Trump is a rare phenomenon that is fun to watch.

the West is mainly interested in maintaining ‘perpetual conflict’ in several regions of the world.

The fight against ISIS is Global............

Because ISIS has the power, and groups that want to fight the US find it convenient to join ISIS, they would have joined al Qaeda when al Qaeda was cool.
Southeast Asia......................

China warns North Korea.........

China To North Korea: The Americans Are Not Bluffing… | Weasel Zippers



Only, North Korea KNOWS the US is bluffing, because Trump already bluffed once before.
Do they......................


The South Korean army launches multiple rockets during joint South Korea-U.S. military drills at Seungjin Fire Training Field in Pocheon, South Korea, on April 26, 2017. (Ahn Young-joon / AP)

U.S. sets up missile defense in South Korea as North shows power

Japan's war threat to North Korea | Daily Mail Online

With North Korea warning it could strike US targets anywhere in the world, Japan's defence minister Shigeru Ishiba said it was ready to carry out a pre-emptive strike with ballistic missiles.

U.S. and Japan hold naval war drills on way toward North Korea

The Japanese destroyers JS Samidare and JS Ashigara commenced joint drills with the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson, the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Lake Champlain and the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Michael Murphy of the Navy's San Dieg0-based Seventh Fleet as the political crisis between the U.S. and North Korea was unfolding. Amid reports that Pyongyang planned to conduct a sixth nuclear weapons test earlier this month, President Donald Trump ordered the Carl Vinson Carrer Strike Group to the Western Pacific, saying the U.S. would prevent such a test from happening. The nuclear test never occurred, but North Korea attempted and failed to launch a ballistic missile, drawing condemnation from the U.N. Security Council and further threats of action from the White House.
Well truth be told I;d like illegals out and tax cuts and tax reform too But it seems like even with your majority you can get nothing done

Exactly, Edds and why is it that nothing ever gets done of worth? Because the majority of politicians do not work for us and never have...any bright-eyed idealist that wants to make a difference is told how the system works and if they don't learn how to "play ball"? Their political careers have short shelf lives. This is what we are dealing with and it's bigger than most could ever fathom. Politics is nothing but theater to give us the illusion that we have a choice in how we are "ruled"......what a fucking joke it is.

We can thank the four Justices of the Supreme Court and the Chief Justice who believed (ha-ha) that giving money to a Pol is an example of free speech, protected by the First Amendment. Making bribes a virtue and not the deadly sin it is was the height of hypocrisy and partisanship.

Corporations are persons......did you not know that? You are also considered a corporate entity i.e a "person". Look up the definition of "persons" in Black's Law Dictionary because we are not under Common Law, we are under Statutory Law which is also referred to as the U.C.C/ "admiralty".

I have Ballentine's Law Dictionary in my library and it too references the Uniform Commercial Code [1-201(30) and the first sentence (followed by four 'legal paragraphs [why are laws written with a total disregard for paragraphs?], quoted below, and is followed by four l o n g paragraphs with citations.

"Person: An individual man, woman or child, or, as a general rule, a corporation" 18 Am J2d Corp.

Now, what was your point, that Corporations have the same rights, privileges and duties of a man, women or child?

So, if a man, a women or a child of the proper age commit a crime, punishable by imprisonment, explain to me why a corporation can be fined, it's stock holders thus punished, but those who committed the act are rarely indicted and rarely imprisoned and usually rewarded?

No, dumb ass......BLACK'S Law Dictionary....allow me to help you out.

Person - Black's Law Dictionary 6th Edition, pg. 791, defines 'person' as follows: "In general usage, ahuman being (i.e. natural person), though by statute term may include labor organizations, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, or receivers."

What's your point, simply being a smug asshole isn't substantive nor relevant to this or any thread. Let me help you out - Trump is unfit and incompetent, a narcissist and a megalomaniac (DSM-IV Made Easy, 1994) and only fools and liars defend him.
Southeast Asia......................

China warns North Korea.........

China To North Korea: The Americans Are Not Bluffing… | Weasel Zippers



Only, North Korea KNOWS the US is bluffing, because Trump already bluffed once before.
Do they......................


