Trump is considering firing Mueller??

Why because your political action committees PACS are putting out negative advertisements about Comey? Smearing his good name?

Us liberals don't have much love for Comey. He can eat a dick and I'm glad he is getting what he deserved for interfering in our elections.

And I'm glad you agree polls mean dick. I can tell you regardless of what polls say Trump isn't that popular. People don't trust him. Is he working for us or Trump Co?

Most people think Trump is trying to help himself, not the country.

Mar-a-Lago Is Just the Start of Trump’s Ethical Mess

Donald Trump's Conflicts of Interest: A Crib Sheet

9 months of investigations. Zero to show for if other then a worm getting canned. As for the polls meaning dick, yup, they were so accurate during the election. As far as PACs go, that's what they do. The left uses them to. But Comey should be hounded and destroyed. Probubly will be after Lynch is drug into all this mess.
Bullshit. There's something there with that Flynn guy. I'm comparing you to a guy who kills his wife. He asks the police, "do you have the evidence you need to convict me yet? NO? Then drop the case before you find anything". Come on! 9 months is a long time. Of course Republicans investigated Benghazi for how many years? And what about Hillary's emails? Did you find anything? No? Well that didn't stop you. You still think there is something there with her emails right? So then the investigation is not over. Shut the fuck up and let the law take its course. LOL

Maybe there is something with Flynn, but what there isn't is collusion, and there is no obstruction, per Comey by the way. You libs are simple animals. All one has to do is stir your emotions. Reason, truth common sense be damned you libs will follow yalls menstrations over fact any day. The law has taken its course. There is nothing there. Trump won't be impeached. You may go color and pet a goat now.

Trump confessed to Obstruction of Justice, you stupid idiot.


When did this happen?

It diddnt. Trump diddnt.
Maybe there is something with Flynn, but what there isn't is collusion, and there is no obstruction, per Comey by the way. You libs are simple animals. All one has to do is stir your emotions. Reason, truth common sense be damned you libs will follow yalls menstrations over fact any day. The law has taken its course. There is nothing there. Trump won't be impeached. You may go color and pet a goat now.

Give it time. Like Benghazi. Maybe trump can testify about Russia before the 2020 election for 14 hours like Hillary did. All for fucking nothing. LOL

We shall see, they did get away with letting Chris Stephens die, love Kelly even made some money on it, but this investigation is already turning towards HalfBlackJesus. Only a matter of time before his and every libs worst nightmare comes true and that would be hammers legacy getting shit on. More.

My worst nightmares are already coming true. I don't give a fuck about what he does to poor people, blacks, gays, muslims, women. I'm none of those things. But I am a citizen of this planet.

I hate Republicans. I would actually wake up happy if I found out every Republican killed themselves in the middle of the night.

Trump Administration Scraps New Protection For Endangered Whales, Sea Turtles | HuffPost

I might even like some Republicans but as far as I'm concerned they'd be collateral damage. The price would be small to clean up this planet. I value the Whale species more than I do Republicans. This is why I love it when Republicans get abortions.

Why do you hate Republicans?

This should be good................
I was alive during Bush 1 and didn't like a lot of anti labor stuff Reagan did. He was the start of our illegal immigration problem and it was to flood the market with cheap labor. You forget back then Republicans were for NAFTA and jobs Americans won't do. You seem to remember that republicans freed the slaves but you have short term memory problems. LOL.

So Bush 1 sucked, Clinton rocked and Republicans behaved very hypocritically. They also pushed a pro rich anti worker agenda. Then Bush 2 sucked real bad. Him, Alberto Gonzales, Chaney, Rove, Delay, Hastert. Should I go on? It was a very bad time especially for manufacturing. The back bone of our middle class.

So I'm glad Trump is pro labor. Republicans historically have not been.

And I don't like the way Republicans behaved with Obama. Trying to make him a one term president. Assholes. They slowed down our recovery. You have to admit they didn't go along with any infrastructure spending. They fought everything he tried. Now lets see how Republicans do. So far not so good.

