Trump is currently addressing the March against Women's Reproductive Rights

only to uneducated uninformed trumptards.

try again.

We did not elect Trump to be popular, we elected him to get things done and fix the mess created by Obama, the Bushes, and Clinton. He is doing exactly what we sent him to DC to do.

IOW you have no respect for what most Americans want. You want rule by minority.

the last president we had won twice with 52% of the vote and they obstructed that, too.

they think THEY'RE "the people".... even though they don't reflect anything that the average American wants or believes in. but angry, uneducated misogynist bigots are like that.
Every president that came out of the right in recent history is a clown.

Clinton and Obama, the two biggest presidential clowns in history did not come from the right, actually neither did either of the Bushes. So, to summarize, you are full of shit.
You must live under a rock and your only source of information is fox. Your clown is the most hated person on earth.
We did not elect Trump to be popular, we elected him to get things done and fix the mess created by Obama, the Bushes, and Clinton. He is doing exactly what we sent him to DC to do.

IOW you have no respect for what most Americans want. You want rule by minority.

the last president we had won twice with 52% of the vote and they obstructed that, too.

they think THEY'RE "the people".... even though they don't reflect anything that the average American wants or believes in. but angry, uneducated misogynist bigots are like that.
Every president that came out of the right in recent history is a clown.

Clinton and Obama, the two biggest presidential clowns in history did not come from the right, actually neither did either of the Bushes. So, to summarize, you are full of shit.
You must live under a rock and your only source of information is fox. Your clown is the most hated person on earth.

certainly hated by anti-America socialists like you. But we understand, you hate the police, the military, God, religion (except the religion of AGW), the constitution, and everything that has made this country great. YOU are a traitor of the worst kind.
IOW you have no respect for what most Americans want. You want rule by minority.

I want rule by majority, in accordance with our constitution and our existing body of law. Got news for you, Most americans do not agree with your left wing ideas. the media is lying to you when they tell you that they do.
Constitution of the dark ages...and we laugh at the Taliban.

if you don't like our laws, our culture, and our constitution-----------------LEAVE.

Jilly, I'm curious, why do you find that funny? Why is it funny to you for an American to support the American constitution, American culture, and American laws?

well, fishy.... because only a moron doesn't understand that your orange sociopath isn't a dictator and there are others who have a say besides your extremist thirty-ish percent.

that's why we all laugh at people like you. does it give you a sad, trumpflake?

what has Trump tried to dictate? Obama and the dems DICTATED obamacare on us. He also dictated the Iran nuke deal. Both were massive failures. So tell me please, what has Trump dictated?
I want rule by majority, in accordance with our constitution and our existing body of law. Got news for you, Most americans do not agree with your left wing ideas. the media is lying to you when they tell you that they do.
Constitution of the dark ages...and we laugh at the Taliban.

if you don't like our laws, our culture, and our constitution-----------------LEAVE.

Jilly, I'm curious, why do you find that funny? Why is it funny to you for an American to support the American constitution, American culture, and American laws?

well, fishy.... because only a moron doesn't understand that your orange sociopath isn't a dictator and there are others who have a say besides your extremist thirty-ish percent.

that's why we all laugh at people like you. does it give you a sad, trumpflake?

what has Trump tried to dictate? Obama and the dems DICTATED obamacare on us. He also dictated the Iran nuke deal. Both were massive failures. So tell me please, what has Trump dictated?
Obamacare still here. And Trump honored the Iran deal. Good morning !!!
Just for clarity regarding the OP. Murder of unborn human beings is not a reproductive right, it is murder for convenience.

clayton thinks this is funny. So I ask you clayton, if abortion before birth is OK, why not allow kids to be killed up to 2 years old if they become a problem for their mother? Same logic applies, right? What difference does it make if they are in or out of the womb?
No, ignorance and stupidity are worthy of ridicule, your post is consequently a joke and devoid of merit.