The South Korean army launches multiple rockets during joint South Korea-U.S. military drills at Seungjin Fire Training Field in Pocheon, South Korea, on April 26, 2017. (Ahn Young-joon / AP)

U.S. sets up missile defense in South Korea as North shows power

Japan's war threat to North Korea | Daily Mail Online

With North Korea warning it could strike US targets anywhere in the world, Japan's defence minister Shigeru Ishiba said it was ready to carry out a pre-emptive strike with ballistic missiles.

U.S. and Japan hold naval war drills on way toward North Korea

The Japanese destroyers JS Samidare and JS Ashigara commenced joint drills with the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson, the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Lake Champlain and the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Michael Murphy of the Navy's San Dieg0-based Seventh Fleet as the political crisis between the U.S. and North Korea was unfolding. Amid reports that Pyongyang planned to conduct a sixth nuclear weapons test earlier this month, President Donald Trump ordered the Carl Vinson Carrer Strike Group to the Western Pacific, saying the U.S. would prevent such a test from happening. The nuclear test never occurred, but North Korea attempted and failed to launch a ballistic missile, drawing condemnation from the U.N. Security Council and further threats of action from the White House.

Trump bluffed. The missile defense system was planned under Obama, nothing to do with Trump.

Trump made some bluffs about aircraft carriers going in different directions to reality, and all that crap, THEN he makes some plans and those plans DO NOT have ANYTHING about invading North Korea. So, North Korea knows.
The funny thing about the inauguration claims, and I don't remember all the details exactly now, but Photoshoped pictures aside made up to make Trump look bad, .

You're right, you don't remember the details. The details being the Trump folks photoshopped (cropped and edited) the photo of the mall, in order to make Trump look credible. The photos released by the parks department showed what the national mall crowd looked like on January 20th, 8 years apart.
Most Trump voters were at work.

Most of the people attending the Obama inauguration were either federal workers already right there in DC who took off (the whole city was closed that day anyway), walked a few blocks and attended, were bused in, or were unemployed. All of the people attending Trump's inauguration probably had to take off work and drive there from out of town. Many others, with jobs too important to just skip work, wanted to attend, but could not afford the time, the travel, or get off.

A few facts:

On 21 January 2017, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer held a brief press conference and announced to the assembled new media that President Donald Trump’s inauguration the previous day had garnered a larger viewing audience than any other instance of that event'; We do know a few things, so let’s go through the facts. We know that from the platform where the President was sworn in, to 4th Street, it holds about 250,000 people. From 4th Street to the media tent is about another 220,000. And from the media tent to the Washington Monument, another 250,000 people. All of this space was full when the President took the Oath of Office. We know that 420,000 people used the D.C. Metro public transit yesterday, which actually compares to 317,000 that used it for President Obama’s last inaugural.

Even though the media continues to mock President Donald Trump, Press Secretary Sean Spicer and Kellyanne Conway for their high ratings claims on Friday, Nielsen ratings released this weekend for the historic event show it was the third most watched presidential inauguration since Ronald Reagan took office in 1981.

“An estimated 31 million people tuned in to watch Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration in Washington, D.C., on Friday, Jan. 20, 2017,” Nielsen said in a statement this weekend. “While coverage varied by network, 12 networks aired live coverage from approximately 10:00 am ET to 6:00 pm ET.”

Reagan’s inauguration was the most watched inauguration ever, with 41.8 million viewers, according to Nielsen. Barack Obama’s 2009 inauguration had 37.7 million viewers, but his second inauguration in 2012 dropped to just 20.5 million viewers.

Trump beat both of Bill Clinton’s inaugurations and all of the Bush family inaugurations.

1981 – Ronald Reagan – 41.8m
1985 – Ronald Reagan – 25m
1989 – George H.W. Bush – 23.3m
1993 – Bill Clinton – 29.7m
1997 – Bill Clinton – 21.5m
2001 – George W. Bush – 29m
2005 – George W. Bush – 15.5m
2009 – Barack Obama – 37.7m
2012 – Barack Obama – 20.5m
2017 – Donald Trump – 30.6m

So, best information places Trump's inauguration at 18% less than Obama's FIRST inauguration, again, most of Obama's attendees were probably people who already worked right there in DC, while most of Trump's probably drove in from out of state. So the massive differences shown in aerial photos implying a FOUR-FOLD difference in the number of attendees between Obama's and Trump's events is another total fabrication. Meantime, compared to Obama's second inauguration, Trump had 150% more--- ---a fact not ever mentioned in the press.

Why on earth would you bring this up. No one cared but Trump back then, and now no one should care.

