Trump is a poopyhead

The Democrats are discussing the issues. Healthcare, climate change, gun violence.
Yet 3 hours of debate yielded not a word on the 2 most pressing issues … the economy and impeachment. Not one word. Clearly the ABC mods did not want to be responsible for touching those embarrassing 3rd rails.
Yeah they are shouting at each other in their echo chamber. Acting "as if". These arent "the issues". These are what socialists obsess on. I dont believe in global warming, I think they should butt out of healthcare and cease their attacks on the Constitution.
I dont really care though. What I was commenting on was their constant screaming for impeachment in the press, in the House and Senate and the paid shills here. Strangely enough it NEVER comes up in their debates though it takes up 50% of the Democrat-Press-Celebrity ranting in very day exchanges. They lie...and their voters arernt real bright.
Indeed the left does nothing but lie - Glaring omission’: Morning Joe questions New York Times piece on new Kavanaugh allegation - and the leftarded lemmings eagerly swallow. They are by definition, STUPID.
We have Obama care, Obama fixed it.
The environment is fine.
Education, get liberals out of it. It will fix itself.
Trump is trying his best to fix that. Democrats and their judges stop him.
They want to stop ban abortions after 6 weeks. You know, when the heart is beating?
Well since liberals are doing most of them. Maybe we should put y'all in mental institutions. Solve that problem.
Trump is also working on more tax cuts.
Seems like if we do away with liberalism. Our problems would solve themselves.
Let’s do it!

Let Republicans defend calling climate change a myth
Let them defend allowing mass killers to buy their AR 15s
Let them defend denying abortions to victims of rape and incest
Let them defend taking healthcare from millions
Let them defend denying funding for healthcare, education and welfare while they push through a $1.5 trillion tax cut for billionaires
Let them defend allowing Iran to restart their nuclear program

2020 is going to be fun!
Climate change is a myth. We cannot change it. Do you know Arizona was under water at one time? No fossil fuels then.
The only mass murders are liberals so far. I would suggest you educate your kind on gun safety!
If you are raped and don't get an abortion within 6 weeks. You're an idiot.
Like I said, we have Obama care now. Do you admit, it was a failure?
Also tax cuts doesn't take anything from government. It lets people keep their own money.
You sir, are an idiot provocateur. Read the El Paso, Pittsburgh, Charleston shooters. Drawn from the words of Donald Trump.
Nope try again.
Denial is the Trumpian's go to tact. What did I write? Alternative facts?

Up is down. Black is white. Any narrative that does not confirm is 'fake news'.

Thus ignorance is cultivated as ignorance is the most fertile soil for the Trumpian world view.
No, they were liberal leaning. Denial is calling for the impeachment of a supreme court justice. Over a made up story of over 30 years ago. While supporting sancuary cities letting convicted child molesters go, instead of letting get deported. That's denial and sick.
Let’s do it!

Let Republicans defend calling climate change a myth
Let them defend allowing mass killers to buy their AR 15s
Let them defend denying abortions to victims of rape and incest
Let them defend taking healthcare from millions
Let them defend denying funding for healthcare, education and welfare while they push through a $1.5 trillion tax cut for billionaires
Let them defend allowing Iran to restart their nuclear program

2020 is going to be fun!
Climate change is a myth. We cannot change it. Do you know Arizona was under water at one time? No fossil fuels then.
The only mass murders are liberals so far. I would suggest you educate your kind on gun safety!
If you are raped and don't get an abortion within 6 weeks. You're an idiot.
Like I said, we have Obama care now. Do you admit, it was a failure?
Also tax cuts doesn't take anything from government. It lets people keep their own money.
You sir, are an idiot provocateur. Read the El Paso, Pittsburgh, Charleston shooters. Drawn from the words of Donald Trump.
Nope try again.
Denial is the Trumpian's go to tact. What did I write? Alternative facts?

Up is down. Black is white. Any narrative that does not confirm is 'fake news'.

Thus ignorance is cultivated as ignorance is the most fertile soil for the Trumpian world view.
No, they were liberal leaning. Denial is calling for the impeachment of a supreme court justice. Over a made up story of over 30 years ago. While supporting sancuary cities letting convicted child molesters go, instead of letting get deported. That's denial and sick.
When you deport those sick kids, are we deprtingchild molesters, rapists, murderers and drug dealers? I suppose so. After all, those kids ain't white.
Let’s do it!