What is not funny, however, is conservative authoritarianism, the right’s contempt for privacy rights, their desire to compel conformity through force of law, and conservatives’ advocacy of more government interfering in citizens’ private lives.

LOL, your arrogance accompanied by your ignorance make you a complete fool. You talk about government interference, but you support the global warmers that want to control your thermostats, you ability to drive where you want, the kind of car you can drive, the size of your house, what you can eat, etc. you also want to deprive unborn human beings of their right to life and allow them to be murdered for convenience. You also support higher taxes in order to fund more government intrusion. You are a walking talking contradiction i.e a typical liberal.

The unborn have no right to life. The Constitution is clear on that.

really? then why is someone who kills a pregnant woman charged with two counts or murder. If the unborn have no right to life, why does every state and the federal government indict such a murderer with two counts of murder?

Now, please quote the language in the constitution that says that unborn humans do not have the right to life. A real quote from the constitution, not some talking point or left wing judge's ruling.

The U.S. Supreme court considers a baby in the womb a FETUS, without human rights until it is born and breathing. I just gave you links to that--try reading some of them for a change.

They consider it a FETUS for very clear REASONS. Since our laws do NOT discriminate. If a fetus had the same rights as a human.

1. Common miscarriages would have to be investigated. An autopsy would have to preformed and possible charges could be launched at the mother for malfeasance.
2. You get into an accident with a pregnant woman and the fetus dies, you could be charged with criminal manslaughter.

Now while I understand that YOU believe that all pregnancies go along just fine, and out pops a healthy baby after 9 months, that's really not the case. There are fetus's that have severe mental and physical disabilities (heart, lungs, & diseases) that are aborted, and (not just because the woman) wanted to use it as a birth control measure.


1. So is the Republican party going to tell a woman that she needs to die to give birth to a baby, whom may already have 2 kids at home she needs to raise, along with a husband that may object to that?

2. Is the Republican party going to tell the parents of a young girl that she needs to risk her life to give birth after being raped by a relative?

3. Is the Republican party going to tell a lucky to be alive woman who has been brutally raped, to carry a baby to full term, when she is only trying to put her life back together, and whom also may have a husband and family members that would object to that?

4. Is the Republican party going to interfere into the decisions of parents who are looking at a fetus that is severely mentally or physically deformed & force them to give birth and then pay for lifelong medical expenses?

Mike Pence was for that--:badgrin:
Pence signs new abortion restrictions into law with a prayer
Federal judge blocks Indiana abortion law signed by Pence

And of course Mike Huckabee was on FOX NEWS promoting 9 & 10 year old girls giving birth after being continually raped by a relative.

It's very clear that the above are the intentions & wants of the Republican Party. Which is why the U.S. Supreme court exists--and we can only Thank God it does exist. You have no business nor right to intervene into the personal--very private decisions of women--and their families. Roe v Wade is here to stay.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

Now you know why the largest voting block in this country (women) are running from the Republican party. An estimated-67% plus will vote for Democrats in the midterm election cycle in November 2018.
Last edited:
Constitution of the dark ages...and we laugh at the Taliban.

if you don't like our laws, our culture, and our constitution-----------------LEAVE.

Jilly, I'm curious, why do you find that funny? Why is it funny to you for an American to support the American constitution, American culture, and American laws?

well, fishy.... because only a moron doesn't understand that your orange sociopath isn't a dictator and there are others who have a say besides your extremist thirty-ish percent.

that's why we all laugh at people like you. does it give you a sad, trumpflake?

what has Trump tried to dictate? Obama and the dems DICTATED obamacare on us. He also dictated the Iran nuke deal. Both were massive failures. So tell me please, what has Trump dictated?
Obamacare still here. And Trump honored the Iran deal. Good morning !!!

the obamacare mandate is gone. The rest of it is failing and will be gone soon.

