Trump is a poopyhead

Is this the extent of the lefts platform?

I hear them say we're all gonna die in a few years if we don't smash our piggy banks.

Word has it they want to outlaw my insurance.

They seemingly want to steal your guns too.

Where is the winning message?

In fact, shoppers are only starting to feel tariffs. Last year, the Trump administration specifically targeted industrial materials and parts, rather than consumer products, to avoid shocking Americans with price hikes. The new rounds kicking in this month and in December will more directly affect a lot more of the things people buy every day, such as shoes, clothes and electronics.

Stay out of Walmart and don't buy Chinese. Short term this is going to bite, long term it will benefit the United States.
I agree. I never buy Walmart.

I wonder if you would be so patient and understanding if Obama started a trade war that was causing a recession. I doubt it.

Imagine that being our campaign strategy going into 2012. "what Obama is doing is only going to bite short term. Long term it will benefit the USA". Would Republicans be buying that?

And you are assuming Trump is going to win that trade war.

Dow plunges over 620 points as trade war between Washington and Beijing escalates
Nathan Bomey

Late August

  • President Donald Trump hit Chinese imports to the US with massive tariffs on Thursday.
  • China responded with tariffs on US products.
  • Tariffs are taxes on imports designed to boost US production of goods.
  • The new tariffs will cause costs to go up for businesses that use imported goods from China — and possibly jump prices for consumer goods, too.
Not going well

And now this shit going on with Iran. I guess Trump is not doing well leading the free world. We need a competent leader. We don't have one now.
Quote( Democrat's are ALL ass h&*$%)
Here is the problem, putting EVERY one in one basket or the other, that's the same as saying I don't think for my self. By looking at all sides of a situation you would quickly discover that both sides have gone bat s%^$ CRAZY.
Is this the extent of the lefts platform?

I hear them say we're all gonna die in a few years if we don't smash our piggy banks.

Word has it they want to outlaw my insurance.

They seemingly want to steal your guns too.

Where is the winning message?
In a few years you'll all be denying you supported Trump like you did with Dubya

Considering Gore and Kerry, damn right I supported Bush, Halfacrat though he was.
Yet you voted for an orange moron who campaigned on how disastrous the Bush presidency was. You people really are idiots.
You people, libtards, are the biggest idiots.
Is this the extent of the lefts platform?

I hear them say we're all gonna die in a few years if we don't smash our piggy banks.

Word has it they want to outlaw my insurance.

They seemingly want to steal your guns too.

Where is the winning message?

In fact, shoppers are only starting to feel tariffs. Last year, the Trump administration specifically targeted industrial materials and parts, rather than consumer products, to avoid shocking Americans with price hikes. The new rounds kicking in this month and in December will more directly affect a lot more of the things people buy every day, such as shoes, clothes and electronics.
Year to year since mid-2017 the inflation rate has declined. Only a crazed leftard would try to explain lower prices by claiming higher prices. Y'all are bat-shit nuts, SillyBooBoo.
Nope try again.
Denial is the Trumpian's go to tact. What did I write? Alternative facts?

Up is down. Black is white. Any narrative that does not confirm is 'fake news'.

Thus ignorance is cultivated as ignorance is the most fertile soil for the Trumpian world view.
No, they were liberal leaning. Denial is calling for the impeachment of a supreme court justice. Over a made up story of over 30 years ago. While supporting sancuary cities letting convicted child molesters go, instead of letting get deported. That's denial and sick.
When you deport those sick kids, are we deprtingchild molesters, rapists, murderers and drug dealers? I suppose so. After all, those kids ain't white.
Police in sanctuary cities are letting convicted child molesters go. Instead of handing them over to ice, and you're worried about a made up story about Kavanaugh. What a hypocrite.
Please point out where I mentioned Kavanaugh. And then please post a link proving convicted child molesters are being set free by police anywhere.
Charlotte 6 days ago for one.
Is this the extent of the lefts platform?

I hear them say we're all gonna die in a few years if we don't smash our piggy banks.

Word has it they want to outlaw my insurance.

They seemingly want to steal your guns too.