Let Republicans defend calling climate change a myth
Let them defend allowing mass killers to buy their AR 15s
Let them defend denying abortions to victims of rape and incest
Let them defend taking healthcare from millions
Let them defend denying funding for healthcare, education and welfare while they push through a $1.5 trillion tax cut for billionaires
Let them defend allowing Iran to restart their nuclear program

2020 is going to be fun!
Climate change is a myth. We cannot change it. Do you know Arizona was under water at one time? No fossil fuels then.
The only mass murders are liberals so far. I would suggest you educate your kind on gun safety!
If you are raped and don't get an abortion within 6 weeks. You're an idiot.
Like I said, we have Obama care now. Do you admit, it was a failure?
Also tax cuts doesn't take anything from government. It lets people keep their own money.
You sir, are an idiot provocateur. Read the El Paso, Pittsburgh, Charleston shooters. Drawn from the words of Donald Trump.
Nope try again.
Denial is the Trumpian's go to tact. What did I write? Alternative facts?

Up is down. Black is white. Any narrative that does not confirm is 'fake news'.

Thus ignorance is cultivated as ignorance is the most fertile soil for the Trumpian world view.
No, they were liberal leaning. Denial is calling for the impeachment of a supreme court justice. Over a made up story of over 30 years ago. While supporting sancuary cities letting convicted child molesters go, instead of letting get deported. That's denial and sick.
That said, Trump may well be a poopyhead but I find no evidence that is a high crime and/or misdemeanor. Nevertheless, that is the allegation on which the Hysterical House Dem's witch-hunts are built.
Climate change is a myth. We cannot change it. Do you know Arizona was under water at one time? No fossil fuels then.
The only mass murders are liberals so far. I would suggest you educate your kind on gun safety!
If you are raped and don't get an abortion within 6 weeks. You're an idiot.
Like I said, we have Obama care now. Do you admit, it was a failure?
Also tax cuts doesn't take anything from government. It lets people keep their own money.
You sir, are an idiot provocateur. Read the El Paso, Pittsburgh, Charleston shooters. Drawn from the words of Donald Trump.
Nope try again.
Denial is the Trumpian's go to tact. What did I write? Alternative facts?

Up is down. Black is white. Any narrative that does not confirm is 'fake news'.

Thus ignorance is cultivated as ignorance is the most fertile soil for the Trumpian world view.
No, they were liberal leaning. Denial is calling for the impeachment of a supreme court justice. Over a made up story of over 30 years ago. While supporting sancuary cities letting convicted child molesters go, instead of letting get deported. That's denial and sick.
That said, Trump may well be a poopyhead but I find no evidence that is a high crime and/or misdemeanor. Nevertheless, that is the allegation on which the Hysterical House Dem's witch-hunts are built.
I have seen no impeachment procedures yet

Gathering information is not impeachment
You sir, are an idiot provocateur. Read the El Paso, Pittsburgh, Charleston shooters. Drawn from the words of Donald Trump.
Nope try again.
Denial is the Trumpian's go to tact. What did I write? Alternative facts?

Up is down. Black is white. Any narrative that does not confirm is 'fake news'.

Thus ignorance is cultivated as ignorance is the most fertile soil for the Trumpian world view.
No, they were liberal leaning. Denial is calling for the impeachment of a supreme court justice. Over a made up story of over 30 years ago. While supporting sancuary cities letting convicted child molesters go, instead of letting get deported. That's denial and sick.
That said, Trump may well be a poopyhead but I find no evidence that is a high crime and/or misdemeanor. Nevertheless, that is the allegation on which the Hysterical House Dem's witch-hunts are built.
I have seen no impeachment procedures yet

Gathering information is not impeachment
They already have far more info than their investigative authority would enable them to gather. It's called The Mueller Report, an exhaustive, 2+ year long witch-hunt that found "... this report does not conclude that the President [or any American] colluded with the Russians..." to affect the 2016 election.

No … our Hysterical House Dems are engaged in more witch-hunts.

You swallow, Princess.
Nope try again.
Denial is the Trumpian's go to tact. What did I write? Alternative facts?

Up is down. Black is white. Any narrative that does not confirm is 'fake news'.

Thus ignorance is cultivated as ignorance is the most fertile soil for the Trumpian world view.
No, they were liberal leaning. Denial is calling for the impeachment of a supreme court justice. Over a made up story of over 30 years ago. While supporting sancuary cities letting convicted child molesters go, instead of letting get deported. That's denial and sick.
That said, Trump may well be a poopyhead but I find no evidence that is a high crime and/or misdemeanor. Nevertheless, that is the allegation on which the Hysterical House Dem's witch-hunts are built.
I have seen no impeachment procedures yet

Gathering information is not impeachment
They already have far more info than their investigative authority would enable them to gather. It's called The Mueller Report, an exhaustive, 2+ year long witch-hunt that found "... this report does not conclude that the President [or any American] colluded with the Russians..." to affect the 2016 election.