The left cared.
Ever wonder how a complete political novice can first get elected and then succeed? Donald Trump is showing us how it’s done. There is no doubt that he is learning on the job but oddly he is changing the job description as he goes. Trump is frustrating partisan politicians on both sides of the aisle because the first thing he did was call attention to the fact that career legislators are nothing but life-long benchwarmers who do little and achieve less.

Trump’s style is to grab the bull by the horns, not throw it like the embedded, bedridden professional houseguests that populate Congress in this country. Obviously this makes him a very scary prospect to the malingering, worthless crowds that loiter in the halls of the Senate.

Trump’s unorthodox style is reminiscent of former undefeated boxing great Rocky Marciano. Though many baby Boomers were only seven or eight years old when Marciano fought his last fight they remember watching Marciano with their dads in the 1950’s. A lot of polished fighters were convinced they had Marciano cornered when they were devastated by a bone-crushing left hook that came from nowhere. The over-confident contender was soon staggering on queer street, walking in postholes.

This is what Trump does to opponents. Even in the face of what looks like certain defeat he just keeps on coming. It is incredibly refreshing in a leader to watch Trump bash through the limp, shop-worn strategies of his critics. Remember James Comey, the 6’8 head of the FBI? He came into the ring like gangbusters and left in total defeat like a shivering Tinkerbell.

The globalists are running scared and resorting to suicide tactics to take Trump down because Trump is methodically dismantling their plan to fundamentally change America. They realize that they are seen as the villains while Trump is seen as Captain America. Even the Europeans are impressed with Trump’s successes and they are lining up to get on board with his agenda.

Unfortunately for the left in America the age of victimology may be coming to an end. They just can’t deal with Trump because he is like an ace pitcher who came from right field. They’re totally unprepared to handle Trump and they don’t want to admit it. Trump is a one-in-a-million phenomenon that is a rare treat for average Americans. He’s fun to watch.
Excellent post, Ray.

And yet another fact filled post.

Only one fact was needed, you are wrong. You're trying to claim that others think in a certain way. You didn't back yourself up on this, you didn't even show you know what you're talking about, but you do expect me to do what you didn't do. Why?
You're one ad hominem after another.
Trump won on a pro-American platform and you're going insane.
Total bs and lies you mean, dupe. You'll end up with a giant tax cut for the rich. lol
Like we got with Obama?
He managed to ADD 5% to over 400K earners. AND the taxes in ACA. You people are so gd dumb...
Because I know how concerned you are about business owners.
What did O add for those making under 30K?
Southeast Asia......................

China warns North Korea.........

China To North Korea: The Americans Are Not Bluffing… | Weasel Zippers



Only, North Korea KNOWS the US is bluffing, because Trump already bluffed once before.
Do they......................


The South Korean army launches multiple rockets during joint South Korea-U.S. military drills at Seungjin Fire Training Field in Pocheon, South Korea, on April 26, 2017. (Ahn Young-joon / AP)

U.S. sets up missile defense in South Korea as North shows power

Japan's war threat to North Korea | Daily Mail Online

With North Korea warning it could strike US targets anywhere in the world, Japan's defence minister Shigeru Ishiba said it was ready to carry out a pre-emptive strike with ballistic missiles.

U.S. and Japan hold naval war drills on way toward North Korea

The Japanese destroyers JS Samidare and JS Ashigara commenced joint drills with the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson, the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Lake Champlain and the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Michael Murphy of the Navy's San Dieg0-based Seventh Fleet as the political crisis between the U.S. and North Korea was unfolding. Amid reports that Pyongyang planned to conduct a sixth nuclear weapons test earlier this month, President Donald Trump ordered the Carl Vinson Carrer Strike Group to the Western Pacific, saying the U.S. would prevent such a test from happening. The nuclear test never occurred, but North Korea attempted and failed to launch a ballistic missile, drawing condemnation from the U.N. Security Council and further threats of action from the White House.

Trump bluffed. The missile defense system was planned under Obama, nothing to do with Trump.

Trump made some bluffs about aircraft carriers going in different directions to reality, and all that crap, THEN he makes some plans and those plans DO NOT have ANYTHING about invading North Korea. So, North Korea knows.
North Korea doesn't know..................They know nobody in the region wants a War............that would be correct...........but Jong ping pong doesn't know how far he can push before the world pushes back. Japan and Russia also are cooperating on trying to stop his nonsense..........China is putting pressure to stop his nonsense................

