Trump is a poopyhead

Yeah I know, Neo-Marxists call lying 'projecting' now I guess. They are real masters at it. For instance, now that their 'Global Warming' issue has been proven false they change the lexicon to 'Climate Change.' Illegal Aliens are now called 'immigrants', Human fetuses are now called 'a bunch of cells', Men are now called 'toxic', Males are now females and females are now men with a whole alphabet-soup of 'genders' that don't exist and never existed. Yeah, leftists are a real fucking bunch of lying fucks.

There were no 'real issues' debated at any Democrat debate. Unless you consider shredding our rights, taking our money and hating our current President.
Last edited:
Climate change is accelerating in the last 100 years. Everyone acknowledges it except for conservatives and oil companies

The climate always changes, dufus.

Let’s let Republicans run on defending access to .AR15s and 50 round magazines

Magazines don't kill people.

Republicans in Alabama and Georgia have passed laws denying abortions to victims of rape and incest. Let’s have ALL Republicans defend it

I asked you for a link. Where is it?

I will gladly defend spending trillions on healthcare rather than give tax cuts to billionaires

Your 'either or' comparison is laughable.

Come on Republicans......Run on this in 2020

They'll run on a great economy, more jobs, more $$$ for everyone, more opportunities and to get the God-dang government out of your lives and pocketbooks. Neo-Marxists need not apply.

Human Life Protection Act - Wikipedia

Under the Human Life Protection Act, a doctor who performs a banned abortion in the state of Alabama would be guilty of a Class A felony, and could be sentenced to life imprisonment. Several proposed amendments that would have allowed abortions in cases of rape and incest were rejected.

Let’s do it Republicans
Run on the Human Life Protection Act

Tell a 13 year old victim of incest that she must bear her daddy’s baby
Climate change is accelerating in the last 100 years. Everyone acknowledges it except for conservatives and oil companies

The climate always changes, dufus.

Let’s let Republicans run on defending access to .AR15s and 50 round magazines

Magazines don't kill people.

Republicans in Alabama and Georgia have passed laws denying abortions to victims of rape and incest. Let’s have ALL Republicans defend it

I asked you for a link. Where is it?

I will gladly defend spending trillions on healthcare rather than give tax cuts to billionaires

Your 'either or' comparison is laughable.

Come on Republicans......Run on this in 2020

They'll run on a great economy, more jobs, more $$$ for everyone, more opportunities and to get the God-dang government out of your lives and pocketbooks. Neo-Marxists need not apply.

Human Life Protection Act - Wikipedia

Under the Human Life Protection Act, a doctor who performs a banned abortion in the state of Alabama would be guilty of a Class A felony, and could be sentenced to life imprisonment. Several proposed amendments that would have allowed abortions in cases of rape and incest were rejected.

Let’s do it Republicans
Run on the Human Life Protection Act

Tell a 13 year old victim of incest that she must bear her daddy’s baby

Very rare and, in any case, the 'health of the mother' would probably allow for an abortion in your 13 year old case.

Rape and incest account for hardly any abortions. So why are they now a focus?

"The AHLPA includes an exception for abortionswhen “n reasonable medical judgment, the child’s mother has a condition that so complicates her medical condition that it necessitates the termination of her pregnancy to avert her death or to avert serious risk of substantial physical impairment of a major bodily function.”The law indicates that such a condition can include, under specified circumstances, a diagnosed serious mental illness if there is a reasonable medical determination that the woman will engage in conduct that could result in her death or the death of the fetus."

So, there is the loophole right there, the similar to the one that allows every woman to get an abortion.

Debate over the exceptions has dominated headlines and ignited Twitter wars. But Mary Ziegler, a professor at Florida State University College of Law who specializes in the legal history of reproduction, says exceptions for rape and incest are much more "symbolic than they are relevant," given that they don't apply to the majority of women having abortions. She said abortion opponents have never felt these exceptions were justified, but they were long seen as a political third rail. Now the anti-abortion movement is betting that's no longer the case.


You are arguing a symbolic point for propaganda reasons.
Last edited:
Climate change is accelerating in the last 100 years. Everyone acknowledges it except for conservatives and oil companies

The climate always changes, dufus.

Let’s let Republicans run on defending access to .AR15s and 50 round magazines

Magazines don't kill people.

Republicans in Alabama and Georgia have passed laws denying abortions to victims of rape and incest. Let’s have ALL Republicans defend it

I asked you for a link. Where is it?

I will gladly defend spending trillions on healthcare rather than give tax cuts to billionaires

Your 'either or' comparison is laughable.

Come on Republicans......Run on this in 2020

They'll run on a great economy, more jobs, more $$$ for everyone, more opportunities and to get the God-dang government out of your lives and pocketbooks. Neo-Marxists need not apply.