Where is the winning message?

In fact, shoppers are only starting to feel tariffs. Last year, the Trump administration specifically targeted industrial materials and parts, rather than consumer products, to avoid shocking Americans with price hikes. The new rounds kicking in this month and in December will more directly affect a lot more of the things people buy every day, such as shoes, clothes and electronics.
Year to year since mid-2017 the inflation rate has declined. Only a crazed leftard would try to explain lower prices by claiming higher prices. Y'all are bat-shit nuts, SillyBooBoo.
Huh? All I said is first Trump's trade war hurt corporations. Things corporations buy. Next his war will hurt consumers.

Profits up, wages flat: why workers aren't sharing in the good times
Is this the extent of the lefts platform?

I hear them say we're all gonna die in a few years if we don't smash our piggy banks.

Word has it they want to outlaw my insurance.

They seemingly want to steal your guns too.

Where is the winning message?

In fact, shoppers are only starting to feel tariffs. Last year, the Trump administration specifically targeted industrial materials and parts, rather than consumer products, to avoid shocking Americans with price hikes. The new rounds kicking in this month and in December will more directly affect a lot more of the things people buy every day, such as shoes, clothes and electronics.
Year to year since mid-2017 the inflation rate has declined. Only a crazed leftard would try to explain lower prices by claiming higher prices. Y'all are bat-shit nuts, SillyBooBoo.
Huh? All I said is first Trump's trade war hurt corporations. Things corporations buy. Next his war will hurt consumers.

Profits up, wages flat: why workers aren't sharing in the good times
Bogus article. Wages are UP

Makes EVERYTHING in that article useless when they start off with a bold faced lie.

Salary Increase Projections 2020 (and 2019)

U.S. salary budgets are projected to rise by an average (mean) of 3.3 percent in 2020, up from an actual year-over-year increase of 3.2 percent for 2019 and 3.1 percent in 2018, according to the WorldatWork 2019-2020 Salary Budget Survey: Top-Level Results, released in July. Survey data were collected through May 2019 from more than 6,000 responses, including from companies making no salary adjustments.
Is this the extent of the lefts platform?

I hear them say we're all gonna die in a few years if we don't smash our piggy banks.

Word has it they want to outlaw my insurance.

They seemingly want to steal your guns too.

Where is the winning message?

In fact, shoppers are only starting to feel tariffs. Last year, the Trump administration specifically targeted industrial materials and parts, rather than consumer products, to avoid shocking Americans with price hikes. The new rounds kicking in this month and in December will more directly affect a lot more of the things people buy every day, such as shoes, clothes and electronics.
Year to year since mid-2017 the inflation rate has declined. Only a crazed leftard would try to explain lower prices by claiming higher prices. Y'all are bat-shit nuts, SillyBooBoo.
Huh? All I said is first Trump's trade war hurt corporations. Things corporations buy. Next his war will hurt consumers.

Profits up, wages flat: why workers aren't sharing in the good times
Bogus article. Wages are UP

Makes EVERYTHING in that article useless when they start off with a bold faced lie.

Salary Increase Projections 2020 (and 2019)

U.S. salary budgets are projected to rise by an average (mean) of 3.3 percent in 2020, up from an actual year-over-year increase of 3.2 percent for 2019 and 3.1 percent in 2018, according to the WorldatWork 2019-2020 Salary Budget Survey: Top-Level Results, released in July. Survey data were collected through May 2019 from more than 6,000 responses, including from companies making no salary adjustments.
That survey was from 2018. A lot has changed since then grampa.
Is this the extent of the lefts platform?

I hear them say we're all gonna die in a few years if we don't smash our piggy banks.

Word has it they want to outlaw my insurance.

They seemingly want to steal your guns too.

Where is the winning message?

In fact, shoppers are only starting to feel tariffs. Last year, the Trump administration specifically targeted industrial materials and parts, rather than consumer products, to avoid shocking Americans with price hikes. The new rounds kicking in this month and in December will more directly affect a lot more of the things people buy every day, such as shoes, clothes and electronics.
Year to year since mid-2017 the inflation rate has declined. Only a crazed leftard would try to explain lower prices by claiming higher prices. Y'all are bat-shit nuts, SillyBooBoo.
Huh? All I said is first Trump's trade war hurt corporations. Things corporations buy. Next his war will hurt consumers.