What's to love about them? Don't give me any catch phrases or talking points. What are they doing that I should like? If you say cutting foodstamps, show me that translates into a lower debt or cutting my taxes. It'll never happen. They'll just spend more money on the rich and less on us and call it trickle down.

Persistent buggers though I'll give them that. Every unpopular position they tried pushing 8 years ago, they're passing those policies today. The American people don't pay attention enough to realize how badly the GOP are fucking us all.

Needless (for most) to say, illegal immigration did not begin under Reagan. Some people seem to think that reality only began with their own earliest reference points. This misconception is antithetical to the understanding of history.
Give it time. Like Benghazi. Maybe trump can testify about Russia before the 2020 election for 14 hours like Hillary did. All for fucking nothing. LOL

We shall see, they did get away with letting Chris Stephens die, love Kelly even made some money on it, but this investigation is already turning towards HalfBlackJesus. Only a matter of time before his and every libs worst nightmare comes true and that would be hammers legacy getting shit on. More.

My worst nightmares are already coming true. I don't give a fuck about what he does to poor people, blacks, gays, muslims, women. I'm none of those things. But I am a citizen of this planet.

I hate Republicans. I would actually wake up happy if I found out every Republican killed themselves in the middle of the night.

Trump Administration Scraps New Protection For Endangered Whales, Sea Turtles | HuffPost

I might even like some Republicans but as far as I'm concerned they'd be collateral damage. The price would be small to clean up this planet. I value the Whale species more than I do Republicans. This is why I love it when Republicans get abortions.

Why do you hate Republicans?

This should be good................
I was alive during Bush 1 and didn't like a lot of anti labor stuff Reagan did. He was the start of our illegal immigration problem and it was to flood the market with cheap labor. You forget back then Republicans were for NAFTA and jobs Americans won't do. You seem to remember that republicans freed the slaves but you have short term memory problems. LOL.

So Bush 1 sucked, Clinton rocked and Republicans behaved very hypocritically. They also pushed a pro rich anti worker agenda. Then Bush 2 sucked real bad. Him, Alberto Gonzales, Chaney, Rove, Delay, Hastert. Should I go on? It was a very bad time especially for manufacturing. The back bone of our middle class.

So I'm glad Trump is pro labor. Republicans historically have not been.

And I don't like the way Republicans behaved with Obama. Trying to make him a one term president. Assholes. They slowed down our recovery. You have to admit they didn't go along with any infrastructure spending. They fought everything he tried. Now lets see how Republicans do. So far not so good.

What's to love about them? Don't give me any catch phrases or talking points. What are they doing that I should like? If you say cutting foodstamps, show me that translates into a lower debt or cutting my taxes. It'll never happen. They'll just spend more money on the rich and less on us and call it trickle down.

Persistent buggers though I'll give them that. Every unpopular position they tried pushing 8 years ago, they're passing those policies today. The American people don't pay attention enough to realize how badly the GOP are fucking us all.

Needless (for most) to say, illegal immigration did not begin under Reagan. Some people seem to think that reality only began with their own earliest reference points. This misconception is antithetical to the understanding of history.
I understand before Reagan we didn't have a problem. Migrants came picked fruit and left at the end of the season. Then Reagan's admin stopped going after companies that hired illegals and it went from 1 million to ten. And they were doing things Americans do

I don't blame the immigrants one bit. I blame the GOP and corporations .

35% of America's workforce was union before Reagan. Today what is it 12%? No coincidence during the decline wages stanated. Then add illegals to the pot. If Reagan didn't do it on purpose he's stupid
Give it time. Like Benghazi. Maybe trump can testify about Russia before the 2020 election for 14 hours like Hillary did. All for fucking nothing. LOL

We shall see, they did get away with letting Chris Stephens die, love Kelly even made some money on it, but this investigation is already turning towards HalfBlackJesus. Only a matter of time before his and every libs worst nightmare comes true and that would be hammers legacy getting shit on. More.