Trump will not let the Iranians get nuclear capability. The "deal" was totally one sided. Obozo caved to his brother muslims and gave them dollars and the ability to build nukes------------------and we got---------------nothing.

try to keep up with current events and stop listening to the liars on CNN and MSNBC.
clayton thinks this is funny. So I ask you clayton, if abortion before birth is OK, why not allow kids to be killed up to 2 years old if they become a problem for their mother? Same logic applies, right? What difference does it make if they are in or out of the womb?
No, ignorance and stupidity are worthy of ridicule, your post is consequently a joke and devoid of merit.

What is not funny, however, is conservative authoritarianism, the right’s contempt for privacy rights, their desire to compel conformity through force of law, and conservatives’ advocacy of more government interfering in citizens’ private lives.

LOL, your arrogance accompanied by your ignorance make you a complete fool. You talk about government interference, but you support the global warmers that want to control your thermostats, you ability to drive where you want, the kind of car you can drive, the size of your house, what you can eat, etc. you also want to deprive unborn human beings of their right to life and allow them to be murdered for convenience. You also support higher taxes in order to fund more government intrusion. You are a walking talking contradiction i.e a typical liberal.

The unborn have no right to life. The Constitution is clear on that.

really? then why is someone who kills a pregnant woman charged with two counts or murder. If the unborn have no right to life, why does every state and the federal government indict such a murderer with two counts of murder?

Now, please quote the language in the constitution that says that unborn humans do not have the right to life. A real quote from the constitution, not some talking point or left wing judge's ruling.

The U.S. Supreme court considers a baby in the womb a FETUS, without human rights until it is born and breathing. I just gave you links to that--try reading some of them for a change.

They consider it a FETUS for very clear REASONS. Since our laws do NOT discriminate. If a fetus had the same rights as a human.

1. Common miscarriages would have to be investigated. An autopsy would have to preformed and possible charges could be launched at the mother for malfeasance.
2. You get into an accident with a pregnant woman and the fetus dies, you could be charged with criminal manslaughter.

Now while I understand that YOU believe that all pregnancies go along just fine, and out pops a healthy baby after 9 months, that's really not the case. There are fetus's that have severe mental and physical disabilities (heart, lungs, & diseases) that are aborted, and (not just because the woman) wanted to use it as a birth control measure.


1. So is the Republican party going to tell a woman that she needs to die to give birth to a baby, whom may already have 2 kids at home she needs to raise, along with a husband that may object to that?

2. Is the Republican party going to tell the parents of a young girl that she needs to risk her life to give birth after being raped by a relative?

3. Is the Republican party going to tell a lucky to be alive woman who has been brutally raped, to carry a baby to full term, when she is only trying to put her life back together, and whom also may have a husband and family members that would object to that?

4. Is the Republican party going to interfere into the decisions of parents who are looking at a fetus that is severely mentally or physically deformed & force them to give birth and then pay for lifelong medical expenses?

Mike Pence was for that--:badgrin:
Pence signs new abortion restrictions into law with a prayer
Federal judge blocks Indiana abortion law signed by Pence

And of course Mike Huckabee was on FOX NEWS promoting 9 & 10 year old girls giving birth after being continually raped by a relative.

It's very clear that the above are the intentions & wants of the Republican Party. Which is why the U.S. Supreme court exists--and we can only Thank God it does exist. You have no business nor right to intervene into the personal--very private decisions of women--and their families. Roe v Wade is here to stay.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

Now you know why the largest voting block in this country (women) are running from the Republican party. An estimated-67% plus will vote for Democrats in the midterm election cycle in November 2018.

women elected Trump and will do it again in 2020. Abortion is only an issue for a minority of far left women and morons like you.

PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT I SAY NEXT; The economy and safety are more important to American women than whether they can legally kill an unborn child.
if you don't like our laws, our culture, and our constitution-----------------LEAVE.

