Trump is a poopyhead

In fact, shoppers are only starting to feel tariffs...
Year to year since mid-2017 the inflation rate has declined. Only a crazed leftard would try to explain lower prices by claiming higher prices. Y'all are bat-shit nuts, SillyBooBoo.
Huh? All I said is first Trump's trade war hurt corporations...
As usual you not only have no idea what you are talking about, you have no idea what you've posted ... "In fact, shoppers are only starting to feel tariffs..."

No they aren't.

Your problem hasn't changed a bit in the years you've posted your baseless, leftarded opinions here ... you're a mindless IDIOT far more interested in what the little voices in your toaster tell you than truth or facts and unwilling to learn either.
Huh? I just said consumers haven't even started feeling the tariffs. But I'm in manufacturing. We are feeling it already. Coming soon, prices are going to go up. Don't say we didn't warn you.
In fact, shoppers are only starting to feel tariffs...
Year to year since mid-2017 the inflation rate has declined. Only a crazed leftard would try to explain lower prices by claiming higher prices. Y'all are bat-shit nuts, SillyBooBoo.
Huh? All I said is first Trump's trade war hurt corporations...
As usual you not only have no idea what you are talking about, you have no idea what you've posted ... "In fact, shoppers are only starting to feel tariffs..."

No they aren't.

Your problem hasn't changed a bit in the years you've posted your baseless, leftarded opinions here ... you're a mindless IDIOT far more interested in what the little voices in your toaster tell you than truth or facts and unwilling to learn either.
Huh? I just said consumers haven't even started feeling the tariffs. But I'm in manufacturing. We are feeling it already. Coming soon, prices are going to go up. Don't say we didn't warn you.
So you can't read your own words or you don't understand their meaning?

What a leftarded maroon.
Did they know the US would be headed for a recession in 2020? Guess what happens to all those raises and projected hiring? They get put on a shelf idiot.

As likely as an asteroid hitting us next week. Both possible, both unlikely.

Making up your own doomsday nonsense is not a valid argument.
In fact, shoppers are only starting to feel tariffs...
Year to year since mid-2017 the inflation rate has declined. Only a crazed leftard would try to explain lower prices by claiming higher prices. Y'all are bat-shit nuts, SillyBooBoo.
Huh? All I said is first Trump's trade war hurt corporations...
As usual you not only have no idea what you are talking about, you have no idea what you've posted ... "In fact, shoppers are only starting to feel tariffs..."

No they aren't.

Your problem hasn't changed a bit in the years you've posted your baseless, leftarded opinions here ... you're a mindless IDIOT far more interested in what the little voices in your toaster tell you than truth or facts and unwilling to learn either.
Huh? I just said consumers haven't even started feeling the tariffs. But I'm in manufacturing. We are feeling it already. Coming soon, prices are going to go up. Don't say we didn't warn you.
So you can't read your own words or you don't understand their meaning?

What a leftarded maroon.

Na. I just sound like you when Obama was president.

Only the things I want to do will help improve the middle class. Your side won't allow those things to be done. You cry class warfare. But then when Bush or Trump get into office you immediately start giving rich people tax breaks and suggest America is great again for the middle class? Far from it.

Trump's tax breaks stimulated the economy big time for a year. Now the stimulus is over. And the middle class is just where it was in Obama's last year in office. Maybe $1 raise. BFD. Pathetic.

Democrats are middle class first. Republicans are trickle down and we all know that doesn't work unless you are rich.

Hell even I don't like trickle down and I made $100K a year and have zero debt. If I don't like it, why would any American family making less than me like it? They are still not doing as well as they did in 1970. Back then employees shared in the profits.

I recently wrote about one of the things that has gone wrong in the U.S. economy — namely, that big American corporations are no longer sharing enough of their vast wealth with their rank-and-file employees.

The second chart shows that the companies are now paying the lowest wages in history as a percent of the economy.

If you happen to be an owner of a big American corporation, these charts could be construed as good news: You're coining it!

If you happen to be a rank-and-file employee, however — or someone hoping to be such an employee — this is bad news: You're sharing less than ever before in the success of American industry.


Because the rank-and-file employees of America's corporations are also mainstream American consumers — the folks who account for ~70% of the spending in the economy.

