Trump Is A Man Of A Thousand Crimes, Yet Hillary Doesn't Even So Much As Raise An Eyebrow?


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
Just a curious contrast to point out:

TO THIS DAY, not a single actual crime has been found against Trump or his campaign, neither circumstantial or hard evidence. Yet now a few months into this investigation, it has now moved to a Grand Jury. And they are still looking for something to pin on him.

WITNESS HILLARY CLINTON, under ONE YEAR of investigation, with the Director of the FBI himself going public to give a whole list of criminal offenses and lies, that she did INDEED criminally mishandle top secret information, that she did INDEED lie and mislead investigators about the actual facts, that she was evasive and uncooperative at every turn while destroying government property, that there was INDEED a pattern of pay to play using her office as Secretary for personal gain. A year of investigation with all that and much more publicly admitted and confirmed by the FBI and yet no Grand Jury was ever convened.

CONCLUSION: Trump is the obvious victim of a vindictive political witch hunt to destroy him while Hillary Clinton was full-on protected by the Deep Stated and buoyed on scott free of capital crimes so she could march ahead to become President of the U.S. Why? The Deep State and Federal government willingly conspired to put a criminal of the most pernicious nature with a long history of corrupt influence peddling and state favors along with playing loose with state secrets if not overtly selling them to hostile foreign entities for personal gain (treason)---- into the White House.

And THAT is what the Seditious Left is mad about, that after ALL OF THAT, she lost.

Why are so many nations frustrated with Trump? Because he is not Hillary. Hillary was supposed to be president so that she could continue the global game of the selling out the United States to those foreign interests, and Trump is not playing the game. Now the Deep State goes after him for nothing more than doing his job as any other president has needed to do in a last ditch effort to overturn the election and nullify the American vote, meanwhile the DNC puts forth a new candidate 38 MONTHS before the next election for POTUS with a new message of reform and attrition?

Question is: what would change with Pence in office?

Question is: is the United States even a free democracy and representative republic of the people anymore?
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Just a curious contrast to point out:

TO THIS DAY, not a single actual crime has been found against Trump or his campaign, neither circumstantial or hard evidence. Yet now a few months into this investigation, it has now moved to a Grand Jury. And they are still looking for something to pin on him.

WITNESS HILLARY CLINTON, under ONE YEAR of investigation, with the Director of the FBI himself going public to give a whole list of criminal offenses and lies, that she did INDEED criminally mishandle top secret information, that she did INDEED lie and mislead investigators about the actual facts, that she was evasive and uncooperative at every turn while destroying government property, that there was INDEED a pattern of pay to play using her office as Secretary for personal gain. A year of investigation with all that and much more publicly admitted and confirmed by the FBI and yet no Grand Jury was ever convened.

CONCLUSION: Trump is the obvious victim of a vindictive political witch hunt to destroy him while Hillary Clinton was full-on protected by the Deep Stated and buoyed on scott free of capital crimes so she could march ahead to become President of the U.S. Why? The Deep State and Federal government willingly conspired to put a criminal of the most pernicious nature with a long history of corrupt influence peddling and state favors along with playing loose with state secrets if not overtly selling them to hostile foreign entities for personal gain (treason)---- into the White House.

And THAT is what the Seditious Left is mad about, that after ALL OF THAT, she lost.

Why are so many nations frustrated with Trump? Because he is not Hillary. Hillary was supposed to be president so that she could continue the global game of the selling out the United States to those foreign interests, and Trump is not playing the game. Now the Deep State goes after him for nothing more than doing his job as any other president has needed to do in a last ditch effort to overturn the election and nullify the American vote, meanwhile the DNC puts forth a new candidate FORTY MONTHS before the next election for POTUS with a new message of reform and attrition?

Question is: what would change with Pence in office?

Question is: is the United States even a free democracy and representative republic of the people anymore?

all the more reason for me to believe he is our first REAL president we have had since JFK to serve the people instead of the bankers.there are already whispers that he might be assassinated.I would be very surprised if he wasnt myself the fact he ended the CIA's war program in Syria.

That has them angry as hell at Langley .Remember the fatal words that kennedy spoke about the CIA after the bay of pigs invasion where they lied to him about all the details of the invasion knowing full well it would not succeed so when he realised that he spoke the famous words-I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the four winds. If Trump keeps this up with his dismanteling of the deep state,i guarantee,he will pay the price as well.

The Clintons same as their pals the Bushs,have deep ties to the CIA.Had Hitlery been elected,we all know SHE would not have disabled that program of theirs,she would have called for an invasion.
definite winner thread

Trump once commented that he'd be in jail if he did a deal like obama did with rezko.
Hillary is a protected deep,state operative.

Ask Seth Rich what happens when you fuck with the DC gravy train.
They've been investigating the Clintons since the '90s and the best they could come up with is that Billy got a blow job from an intern in the oval office.
They've been investigating the Clintons since the '90s and the best they could come up with is that Billy got a blow job from an intern in the oval office.

