Trump Is Coming Back!!! :D

Look at him.. He's barely 6'3" and he's got at least a 54 inch waist.

Funny: 'Impotus Americanus' Trump Weighs Over 300 Pounds ...
Aug 01, 2020 · The narrator further describes Trump as: “A ruddy orange color not found in nature.” “Once an alpha predator, this elderly specimen now weighs somewhat over 300 pounds due to its diet of fast food.” “In its youth, it pursued females with other predators like Molestus Epstein.”
300 lbs? That's underguessing.
If you morons believe that even though the Dems were not in power, they cheated and won, why won't they cheat again when they are in power? Idiots.

So, let me let you in on a little secret. We Dems have set it up so that Rump will never win. So, don't waste your time. Stay home. We Got This!!!! :auiqs.jpg:
They had both houses, or did you forget that?

Deny and cry and deny some more you lying quack.
I just prefer proof in courts, to accusations, you partisan hack. You guys had half the Clinton administration when you controlled Congress with Newt, 8 years of George W and 4 years of donny, with a personal Attorney General, to get something on the record and into a trial, but failed, repeatedly failed, I might add. Now it could be that ultra-right wing lawyers and investigators just aren't worth a damn, or it could be, the Clinton are masterminds beyond your level of intelligence, or it could be, they never found the goods to prove any accusations that may have been true, or it could be just more partisan accusatory attacks that don't mean diddly squat, as you guys do a lot of conspiracy theories for fun and profit, shooting your credibility, so normal people pay you no mind. Now a generation has gone by, and we'll probably never know, and it is the fault of you and people like you.
Rolling in the dough, and siphoning off a bundle for his own interests. Nothing like fleecing the sheep and having accountants make your Big Mac.toothpaste or monthly electric bill look like a campaign expense. The sheep on the right side of the pasture never seem to learn.

White 6 pls read the following names... You have some nerve calling folks on the right sheep... What does this make the folks on the left?

William Jefferson Clinton
Barack Hussein Obama II
Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

Three (3) FUCKING politicians who have never earned a honest dollar amongst the 3 of them...

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