No … our Hysterical House Dems are engaged in more witch-hunts.

You swallow, Princess.
The Mueller Report basically concluded that he can’t prosecute a sitting president and that it was up to Congress to do so

Congress is looking into available evidence
Denial is the Trumpian's go to tact. What did I write? Alternative facts?

Up is down. Black is white. Any narrative that does not confirm is 'fake news'.

Thus ignorance is cultivated as ignorance is the most fertile soil for the Trumpian world view.
No, they were liberal leaning. Denial is calling for the impeachment of a supreme court justice. Over a made up story of over 30 years ago. While supporting sancuary cities letting convicted child molesters go, instead of letting get deported. That's denial and sick.
That said, Trump may well be a poopyhead but I find no evidence that is a high crime and/or misdemeanor. Nevertheless, that is the allegation on which the Hysterical House Dem's witch-hunts are built.
I have seen no impeachment procedures yet

Gathering information is not impeachment
They already have far more info than their investigative authority would enable them to gather. It's called The Mueller Report, an exhaustive, 2+ year long witch-hunt that found "... this report does not conclude that the President [or any American] colluded with the Russians..." to affect the 2016 election.

No … our Hysterical House Dems are engaged in more witch-hunts.

You swallow, Princess.
The Mueller Report basically concluded that he can’t prosecute a sitting president and that it was up to Congress to do so

Congress is looking into available evidence
The Report is all the available evidence and it found "... this report does not conclude that the President [or any American] colluded with the Russians..." to affect the 2016 election.

Keep in mind Mueller had far more investigative authority and tools than does the House.

Our Hysterical House Dems are engaged in more witch-hunts.

You swallow, Princess.
No, they were liberal leaning. Denial is calling for the impeachment of a supreme court justice. Over a made up story of over 30 years ago. While supporting sancuary cities letting convicted child molesters go, instead of letting get deported. That's denial and sick.
That said, Trump may well be a poopyhead but I find no evidence that is a high crime and/or misdemeanor. Nevertheless, that is the allegation on which the Hysterical House Dem's witch-hunts are built.
I have seen no impeachment procedures yet

Gathering information is not impeachment
They already have far more info than their investigative authority would enable them to gather. It's called The Mueller Report, an exhaustive, 2+ year long witch-hunt that found "... this report does not conclude that the President [or any American] colluded with the Russians..." to affect the 2016 election.

No … our Hysterical House Dems are engaged in more witch-hunts.

You swallow, Princess.
The Mueller Report basically concluded that he can’t prosecute a sitting president and that it was up to Congress to do so

Congress is looking into available evidence
The Report is all the available evidence and it found "... this report does not conclude that the President [or any American] colluded with the Russians..." to affect the 2016 election.

Keep in mind Mueller had far more investigative authority and tools than does the House.

Our Hysterical House Dems are engaged in more witch-hunts.

You swallow, Princess.
Mueller refused to state that no crime was committed

He left that up to congress
That said, Trump may well be a poopyhead but I find no evidence that is a high crime and/or misdemeanor. Nevertheless, that is the allegation on which the Hysterical House Dem's witch-hunts are built.
I have seen no impeachment procedures yet

Gathering information is not impeachment
They already have far more info than their investigative authority would enable them to gather. It's called The Mueller Report, an exhaustive, 2+ year long witch-hunt that found "... this report does not conclude that the President [or any American] colluded with the Russians..." to affect the 2016 election.

No … our Hysterical House Dems are engaged in more witch-hunts.

You swallow, Princess.
The Mueller Report basically concluded that he can’t prosecute a sitting president and that it was up to Congress to do so

Congress is looking into available evidence
The Report is all the available evidence and it found "... this report does not conclude that the President [or any American] colluded with the Russians..." to affect the 2016 election.

Keep in mind Mueller had far more investigative authority and tools than does the House.

Our Hysterical House Dems are engaged in more witch-hunts.

You swallow, Princess.
Mueller refused to state that no crime was committed. He left that up to congress
LOL. I twice quoted the Mueller Report ("... this report does not conclude that the President colluded with the Russians...") and you predictably shove your head back up your ass and scream "I hate Trump … waaaah."

2+ years of digging and no Trump crimes uncovered.

Any 1st year law student could get an instant dismissal of any charge using just those 12 words. Instant dismissal.
I have seen no impeachment procedures yet

Gathering information is not impeachment
They already have far more info than their investigative authority would enable them to gather. It's called The Mueller Report, an exhaustive, 2+ year long witch-hunt that found "... this report does not conclude that the President [or any American] colluded with the Russians..." to affect the 2016 election.