Profits up, wages flat: why workers aren't sharing in the good times
Bogus article. Wages are UP

Makes EVERYTHING in that article useless when they start off with a bold faced lie.

Salary Increase Projections 2020 (and 2019)

U.S. salary budgets are projected to rise by an average (mean) of 3.3 percent in 2020, up from an actual year-over-year increase of 3.2 percent for 2019 and 3.1 percent in 2018, according to the WorldatWork 2019-2020 Salary Budget Survey: Top-Level Results, released in July. Survey data were collected through May 2019 from more than 6,000 responses, including from companies making no salary adjustments.

This was from last year too:

For most U.S. workers, real wages have barely budged in decades

On the face of it, these should be heady times for American workers. U.S. unemployment is as low as it’s been in nearly two decades (3.9% as of July) and the nation’s private-sector employers have been adding jobs for 101 straight months – 19.5 million since the Great Recession-related cuts finally abated in early 2010, and 1.5 million just since the beginning of the year.

But despite the strong labor market, wage growth has lagged economists’ expectations. In fact, despite some ups and downs over the past several decades, today’s real average wage (that is, the wage after accounting for inflation) has about the same purchasing power it did 40 years ago. And what wage gains there have been have mostly flowed to the highest-paid tier of workers.

And after Trump's trade war raises prices, it'll eat up your raise and the tax breaks Trump gave you.
Is this the extent of the lefts platform?

I hear them say we're all gonna die in a few years if we don't smash our piggy banks.

Word has it they want to outlaw my insurance.

They seemingly want to steal your guns too.

Where is the winning message?

In fact, shoppers are only starting to feel tariffs. Last year, the Trump administration specifically targeted industrial materials and parts, rather than consumer products, to avoid shocking Americans with price hikes. The new rounds kicking in this month and in December will more directly affect a lot more of the things people buy every day, such as shoes, clothes and electronics.
Year to year since mid-2017 the inflation rate has declined. Only a crazed leftard would try to explain lower prices by claiming higher prices. Y'all are bat-shit nuts, SillyBooBoo.
Huh? All I said is first Trump's trade war hurt corporations. Things corporations buy. Next his war will hurt consumers.

Profits up, wages flat: why workers aren't sharing in the good times
Bogus article. Wages are UP

Makes EVERYTHING in that article useless when they start off with a bold faced lie.

Salary Increase Projections 2020 (and 2019)

U.S. salary budgets are projected to rise by an average (mean) of 3.3 percent in 2020, up from an actual year-over-year increase of 3.2 percent for 2019 and 3.1 percent in 2018, according to the WorldatWork 2019-2020 Salary Budget Survey: Top-Level Results, released in July. Survey data were collected through May 2019 from more than 6,000 responses, including from companies making no salary adjustments.

So after Trump gave corporations a huge tax break in 2018, they said they plan to raise wages in 2020 3.3%? Did they know Trump was going to start a trade war? Did they know the US would be headed for a recession in 2020? Guess what happens to all those raises and projected hiring? They get put on a shelf idiot.

Do you have dementia?
Is this the extent of the lefts platform?

I hear them say we're all gonna die in a few years if we don't smash our piggy banks.

Word has it they want to outlaw my insurance.

They seemingly want to steal your guns too.

Where is the winning message?

In fact, shoppers are only starting to feel tariffs. Last year, the Trump administration specifically targeted industrial materials and parts, rather than consumer products, to avoid shocking Americans with price hikes. The new rounds kicking in this month and in December will more directly affect a lot more of the things people buy every day, such as shoes, clothes and electronics.

Stay out of Walmart and don't buy Chinese. Short term this is going to bite, long term it will benefit the United States.
I agree. I never buy Walmart.

I wonder if you would be so patient and understanding if Obama started a trade war that was causing a recession. I doubt it.

