Trump is a rare phenomenon that is fun to watch.

Let's look at a KEY MOVE by Trump...........the Paris Agreement.............

Obama's Paris Agreement: All Cost and No Benefit for the U.S.

The Paris Agreement was a product of the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, where former President Obama met with world leaders to commit the U.S. to non-binding emission reduction targets. Under the agreement, Obama committed the U.S. to wholly improbable reduction goals of 26 to 28 percent by year 2025.

Through a litany of regulations stemming from the agreement, Obama essentially offered up the U.S. economy as a sacrificial lamb to further his own legacy. The agreement however would not just have hurt the country’s growth as a whole, but would have trickled down to low-and-middle income Americans. If the U.S.'s participation in the agreement had been allowed to move forward, energy costs would have skyrocketed, in turn raising the cost of utility bills for families and increasing the costs of consumer goods.

A recent study by the Heritage Foundation projected that the Paris agreement and resulting policies would have increased electricity costs for a family of four between 13 and 20 percent annually. The study also projected American families would see over $20,000 of lost income by year 2035. Such regressive policy hits the nation’s most vulnerable hardest, who ironically are the same people Obama used to justify the deal.

The Paris debacle was also slated to reduce U.S. GDP by over $2.5 trillion, and result in an average shortfall of nearly 400,000 jobs by 2035. Of the 400,000 jobs lost, an estimated 200,000 would have been in the manufacturing sector. Meaning Americans would also have seen the costs of consumer goods such as electronics, paper products, and apparel increase, inevitably taking more out of household income.

Kemper: Leading US 'clean coal' project admits it can't afford to burn coal - Energydesk

In response to Obama's Agenda.......Southern Companies built a Clean Coal Fired Plant................MASSIVE COST OVERRUNS..........Increased electricity bills to citizens in the area as a result...............and it is a COMPLETE FAILURE.............they have been running on gas since 2014....

The people in this area might want to send Obama and the Dems a THANK YOU FOR SCREWING US CARD..........
Well, they were laughing during Bush's regime and they're laughing now. What does it say about the Republicans when they haven't had a non-joke candidate win a presidential election since the early 1990s?
It says libtards ignore folly of the idiots they lift up and snear like the hate filled maggots they are when they don't get their way. That's what it says.
Well, they were laughing during Bush's regime and they're laughing now. What does it say about the Republicans when they haven't had a non-joke candidate win a presidential election since the early 1990s?
It says libtards ignore folly of the idiots they lift up and snear like the hate filled maggots they are when they don't get their way. That's what it says.
Triggered :badgrin:

/---- Yeah if I was getting a free ride off the US taxpayers for decades I'd be appalled too.

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They are appalled that he expects them to pay for their own defense.

And they responded like ungrateful and spoiled children.

/---- Yeah if I was getting a free ride off the US taxpayers for decades I'd be appalled too.

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Who's getting a free ride from the US then?

454 British soldiers died in Afghanistan and 179 in Iraq.
89 French soldiers and 57 German soldiers and 53 Italian soldiers lost their lives in Afghanistan. Dying in the fights for the US, not for their own fights, and you have the fucking balls to suggest that these countries don't pay for anything. Fuck you.

/---- Yeah if I was getting a free ride off the US taxpayers for decades I'd be appalled too.

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Who's getting a free ride from the US then?

454 British soldiers died in Afghanistan and 179 in Iraq.
89 French soldiers and 57 German soldiers and 53 Italian soldiers lost their lives in Afghanistan. Dying in the fights for the US, not for their own fights, and you have the fucking balls to suggest that these countries don't pay for anything. Fuck you.

Trump's speech, that was so offensive, was discussing BUDGETS.

Funny you felt a need to change the subject to make a "point".

/---- Yeah if I was getting a free ride off the US taxpayers for decades I'd be appalled too.

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Who's getting a free ride from the US then?

454 British soldiers died in Afghanistan and 179 in Iraq.
89 French soldiers and 57 German soldiers and 53 Italian soldiers lost their lives in Afghanistan. Dying in the fights for the US, not for their own fights, and you have the fucking balls to suggest that these countries don't pay for anything. Fuck you.
Number Of International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 3,487
Trump talked tough to the Democracies while servicing the Medieval weirdos from Saudi Arabia
Saudi Royals Bring Trump into Line
His hard line with NATO was OVERDUE.......................They have been using us as the World's Police Force for Far too long..............The Stance is that we expect you to DO YOUR SHARE FOR A CHANGE................

He Demanded that they spend more on THEIR OWN SELF DEFENSE.............guess what..........IT'S WORKING........

NATO chief urges European nations to boost defense spending | News | DW | 04.04.2017

US defense spending makes up about 70 percent of the NATO allies' total defense expenditure. Only four European alliance members - Estonia, Greece, Poland and Britain - meet the two-percent target.