Jong is running out of friends...............because of his actions................

For Japan to start arming up and threatening War is unbelievable to me as I was stationed there. Been to the Blackship Festival which is a celebration of Peace.............Hell, even their laws say NO WAR...............Jong can simply not keep firing into the sea of Japan without an eventual response.

In regards to the Vincent........they were in the AO and were ordered back to the South China sea as a show of force in response to N. Koreas actions....................Which was the correct thing to do in support of our allies in the region......Then they conducted training with the Japanese Navy.
Well, then, instead of deflecting on this thread, you should start another one on how little Obama accomplished. i am sure that the 24-30 million people on ACA will get a kick out of it!

Yes but unfortunately, like unemployment figures, that too is mostly a false number--- ---most of those 24million, same as those now claimed lost to Trump's plan, were simply the young being forced into healthcare they neither needed nor wanted, as the hoped means of generating the revenue necessary to pay for the elderly and make Obamacare sustainable.

Right, Freak! It is all a statistician conspiracy by the same people that counted the attendance at his inaugural and who deny Trump's claim that 3 to 5 million illegal aliens voted for Hillary! They were all indoctrinated at Yale and Harvard by communist professors!

The funny thing about the inauguration claims, and I don't remember all the details exactly now, but Photoshoped pictures aside made up to make Trump look bad, part of the reason for the seeming difference was that during Obama, they had taken down police barricades along the sides going back so that anyone could pour in from any direction, and they probably bused people in from all over, while at the Trump one, you only got in with a ticket. Just another attempt to distort facts and history ignoring the massive numbers that came to every one of Trump's rallies trying to now make it look like no one wanted to come to Trump's inauguration.

If nothing else, many of the people wishing to come to Trump's inauguration probably couldn't make it because they actually had jobs.

How can you be so naive? EVERYbody knows that the press made Trump look like a liar regarding his inaugural attendance numbers, as part of a major conspiracy against him by Muslims and Mexicans, not to mention Hillary, and pretty much everyone everywhere (except the Russians, who really are our BFF, even though they have a shitload of nuclear missiles programmed to hit our cities).....
Exactly, Edds and why is it that nothing ever gets done of worth? Because the majority of politicians do not work for us and never have...any bright-eyed idealist that wants to make a difference is told how the system works and if they don't learn how to "play ball"? Their political careers have short shelf lives. This is what we are dealing with and it's bigger than most could ever fathom. Politics is nothing but theater to give us the illusion that we have a choice in how we are "ruled"......what a fucking joke it is.

We can thank the four Justices of the Supreme Court and the Chief Justice who believed (ha-ha) that giving money to a Pol is an example of free speech, protected by the First Amendment. Making bribes a virtue and not the deadly sin it is was the height of hypocrisy and partisanship.

Corporations are persons......did you not know that? You are also considered a corporate entity i.e a "person". Look up the definition of "persons" in Black's Law Dictionary because we are not under Common Law, we are under Statutory Law which is also referred to as the U.C.C/ "admiralty".

I have Ballentine's Law Dictionary in my library and it too references the Uniform Commercial Code [1-201(30) and the first sentence (followed by four 'legal paragraphs [why are laws written with a total disregard for paragraphs?], quoted below, and is followed by four l o n g paragraphs with citations.

"Person: An individual man, woman or child, or, as a general rule, a corporation" 18 Am J2d Corp.

Now, what was your point, that Corporations have the same rights, privileges and duties of a man, women or child?

So, if a man, a women or a child of the proper age commit a crime, punishable by imprisonment, explain to me why a corporation can be fined, it's stock holders thus punished, but those who committed the act are rarely indicted and rarely imprisoned and usually rewarded?

No, dumb ass......BLACK'S Law Dictionary....allow me to help you out.

Person - Black's Law Dictionary 6th Edition, pg. 791, defines 'person' as follows: "In general usage, ahuman being (i.e. natural person), though by statute term may include labor organizations, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, or receivers."

What's your point, simply being a smug asshole isn't substantive nor relevant to this or any thread. Let me help you out - Trump is unfit and incompetent, a narcissist and a megalomaniac (DSM-IV Made Easy, 1994) and only fools and liars defend him.

You are not smart enough to "get the point" to the very question that you asked because you are a stupid fuck.