Jilly, I'm curious, why do you find that funny? Why is it funny to you for an American to support the American constitution, American culture, and American laws?

well, fishy.... because only a moron doesn't understand that your orange sociopath isn't a dictator and there are others who have a say besides your extremist thirty-ish percent.

that's why we all laugh at people like you. does it give you a sad, trumpflake?

what has Trump tried to dictate? Obama and the dems DICTATED obamacare on us. He also dictated the Iran nuke deal. Both were massive failures. So tell me please, what has Trump dictated?
Obamacare still here. And Trump honored the Iran deal. Good morning !!!

the obamacare mandate is gone. The rest of it is failing and will be gone soon.

Trump will not let the Iranians get nuclear capability. The "deal" was totally one sided. Obozo caved to his brother muslims and gave them dollars and the ability to build nukes------------------and we got---------------nothing.

try to keep up with current events and stop listening to the liars on CNN and MSNBC.
Trump won't do shit and he just confirmed by honoring the Iran deal. Mandate or not the health care is still here. Third world countries have a better health care than us, but you guys want Americans to die and give more money to defense and stockpile weapons that won't be used.
We did not elect Trump to be popular, we elected him to get things done and fix the mess created by Obama, the Bushes, and Clinton. He is doing exactly what we sent him to DC to do.

IOW you have no respect for what most Americans want. You want rule by minority.

I want rule by majority, in accordance with our constitution and our existing body of law. Got news for you, Most americans do not agree with your left wing ideas. the media is lying to you when they tell you that they do.
Constitution of the dark ages...and we laugh at the Taliban.

if you don't like our laws, our culture, and our constitution-----------------LEAVE.

is that what your little old self said for the eight years when someone who was actually elected by a majority of voters was president?

no. so be quiet. and if you don't like our form of government and the fact that you radical rightwinguts aren't the only ones with a say, you can feel free to move yourself.

We don't have mob rule here sweetie...California and New York don't elected our presidents it's you who don't like our constitution:slap:
I want rule by majority, in accordance with our constitution and our existing body of law. Got news for you, Most americans do not agree with your left wing ideas. the media is lying to you when they tell you that they do.
Constitution of the dark ages...and we laugh at the Taliban.

if you don't like our laws, our culture, and our constitution-----------------LEAVE.

Jilly, I'm curious, why do you find that funny? Why is it funny to you for an American to support the American constitution, American culture, and American laws?

well, fishy.... because only a moron doesn't understand that your orange sociopath isn't a dictator and there are others who have a say besides your extremist thirty-ish percent.

that's why we all laugh at people like you. does it give you a sad, trumpflake?

LOL, like all liberals, when confronted with the facts you always resort to name calling and insults. Why is that? Could it be because even you know that when both sides are heard equally you always lose?

The libs would rather forcibly shut you up
Do you people really believe that women use abortion as a birth control measure--when they're having to pay out $1200.00 to $1700.00 for an abortion?

There is no such thing as a 9 month abortion. Doctors & nurses will make every effort to save the babies life. All states have their own late term abortion laws written, and some are less than 20 weeks.

Furthermore, out of all the abortions you claim that happen every year, you have yet to produce one single woman that will state that taxpayer dollars paid for hers.

You have hyped this one up enough-& there is nothing that is going to change. Roe v Wade is here to stay. The blowback for the Republican party who has continually insulted the intelligence & integrity of women in this country is very real.


Womans march 2017--the day after Trump was inaugurated. This was going on in every state. They were in the millions. For more pictures you can scroll through the pages at this link.
Woman's march pictures

Womans march January 20, 2018.

More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

Trump's nominee--Niel Gorsuch stated that Roe v Wade is precedent in the U.S. Constitution, meaning set in stone to you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

You have awoken a sleeping giant.

The pink hats really are a lot of fun. Nice photos.

I agree that there is more than one way to divide America, and while right and left is the usual way, male versus female is quite a different and powerful way and the GOP would do well NOT to interfere with women's abortion rights.

Translation: Let women kill innocents

And you're killing the Republican party.