German military expenditure currently sits at just over 1.2 percent of the country's economic output; it's rising year on year but only by comparatively small increments. The government has said it is committed to increasing defense spending "because we know it is necessary and makes sense to further strengthen our armed forces," government spokesman Steffen Seibert said.

This is long standing disagreement in NATO............We have been demanding that they increase Military spending since which they agreed to increase spending................BUT HAVE NEVER DONE SO...................

Then countries in NATO demand actions against Libya.............while we pay the Lions share of the cost in the fight...

Who Supported Intervening in Libya? NATO Allies, Regional Partners, Democrats, and Republicans.

NATO Allies and Regional Partners were ramping up their efforts to defend the Libyan people:
Feb. 23, 2011FranceThe Guardian: “Nicolas Sarkozy is leading the calls for a NATO-imposed no-fly zone to be enforced over Libya to ‘prevent the use of that country’s warplanes against [its] population.’ Sarkozy, the current president of the G8 and G20 economic forums, has also called for the European Union to impose sanctions against Libya and suggested that the assets of the family of the Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi, should be frozen.”

Feb. 27, 2011ItalyAssociated Press: “Italy has effectively suspended a treaty with Libya that includes a nonaggression clause, amid turmoil in the North African nation, the foreign minister said Sunday. The suspension removes a possible obstacle to Rome taking part in any peacekeeping operations in its former colony, or allowing the use of its military bases.”

Feb 28, 2011BritainPM David Cameron: We must not tolerate this regime using military force against its own people. In that context I have asked the Ministry of Defence and the Chief of the Defence Staff to work with our allies on plans for a military no-fly zone. Mr Speaker, it is clear that this is an illegitimate regime that has lost the consent of its people. My message to Colonel Qadhafi is simple: Go now.”

Trump tells Italy to pound sand...............
US Rejects Italy's Request to Help Stabilize Libya

U.S. President Donald Trump at the White House.

"I do not see a role in Libya," Trump told reporters Thursday when asked about doing more to stabilize the North African country, which has become a focal point for the migrant crisis. "I think the United States right now has enough roles."

"I do see a role in getting rid of ISIS," the president added, using an acronym for Islamic State. "I see that as a primary role, and that's what we're going to do whether it's in Iraq or in Libya, or anywhere else."

The answer is unlikely to satisfy Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, who moments earlier called on the Trump administration to follow up its counterterrorism efforts with a political commitment.
It was NATO and the United Nations that got us into a Conflict in Libya................It was THEIR DEMANDS that Obama used as Justification to Attack Libya and REMOVE Kadafi.....................

I remember countries like ITALY...........asking for the United States to intervene................Other countries supported with military strikes and assets..........BUT the LION'S SHARE of the action...............was...............................wait for it................

DONE BY THE UNITED STATES......................

In regards to NATO paying its DAMNED SHARE.............DAMN SKIPPY..............way past time...........

They demand we attack..............refuse to HONOR THEIR WORD on spending...............and then BITCH AT US WHEN WE DO IT...........

Perhaps they can start fighting the damned Wars they DEMAND WE ENGAGE IN.........................

Trump just told them so and they aren't happy about it.

/---- Yeah if I was getting a free ride off the US taxpayers for decades I'd be appalled too.

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Who's getting a free ride from the US then?

454 British soldiers died in Afghanistan and 179 in Iraq.
89 French soldiers and 57 German soldiers and 53 Italian soldiers lost their lives in Afghanistan. Dying in the fights for the US, not for their own fights, and you have the fucking balls to suggest that these countries don't pay for anything. Fuck you.
Number Of International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 3,487

Yes, but let's forget about that, because it's not convenient.
Meanwhile in SYRIA.........................


Arms Kurds fighting ISIS...............and is putting troops in between Turkey and the Kurds..............Syria tried attacking these groups...........U.S. forces hit them and sent their asses packing...........and is threatening Turkey with the same.........

A major policy change in the War in Syria.........not to mention our forces are pounding oil making targets in Syria............

Trump to Tell Turkey: We’re Going to Take Raqqa With the Kurds

We are arming the Kurds after Turkey demanded we don't do so.............

Coalition statement on actions near At Tanf, Syria > U.S. Central Command > Press Release View

Hits on Syrian forces after they moved to attack coalition forces.
The Essence of Trump Rube...................

Imagine your family is about to be uninsured and your elderly family kicked off long-term care but your big concerns are Sharia Law and CNN.
The Essence of Trump Rube...................

Imagine your family is about to be uninsured and your elderly family kicked off long-term care but your big concerns are Sharia Law and CNN.
Standard remarks of a Liberal Drone when confronted by facts.

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