Almost every dollar these folks earn in salaries gets spent — on food, clothing, houses, education, entertainment, cars, and other goods and services that big American companies produce.

So, if, instead of hoarding their wealth by hiking their profit margins ever higher, companies invested more in employees and equipment, they would help the whole economy.

And the companies would also, of course, help their employees — the people who are dedicating their lives to helping the companies earn such vast profits.

It's an "ownership society," all right. Everyone else is getting the shaft.
You might think that voluntarily helping employees by sharing more profits with them would be something corporations would be very eager to do.
After all, again, these employees are dedicating their lives to making the companies so successful.

But, no.

The business-ethos pendulum in this country has now swung so far toward "profit maximization" that most American companies would never dream of voluntarily sharing more wealth with their employees.

These employees, after all, are not viewed as people. They're viewed as "costs" — cash outflows that just leech financial value from owners.

In a healthy capitalist ecosystem, companies serve several constituencies, not just owners. Namely, they serve:

  • Owners
  • Customers
  • Employees, and
  • Society

In today's version of American capitalism, however, too many companies are mostly serving only one constituency: Owners. "Profit maximization" is the number one — and, in many cases, only — priority.
Goes beyond that

The Environment
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Republican attempts to ban abortion
Gun Violence
Tax reform
Trump is a Poopyhead

You forgot add a $100 trillion to the deficit.
More Conservative misinformation

Maybe, maybe not however we can't add trillions more to the deficit. Trump has added to it, so he is not the answer, Obama didn't help it either, so that isn't the answer. We need to be fiscally conservative, We need to drop the debt back to zero and then move forward. We are heading for a financial disaster that just taxing the rich will not work.

Revoke the Trump tax cuts
We are the wealthiest nation on earth. We are capable of doing things that help the people. Other nations provide more social services than we do. Hint, they are not paying for 42 cents of every military dollar on earth

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Did they know the US would be headed for a recession in 2020? Guess what happens to all those raises and projected hiring? They get put on a shelf idiot.

As likely as an asteroid hitting us next week. Both possible, both unlikely.

Making up your own doomsday nonsense is not a valid argument.

Ok grampy I'm making it up.

Survey: Most economists believe recession coming by 2021

Survey: Most Economists Believe Recession Will Hit in Next Two Years

Watch For These 6 Indicators To Know When A Recession Could Be Coming |

Funny that when the real unemployment numbers came out on Obama's watch, that was fake news. But then the numbers were real as soon as Trump got in. And now, real news is not real. It's fake. If it's negative against Trump, just don't believe it. Idiot!
The Mueller Report basically concluded that he can’t prosecute a sitting president and that it was up to Congress to do so

Congress is looking into available evidence
The Report is all the available evidence and it found "... this report does not conclude that the President [or any American] colluded with the Russians..." to affect the 2016 election.

Keep in mind Mueller had far more investigative authority and tools than does the House.

Our Hysterical House Dems are engaged in more witch-hunts.

You swallow, Princess.
Mueller refused to state that no crime was committed. He left that up to congress
LOL. I twice quoted the Mueller Report ("... this report does not conclude that the President colluded with the Russians...") and you predictably shove your head back up your ass and scream "I hate Trump … waaaah."

2+ years of digging and no Trump crimes uncovered.

Any 1st year law student could get an instant dismissal of any charge using just those 12 words. Instant dismissal.
Afraid not

Mueller stated
1. He could not prosecute a sitting President
2. He could not absolve Trump of wrong-doing

He referred further investigation to Congress
When will Trump release his tax returns to Congress?
View attachment 279551
Mueller kicked it to Congress

Let Congress handle it
If it happens only rarely, why are Republicans demanding that a woman who is raped be forced to have the child?

Even strict Republicans used to concede it was an exception
Now, they don’t.

Run on that Republicans
If you are raped and become pregnant, you must bear the child.....but don’t worry......It PROBABLY wont happen

Republicans are NOT demanding that and, the Alabama law provides exceptions. Did you even read it? Repeating lies doesn't make them somehow turn into truth. But then, you leftists do that shit all the time. Apparently your TDS does not allow you to understand more than "orange man bad."
If it happens only rarely, why are Republicans demanding that a woman who is raped be forced to have the child?

Even strict Republicans used to concede it was an exception
Now, they don’t.