Trump is "unfit" to you because you are a leftard and only leftards should be in a position of power and anyone that isn't a leftard isn't (snicker) "fit" to lead.

Here is where I stand on that idea....I would gladly (and with great zeal) slit the throat of a leftard from ear to ear before I would ever vote for one. I put leftards , maggots and muslims in the same disgusting category and oddly enough all three are parasites.
We can thank the four Justices of the Supreme Court and the Chief Justice who believed (ha-ha) that giving money to a Pol is an example of free speech, protected by the First Amendment. Making bribes a virtue and not the deadly sin it is was the height of hypocrisy and partisanship.

Corporations are persons......did you not know that? You are also considered a corporate entity i.e a "person". Look up the definition of "persons" in Black's Law Dictionary because we are not under Common Law, we are under Statutory Law which is also referred to as the U.C.C/ "admiralty".

I have Ballentine's Law Dictionary in my library and it too references the Uniform Commercial Code [1-201(30) and the first sentence (followed by four 'legal paragraphs [why are laws written with a total disregard for paragraphs?], quoted below, and is followed by four l o n g paragraphs with citations.

"Person: An individual man, woman or child, or, as a general rule, a corporation" 18 Am J2d Corp.

Now, what was your point, that Corporations have the same rights, privileges and duties of a man, women or child?

So, if a man, a women or a child of the proper age commit a crime, punishable by imprisonment, explain to me why a corporation can be fined, it's stock holders thus punished, but those who committed the act are rarely indicted and rarely imprisoned and usually rewarded?

No, dumb ass......BLACK'S Law Dictionary....allow me to help you out.

Person - Black's Law Dictionary 6th Edition, pg. 791, defines 'person' as follows: "In general usage, ahuman being (i.e. natural person), though by statute term may include labor organizations, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, or receivers."

What's your point, simply being a smug asshole isn't substantive nor relevant to this or any thread. Let me help you out - Trump is unfit and incompetent, a narcissist and a megalomaniac (DSM-IV Made Easy, 1994) and only fools and liars defend him.

You are not smart enough to "get the point" to the very question that you asked because you are a stupid fuck.

Trump is "unfit" to you because you are a leftard and only leftards should be in a position of power and anyone that isn't a leftard isn't (snicker) "fit" to lead.

Here is where I stand on that idea....I would gladly (and with great zeal) slit the throat of a leftard from ear to ear before I would ever vote for one. I put leftards , maggots and muslims in the same disgusting category and oddly enough all three are parasites.

"Fuck you!" That's how to write a clear, concise and heart felt ad hominem.

That you have murder on your mind suggests a deep seeded pathology, usually observed in Paranoid Schizophrenics. Fantasy built on hate and fear isn't always a theme in a work of fiction, real monsters in clothes actual exist - and it rarely works out well for the monster.
Well, then, instead of deflecting on this thread, you should start another one on how little Obama accomplished. i am sure that the 24-30 million people on ACA will get a kick out of it!

Yes but unfortunately, like unemployment figures, that too is mostly a false number--- ---most of those 24million, same as those now claimed lost to Trump's plan, were simply the young being forced into healthcare they neither needed nor wanted, as the hoped means of generating the revenue necessary to pay for the elderly and make Obamacare sustainable.

Right, Freak! It is all a statistician conspiracy by the same people that counted the attendance at his inaugural and who deny Trump's claim that 3 to 5 million illegal aliens voted for Hillary! They were all indoctrinated at Yale and Harvard by communist professors!

The funny thing about the inauguration claims, and I don't remember all the details exactly now, but Photoshoped pictures aside made up to make Trump look bad, part of the reason for the seeming difference was that during Obama, they had taken down police barricades along the sides going back so that anyone could pour in from any direction, and they probably bused people in from all over, while at the Trump one, you only got in with a ticket. Just another attempt to distort facts and history ignoring the massive numbers that came to every one of Trump's rallies trying to now make it look like no one wanted to come to Trump's inauguration.

If nothing else, many of the people wishing to come to Trump's inauguration probably couldn't make it because they actually had jobs.

How can you be so naive? EVERYbody knows that the press made Trump look like a liar regarding his inaugural attendance numbers, as part of a major conspiracy against him by Muslims and Mexicans, not to mention Hillary, and pretty much everyone everywhere (except the Russians, who really are our BFF, even though they have a shitload of nuclear missiles programmed to hit our cities).....