Why do you think Mitt Romney lost in 2012?
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump


Women went running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by a whopping 36 points. That's how Obama secured his second term in office. You platformed on abortion, that then went into who is not going to pay for birth control pills, that then went into what is "legal--Legitimate rape questions"--of course blowhorned out on FOX NEWS--the Mike Huckabee show.

Karen Hughes, Former G.W. Bush adviser had this to say after Romney's loss.

"And if another Republican man says anything about rape other than it is a horrific, violent crime, I want to personally cut out his tongue. The college-age daughters of many of my friends voted for Obama because they were completely turned off by Neanderthal comments like the suggestion of “legitimate rape.”
Karen Hughes: I'll 'cut out' the tongue of GOPers talking rape


Not learning a dam thing from the loss in 2012, you put up several knuckle dragging neanderthals that with a single sentence would send the majority voting block in this country (women) to Democrats again. They were Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Scott Walker, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, & Bobby Jindhal.

And now you're in for it--BIG TIME. It's going to be a bloodbath for Republicans in the 2018 midterm election cycle.
31 HOUSE Republicans have already announced their early retirement, they will not be seeking reelection in 2018. The DNC has announced it is running candidates for every congressional seat in TEXAS. Ted Cruz is up for reelection this year.
A Record Number of House Republicans Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2018
There's A Democrat Running For Every Texas Congressional Seat Next Year


Women's march 2018

blood bath, eh? kinda like in 2016? You fools are losing, your leaders are corrupt liars, your party puts illegals above working americans and our military. The dem party Is dying and people like you are the cause.

Yes, Republicans are going to get their ass's kicked in the midterm election cycle in November 2018. The signs are everywhere.


31 HOUSE REPUBLICANS have already announced their early retirements, and will not seek reelection. The DNC has announced that it is running candidates for every congressional seat in TEXAS. Ted Cruz is up for reelection this year. Texas has a legal voting population of 40% Hispanics. 15 House Republicans come from California--so color them gone. Any Republican living in Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, California & Texas has a target on their seats. Last week in Wisconsin a house seat that had been held by a Republican for the last 17 years went to a Democrat. Scott Walker stated this is a major wakeup call for Republicans. Scott Walker--who is up for reelection & Paul Ryan will be defeated by a Democrat candidate in that state.
A Record Number of House Republicans Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2018
There's A Democrat Running For Every Texas Congressional Seat Next Year
Scott Walker on Twitter

Special Elections in Virginia/New Jersey have new Democrat governors. The Virginia state house just went Democrat for the first time in 25 years, and 11 out of the 15 seats there were taken by women. Doug Jones won in Albama, and Michael Wolff's book "Fire & Fury" is still the number one best selling book in this nation, when most people ignore Presidential tell--all books. Last but not least--Trump's motorcade was boooed in Atlanta, Georgia two weeks ago.


Woman's march 2017, the day after Trump's inauguration. For more pictures go to this link and scroll through the pages. They were in the millions.
Woman's march pictures

Woman's march January 20, 2018


You might as well just bend over and kiss your Republican ass goodbye now. This party is going to have to be put on life support after the midterm election cycle.

Women are the largest voting block in this country. And you will notice they all stand together, young & old--black, white, latina, every color imaginable--and they're coming for you---:badgrin:
More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

You have awoken a sleeping giant.

News flash!...A women did run for president.... she lost:cool:
To the OP.

Women have always had reproductive rights. They can choose when to become pregnant by either: not screwing, using a condom, taking BC pills, using a diaphragm, or the rhythm method. Killing an unborn human being is not a right.

Yes, it is.......................otherwise you wouldn't be crying and carrying on about it. We do what we want, and boy, do you hate that.

Women can't be controlled by you! Wow, the world is so cruel to you.......
Jilly, I'm curious, why do you find that funny? Why is it funny to you for an American to support the American constitution, American culture, and American laws?