My worst nightmares are already coming true. I don't give a fuck about what he does to poor people, blacks, gays, muslims, women. I'm none of those things. But I am a citizen of this planet.

I hate Republicans. I would actually wake up happy if I found out every Republican killed themselves in the middle of the night.

Trump Administration Scraps New Protection For Endangered Whales, Sea Turtles | HuffPost

I might even like some Republicans but as far as I'm concerned they'd be collateral damage. The price would be small to clean up this planet. I value the Whale species more than I do Republicans. This is why I love it when Republicans get abortions.

Why do you hate Republicans?

This should be good................
I was alive during Bush 1 and didn't like a lot of anti labor stuff Reagan did. He was the start of our illegal immigration problem and it was to flood the market with cheap labor. You forget back then Republicans were for NAFTA and jobs Americans won't do. You seem to remember that republicans freed the slaves but you have short term memory problems. LOL.

So Bush 1 sucked, Clinton rocked and Republicans behaved very hypocritically. They also pushed a pro rich anti worker agenda. Then Bush 2 sucked real bad. Him, Alberto Gonzales, Chaney, Rove, Delay, Hastert. Should I go on? It was a very bad time especially for manufacturing. The back bone of our middle class.

So I'm glad Trump is pro labor. Republicans historically have not been.

And I don't like the way Republicans behaved with Obama. Trying to make him a one term president. Assholes. They slowed down our recovery. You have to admit they didn't go along with any infrastructure spending. They fought everything he tried. Now lets see how Republicans do. So far not so good.

What's to love about them? Don't give me any catch phrases or talking points. What are they doing that I should like? If you say cutting foodstamps, show me that translates into a lower debt or cutting my taxes. It'll never happen. They'll just spend more money on the rich and less on us and call it trickle down.

Persistent buggers though I'll give them that. Every unpopular position they tried pushing 8 years ago, they're passing those policies today. The American people don't pay attention enough to realize how badly the GOP are fucking us all.

Needless (for most) to say, illegal immigration did not begin under Reagan. Some people seem to think that reality only began with their own earliest reference points. This misconception is antithetical to the understanding of history.

We shall see, they did get away with letting Chris Stephens die, love Kelly even made some money on it, but this investigation is already turning towards HalfBlackJesus. Only a matter of time before his and every libs worst nightmare comes true and that would be hammers legacy getting shit on. More.

My worst nightmares are already coming true. I don't give a fuck about what he does to poor people, blacks, gays, muslims, women. I'm none of those things. But I am a citizen of this planet.

I hate Republicans. I would actually wake up happy if I found out every Republican killed themselves in the middle of the night.

Trump Administration Scraps New Protection For Endangered Whales, Sea Turtles | HuffPost

I might even like some Republicans but as far as I'm concerned they'd be collateral damage. The price would be small to clean up this planet. I value the Whale species more than I do Republicans. This is why I love it when Republicans get abortions.

Why do you hate Republicans?

This should be good................
I was alive during Bush 1 and didn't like a lot of anti labor stuff Reagan did. He was the start of our illegal immigration problem and it was to flood the market with cheap labor. You forget back then Republicans were for NAFTA and jobs Americans won't do. You seem to remember that republicans freed the slaves but you have short term memory problems. LOL.

So Bush 1 sucked, Clinton rocked and Republicans behaved very hypocritically. They also pushed a pro rich anti worker agenda. Then Bush 2 sucked real bad. Him, Alberto Gonzales, Chaney, Rove, Delay, Hastert. Should I go on? It was a very bad time especially for manufacturing. The back bone of our middle class.

So I'm glad Trump is pro labor. Republicans historically have not been.

And I don't like the way Republicans behaved with Obama. Trying to make him a one term president. Assholes. They slowed down our recovery. You have to admit they didn't go along with any infrastructure spending. They fought everything he tried. Now lets see how Republicans do. So far not so good.

What's to love about them? Don't give me any catch phrases or talking points. What are they doing that I should like? If you say cutting foodstamps, show me that translates into a lower debt or cutting my taxes. It'll never happen. They'll just spend more money on the rich and less on us and call it trickle down.