Human Life Protection Act - Wikipedia

Under the Human Life Protection Act, a doctor who performs a banned abortion in the state of Alabama would be guilty of a Class A felony, and could be sentenced to life imprisonment. Several proposed amendments that would have allowed abortions in cases of rape and incest were rejected.

Let’s do it Republicans
Run on the Human Life Protection Act

Tell a 13 year old victim of incest that she must bear her daddy’s baby

Very rare and, in any case, the 'health of the mother' would probably allow for an abortion in your 13 year old case.

Rape and incest account for hardly any abortions. So why are they now a focus?

"The AHLPA includes an exception for abortionswhen “n reasonable medical judgment, the child’s mother has a condition that so complicates her medical condition that it necessitates the termination of her pregnancy to avert her death or to avert serious risk of substantial physical impairment of a major bodily function.”The law indicates that such a condition can include, under specified circumstances, a diagnosed serious mental illness if there is a reasonable medical determination that the woman will engage in conduct that could result in her death or the death of the fetus."

So, there is the loophole right there, the similar to the one that allows every woman to get an abortion.

Debate over the exceptions has dominated headlines and ignited Twitter wars. But Mary Ziegler, a professor at Florida State University College of Law who specializes in the legal history of reproduction, says exceptions for rape and incest are much more "symbolic than they are relevant," given that they don't apply to the majority of women having abortions. She said abortion opponents have never felt these exceptions were justified, but they were long seen as a political third rail. Now the anti-abortion movement is betting that's no longer the case.


You are arguing a symbolic point for propaganda reasons.
If it is so rare

Why are Republicans insisting victims of rape and incest not be able to get abortions?

Let them defend their views
Yeah I know, Neo-Marxists call lying 'projecting' now I guess. They are real masters at it. For instance, now that their 'Global Warming' issue has been proven false they change the lexicon to 'Climate Change.' Illegal Aliens are now called 'immigrants', Human fetuses are now called 'a bunch of cells', Men are now called 'toxic', Males are now females and females are now men with a whole alphabet-soup of 'genders' that don't exist and never existed. Yeah, leftists are a real fucking bunch of lying fucks.

There were no 'real issues' debated at any Democrat debate. Unless you consider shredding our rights, taking our money and hating our current President.
Might I suggest you stop sniffing Sharpie fumes and tune n to the next debate?
If it is so rare

Why are Republicans insisting victims of rape and incest not be able to get abortions?

Let them defend their views

Which Republicans are insisting that? Provide proof. I just showed you the stats which you apparently either did not see or now are in denial of. Not only are incest and rape abortions so rare as to be non-existent but, the law provides for the mental health of the mother.
If it is so rare

Why are Republicans insisting victims of rape and incest not be able to get abortions?

Let them defend their views

Which Republicans are insisting that? Provide proof. I just showed you the stats which you apparently either did not see or now are in denial of. Not only are incest and rape abortions so rare as to be non-existent but, the law provides for the mental health of the mother.
The States of Alabama and Georgia passed abortion legislation voting on strict party lines..see post 142

Let Republicans defend their views
If it is so rare

Why are Republicans insisting victims of rape and incest not be able to get abortions?

Let them defend their views

Which Republicans are insisting that? Provide proof. I just showed you the stats which you apparently either did not see or now are in denial of. Not only are incest and rape abortions so rare as to be non-existent but, the law provides for the mental health of the mother.
The States of Alabama and Georgia passed abortion legislation voting on strict party lines..see post 142

Let Republicans defend their views

All you have proven is that they voted for a bill that you have totally mis-characterized and have made an across the board accusation that a 13 year old victim of incest would be banned from getting an abortion. Which (BTW) statistically would most likely never happen. (.05%) I think you are just regurgitating Democrat talking points. Are you a bot?
Goes beyond that

The Environment
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Republican attempts to ban abortion
Gun Violence
Tax reform
Trump is a Poopyhead
We have Obama care, Obama fixed it.
The environment is fine.
Education, get liberals out of it. It will fix itself.
Trump is trying his best to fix that. Democrats and their judges stop him.
They want to stop ban abortions after 6 weeks. You know, when the heart is beating?
Well since liberals are doing most of them. Maybe we should put y'all in mental institutions. Solve that problem.
Trump is also working on more tax cuts.
Seems like if we do away with liberalism. Our problems would solve themselves.
Let’s do it!

