Trump is a rare phenomenon that is fun to watch.

Obie's policies were job killers. Coal, gas, pipelines, regulations and taxes, etc. That's why Obama's legacy was rejected.

Obama created millions of jobs. Set a record for continuous private sector job growth, cut unemployment in half, cut deficits in half, ended the Bush recession, and restored our place as leader of the free world.
Because serving food at $9.00/hour is glamorous.
Do you serve food for a living?
Not my fault repubs not qualified for high paying jobs
"Fuck you!" That's how to write a clear, concise and heart felt ad hominem.

That you have murder on your mind suggests a deep seeded pathology, usually observed in Paranoid Schizophrenics. Fantasy built on hate and fear isn't always a theme in a work of fiction, real monsters in clothes actual exist - and it rarely works out well for the monster.
Calm down, Wry Catcher. :itsok:

I'm not un-calm, my response was rational; I'm not the one with the murderous fantasy.
Murderous fantasy? Wtf are you talking about now? :laugh:

Read the posts above, then you may be in the loop.
What makes you think I want to be in any 'loop'?
change the t to a p please and you have drump and maybe even you
President Trump has told British Prime Minister Theresa May in a phone call “he does not want to go ahead with a state visit to Britain until the British public supports him coming,” The Guardian reports.

Trump = Weak Sad Bimbo Pussy
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"Here's veteran Baltimore Sun reporter David Simon, more famously known for being the creative force behind HBO's The Wire, along with writing Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets.

Long story short, Simon knows his shit, and his insights on the Comey hearing are worth reading.

"Note what isn't discussed between Trump and Comey. At no point does Trump make any concerted effort to discern whether or not Russia did in fact attempt to interfere in the election. Indeed, he notes that the claim has created a cloud over his governance -- so he can scarcely say that it isn't of real concern to him; his concern is premised in this meeting. Yet, he doesn't inquire as to what Comey and the FBI is yet discerning about Russia's role.

He doesn't even do so as a means of disparaging the claim. (i.e. "I'm sure you're finding out that there's nothing to the claims of Russian interference, right?" It. Doesn't. Come. Up.

In this regard, I am reminded of every innocent and guilty man I ever witnessed in an interrogation room. The innocent ask a multitude of questions about what the detectives know, or why the cops might think X or Y or whether Z happened to the victim. The guilty forget to inquire. They know.

An old law school saw tells young trial lawyers to remind their clients to stay curious in front of a jury. There's a famous tale of a murder case in which the body of the defendant's wife had not been recovered yet he was charged with the killing. Defense attorney tells the jury in final argument there's been no crime and the supposed victim will walk through the courtroom doors in 10 seconds. 30 seconds later the door remains shut. "Ok, she isn't coming today. But the point is all of you on jury looked, and that my friends is reasonable doubt. You must acquit." Jury comes back in twenty minutes: Guilty. Attorney goes to the foreman: "I thought I had you." Foreman: "You had me and ten others. But juror number 8 didn't look at the door, he looked at your client. And he didn't eye the door, he was examining his nails.

Even when he was completely alone with Comey, Trump didn't look at the door. He eyed his nails. It's an absolute tell. Why? Because Trump already knows that there is some fixed amount of Russian interference on his behalf, and possibly, collusion as well."

David Simon Has Best Twitter Thread On Trump's Guilt After Comey Hearing
Republican lawmakers refuse to back Trump's attacks on Comey
Source: Politico

The president is not finding help from Congress as he brands Comey a 'leaker' and questions whether he acted illegally.

By KYLE CHENEY 06/11/2017 12:51 PM EDT

If President Donald Trump was hoping congressional Republicans would rally to his side in his effort to discredit former FBI Director James Comey, he’s probably pretty disappointed.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Trump might bring down his own presidency. Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) said Trump’s interactions with Comey were “very inappropriate.” And Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said it’s unclear whether Trump’s actions toward Comey — leading to his abrupt firing on May 9 — amounted to a crime.

Across national news shows on Sunday, Republican lawmakers showed varying degrees of concern about Trump’s handling of the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, and his decision to fire Comey in the midst of that probe. Though many contended the reaction to Comey’s testimony was overblown, most said Trump had acted improperly — even if it was out of naivete and not malice.

None embraced Trump’s depiction of Comey as a liar or attempted to dispute Comey’s account of private meetings with the president. Comey told the Senate intelligence Committee that in several meetings prior to his ouster, Trump asked him to help “lift the cloud” of the Russia inquiry and, in the most damaging instance, said he hoped Comey would let go of his related investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn. “He doesn’t strike me as someone who would lie under oath,” Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) said of Comey.

Read more: Republican lawmakers refuse to back Trump’s attacks on Comey
Republican lawmakers refuse to back Trump's attacks on Comey
Source: Politico

The president is not finding help from Congress as he brands Comey a 'leaker' and questions whether he acted illegally.

By KYLE CHENEY 06/11/2017 12:51 PM EDT

If President Donald Trump was hoping congressional Republicans would rally to his side in his effort to discredit former FBI Director James Comey, he’s probably pretty disappointed.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Trump might bring down his own presidency. Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) said Trump’s interactions with Comey were “very inappropriate.” And Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said it’s unclear whether Trump’s actions toward Comey — leading to his abrupt firing on May 9 — amounted to a crime.

Across national news shows on Sunday, Republican lawmakers showed varying degrees of concern about Trump’s handling of the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, and his decision to fire Comey in the midst of that probe. Though many contended the reaction to Comey’s testimony was overblown, most said Trump had acted improperly — even if it was out of naivete and not malice.