Imagine that being our campaign strategy going into 2012. "what Obama is doing is only going to bite short term. Long term it will benefit the USA". Would Republicans be buying that?

And you are assuming Trump is going to win that trade war.

Dow plunges over 620 points as trade war between Washington and Beijing escalates
Nathan Bomey

Late August

  • President Donald Trump hit Chinese imports to the US with massive tariffs on Thursday.
  • China responded with tariffs on US products.
  • Tariffs are taxes on imports designed to boost US production of goods.
  • The new tariffs will cause costs to go up for businesses that use imported goods from China — and possibly jump prices for consumer goods, too.
Not going well

And now this shit going on with Iran. I guess Trump is not doing well leading the free world. We need a competent leader. We don't have one now.

I would, but he would never of done that. The same with paying down debt. Short term it would hurt, in the long run we have a better nation.
Goes beyond that

The Environment
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Republican attempts to ban abortion
Gun Violence
Tax reform
Trump is a Poopyhead
Everything you listed is a Democrat creation.
Health care was never a problem before Hillary started fucking with it.
We're doing more for the environment than anyone on the planet
Republicans want to stop Democrats from murdering babies.....that's all.
Gun violence? Poverty, poor parenting, drugs, and mental illness causes gun violence. Taking our guns won't make it go away.
Taxes don't need reforming.
Immigration is caused by Democrats
Get rid of Democrats and the problem is solved.
Is this the extent of the lefts platform?

I hear them say we're all gonna die in a few years if we don't smash our piggy banks.

Word has it they want to outlaw my insurance.

They seemingly want to steal your guns too.

Where is the winning message?

In fact, shoppers are only starting to feel tariffs. Last year, the Trump administration specifically targeted industrial materials and parts, rather than consumer products, to avoid shocking Americans with price hikes. The new rounds kicking in this month and in December will more directly affect a lot more of the things people buy every day, such as shoes, clothes and electronics.
Year to year since mid-2017 the inflation rate has declined. Only a crazed leftard would try to explain lower prices by claiming higher prices. Y'all are bat-shit nuts, SillyBooBoo.
Huh? All I said is first Trump's trade war hurt corporations. Things corporations buy. Next his war will hurt consumers.

Profits up, wages flat: why workers aren't sharing in the good times
Bogus article. Wages are UP

Makes EVERYTHING in that article useless when they start off with a bold faced lie.

Salary Increase Projections 2020 (and 2019)

U.S. salary budgets are projected to rise by an average (mean) of 3.3 percent in 2020, up from an actual year-over-year increase of 3.2 percent for 2019 and 3.1 percent in 2018, according to the WorldatWork 2019-2020 Salary Budget Survey: Top-Level Results, released in July. Survey data were collected through May 2019 from more than 6,000 responses, including from companies making no salary adjustments.

So after Trump gave corporations a huge tax break in 2018, they said they plan to raise wages in 2020 3.3%? Did they know Trump was going to start a trade war? Did they know the US would be headed for a recession in 2020? Guess what happens to all those raises and projected hiring? They get put on a shelf idiot.

Do you have dementia?
They made up the 2020 recession. It was just another hoax by Democrats..
The Fed chairman says chances of a recession before 2021 are pretty slim.
Is this the extent of the lefts platform?

I hear them say we're all gonna die in a few years if we don't smash our piggy banks.

Word has it they want to outlaw my insurance.

They seemingly want to steal your guns too.

Where is the winning message?
In a few years you'll all be denying you supported Trump like you did with Dubya

Considering Gore and Kerry, damn right I supported Bush, Halfacrat though he was.
Yet you voted for an orange moron who campaigned on how disastrous the Bush presidency was. You people really are idiots.
And youb probably voted for a Big Ear'ed half white empty - suit who sucks dicks and is a closet Muslim who ran on how Bush gave us the worst economy since the great depression
Goes beyond that

The Environment
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Republican attempts to ban abortion
Gun Violence
Tax reform
Trump is a Poopyhead
Everything you listed is a Democrat creation.
Health care was never a problem before Hillary started fucking with it.
We're doing more for the environment than anyone on the planet
Republicans want to stop Democrats from murdering babies.....that's all.
Gun violence? Poverty, poor parenting, drugs, and mental illness causes gun violence. Taking our guns won't make it go away.
Taxes don't need reforming.
Immigration is caused by Democrats
Get rid of Democrats and the problem is solved.
The rising cost of healthcare was a problem in the 90's. That's why she was working on it in the 90's.