Persistent buggers though I'll give them that. Every unpopular position they tried pushing 8 years ago, they're passing those policies today. The American people don't pay attention enough to realize how badly the GOP are fucking us all.

Needless (for most) to say, illegal immigration did not begin under Reagan. Some people seem to think that reality only began with their own earliest reference points. This misconception is antithetical to the understanding of history.
I understand before Reagan we didn't have a problem. ...

If Trump and his staff are innocent, then why are they fighting these investigations? Robert Mueller and James Comey are career law enforcement administrators with no political agendas, and now Trump wants to fire Mueller as well as Comey?? As old Walter Cronkite said: "It just keeps getting curiouser and curiouser".....

FAKE NEWS :bsflag:

My worst nightmares are already coming true. I don't give a fuck about what he does to poor people, blacks, gays, muslims, women. I'm none of those things. But I am a citizen of this planet.

I hate Republicans. I would actually wake up happy if I found out every Republican killed themselves in the middle of the night.

Trump Administration Scraps New Protection For Endangered Whales, Sea Turtles | HuffPost

I might even like some Republicans but as far as I'm concerned they'd be collateral damage. The price would be small to clean up this planet. I value the Whale species more than I do Republicans. This is why I love it when Republicans get abortions.

Why do you hate Republicans?

This should be good................
I was alive during Bush 1 and didn't like a lot of anti labor stuff Reagan did. He was the start of our illegal immigration problem and it was to flood the market with cheap labor. You forget back then Republicans were for NAFTA and jobs Americans won't do. You seem to remember that republicans freed the slaves but you have short term memory problems. LOL.

So Bush 1 sucked, Clinton rocked and Republicans behaved very hypocritically. They also pushed a pro rich anti worker agenda. Then Bush 2 sucked real bad. Him, Alberto Gonzales, Chaney, Rove, Delay, Hastert. Should I go on? It was a very bad time especially for manufacturing. The back bone of our middle class.

So I'm glad Trump is pro labor. Republicans historically have not been.

And I don't like the way Republicans behaved with Obama. Trying to make him a one term president. Assholes. They slowed down our recovery. You have to admit they didn't go along with any infrastructure spending. They fought everything he tried. Now lets see how Republicans do. So far not so good.

What's to love about them? Don't give me any catch phrases or talking points. What are they doing that I should like? If you say cutting foodstamps, show me that translates into a lower debt or cutting my taxes. It'll never happen. They'll just spend more money on the rich and less on us and call it trickle down.

Persistent buggers though I'll give them that. Every unpopular position they tried pushing 8 years ago, they're passing those policies today. The American people don't pay attention enough to realize how badly the GOP are fucking us all.

Needless (for most) to say, illegal immigration did not begin under Reagan. Some people seem to think that reality only began with their own earliest reference points. This misconception is antithetical to the understanding of history.
I understand before Reagan we didn't have a problem. ...

Prove it
Why do you hate Republicans?

This should be good................
I was alive during Bush 1 and didn't like a lot of anti labor stuff Reagan did. He was the start of our illegal immigration problem and it was to flood the market with cheap labor. You forget back then Republicans were for NAFTA and jobs Americans won't do. You seem to remember that republicans freed the slaves but you have short term memory problems. LOL.

So Bush 1 sucked, Clinton rocked and Republicans behaved very hypocritically. They also pushed a pro rich anti worker agenda. Then Bush 2 sucked real bad. Him, Alberto Gonzales, Chaney, Rove, Delay, Hastert. Should I go on? It was a very bad time especially for manufacturing. The back bone of our middle class.

So I'm glad Trump is pro labor. Republicans historically have not been.

And I don't like the way Republicans behaved with Obama. Trying to make him a one term president. Assholes. They slowed down our recovery. You have to admit they didn't go along with any infrastructure spending. They fought everything he tried. Now lets see how Republicans do. So far not so good.