No … our Hysterical House Dems are engaged in more witch-hunts.

You swallow, Princess.
The Mueller Report basically concluded that he can’t prosecute a sitting president and that it was up to Congress to do so

Congress is looking into available evidence
The Report is all the available evidence and it found "... this report does not conclude that the President [or any American] colluded with the Russians..." to affect the 2016 election.

Keep in mind Mueller had far more investigative authority and tools than does the House.

Our Hysterical House Dems are engaged in more witch-hunts.

You swallow, Princess.
Mueller refused to state that no crime was committed. He left that up to congress
LOL. I twice quoted the Mueller Report ("... this report does not conclude that the President colluded with the Russians...") and you predictably shove your head back up your ass and scream "I hate Trump … waaaah."

2+ years of digging and no Trump crimes uncovered.

Any 1st year law student could get an instant dismissal of any charge using just those 12 words. Instant dismissal.
Afraid not

Mueller stated
1. He could not prosecute a sitting President
2. He could not absolve Trump of wrong-doing

He referred further investigation to Congress
When will Trump release his tax returns to Congress?
Goes beyond that

The Environment
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Republican attempts to ban abortion
Gun Violence
Tax reform
Trump is a Poopyhead

You forgot add a $100 trillion to the deficit.
More Conservative misinformation

Maybe, maybe not however we can't add trillions more to the deficit. Trump has added to it, so he is not the answer, Obama didn't help it either, so that isn't the answer. We need to be fiscally conservative, We need to drop the debt back to zero and then move forward. We are heading for a financial disaster that just taxing the rich will not work.
Climate change is accelerating in the last 100 years. Everyone acknowledges it except for conservatives and oil companies

The climate always changes, dufus.

Let’s let Republicans run on defending access to .AR15s and 50 round magazines

Magazines don't kill people.

Republicans in Alabama and Georgia have passed laws denying abortions to victims of rape and incest. Let’s have ALL Republicans defend it

I asked you for a link. Where is it?

I will gladly defend spending trillions on healthcare rather than give tax cuts to billionaires

Your 'either or' comparison is laughable.

Come on Republicans......Run on this in 2020

They'll run on a great economy, more jobs, more $$$ for everyone, more opportunities and to get the God-dang government out of your lives and pocketbooks. Neo-Marxists need not apply.

Human Life Protection Act - Wikipedia

Under the Human Life Protection Act, a doctor who performs a banned abortion in the state of Alabama would be guilty of a Class A felony, and could be sentenced to life imprisonment. Several proposed amendments that would have allowed abortions in cases of rape and incest were rejected.

Let’s do it Republicans
Run on the Human Life Protection Act

Tell a 13 year old victim of incest that she must bear her daddy’s baby

Yeah because that happens all the time. Very rare, but your use of it as a scare tactic to the uneducated is very good.
If it happens only rarely, why are Republicans demanding that a woman who is raped be forced to have the child?

Even strict Republicans used to concede it was an exception
Now, they don’t.

Run on that Republicans
If you are raped and become pregnant, you must bear the child.....but don’t worry......It PROBABLY wont happen

Fear and emotion seems to be the friend of the left.
Climate change is a myth. We cannot change it. Do you know Arizona was under water at one time? No fossil fuels then.
The only mass murders are liberals so far. I would suggest you educate your kind on gun safety!
If you are raped and don't get an abortion within 6 weeks. You're an idiot.
Like I said, we have Obama care now. Do you admit, it was a failure?
Also tax cuts doesn't take anything from government. It lets people keep their own money.
You sir, are an idiot provocateur. Read the El Paso, Pittsburgh, Charleston shooters. Drawn from the words of Donald Trump.
Nope try again.
Denial is the Trumpian's go to tact. What did I write? Alternative facts?

Up is down. Black is white. Any narrative that does not confirm is 'fake news'.

Thus ignorance is cultivated as ignorance is the most fertile soil for the Trumpian world view.
No, they were liberal leaning. Denial is calling for the impeachment of a supreme court justice. Over a made up story of over 30 years ago. While supporting sancuary cities letting convicted child molesters go, instead of letting get deported. That's denial and sick.
When you deport those sick kids, are we deprtingchild molesters, rapists, murderers and drug dealers? I suppose so. After all, those kids ain't white.
Police in sanctuary cities are letting convicted child molesters go. Instead of handing them over to ice, and you're worried about a made up story about Kavanaugh. What a hypocrite.
Is this the extent of the lefts platform?

I hear them say we're all gonna die in a few years if we don't smash our piggy banks.