Corporations are persons......did you not know that? You are also considered a corporate entity i.e a "person". Look up the definition of "persons" in Black's Law Dictionary because we are not under Common Law, we are under Statutory Law which is also referred to as the U.C.C/ "admiralty".

I have Ballentine's Law Dictionary in my library and it too references the Uniform Commercial Code [1-201(30) and the first sentence (followed by four 'legal paragraphs [why are laws written with a total disregard for paragraphs?], quoted below, and is followed by four l o n g paragraphs with citations.

"Person: An individual man, woman or child, or, as a general rule, a corporation" 18 Am J2d Corp.

Now, what was your point, that Corporations have the same rights, privileges and duties of a man, women or child?

So, if a man, a women or a child of the proper age commit a crime, punishable by imprisonment, explain to me why a corporation can be fined, it's stock holders thus punished, but those who committed the act are rarely indicted and rarely imprisoned and usually rewarded?

No, dumb ass......BLACK'S Law Dictionary....allow me to help you out.

Person - Black's Law Dictionary 6th Edition, pg. 791, defines 'person' as follows: "In general usage, ahuman being (i.e. natural person), though by statute term may include labor organizations, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, or receivers."

What's your point, simply being a smug asshole isn't substantive nor relevant to this or any thread. Let me help you out - Trump is unfit and incompetent, a narcissist and a megalomaniac (DSM-IV Made Easy, 1994) and only fools and liars defend him.

You are not smart enough to "get the point" to the very question that you asked because you are a stupid fuck.

Trump is "unfit" to you because you are a leftard and only leftards should be in a position of power and anyone that isn't a leftard isn't (snicker) "fit" to lead.

Here is where I stand on that idea....I would gladly (and with great zeal) slit the throat of a leftard from ear to ear before I would ever vote for one. I put leftards , maggots and muslims in the same disgusting category and oddly enough all three are parasites.

"Fuck you!" That's how to write a clear, concise and heart felt ad hominem.

That you have murder on your mind suggests a deep seeded pathology, usually observed in Paranoid Schizophrenics. Fantasy built on hate and fear isn't always a theme in a work of fiction, real monsters in clothes actual exist - and it rarely works out well for the monster.

Nope, don't have murder on my mind at all....and again, you missed "THE POINT"........which was that the odds of me slitting the throat of a leftard are better than the odds of me ever backing or supporting one. Murder is a sin and outside of pedophilia is the most offensive in the eyes of God so limp-wristed pansies like you have nothing to fear but your own stupidity and failed ideology.
Corporations are persons......did you not know that? You are also considered a corporate entity i.e a "person". Look up the definition of "persons" in Black's Law Dictionary because we are not under Common Law, we are under Statutory Law which is also referred to as the U.C.C/ "admiralty".

I have Ballentine's Law Dictionary in my library and it too references the Uniform Commercial Code [1-201(30) and the first sentence (followed by four 'legal paragraphs [why are laws written with a total disregard for paragraphs?], quoted below, and is followed by four l o n g paragraphs with citations.

"Person: An individual man, woman or child, or, as a general rule, a corporation" 18 Am J2d Corp.

Now, what was your point, that Corporations have the same rights, privileges and duties of a man, women or child?

So, if a man, a women or a child of the proper age commit a crime, punishable by imprisonment, explain to me why a corporation can be fined, it's stock holders thus punished, but those who committed the act are rarely indicted and rarely imprisoned and usually rewarded?

No, dumb ass......BLACK'S Law Dictionary....allow me to help you out.

Person - Black's Law Dictionary 6th Edition, pg. 791, defines 'person' as follows: "In general usage, ahuman being (i.e. natural person), though by statute term may include labor organizations, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, or receivers."

What's your point, simply being a smug asshole isn't substantive nor relevant to this or any thread. Let me help you out - Trump is unfit and incompetent, a narcissist and a megalomaniac (DSM-IV Made Easy, 1994) and only fools and liars defend him.

You are not smart enough to "get the point" to the very question that you asked because you are a stupid fuck.

Trump is "unfit" to you because you are a leftard and only leftards should be in a position of power and anyone that isn't a leftard isn't (snicker) "fit" to lead.

Here is where I stand on that idea....I would gladly (and with great zeal) slit the throat of a leftard from ear to ear before I would ever vote for one. I put leftards , maggots and muslims in the same disgusting category and oddly enough all three are parasites.

