Trump is a rare phenomenon that is fun to watch.

Who is Crystal Presley and why are we concerned what she thinks?
are you not concerned with what she said ? Means nothing to you ? The man in the WH is a low life vile piece of garbage and when some one puts the facts in front of you you worry about who said it?? You could be a republican
Total bs and lies you mean, dupe. You'll end up with a giant tax cut for the rich. lol
Like we got with Obama?
He managed to ADD 5% to over 400K earners. AND the taxes in ACA. You people are so gd dumb...
Because I know how concerned you are about business owners.
What did O add for those making under 30K?
And tax cuts for small business and middle class and working class, hikes for bloated giant corps also blocked. You dupes don't know what you're missing. Read something, like the Dem platform. Or some history of the Bush years. The corrupt depression, allowing 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars ever. Your propaganda machine is a disgrace, dupe.
My contention is that both Parties will find a way to truly cater to their contributors.
Living in GOP World and seeing what they do- tax cuts for the rich, cutting services and refusing to invest in ANYTHING- And hearing NOTHING about about Dem ideas, just nonstop character assassination- I can see how you get that impression, dupe.
Yes but unfortunately, like unemployment figures, that too is mostly a false number--- ---most of those 24million, same as those now claimed lost to Trump's plan, were simply the young being forced into healthcare they neither needed nor wanted, as the hoped means of generating the revenue necessary to pay for the elderly and make Obamacare sustainable.

Right, Freak! It is all a statistician conspiracy by the same people that counted the attendance at his inaugural and who deny Trump's claim that 3 to 5 million illegal aliens voted for Hillary! They were all indoctrinated at Yale and Harvard by communist professors!

The funny thing about the inauguration claims, and I don't remember all the details exactly now, but Photoshoped pictures aside made up to make Trump look bad, part of the reason for the seeming difference was that during Obama, they had taken down police barricades along the sides going back so that anyone could pour in from any direction, and they probably bused people in from all over, while at the Trump one, you only got in with a ticket. Just another attempt to distort facts and history ignoring the massive numbers that came to every one of Trump's rallies trying to now make it look like no one wanted to come to Trump's inauguration.

If nothing else, many of the people wishing to come to Trump's inauguration probably couldn't make it because they actually had jobs.

How can you be so naive? EVERYbody knows that the press made Trump look like a liar regarding his inaugural attendance numbers, as part of a major conspiracy against him by Muslims and Mexicans, not to mention Hillary, and pretty much everyone everywhere (except the Russians, who really are our BFF, even though they have a shitload of nuclear missiles programmed to hit our cities).....

View attachment 132298

The nuts riot and cry and whine 24/7. They threaten more violence. Sad, leftys.
Every weekend millions protest peacefully but you dupes are brainwashed with a few crazy anarchists breaking windows in Seattle and Berkeley and a few wannabe black gangstas. Totally brainwashed.
Like we got with Obama?
He managed to ADD 5% to over 400K earners. AND the taxes in ACA. You people are so gd dumb...
Because I know how concerned you are about business owners.
What did O add for those making under 30K?
And tax cuts for small business and middle class and working class, hikes for bloated giant corps also blocked. You dupes don't know what you're missing. Read something, like the Dem platform. Or some history of the Bush years. The corrupt depression, allowing 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars ever. Your propaganda machine is a disgrace, dupe.
My contention is that both Parties will find a way to truly cater to their contributors.
Living in GOP World and seeing what they do- tax cuts for the rich, cutting services and refusing to invest in ANYTHING- And hearing NOTHING about about Dem ideas, just nonstop character assassination- I can see how you get that impression, dupe.
The question is who has trump NOT insulted?
He managed to ADD 5% to over 400K earners. AND the taxes in ACA. You people are so gd dumb...
Because I know how concerned you are about business owners.
What did O add for those making under 30K?
And tax cuts for small business and middle class and working class, hikes for bloated giant corps also blocked. You dupes don't know what you're missing. Read something, like the Dem platform. Or some history of the Bush years. The corrupt depression, allowing 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars ever. Your propaganda machine is a disgrace, dupe.
My contention is that both Parties will find a way to truly cater to their contributors.
Living in GOP World and seeing what they do- tax cuts for the rich, cutting services and refusing to invest in ANYTHING- And hearing NOTHING about about Dem ideas, just nonstop character assassination- I can see how you get that impression, dupe.
The question is who has trump NOT insulted?
He simply repeats GOP hate propaganda he hears on Fox and is everywhere on the GOP propaganda machine-Rush etc Heritage etc, turning out hater dupes who have no clue about history, facts, or Dem ideas. Where is the clever businessman of real solutions?- he's a con man idiot so far...
Trump used to be fun to watch, but now he just pisses me off because I see how he ticks especially how he manipulates via his tweets..

He is a master crooked sales man....

/----- Keep reading his tweets. They have the desired effect. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

Sent from my iPhone using
Only in Dupe World...which is shrinking as it's revealed. Thanks Trump...
Who is Crystal Presley and why are we concerned what she thinks?
are you not concerned with what she said ? Means nothing to you ? The man in the WH is a low life vile piece of garbage and when some one puts the facts in front of you you worry about who said it?? You could be a republican

Liberals have been saying this for over year and it is just an opinion. 350 million people and you want me to listen to her...why? How is her opinion better than yours or any other person? You could be a drama queen.