Let Republicans defend calling climate change a myth
Let them defend allowing mass killers to buy their AR 15s
Let them defend denying abortions to victims of rape and incest
Let them defend taking healthcare from millions
Let them defend denying funding for healthcare, education and welfare while they push through a $1.5 trillion tax cut for billionaires
Let them defend allowing Iran to restart their nuclear program

2020 is going to be fun!
Climate change is a myth. We cannot change it. Do you know Arizona was under water at one time? No fossil fuels then.
The only mass murders are liberals so far. I would suggest you educate your kind on gun safety!
If you are raped and don't get an abortion within 6 weeks. You're an idiot.
Like I said, we have Obama care now. Do you admit, it was a failure?
Also tax cuts doesn't take anything from government. It lets people keep their own money.
Goes beyond that

The Environment
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Republican attempts to ban abortion
Gun Violence
Tax reform
Trump is a Poopyhead
We have Obama care, Obama fixed it.
The environment is fine.
Education, get liberals out of it. It will fix itself.
Trump is trying his best to fix that. Democrats and their judges stop him.
They want to stop ban abortions after 6 weeks. You know, when the heart is beating?
Well since liberals are doing most of them. Maybe we should put y'all in mental institutions. Solve that problem.
Trump is also working on more tax cuts.
Seems like if we do away with liberalism. Our problems would solve themselves.
Let’s do it!

Let Republicans defend calling climate change a myth
Let them defend allowing mass killers to buy their AR 15s
Let them defend denying abortions to victims of rape and incest
Let them defend taking healthcare from millions
Let them defend denying funding for healthcare, education and welfare while they push through a $1.5 trillion tax cut for billionaires
Let them defend allowing Iran to restart their nuclear program

2020 is going to be fun!
Your speaking a lie. Tell me about Obama care?
Show me something that is a lie?

Go for it
After Obama care, why do we need to fix healthcare?
Goes beyond that

The Environment
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Republican attempts to ban abortion
Gun Violence
Tax reform
Trump is a Poopyhead
We have Obama care, Obama fixed it.
The environment is fine.
Education, get liberals out of it. It will fix itself.
Trump is trying his best to fix that. Democrats and their judges stop him.
They want to stop ban abortions after 6 weeks. You know, when the heart is beating?
Well since liberals are doing most of them. Maybe we should put y'all in mental institutions. Solve that problem.
Trump is also working on more tax cuts.
Seems like if we do away with liberalism. Our problems would solve themselves.
Let’s do it!

Let Republicans defend calling climate change a myth
Let them defend allowing mass killers to buy their AR 15s
Let them defend denying abortions to victims of rape and incest
Let them defend taking healthcare from millions
Let them defend denying funding for healthcare, education and welfare while they push through a $1.5 trillion tax cut for billionaires
Let them defend allowing Iran to restart their nuclear program

2020 is going to be fun!
Climate change is a myth. We cannot change it. Do you know Arizona was under water at one time? No fossil fuels then.
The only mass murders are liberals so far. I would suggest you educate your kind on gun safety!
If you are raped and don't get an abortion within 6 weeks. You're an idiot.
Like I said, we have Obama care now. Do you admit, it was a failure?
Also tax cuts doesn't take anything from government. It lets people keep their own money.
You sir, are an idiot provocateur. Read the El Paso, Pittsburgh, Charleston shooters. Drawn from the words of Donald Trump.
Last edited:
Goes beyond that

The Environment
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Republican attempts to ban abortion
Gun Violence
Tax reform
Trump is a Poopyhead
We have Obama care, Obama fixed it.
The environment is fine.
Education, get liberals out of it. It will fix itself.
Trump is trying his best to fix that. Democrats and their judges stop him.
They want to stop ban abortions after 6 weeks. You know, when the heart is beating?
Well since liberals are doing most of them. Maybe we should put y'all in mental institutions. Solve that problem.
Trump is also working on more tax cuts.
Seems like if we do away with liberalism. Our problems would solve themselves.
Let’s do it!

Let Republicans defend calling climate change a myth
Let them defend allowing mass killers to buy their AR 15s
Let them defend denying abortions to victims of rape and incest
Let them defend taking healthcare from millions
Let them defend denying funding for healthcare, education and welfare while they push through a $1.5 trillion tax cut for billionaires
Let them defend allowing Iran to restart their nuclear program

2020 is going to be fun!
Climate change is a myth. We cannot change it. Do you know Arizona was under water at one time? No fossil fuels then.
The only mass murders are liberals so far. I would suggest you educate your kind on gun safety!
If you are raped and don't get an abortion within 6 weeks. You're an idiot.
Like I said, we have Obama care now. Do you admit, it was a failure?
Also tax cuts doesn't take anything from government. It lets people keep their own money.
You sir, are an idiot provocateur. Read the El Paso, Pittsburgh, Charleston shooters. Drawn from the words of Donald Trump.
Nope try again.
Goes beyond that

The Environment
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Republican attempts to ban abortion
Gun Violence
Tax reform
Trump is a Poopyhead
We have Obama care, Obama fixed it.
The environment is fine.
Education, get liberals out of it. It will fix itself.
Trump is trying his best to fix that. Democrats and their judges stop him.
They want to stop ban abortions after 6 weeks. You know, when the heart is beating?
Well since liberals are doing most of them. Maybe we should put y'all in mental institutions. Solve that problem.
Trump is also working on more tax cuts.
Seems like if we do away with liberalism. Our problems would solve themselves.
Let’s do it!