"Fuck you!" That's how to write a clear, concise and heart felt ad hominem.

That you have murder on your mind suggests a deep seeded pathology, usually observed in Paranoid Schizophrenics. Fantasy built on hate and fear isn't always a theme in a work of fiction, real monsters in clothes actual exist - and it rarely works out well for the monster.
Calm down, Wry Catcher. :itsok:
I have Ballentine's Law Dictionary in my library and it too references the Uniform Commercial Code [1-201(30) and the first sentence (followed by four 'legal paragraphs [why are laws written with a total disregard for paragraphs?], quoted below, and is followed by four l o n g paragraphs with citations.

"Person: An individual man, woman or child, or, as a general rule, a corporation" 18 Am J2d Corp.

Now, what was your point, that Corporations have the same rights, privileges and duties of a man, women or child?

So, if a man, a women or a child of the proper age commit a crime, punishable by imprisonment, explain to me why a corporation can be fined, it's stock holders thus punished, but those who committed the act are rarely indicted and rarely imprisoned and usually rewarded?

No, dumb ass......BLACK'S Law Dictionary....allow me to help you out.

Person - Black's Law Dictionary 6th Edition, pg. 791, defines 'person' as follows: "In general usage, ahuman being (i.e. natural person), though by statute term may include labor organizations, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, or receivers."

What's your point, simply being a smug asshole isn't substantive nor relevant to this or any thread. Let me help you out - Trump is unfit and incompetent, a narcissist and a megalomaniac (DSM-IV Made Easy, 1994) and only fools and liars defend him.

You are not smart enough to "get the point" to the very question that you asked because you are a stupid fuck.

Trump is "unfit" to you because you are a leftard and only leftards should be in a position of power and anyone that isn't a leftard isn't (snicker) "fit" to lead.

Here is where I stand on that idea....I would gladly (and with great zeal) slit the throat of a leftard from ear to ear before I would ever vote for one. I put leftards , maggots and muslims in the same disgusting category and oddly enough all three are parasites.

"Fuck you!" That's how to write a clear, concise and heart felt ad hominem.

That you have murder on your mind suggests a deep seeded pathology, usually observed in Paranoid Schizophrenics. Fantasy built on hate and fear isn't always a theme in a work of fiction, real monsters in clothes actual exist - and it rarely works out well for the monster.

Nope, don't have murder on my mind at all....and again, you missed "THE POINT"........which was that the odds of me slitting the throat of a leftard are better than the odds of me ever backing or supporting one. Murder is a sin and outside of pedophilia is the most offensive in the eyes of God so limp-wristed pansies like you have nothing to fear but your own stupidity and failed ideology.

Paranoids have a reality all their own, and you fit that mold. Since you seem to believe to be an authority on "God", how about detailing more of what S/He finds offensive?
I have Ballentine's Law Dictionary in my library and it too references the Uniform Commercial Code [1-201(30) and the first sentence (followed by four 'legal paragraphs [why are laws written with a total disregard for paragraphs?], quoted below, and is followed by four l o n g paragraphs with citations.

"Person: An individual man, woman or child, or, as a general rule, a corporation" 18 Am J2d Corp.

Now, what was your point, that Corporations have the same rights, privileges and duties of a man, women or child?

So, if a man, a women or a child of the proper age commit a crime, punishable by imprisonment, explain to me why a corporation can be fined, it's stock holders thus punished, but those who committed the act are rarely indicted and rarely imprisoned and usually rewarded?

No, dumb ass......BLACK'S Law Dictionary....allow me to help you out.

Person - Black's Law Dictionary 6th Edition, pg. 791, defines 'person' as follows: "In general usage, ahuman being (i.e. natural person), though by statute term may include labor organizations, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, or receivers."

What's your point, simply being a smug asshole isn't substantive nor relevant to this or any thread. Let me help you out - Trump is unfit and incompetent, a narcissist and a megalomaniac (DSM-IV Made Easy, 1994) and only fools and liars defend him.

You are not smart enough to "get the point" to the very question that you asked because you are a stupid fuck.

Trump is "unfit" to you because you are a leftard and only leftards should be in a position of power and anyone that isn't a leftard isn't (snicker) "fit" to lead.