Run on that Republicans
If you are raped and become pregnant, you must bear the child.....but don’t worry......It PROBABLY wont happen

Republicans are NOT demanding that and, the Alabama law provides exceptions. Did you even read it? Repeating lies doesn't make them somehow turn into truth. But then, you leftists do that shit all the time. Apparently your TDS does not allow you to understand more than "orange man bad."
Goes beyond that

The Environment
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Republican attempts to ban abortion
Gun Violence
Tax reform
Trump is a Poopyhead
Everything you listed is a Democrat creation.
Health care was never a problem before Hillary started fucking with it.
We're doing more for the environment than anyone on the planet
Republicans want to stop Democrats from murdering babies.....that's all.
Gun violence? Poverty, poor parenting, drugs, and mental illness causes gun violence. Taking our guns won't make it go away.
Taxes don't need reforming.
Immigration is caused by Democrats
Get rid of Democrats and the problem is solved.
LOL....Run on that Republicans

Tell them Global Warming is a myth and you will not do anything about it
Tell them the best way to handle gun massacres is to offer thoughts and prayers
Tell women if they are raped and get pregnant they have to grin and bear it
Tell people we can’t afford healthcare, education, modern infrastructure but we can afford a $1.5 trillion tax cut for billionaires

Run on it Republicans!
Goes beyond that

The Environment
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Republican attempts to ban abortion
Gun Violence
Tax reform
Trump is a Poopyhead

You forgot add a $100 trillion to the deficit.
More Conservative misinformation

Maybe, maybe not however we can't add trillions more to the deficit. Trump has added to it, so he is not the answer, Obama didn't help it either, so that isn't the answer. We need to be fiscally conservative, We need to drop the debt back to zero and then move forward. We are heading for a financial disaster that just taxing the rich will not work.

Revoke the Trump tax cuts
We are the wealthiest nation on earth. We are capable of doing things that help the people. Other nations provide more social services than we do. Hint, they are not paying for 42 cents of every military dollar on earth


If we didn't bank roll them. We need to bring all troops home, we need to cutoff all foreign aid. We need to end all corporate welfare. We need to cut all spending across the board by 25%. Raise taxes on all citizens. Once we get our debt down to 10 trillion then look at ways to cut it more.
Goes beyond that

The Environment
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Republican attempts to ban abortion
Gun Violence
Tax reform
Trump is a Poopyhead
You have no plan Stan, but more free shit we cannot afford.

No need to be Coy, Roy.

Just hop off the Bus Gus.

And set yourself free.
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Goes beyond that

The Environment
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Republican attempts to ban abortion
Gun Violence
Tax reform
Trump is a Poopyhead

You forgot add a $100 trillion to the deficit.
More Conservative misinformation

Maybe, maybe not however we can't add trillions more to the deficit. Trump has added to it, so he is not the answer, Obama didn't help it either, so that isn't the answer. We need to be fiscally conservative, We need to drop the debt back to zero and then move forward. We are heading for a financial disaster that just taxing the rich will not work.

Revoke the Trump tax cuts
We are the wealthiest nation on earth. We are capable of doing things that help the people. Other nations provide more social services than we do. Hint, they are not paying for 42 cents of every military dollar on earth


If we didn't bank roll them. We need to bring all troops home, we need to cutoff all foreign aid. We need to end all corporate welfare. We need to cut all spending across the board by 25%. Raise taxes on all citizens. Once we get our debt down to 10 trillion then look at ways to cut it more.
We need to shift the burden of defending Europe and the Middle East to the EU, we need to shift defense of the Far East to Japan and S Korea

We do not need to spend 42 cents of every military dollar
Goes beyond that

The Environment
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Republican attempts to ban abortion
Gun Violence
Tax reform
Trump is a Poopyhead

You forgot add a $100 trillion to the deficit.
More Conservative misinformation

Maybe, maybe not however we can't add trillions more to the deficit. Trump has added to it, so he is not the answer, Obama didn't help it either, so that isn't the answer. We need to be fiscally conservative, We need to drop the debt back to zero and then move forward. We are heading for a financial disaster that just taxing the rich will not work.