Word has it they want to outlaw my insurance.

They seemingly want to steal your guns too.

Where is the winning message?

In fact, shoppers are only starting to feel tariffs. Last year, the Trump administration specifically targeted industrial materials and parts, rather than consumer products, to avoid shocking Americans with price hikes. The new rounds kicking in this month and in December will more directly affect a lot more of the things people buy every day, such as shoes, clothes and electronics.
They already have far more info than their investigative authority would enable them to gather. It's called The Mueller Report, an exhaustive, 2+ year long witch-hunt that found "... this report does not conclude that the President [or any American] colluded with the Russians..." to affect the 2016 election.

No … our Hysterical House Dems are engaged in more witch-hunts.

You swallow, Princess.
The Mueller Report basically concluded that he can’t prosecute a sitting president and that it was up to Congress to do so

Congress is looking into available evidence
The Report is all the available evidence and it found "... this report does not conclude that the President [or any American] colluded with the Russians..." to affect the 2016 election.

Keep in mind Mueller had far more investigative authority and tools than does the House.

Our Hysterical House Dems are engaged in more witch-hunts.

You swallow, Princess.
Mueller refused to state that no crime was committed. He left that up to congress
LOL. I twice quoted the Mueller Report ("... this report does not conclude that the President colluded with the Russians...") and you predictably shove your head back up your ass and scream "I hate Trump … waaaah."

2+ years of digging and no Trump crimes uncovered.

Any 1st year law student could get an instant dismissal of any charge using just those 12 words. Instant dismissal.
Afraid not

Mueller stated
1. He could not prosecute a sitting President
2. He could not absolve Trump of wrong-doing

He referred further investigation to Congress
When will Trump release his tax returns to Congress?
You sir, are an idiot provocateur. Read the El Paso, Pittsburgh, Charleston shooters. Drawn from the words of Donald Trump.
Nope try again.
Denial is the Trumpian's go to tact. What did I write? Alternative facts?

Up is down. Black is white. Any narrative that does not confirm is 'fake news'.

Thus ignorance is cultivated as ignorance is the most fertile soil for the Trumpian world view.
No, they were liberal leaning. Denial is calling for the impeachment of a supreme court justice. Over a made up story of over 30 years ago. While supporting sancuary cities letting convicted child molesters go, instead of letting get deported. That's denial and sick.
When you deport those sick kids, are we deprtingchild molesters, rapists, murderers and drug dealers? I suppose so. After all, those kids ain't white.
Police in sanctuary cities are letting convicted child molesters go. Instead of handing them over to ice, and you're worried about a made up story about Kavanaugh. What a hypocrite.
Please point out where I mentioned Kavanaugh. And then please post a link proving convicted child molesters are being set free by police anywhere.
Trump’s problem is his need to fulminate against anyone who doesn’t march in lockstep with him. The constant polemics end up taking way from his success with the economy. Anytime someone rebukes him he feels it’s necessary to aim lower than the criticaster.
The Democrats are discussing the issues. Healthcare, climate change, gun violence.
Yet 3 hours of debate yielded not a word on the 2 most pressing issues … the economy and impeachment. Not one word. Clearly the ABC mods did not want to be responsible for touching those embarrassing 3rd rails.
Yeah they are shouting at each other in their echo chamber. Acting "as if". These arent "the issues". These are what socialists obsess on. I dont believe in global warming, I think they should butt out of healthcare and cease their attacks on the Constitution.
I dont really care though. What I was commenting on was their constant screaming for impeachment in the press, in the House and Senate and the paid shills here. Strangely enough it NEVER comes up in their debates though it takes up 50% of the Democrat-Press-Celebrity ranting in very day exchanges. They lie...and their voters arernt real bright.
Indeed the left does nothing but lie - Glaring omission’: Morning Joe questions New York Times piece on new Kavanaugh allegation - and the leftarded lemmings eagerly swallow. They are by definition, STUPID.

Or evil. It takes a certain amount of stupid but some are quite bright. So evil is the other answer.
Is this the extent of the lefts platform?

I hear them say we're all gonna die in a few years if we don't smash our piggy banks.

Word has it they want to outlaw my insurance.

They seemingly want to steal your guns too.

Where is the winning message?

In fact, shoppers are only starting to feel tariffs. Last year, the Trump administration specifically targeted industrial materials and parts, rather than consumer products, to avoid shocking Americans with price hikes. The new rounds kicking in this month and in December will more directly affect a lot more of the things people buy every day, such as shoes, clothes and electronics.

Stay out of Walmart and don't buy Chinese. Short term this is going to bite, long term it will benefit the United States.

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