What's to love about them? Don't give me any catch phrases or talking points. What are they doing that I should like? If you say cutting foodstamps, show me that translates into a lower debt or cutting my taxes. It'll never happen. They'll just spend more money on the rich and less on us and call it trickle down.

Persistent buggers though I'll give them that. Every unpopular position they tried pushing 8 years ago, they're passing those policies today. The American people don't pay attention enough to realize how badly the GOP are fucking us all.

Needless (for most) to say, illegal immigration did not begin under Reagan. Some people seem to think that reality only began with their own earliest reference points. This misconception is antithetical to the understanding of history.
I understand before Reagan we didn't have a problem. ...

Prove it

In the 1950s more than twice as many Mexicans entered the US each year as quotas allowed for. And anyone who is actually aware of the history knows that the current state of immigration to the US took shape starting just after 1965.

I'll save you the trouble of Googling: Reagan was not President in 1965.
I was alive during Bush 1 and didn't like a lot of anti labor stuff Reagan did. He was the start of our illegal immigration problem and it was to flood the market with cheap labor. You forget back then Republicans were for NAFTA and jobs Americans won't do. You seem to remember that republicans freed the slaves but you have short term memory problems. LOL.

So Bush 1 sucked, Clinton rocked and Republicans behaved very hypocritically. They also pushed a pro rich anti worker agenda. Then Bush 2 sucked real bad. Him, Alberto Gonzales, Chaney, Rove, Delay, Hastert. Should I go on? It was a very bad time especially for manufacturing. The back bone of our middle class.

So I'm glad Trump is pro labor. Republicans historically have not been.

And I don't like the way Republicans behaved with Obama. Trying to make him a one term president. Assholes. They slowed down our recovery. You have to admit they didn't go along with any infrastructure spending. They fought everything he tried. Now lets see how Republicans do. So far not so good.

What's to love about them? Don't give me any catch phrases or talking points. What are they doing that I should like? If you say cutting foodstamps, show me that translates into a lower debt or cutting my taxes. It'll never happen. They'll just spend more money on the rich and less on us and call it trickle down.

Persistent buggers though I'll give them that. Every unpopular position they tried pushing 8 years ago, they're passing those policies today. The American people don't pay attention enough to realize how badly the GOP are fucking us all.

Needless (for most) to say, illegal immigration did not begin under Reagan. Some people seem to think that reality only began with their own earliest reference points. This misconception is antithetical to the understanding of history.
I understand before Reagan we didn't have a problem. ...

Prove it

In the 1950s more than twice as many Mexicans entered the US each year as quotas allowed for. And anyone who is actually aware of the history knows that the current state of immigration to the US took shape starting just after 1965.

I'll save you the trouble of Googling: Reagan was not President in 1965.

Between the Reagan years - when there were only around 1 to 2 million illegal aliens in our workforce - and today, we've gone from about 25 percent of our private workforce being unionized to around seven percent. Much of this is the direct result - as César Chávez predicted - of illegal immigrants competing directly with unionized and legal labor. Although it's most obvious in the construction trades over the past 30 years, it's hit all sectors of our economy.

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

Can you tell me how many you are talking about poncho? Because I bet the numbers in 1965 pale in comparison to the numbers on Reagan's watch. What are you talking about from 500,000 to a million?

And I could also go back and show you that my grandfather came here illegally from Greece before 1965. Wasn't a problem back then. It is now. And this problem we have now started on Reagans watch. He and the Republicans did it on purpose to lower wages. Flood the market with workers. In 1965 no one gave a shit except for maybe unions who knew. Yes, I'm sure Americans warned about illegals long before Reagan, but as Thom Hartmann is telling you we went from 1 million to 10 million on Reagans watch. On purpose.
If Trump and his staff are innocent, then why are they fighting these investigations? Robert Mueller and James Comey are a career law enforcement administrators with no political agendas, and now Trump wants to fire Mueller as well as Comey?? As old Walter Cronkite said: "It just keeps getting curiouser and curiouser".....
I hope he does. Then people will believe Trump and his team acted inappropriately. If they let Mueller do his job, he will say "no smoking gun".