Here is where I stand on that idea....I would gladly (and with great zeal) slit the throat of a leftard from ear to ear before I would ever vote for one. I put leftards , maggots and muslims in the same disgusting category and oddly enough all three are parasites.

"Fuck you!" That's how to write a clear, concise and heart felt ad hominem.

That you have murder on your mind suggests a deep seeded pathology, usually observed in Paranoid Schizophrenics. Fantasy built on hate and fear isn't always a theme in a work of fiction, real monsters in clothes actual exist - and it rarely works out well for the monster.
Calm down, Wry Catcher. :itsok:

I'm not un-calm, my response was rational; I'm not the one with the murderous fantasy.
No, dumb ass......BLACK'S Law Dictionary....allow me to help you out.

Person - Black's Law Dictionary 6th Edition, pg. 791, defines 'person' as follows: "In general usage, ahuman being (i.e. natural person), though by statute term may include labor organizations, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, or receivers."

What's your point, simply being a smug asshole isn't substantive nor relevant to this or any thread. Let me help you out - Trump is unfit and incompetent, a narcissist and a megalomaniac (DSM-IV Made Easy, 1994) and only fools and liars defend him.

You are not smart enough to "get the point" to the very question that you asked because you are a stupid fuck.

Trump is "unfit" to you because you are a leftard and only leftards should be in a position of power and anyone that isn't a leftard isn't (snicker) "fit" to lead.

Here is where I stand on that idea....I would gladly (and with great zeal) slit the throat of a leftard from ear to ear before I would ever vote for one. I put leftards , maggots and muslims in the same disgusting category and oddly enough all three are parasites.

"Fuck you!" That's how to write a clear, concise and heart felt ad hominem.

That you have murder on your mind suggests a deep seeded pathology, usually observed in Paranoid Schizophrenics. Fantasy built on hate and fear isn't always a theme in a work of fiction, real monsters in clothes actual exist - and it rarely works out well for the monster.
Calm down, Wry Catcher. :itsok:

I'm not un-calm, my response was rational; I'm not the one with the murderous fantasy.
Murderous fantasy? Wtf are you talking about now? :laugh:
What's your point, simply being a smug asshole isn't substantive nor relevant to this or any thread. Let me help you out - Trump is unfit and incompetent, a narcissist and a megalomaniac (DSM-IV Made Easy, 1994) and only fools and liars defend him.

You are not smart enough to "get the point" to the very question that you asked because you are a stupid fuck.

Trump is "unfit" to you because you are a leftard and only leftards should be in a position of power and anyone that isn't a leftard isn't (snicker) "fit" to lead.

Here is where I stand on that idea....I would gladly (and with great zeal) slit the throat of a leftard from ear to ear before I would ever vote for one. I put leftards , maggots and muslims in the same disgusting category and oddly enough all three are parasites.

"Fuck you!" That's how to write a clear, concise and heart felt ad hominem.

That you have murder on your mind suggests a deep seeded pathology, usually observed in Paranoid Schizophrenics. Fantasy built on hate and fear isn't always a theme in a work of fiction, real monsters in clothes actual exist - and it rarely works out well for the monster.
Calm down, Wry Catcher. :itsok:

I'm not un-calm, my response was rational; I'm not the one with the murderous fantasy.
Murderous fantasy? Wtf are you talking about now? :laugh:

Read the posts above, then you may be in the loop.
You are not smart enough to "get the point" to the very question that you asked because you are a stupid fuck.

Trump is "unfit" to you because you are a leftard and only leftards should be in a position of power and anyone that isn't a leftard isn't (snicker) "fit" to lead.

Here is where I stand on that idea....I would gladly (and with great zeal) slit the throat of a leftard from ear to ear before I would ever vote for one. I put leftards , maggots and muslims in the same disgusting category and oddly enough all three are parasites.

"Fuck you!" That's how to write a clear, concise and heart felt ad hominem.

That you have murder on your mind suggests a deep seeded pathology, usually observed in Paranoid Schizophrenics. Fantasy built on hate and fear isn't always a theme in a work of fiction, real monsters in clothes actual exist - and it rarely works out well for the monster.
Calm down, Wry Catcher. :itsok:

I'm not un-calm, my response was rational; I'm not the one with the murderous fantasy.
Murderous fantasy? Wtf are you talking about now? :laugh:

Read the posts above, then you may be in the loop.
What makes you think I want to be in any 'loop'?

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