANWAR 1001.....almost no footprint whatsoever....the caribou actually like oil drilling...the oil going through the pipeline is warm and they enjoy standing beside it.

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