You idiots keep posting Your opinions like they are fact. I didn't vote for the guy and I think he isn't the answer however I'm not going stupid like you nutters.
Last edited:
No need to riot or threaten violence over Triumph. He has his own self destruction personality. it is much simpler just to watch him unravel.
Right, Freak! It is all a statistician conspiracy by the same people that counted the attendance at his inaugural and who deny Trump's claim that 3 to 5 million illegal aliens voted for Hillary! They were all indoctrinated at Yale and Harvard by communist professors!

The funny thing about the inauguration claims, and I don't remember all the details exactly now, but Photoshoped pictures aside made up to make Trump look bad, part of the reason for the seeming difference was that during Obama, they had taken down police barricades along the sides going back so that anyone could pour in from any direction, and they probably bused people in from all over, while at the Trump one, you only got in with a ticket. Just another attempt to distort facts and history ignoring the massive numbers that came to every one of Trump's rallies trying to now make it look like no one wanted to come to Trump's inauguration.

If nothing else, many of the people wishing to come to Trump's inauguration probably couldn't make it because they actually had jobs.

How can you be so naive? EVERYbody knows that the press made Trump look like a liar regarding his inaugural attendance numbers, as part of a major conspiracy against him by Muslims and Mexicans, not to mention Hillary, and pretty much everyone everywhere (except the Russians, who really are our BFF, even though they have a shitload of nuclear missiles programmed to hit our cities).....

View attachment 132298

The nuts riot and cry and whine 24/7. They threaten more violence. Sad, leftys.
Every weekend millions protest peacefully but you dupes are brainwashed with a few crazy anarchists breaking windows in Seattle and Berkeley and a few wannabe black gangstas. Totally brainwashed.

You forgot several other cities, partisan hater dupe. You keep trying to spin lies.
Because I know how concerned you are about business owners.
What did O add for those making under 30K?
And tax cuts for small business and middle class and working class, hikes for bloated giant corps also blocked. You dupes don't know what you're missing. Read something, like the Dem platform. Or some history of the Bush years. The corrupt depression, allowing 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars ever. Your propaganda machine is a disgrace, dupe.
My contention is that both Parties will find a way to truly cater to their contributors.
Living in GOP World and seeing what they do- tax cuts for the rich, cutting services and refusing to invest in ANYTHING- And hearing NOTHING about about Dem ideas, just nonstop character assassination- I can see how you get that impression, dupe.
The question is who has trump NOT insulted?
He simply repeats GOP hate propaganda he hears on Fox and is everywhere on the GOP propaganda machine-Rush etc Heritage etc, turning out hater dupes who have no clue about history, facts, or Dem ideas. Where is the clever businessman of real solutions?- he's a con man idiot so far...

And you simply repeat Dems hate propaganda, you lie several times and got caught. You have no room to talk Cletus.
Fun to watch, but so dangerous for the country. He has taken the US out of world leadership position. Who could trust such a man? You would have to be a total brainwashed t@rd.
And the Global nitwits are jockeying for this leadership position?

The only danger I've seen, is evident in your rants.

Who is qualified to replace the US?
He managed to ADD 5% to over 400K earners. AND the taxes in ACA. You people are so gd dumb...
Because I know how concerned you are about business owners.
What did O add for those making under 30K?
And tax cuts for small business and middle class and working class, hikes for bloated giant corps also blocked. You dupes don't know what you're missing. Read something, like the Dem platform. Or some history of the Bush years. The corrupt depression, allowing 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars ever. Your propaganda machine is a disgrace, dupe.
My contention is that both Parties will find a way to truly cater to their contributors.
Living in GOP World and seeing what they do- tax cuts for the rich, cutting services and refusing to invest in ANYTHING- And hearing NOTHING about about Dem ideas, just nonstop character assassination- I can see how you get that impression, dupe.
The question is who has trump NOT insulted?

Apparently about 87% of the Republican base and numerous other countries which still wholeheartedly support him to the nines. Only the Dupes of the Left who were told to be insulted before he even spanked Hillary's pasty white ass in the election think they are insulted. Only a Dupe would be "insulted" by making their own country stronger, safer, better, and more prosperous again.
Apparently about 87% of the Republican base and numerous other countries which still wholeheartedly support him to the nines. Only the Dupes of the Left who were told to be insulted before he even spanked Hillary's pasty white ass in the election think they are insulted. Only a Dupe would be "insulted" by making their own country stronger, safer, better, and more prosperous again.

John McCain: Obama was a better world leader than Trump
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) dropped a bombshell in an interview published Sunday in The Guardian, saying that American leadership in the world was stronger under former President Barack Obama than it currently is under President Donald Trump.
Who is Crystal Presley and why are we concerned what she thinks?
are you not concerned with what she said ? Means nothing to you ? The man in the WH is a low life vile piece of garbage and when some one puts the facts in front of you you worry about who said it?? You could be a republican

Liberals have been saying this for over year and it is just an opinion. 350 million people and you want me to listen to her...why? How is her opinion better than yours or any other person? You could be a drama queen.

You idiots keep posting Your opinions like they are fact. I didn't vote for the guy and I think he isn't the answer however I'm not going stupid like you nutters.
The law suits aren't opinion the people he screwed and bankruptcies aren't opinion

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