Revoke the Trump tax cuts
We are the wealthiest nation on earth. We are capable of doing things that help the people. Other nations provide more social services than we do. Hint, they are not paying for 42 cents of every military dollar on earth

Yeah.....that'll get you a shit load of votes in fly-over country.
Last edited:
You forgot add a $100 trillion to the deficit.
More Conservative misinformation

Maybe, maybe not however we can't add trillions more to the deficit. Trump has added to it, so he is not the answer, Obama didn't help it either, so that isn't the answer. We need to be fiscally conservative, We need to drop the debt back to zero and then move forward. We are heading for a financial disaster that just taxing the rich will not work.

Revoke the Trump tax cuts
We are the wealthiest nation on earth. We are capable of doing things that help the people. Other nations provide more social services than we do. Hint, they are not paying for 42 cents of every military dollar on earth


If we didn't bank roll them. We need to bring all troops home, we need to cutoff all foreign aid. We need to end all corporate welfare. We need to cut all spending across the board by 25%. Raise taxes on all citizens. Once we get our debt down to 10 trillion then look at ways to cut it more.
We need to shift the burden of defending Europe and the Middle East to the EU, we need to shift defense of the Far East to Japan and S Korea

We do not need to spend 42 cents of every military dollar

I'm all for it, bring the troops home, we don't need to shift at all, just tell them bye, bye and leave. Then start cutting the rest of the budget by 25%, end corporate welfare and tighten up domestic welfare.
You forgot add a $100 trillion to the deficit.
More Conservative misinformation

Maybe, maybe not however we can't add trillions more to the deficit. Trump has added to it, so he is not the answer, Obama didn't help it either, so that isn't the answer. We need to be fiscally conservative, We need to drop the debt back to zero and then move forward. We are heading for a financial disaster that just taxing the rich will not work.

Revoke the Trump tax cuts
We are the wealthiest nation on earth. We are capable of doing things that help the people. Other nations provide more social services than we do. Hint, they are not paying for 42 cents of every military dollar on earth


If we didn't bank roll them. We need to bring all troops home, we need to cutoff all foreign aid. We need to end all corporate welfare. We need to cut all spending across the board by 25%. Raise taxes on all citizens. Once we get our debt down to 10 trillion then look at ways to cut it more.
We need to shift the burden of defending Europe and the Middle East to the EU, we need to shift defense of the Far East to Japan and S Korea

We do not need to spend 42 cents of every military dollar
The Derp, De Dupe Derp is strong in this DemTard

Goes beyond that

The Environment
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Republican attempts to ban abortion
Gun Violence
Tax reform
Trump is a Poopyhead

You forgot add a $100 trillion to the deficit.
More Conservative misinformation

Maybe, maybe not however we can't add trillions more to the deficit. Trump has added to it, so he is not the answer, Obama didn't help it either, so that isn't the answer. We need to be fiscally conservative, We need to drop the debt back to zero and then move forward. We are heading for a financial disaster that just taxing the rich will not work.

Revoke the Trump tax cuts
We are the wealthiest nation on earth. We are capable of doing things that help the people. Other nations provide more social services than we do. Hint, they are not paying for 42 cents of every military dollar on earth

Yeah.....that'll get you a shit load of vote in fly-over country.

Who needs it?
More Conservative misinformation

Maybe, maybe not however we can't add trillions more to the deficit. Trump has added to it, so he is not the answer, Obama didn't help it either, so that isn't the answer. We need to be fiscally conservative, We need to drop the debt back to zero and then move forward. We are heading for a financial disaster that just taxing the rich will not work.

Revoke the Trump tax cuts
We are the wealthiest nation on earth. We are capable of doing things that help the people. Other nations provide more social services than we do. Hint, they are not paying for 42 cents of every military dollar on earth


If we didn't bank roll them. We need to bring all troops home, we need to cutoff all foreign aid. We need to end all corporate welfare. We need to cut all spending across the board by 25%. Raise taxes on all citizens. Once we get our debt down to 10 trillion then look at ways to cut it more.
We need to shift the burden of defending Europe and the Middle East to the EU, we need to shift defense of the Far East to Japan and S Korea

We do not need to spend 42 cents of every military dollar

I'm all for it, bring the troops home, we don't need to shift at all, just tell them bye, bye and leave. Then start cutting the rest of the budget by 25%, end corporate welfare and tighten up domestic welfare.
We pay 42 cents out of every military dollar.......get it down to 25 cents

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