Oh, and I don't believe he's going to fire the guy. I think he wants people to think he doesn't like the guy so people don't think Mueller is loyal to Trump. He is. He's not going to uncover the truth. That's ok. Let the voters use their imagination.

POLL: Americans Trust James Comey Over Trump | HuffPost

Maybe we could run Comey against Trump.

To bad the poll means dick. And we will see how Comeys rep holds up over time. It's already taking a blow.
Why because your political action committees PACS are putting out negative advertisements about Comey? Smearing his good name?

Us liberals don't have much love for Comey. He can eat a dick and I'm glad he is getting what he deserved for interfering in our elections.

And I'm glad you agree polls mean dick. I can tell you regardless of what polls say Trump isn't that popular. People don't trust him. Is he working for us or Trump Co?

Most people think Trump is trying to help himself, not the country.

Mar-a-Lago Is Just the Start of Trump’s Ethical Mess

Donald Trump's Conflicts of Interest: A Crib Sheet

9 months of investigations. Zero to show for if other then a worm getting canned. As for the polls meaning dick, yup, they were so accurate during the election. As far as PACs go, that's what they do. The left uses them to. But Comey should be hounded and destroyed. Probubly will be after Lynch is drug into all this mess.
Bullshit. There's something there with that Flynn guy. I'm comparing you to a guy who kills his wife. He asks the police, "do you have the evidence you need to convict me yet? NO? Then drop the case before you find anything". Come on! 9 months is a long time. Of course Republicans investigated Benghazi for how many years? And what about Hillary's emails? Did you find anything? No? Well that didn't stop you. You still think there is something there with her emails right? So then the investigation is not over. Shut the fuck up and let the law take its course. LOL
Comey laid out the case for Hillary's emails being illegal. Did you forget that? He then took the law into his own hands by suggesting she not be prosecuted. Evidence? Yes there is plenty as laid out by Comey. Selective memory sux. So, to suggest there is no evidence for Hillary's illegal emailing is a LIE
I hope he does. Then people will believe Trump and his team acted inappropriately. If they let Mueller do his job, he will say "no smoking gun".

Oh, and I don't believe he's going to fire the guy. I think he wants people to think he doesn't like the guy so people don't think Mueller is loyal to Trump. He is. He's not going to uncover the truth. That's ok. Let the voters use their imagination.

POLL: Americans Trust James Comey Over Trump | HuffPost

Maybe we could run Comey against Trump.

To bad the poll means dick. And we will see how Comeys rep holds up over time. It's already taking a blow.
Why because your political action committees PACS are putting out negative advertisements about Comey? Smearing his good name?

Us liberals don't have much love for Comey. He can eat a dick and I'm glad he is getting what he deserved for interfering in our elections.

And I'm glad you agree polls mean dick. I can tell you regardless of what polls say Trump isn't that popular. People don't trust him. Is he working for us or Trump Co?

Most people think Trump is trying to help himself, not the country.

Mar-a-Lago Is Just the Start of Trump’s Ethical Mess

Donald Trump's Conflicts of Interest: A Crib Sheet

9 months of investigations. Zero to show for if other then a worm getting canned. As for the polls meaning dick, yup, they were so accurate during the election. As far as PACs go, that's what they do. The left uses them to. But Comey should be hounded and destroyed. Probubly will be after Lynch is drug into all this mess.
Bullshit. There's something there with that Flynn guy. I'm comparing you to a guy who kills his wife. He asks the police, "do you have the evidence you need to convict me yet? NO? Then drop the case before you find anything". Come on! 9 months is a long time. Of course Republicans investigated Benghazi for how many years? And what about Hillary's emails? Did you find anything? No? Well that didn't stop you. You still think there is something there with her emails right? So then the investigation is not over. Shut the fuck up and let the law take its course. LOL
Comey laid out the case for Hillary's emails being illegal. Did you forget that? He then took the law into his own hands by suggesting she not be prosecuted. Evidence? Yes there is plenty as laid out by Comey. Selective memory sux. So, to suggest there is no evidence for Hillary's illegal emailing is a LIE

Not illegal. That's a judgement call. Just like he made a judgement call should he showboat 3 days before the election and decided to showboat. And Comey also says there's something to this Jeff Sessions thing. Do you take him at his word all the time or just some of the time? I'd say his credibility is a lot better than Trumps. so would....