Let Republicans defend calling climate change a myth
Let them defend allowing mass killers to buy their AR 15s
Let them defend denying abortions to victims of rape and incest
Let them defend taking healthcare from millions
Let them defend denying funding for healthcare, education and welfare while they push through a $1.5 trillion tax cut for billionaires
Let them defend allowing Iran to restart their nuclear program

2020 is going to be fun!
Climate change is a myth. We cannot change it. Do you know Arizona was under water at one time? No fossil fuels then.
The only mass murders are liberals so far. I would suggest you educate your kind on gun safety!
If you are raped and don't get an abortion within 6 weeks. You're an idiot.
Like I said, we have Obama care now. Do you admit, it was a failure?
Also tax cuts doesn't take anything from government. It lets people keep their own money.
You sir, are an idiot provocateur. Read the El Paso, Pittsburgh, Charleston shooters. Drawn from the words of Donald Trump.
Nope try again.
Denial is the Trumpian's go to tact. What did I write? Alternative facts?

Up is down. Black is white. Any narrative that does not confirm is 'fake news'.

Thus ignorance is cultivated as ignorance is the most fertile soil for the Trumpian world view.
Climate change is accelerating in the last 100 years. Everyone acknowledges it except for conservatives and oil companies

The climate always changes, dufus.

Let’s let Republicans run on defending access to .AR15s and 50 round magazines

Magazines don't kill people.

Republicans in Alabama and Georgia have passed laws denying abortions to victims of rape and incest. Let’s have ALL Republicans defend it

I asked you for a link. Where is it?

I will gladly defend spending trillions on healthcare rather than give tax cuts to billionaires

Your 'either or' comparison is laughable.

Come on Republicans......Run on this in 2020

They'll run on a great economy, more jobs, more $$$ for everyone, more opportunities and to get the God-dang government out of your lives and pocketbooks. Neo-Marxists need not apply.

Human Life Protection Act - Wikipedia

Under the Human Life Protection Act, a doctor who performs a banned abortion in the state of Alabama would be guilty of a Class A felony, and could be sentenced to life imprisonment. Several proposed amendments that would have allowed abortions in cases of rape and incest were rejected.

Let’s do it Republicans
Run on the Human Life Protection Act

Tell a 13 year old victim of incest that she must bear her daddy’s baby

Yeah because that happens all the time. Very rare, but your use of it as a scare tactic to the uneducated is very good.
[QUOTE="Nosmo King, post: 23118638, member: 20704"
The Democrats are discussing the issues. Healthcare, climate change, gun violence.

Yeah they are shouting at each other in their echo chamber. Acting "as if". These arent "the issues". These are what socialists obsess on. I dont believe in global warming, I think they should butt out of healthcare and cease their attacks on the Constitution.
I dont really care though. What I was commenting on was their constant screaming for impeachment in the press, in the House and Senate and the paid shills here. Strangely enough it NEVER comes up in their debates though it takes up 50% of the Democrat-Press-Celebrity ranting in very day exchanges.

They lie...and their voters arernt real bright.
Climate change is accelerating in the last 100 years. Everyone acknowledges it except for conservatives and oil companies

The climate always changes, dufus.

Let’s let Republicans run on defending access to .AR15s and 50 round magazines

Magazines don't kill people.

Republicans in Alabama and Georgia have passed laws denying abortions to victims of rape and incest. Let’s have ALL Republicans defend it

I asked you for a link. Where is it?

I will gladly defend spending trillions on healthcare rather than give tax cuts to billionaires

Your 'either or' comparison is laughable.

Come on Republicans......Run on this in 2020

They'll run on a great economy, more jobs, more $$$ for everyone, more opportunities and to get the God-dang government out of your lives and pocketbooks. Neo-Marxists need not apply.

Human Life Protection Act - Wikipedia

Under the Human Life Protection Act, a doctor who performs a banned abortion in the state of Alabama would be guilty of a Class A felony, and could be sentenced to life imprisonment. Several proposed amendments that would have allowed abortions in cases of rape and incest were rejected.

Let’s do it Republicans
Run on the Human Life Protection Act

Tell a 13 year old victim of incest that she must bear her daddy’s baby

Yeah because that happens all the time. Very rare, but your use of it as a scare tactic to the uneducated is very good.
If it happens only rarely, why are Republicans demanding that a woman who is raped be forced to have the child?

Even strict Republicans used to concede it was an exception
Now, they don’t.

Run on that Republicans
If you are raped and become pregnant, you must bear the child.....but don’t worry......It PROBABLY wont happen

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