The American laws and Constitution support women's freedoms, not you. And your coersive, punitive ways. If that were not true, you'd be celebrating. Instead, we're celebrating, because you lost, big time.
China has mandatory abortion for population control. Would you support that here?

What exactly are the "woman's interests" that mandate killing a healthy unborn human being?

Yes, of course I'd support China's population control!! They are pioneers, but it won't stop there. The world is grossly overpopulated.

If you don't know what are the woman's interests that require abortion freedom, you don't understand anything about women or human reproduction. I suggest you just back off and get out of the issue altogether. It's just not any of it your business.
Yes, of course I'd support China's population control!! They are pioneers, but it won't stop there. The world is grossly overpopulated.
Why do you think the world is over populated?

It has been 50 years since the Population bomb was published and none of the horrific things predicted have happened.

What criteria do you use to support the claim the planet is over populated?
Yes, of course I'd support China's population control!! They are pioneers, but it won't stop there. The world is grossly overpopulated.
Why do you think the world is over populated?

It has been 50 years since the Population bomb was published and none of the horrific things predicted have happened.

What criteria do you use to support the claim the planet is over populated?

Personally, all I need is the hockey stick population chart since 1800. Wow.

And a lifetime of everywhere I've lived getting more and more crowded.

And illegal aliens flooding desperately by the millions and millions into developed countries wherever they can because they have no economies in their what-Trump-said countries, which are all grossly overpopulated but with no resources to speak of that can support the populations.
It has been 50 years since the Population bomb was published and none of the horrific things predicted have happened.

Well...........that's not entirely true. I bought a copy when that came out and reread it last summer, same copy. There are ghastly famines repeatedly in various African countries, and extinction threatens many large animal species and not just in Africa. It is true Paul Ehrlich (I believe he is still alive!) overstated when this would all happen by several decades. I've noticed this is what everyone does when they see a trend that is clear, like the French Enlightenment (leading to the Revolution) or WWI --- it's clear something is going to happen, so we say it's sure to happen SOON --- but usually it takes ten or 15 more years, and then blows up in half a week, like the collapse of the Soviet Union. I call that delay friction, the friction of things tending to stay the same till finally a sudden collapse.

He predicted massive social unrest and that has certainly happened with Islam rising and a gazumpteen national revolutions all around the globe. The desperate migration of millions to countries with actual economies was the sort of thing he was talking about. I expect world war with North Korea and Iran and that would extend the population calamity. Nuclear weapons are of course an anti-population weapon, which is what you would expect in an over-population crisis.
Jilly, I'm curious, why do you find that funny? Why is it funny to you for an American to support the American constitution, American culture, and American laws?

well, fishy.... because only a moron doesn't understand that your orange sociopath isn't a dictator and there are others who have a say besides your extremist thirty-ish percent.

that's why we all laugh at people like you. does it give you a sad, trumpflake?

what has Trump tried to dictate? Obama and the dems DICTATED obamacare on us. He also dictated the Iran nuke deal. Both were massive failures. So tell me please, what has Trump dictated?
Obamacare still here. And Trump honored the Iran deal. Good morning !!!

the obamacare mandate is gone. The rest of it is failing and will be gone soon.

Trump will not let the Iranians get nuclear capability. The "deal" was totally one sided. Obozo caved to his brother muslims and gave them dollars and the ability to build nukes------------------and we got---------------nothing.

try to keep up with current events and stop listening to the liars on CNN and MSNBC.
Trump won't do shit and he just confirmed by honoring the Iran deal. Mandate or not the health care is still here. Third world countries have a better health care than us, but you guys want Americans to die and give more money to defense and stockpile weapons that won't be used.

what a crock of shit. the USA has the best medical system in the world. People from every country on earth come here if they have serious medical issues and can afford to travel. Tell us what third world countries have a better medical system than the USA. I cant wait to see which ones you list.

No one wants Americans to die or live in poverty. Obama put more americans below the poverty level than ever before.

Trump did not honor the Iran deal. Where do you get this crap?

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