Izatrite sparky.

Say, why did James and Susan McDougal go to prison? Was there perhaps a third partner in the proven fraud of selling the same property multiple times to different buyers? Hmm? Why is it the other partner didn't go to prison on the identical evidence?

But the best they could come up with.....

One of the more disturbing things about the restored Nazis, is how readily they will lie for the party and cover for open criminals just so that the party has power.
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They've been investigating the Clintons since the '90s and the best they could come up with is that Billy got a blow job from an intern in the oval office.
They've been investigating the Clintons since the '90s and the best they could come up with is that Billy got a blow job from an intern in the oval office.

they investigated Capone for years, and only got him for tax evasion.
Democrats don't care if their candidates are criminals, Republican candidates have to be as clean as a fresh winter snow however. Its the decades old Fake News double standard.
all the more reason for me to believe he is our first REAL president we have had since JFK to serve the people instead of the bankers.

Seems to be a pretty ACCURATE conclusion.

there are already whispers that he might be assassinated.

I've worried about that since during the campaign.
They've been investigating the Clintons since the '90s and the best they could come up with is that Billy got a blow job from an intern in the oval office.

Right. They have been investigating the Clinton's for a quarter century for NOTHING. Just a right wing conspiracy. They investigated Mobster John Gotti for years too and never could pin anything on him either though he was guilty as sin, until they finally got him.

Seems that just last June, the FBI gave a WHOLE LONG LIST of serious Felonies that Hillary was guilty of!!! The problem is that like always, the Fed would not pursue them. Seems that the law only pursues those things it WANTS to pursue, regardless of innocence or guilt. The only reason why this investigation is going on now is because Hillary lost. Had she won, they very well could not have claimed Russian meddling!!!
They've been investigating the Clintons since the '90s and the best they could come up with is that Billy got a blow job from an intern in the oval office.

Right. They have been investigating the Clinton's for a quarter century for NOTHING. Just a right wing conspiracy. They investigated Mobster John Gotti for years too and never could pin anything on him either though he was guilty as sin, until they finally got him.

Seems that just last June, the FBI gave a WHOLE LONG LIST of serious Felonies that Hillary was guilty of!!! The problem is that like always, the Fed would not pursue them. Seems that the law only pursues those things it WANTS to pursue, regardless of innocence or guilt. The only reason why this investigation is going on now is because Hillary lost. Had she won, they very well could not have claimed Russian meddling!!!

OJ was acquitted of double murder.

It was a racist witch hunt from white cops.
The thing that is so bizarre about conservative's nonstop hatred of Hillary Clinton is, she was never president. She had no power in government other than to serve a president. Yet you weirdos, in your seething hatred, have elevated her in your minds to a former president that deserves eternal hatred.

It is so weird and so pathological. You derps need help, for this and many other mental fixations on things that are of no consequence. There were already nonstop investigations of HRC for the past four years conducted by Republicans who found nothing.

It's like you derps are addicted to the feeling of investigating someone. The reason having no meaning.
The thing that is so bizarre about conservative's nonstop hatred of Hillary Clinton is, she was never president. She had no power in government other than to serve a president. Yet you weirdos, in your seething hatred, have elevated her in your minds to a former president that deserves eternal hatred.

It is so weird and so pathological. You derps need help, for this and many other mental fixations on things that are of no consequence. There were already nonstop investigations of HRC for the past four years conducted by Republicans who found nothing.

It's like you derps are addicted to the feeling of investigating someone. The reason having no meaning.
Well, there are no lower lifeforms on the planet than the clintons... only a fool would want them to Be in power.
This is obvious with people like you sucking their ass... lol
Even putting aside crimes and politics, Hillary is far too much of a booze-pickled drunk to be competent at much of anything. By now Hillary's liver is so black, shriveled-looking and dead I decided to name her liver Gary Coleman. If you put your ear to cankles' rib cage I'll bet you can hear it say, "Whodja talkin about, Willis?"
The thing that is so bizarre about conservative's nonstop hatred of Hillary Clinton is, she was never president. She had no power in government other than to serve a president. Yet you weirdos, in your seething hatred, have elevated her in your minds to a former president that deserves eternal hatred.

It is so weird and so pathological. You derps need help, for this and many other mental fixations on things that are of no consequence. There were already nonstop investigations of HRC for the past four years conducted by Republicans who found nothing.

It's like you derps are addicted to the feeling of investigating someone. The reason having no meaning.

Right. Let me punch you, kick you, poke you in the eye, habitually come over and damage and steal your property, harass you, steal your mail, and time after time take me to court only to be let off because I'm friends of the judge, then call you a weirdo with a pathological obsession. You don't even get the facts right: in the many investigations, PLENTY has been found against her! Try looking up the LONG list of federal crimes listed by the FBI just last June that she was guilty of! The problem isn't no evidence, it is the unwillingness of the government to prosecute it.

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