Then under GW Bush healthcare costs skyrocketed. What the fuck are you talking about?
In fact, shoppers are only starting to feel tariffs. Last year, the Trump administration specifically targeted industrial materials and parts, rather than consumer products, to avoid shocking Americans with price hikes. The new rounds kicking in this month and in December will more directly affect a lot more of the things people buy every day, such as shoes, clothes and electronics.
Year to year since mid-2017 the inflation rate has declined. Only a crazed leftard would try to explain lower prices by claiming higher prices. Y'all are bat-shit nuts, SillyBooBoo.
Huh? All I said is first Trump's trade war hurt corporations. Things corporations buy. Next his war will hurt consumers.

Profits up, wages flat: why workers aren't sharing in the good times
Bogus article. Wages are UP

Makes EVERYTHING in that article useless when they start off with a bold faced lie.

Salary Increase Projections 2020 (and 2019)

U.S. salary budgets are projected to rise by an average (mean) of 3.3 percent in 2020, up from an actual year-over-year increase of 3.2 percent for 2019 and 3.1 percent in 2018, according to the WorldatWork 2019-2020 Salary Budget Survey: Top-Level Results, released in July. Survey data were collected through May 2019 from more than 6,000 responses, including from companies making no salary adjustments.

So after Trump gave corporations a huge tax break in 2018, they said they plan to raise wages in 2020 3.3%? Did they know Trump was going to start a trade war? Did they know the US would be headed for a recession in 2020? Guess what happens to all those raises and projected hiring? They get put on a shelf idiot.

Do you have dementia?
They made up the 2020 recession. It was just another hoax by Democrats..
The Fed chairman says chances of a recession before 2021 are pretty slim.
Here is another time when Republicans just deny the facts. Wow.

Here are three times when the Fed denied the yield curve’s recession warnings, and were wrong
Before the 1990-’91 recession
Before implosion of the dot-com bubble
Before the 2007-’09 recession

6 Signs We're Closer to the Next Recession Than You Realize | The Motley Fool

I won't forget you denied it was coming. So please don't tell us in 2021 that you predicted it.
Goes beyond that

The Environment
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Republican attempts to ban abortion
Gun Violence
Tax reform
Trump is a Poopyhead
Everything you listed is a Democrat creation.
Health care was never a problem before Hillary started fucking with it.
We're doing more for the environment than anyone on the planet
Republicans want to stop Democrats from murdering babies.....that's all.
Gun violence? Poverty, poor parenting, drugs, and mental illness causes gun violence. Taking our guns won't make it go away.
Taxes don't need reforming.
Immigration is caused by Democrats
Get rid of Democrats and the problem is solved.
The rising cost of healthcare was a problem in the 90's. That's why she was working on it in the 90's.

Then under GW Bush healthcare costs skyrocketed. What the fuck are you talking about?
Government sticking their noses in health care caused most of the costs to rise.
Last edited:
In fact, shoppers are only starting to feel tariffs...
Year to year since mid-2017 the inflation rate has declined. Only a crazed leftard would try to explain lower prices by claiming higher prices. Y'all are bat-shit nuts, SillyBooBoo.
Huh? All I said is first Trump's trade war hurt corporations...
As usual you not only have no idea what you are talking about, you have no idea what you've posted ... "In fact, shoppers are only starting to feel tariffs..."

No they aren't but clearly you would prefer China be allowed to continue raping the US economy, Comrade Silly..

Your problem hasn't changed a bit in the years you've posted your baseless, leftarded opinions here ... you're a mindless IDIOT far more interested in what the little voices in your toaster tell you than truth or facts and unwilling to learn either.

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