None embraced Trump’s depiction of Comey as a liar or attempted to dispute Comey’s account of private meetings with the president. Comey told the Senate intelligence Committee that in several meetings prior to his ouster, Trump asked him to help “lift the cloud” of the Russia inquiry and, in the most damaging instance, said he hoped Comey would let go of his related investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn. “He doesn’t strike me as someone who would lie under oath,” Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) said of Comey.

Read more: Republican lawmakers refuse to back Trump’s attacks on Comey
Politico. When are you people going to learn? lol

What is it with people of your caliber?
I knew Trump was going to win after seeing his announcement.......

Being right never gets old. :)
Only one fact was needed, you are wrong. You're trying to claim that others think in a certain way. You didn't back yourself up on this, you didn't even show you know what you're talking about, but you do expect me to do what you didn't do. Why?
You're one ad hominem after another.
Trump won on a pro-American platform and you're going insane.
Total bs and lies you mean, dupe. You'll end up with a giant tax cut for the rich. lol
Like we got with Obama?
He managed to ADD 5% to over 400K earners. AND the taxes in ACA. You people are so gd dumb...
Because I know how concerned you are about business owners.
What did O add for those making under 30K?
Cheap or free health care. Just the best social reform for them since LBJ. Like I said, the GOP blocked everything else for 7 3/4 years...unknown to their dupes as you can see....
Only one fact was needed, you are wrong. You're trying to claim that others think in a certain way. You didn't back yourself up on this, you didn't even show you know what you're talking about, but you do expect me to do what you didn't do. Why?
You're one ad hominem after another.
Trump won on a pro-American platform and you're going insane.
Total bs and lies you mean, dupe. You'll end up with a giant tax cut for the rich. lol
Like we got with Obama?
He managed to ADD 5% to over 400K earners. AND the taxes in ACA. You people are so gd dumb...
Because I know how concerned you are about business owners.
What did O add for those making under 30K?
And tax cuts for small business and middle class and working class, hikes for bloated giant corps also blocked. You dupes don't know what you're missing. Read something, like the Dem platform. Or some history of the Bush years. The corrupt depression, allowing 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars ever. Your propaganda machine is a disgrace, dupe.
Well, then, instead of deflecting on this thread, you should start another one on how little Obama accomplished. i am sure that the 24-30 million people on ACA will get a kick out of it!

Yes but unfortunately, like unemployment figures, that too is mostly a false number--- ---most of those 24million, same as those now claimed lost to Trump's plan, were simply the young being forced into healthcare they neither needed nor wanted, as the hoped means of generating the revenue necessary to pay for the elderly and make Obamacare sustainable.

Right, Freak! It is all a statistician conspiracy by the same people that counted the attendance at his inaugural and who deny Trump's claim that 3 to 5 million illegal aliens voted for Hillary! They were all indoctrinated at Yale and Harvard by communist professors!

The funny thing about the inauguration claims, and I don't remember all the details exactly now, but Photoshoped pictures aside made up to make Trump look bad, part of the reason for the seeming difference was that during Obama, they had taken down police barricades along the sides going back so that anyone could pour in from any direction, and they probably bused people in from all over, while at the Trump one, you only got in with a ticket. Just another attempt to distort facts and history ignoring the massive numbers that came to every one of Trump's rallies trying to now make it look like no one wanted to come to Trump's inauguration.

If nothing else, many of the people wishing to come to Trump's inauguration probably couldn't make it because they actually had jobs.

How can you be so naive? EVERYbody knows that the press made Trump look like a liar regarding his inaugural attendance numbers, as part of a major conspiracy against him by Muslims and Mexicans, not to mention Hillary, and pretty much everyone everywhere (except the Russians, who really are our BFF, even though they have a shitload of nuclear missiles programmed to hit our cities).....

View attachment 132298

The nuts riot and cry and whine 24/7. They threaten more violence. Sad, leftys.
Obie's policies were job killers. Coal, gas, pipelines, regulations and taxes, etc. That's why Obama's legacy was rejected.

Obama created millions of jobs. Set a record for continuous private sector job growth, cut unemployment in half, cut deficits in half, ended the Bush recession, and restored our place as leader of the free world.
Because serving food at $9.00/hour is glamorous.
Do you serve food for a living?
Not my fault repubs not qualified for high paying jobs
My question was for RR.
Are you RR?
You're one ad hominem after another.
Trump won on a pro-American platform and you're going insane.
Total bs and lies you mean, dupe. You'll end up with a giant tax cut for the rich. lol
Like we got with Obama?
He managed to ADD 5% to over 400K earners. AND the taxes in ACA. You people are so gd dumb...
Because I know how concerned you are about business owners.
What did O add for those making under 30K?
And tax cuts for small business and middle class and working class, hikes for bloated giant corps also blocked. You dupes don't know what you're missing. Read something, like the Dem platform. Or some history of the Bush years. The corrupt depression, allowing 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars ever. Your propaganda machine is a disgrace, dupe.
My contention is that both Parties will find a way to truly cater to their contributors.
Obie's policies were job killers. Coal, gas, pipelines, regulations and taxes, etc. That's why Obama's legacy was rejected.

Obama created millions of jobs. Set a record for continuous private sector job growth, cut unemployment in half, cut deficits in half, ended the Bush recession, and restored our place as leader of the free world.
Because serving food at $9.00/hour is glamorous.
Do you serve food for a living?
Not my fault repubs not qualified for high paying jobs
My question was for RR.
Are you RR?
Not I

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