45 percent of voters said they trust Comey more to tell the truth, compared to 32 percent for Trump. Twenty-three percent have no opinion.

Forty-six percent of US citizens aged 18 and over think Comey is “more honest and trustworthy” than US President Donald Trump, who is trusted by 26 percent of the respondents

Barring tapes, I choose to trust Comey over Trump

Trump and his supporters want us to believe that the scandals surrounding him and his administration are the result of a conspiracy.

There are many dedicated and ethical true patriots in government who are not comfortable with the way that Trump and his administration conduct themselves. There is no conspiracy. There are only good people who recognize corruption and are concerned for our nation.

When Trump summoned James Comey to the White House, dismissed everyone from the room and told him that he wanted him to take actions regarding an active FBI investigation Trump placed Comey into a situation where his career was at stake if he didn’t do as Trump requested. This is an instance of the president using his position to influence an active investigation. That is obstruction of justice.

Then he fired him. The proof is that he fired him. Then Trump admitted he fired him over the russia investigation. This is getting good.

James Comey: I believe I was fired by Trump because of the Russia investigation

Comey, pointing to Trump’s own comments, believes he was fired because of the Russia probe

“I take the president at his word that I was fired because of the Russia investigation.”

Comey said that he came to that conclusion after watching Trump’s interview with NBC News, conducted not long after the FBI director was fired, and reading press accounts about why the president fired him.

After firing Comey, Trump’s White House had initially claimed he was dismissed due to how he acted during the Hillary Clinton email investigation last year. Trump soon contradicted that, telling NBC News that he fired him while thinking about the Russia probe
Remember Obama's Kenyan family slipped and said he was born there when they asked them where was Obama born and Republicans claim that's the smoking gun that Obama wasn't born in Hawaii? Well Trump admitted he fired Comey for Russia. Can't deny he did that.

If Trump and his staff are innocent, then why are they fighting these investigations? Robert Mueller and James Comey are career law enforcement administrators with no political agendas, and now Trump wants to fire Mueller as well as Comey?? As old Walter Cronkite said: "It just keeps getting curiouser and curiouser".....

Um, no one has done more then speculate on fireing Muller. You guys need to stop jumping on every single thing. It makes y'all look desperate.

Ryan came on tv just a few minutes ago and said let Mueller do his job... The GOP will not back Trump if he does..

Trump probably leaked the possibility of firing Mueller to see the reactions ...

A Clinton "trial balloon?"
What investigations? Didn't Sessions testimony convince people that there is absolutely nothing to the vague and unspecified allegations of collusion with the Russian government? Be careful what you wish for lefties. The Clintons are far more vulnerable to indictment as is the former FBI director and Obama's former A.G.
What investigations? Didn't Sessions testimony convince people that there is absolutely nothing to the vague and unspecified allegations of collusion with the Russian government? Be careful what you wish for lefties. The Clintons are far more vulnerable to indictment as is the former FBI director and Obama's former A.G.

Sessions sounded like what a liar sounds like before they are caught. I always want to ask them at the time they are lying, "can we cut your tongue out if this turns out to be a lie?" Because what will happen to Jeff Sessions if he is caught lying? Will he be fired and then go back to the private sector and become a lobbyist making millions for his connections?

All they have to do is get the economy going and all this will go away. What were the jobs numbers last month? No better than Obama's numbers? Then we are still waiting. What are wages? Have they gone up? These are the things the American people care about. Don't use these things as excuses why you aint getting it done. You did this shit to Obama so I guess we are going to hold you to a very high standard too.

How is Afganistan doing? Last I heard not so good. A big offensive coming up. I sure hope Trump knows more than the Generals. That's what he said.

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