Trump is a walking advertisement for everything we don’t want our children to be

sure and most politicians usually are who we want our children to emulate.

more like they project a completely false image that they know suckers want to see.

look at that senator smile and kiss that baby, Johnny, there's how you pretend to be a good person by projecting an utterly false image while really being a black hearted bastard that would sell your own mother if it helped you.

There are some very good and talented politicians out there, but its easier for you to look to the worst and lump them all together

sure, because that's the norm, but our institutions continue to deteriorate right before our eyes.

uh huh.
Bill Moyer's was a cuck for LBJ as his press secretary. He helped promote to America LBJs great society bill and the 1965 Immigration Act. Both of those legislations began the decline of a moral American society and we are paying the price from it today. Moyer's was no good then as he's no good now.
How wonderful that you can copy and paste, asshole
Bill Moyer's was a cuck for LBJ as his press secretary. He helped promote to America LBJs great society bill and the 1965 Immigration Act. Both of those legislations began the decline of a moral American society and we are paying the price from it today. Moyer's was no good then as he's no good now.
How wonderful that you can copy and paste, asshole
I didn't copy and paste anything, pipsqueak!
The New York Times recently ran a peculiarly pathetic article about yet another victim of the Trump administration that you probably never thought to worry about: the children’s publishing industry. The problem, as the article’s author, Katherine Rosman, repeatedly implies but cannot come out and say, is that Donald Trump is pretty much a walking advertisement for everything we don’t want our children to be. And yet he’s the president. Children are supposed to respect the president. What to do?

Take, for instance the problem of racism. How to explain the fact that not only is Trump a racist, but that racism is a fundamental reason his supporters like him so much? The updated edition of Time Inc.’s Presidents of the United States series explains: “He made controversial remarks about several groups of people, including Latinos, Muslims, African-Americans and women,” and “This led many, including some Republican officials, to back away from him.” Even so, it notes, “Trump continued to receive wide support and thousands of people attended his rallies.”

Like so many journalists who write for grown-ups, the word “controversial” is expected to carry a great deal of freight here. In the above it could mean “racist” or “sexist” or “ignorant” or “violence-promoting” or “rape-friendly.” No less ambiguous are the words applied to Hillary Clinton’s shortcomings. From the Times story:

A True Book: President Donald Trump, released by Scholastic, tells of Mr. Trump’s real estate career, and of public perceptions of his Democratic opponent, Mrs. Clinton. “Clinton was a strong choice for president,” read one paragraph, which concluded, “However, many people did not like Clinton. They felt she was not trustworthy and would not bring enough changes to the government.”
Again, this is a lot like contemporary journalism for presumed adults. The “feeling” that Hillary Clinton was not trustworthy underlaid a significant percentage of the coverage she received. That’s how we came to the ludicrous place where more attention on the network nightly news was focused on Clinton’s use of her email system than was on literally every single other issue combined during the coverage leading from both parties’ conventions to the election itself.

Rest here: Trump for Young Readers -

Thought provoking piece. I remember as a kid I really looked up to president Reagan. He was a stand up guy who wasn't a racist, bigot or misogynist degenerate piece of shit like Trump, and so my perception of the president was very positive. There was a certain "awe" that I can remember having when we would discuss the president in class. I can't imagine what Trump being president must be doing to kids' heads. It must be warping their minds in ways we won't even know about for years.
If you're a neeeeegro, I think the problem is solved.
Holy shit! Dimms now trotting out children in order to criticize Trump and take the focus off of their basically powerless, stagnant, and leaderless party.

All I can say is, children; do not become powerless and stagnant with no one to look up to!
If you want your kids to act like any President in the last 40 years, you might be a terrible parent.

Way to miss the point, as you always do. The point is that the President should be setting a good example for kids. Trump does not.
No, I got it. That's why I said you shouldn't want them to be like any of them :thup:
Trump is a walking advertisement for everything we don’t want our children to be

Bullshit I want my kids to be rich
Trump is a walking advertisement for everything we don’t want our children to be

Bullshit I want my kids to be rich

Funny how conservatives put money above anything else, including being a decent human being with high character and doing something they love.

It literally doesn't matter to you that Trump got rich by screwing his contractors, employees and investors every step of the way. That's because you, like all conservatives, have zero integrity.
If you want your kids to act like any President in the last 40 years, you might be a terrible parent.

Way to miss the point, as you always do. The point is that the President should be setting a good example for kids. Trump does not.

You and your ilk think that comes before national security. Trump does not. Way to miss the point, as you always do.
Funny how conservatives put money above anything else, including being a decent human being with high character and doing something they love
Funny how liberals think anyone with wealth isn't a decent human being.
Actually it's not funny at all it's sick.
Funny how conservatives put money above anything else, including being a decent human being with high character and doing something they love
Funny how liberals think anyone with wealth isn't a decent human being.
Actually it's not funny at all it's sick.

I've got no problem with wealth, as long as it was earned in an ethical way. I also understand that money isn't everything. It won't make you happy.
Funny how conservatives put money above anything else, including being a decent human being with high character and doing something they love
Funny how liberals think anyone with wealth isn't a decent human being.
Actually it's not funny at all it's sick.

I've got no problem with wealth, as long as it was earned in an ethical way. I also understand that money isn't everything. It won't make you happy.
It won't make you happy.


sad and poor


sad and rich...

decisions, decisions
The OP must think we here never come in contact with liberals. I do every day, they are tight as hell, they complain constantly over high prices and high taxes and they do whatever they can to pay as little as possible.
Liberals in my experience are the tightest money hoarders on the planet.
Liberals also blame everyone but themselves for their plight in life. It's the rich, it's the greedy, it's big business, it's big oil, it's big phama, it's the Russians. Everyone is out to screw them and take their money from them. Everyone wants to poison them and the earth. From my dealings with libs they are the cheapest people around and almost impossible to work for.
Have you ever given a estimate to an aging hippie? Holy Cow they act as if no one should be allowed to earn a decent income but them.
I would rather have my kids follow Trump than crooked Hillary any day and all day.

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