Trump is currently addressing the March against Women's Reproductive Rights

LOL, your arrogance accompanied by your ignorance make you a complete fool. You talk about government interference, but you support the global warmers that want to control your thermostats, you ability to drive where you want, the kind of car you can drive, the size of your house, what you can eat, etc. you also want to deprive unborn human beings of their right to life and allow them to be murdered for convenience. You also support higher taxes in order to fund more government intrusion. You are a walking talking contradiction i.e a typical liberal.

The unborn have no right to life. The Constitution is clear on that.

No, it isn't. It has however been ruled upon and declared so. Technically , according to said "ruling" once they hit 24 weeks they have the same "rights" you do.

SCOTUS rulings are not the constitution. NY carbonhead said the constitution says that the unborn have no rights. No 24 week limit, he/she/it said they had no civil rights. He/she/it lied, as he/she/it does continuously

Oh I agree, but Roe expressly says 24 weeks.

yep, I wonder if NY carbon knows that his/her/its mother was pro-life. If she was pro-choice, he/she/it would not be here.

The world is full of pro-choice people who have children you retard.
No, ignorance and stupidity are worthy of ridicule, your post is consequently a joke and devoid of merit.

What is not funny, however, is conservative authoritarianism, the right’s contempt for privacy rights, their desire to compel conformity through force of law, and conservatives’ advocacy of more government interfering in citizens’ private lives.

LOL, your arrogance accompanied by your ignorance make you a complete fool. You talk about government interference, but you support the global warmers that want to control your thermostats, you ability to drive where you want, the kind of car you can drive, the size of your house, what you can eat, etc. you also want to deprive unborn human beings of their right to life and allow them to be murdered for convenience. You also support higher taxes in order to fund more government intrusion. You are a walking talking contradiction i.e a typical liberal.

The unborn have no right to life. The Constitution is clear on that.

No, it isn't. It has however been ruled upon and declared so. Technically , according to said "ruling" once they hit 24 weeks they have the same "rights" you do.

The states have the right to legalize abortion from conception to birth. They can't legalize aborting you.
Actually states can not make laws more strict than Federal Law, and states can not ignore Federal laws....

actually, Vlad, that's another lie from you. States can grant GREATER rights than the federal government, but not fewer. You can go tell your bosses at RT that they are idiots.
LOL, your arrogance accompanied by your ignorance make you a complete fool. You talk about government interference, but you support the global warmers that want to control your thermostats, you ability to drive where you want, the kind of car you can drive, the size of your house, what you can eat, etc. you also want to deprive unborn human beings of their right to life and allow them to be murdered for convenience. You also support higher taxes in order to fund more government intrusion. You are a walking talking contradiction i.e a typical liberal.

The unborn have no right to life. The Constitution is clear on that.

No, it isn't. It has however been ruled upon and declared so. Technically , according to said "ruling" once they hit 24 weeks they have the same "rights" you do.

SCOTUS rulings are not the constitution. NY carbonhead said the constitution says that the unborn have no rights. No 24 week limit, he/she/it said they had no civil rights. He/she/it lied, as he/she/it does continuously

Oh I agree, but Roe expressly says 24 weeks.

yep, I wonder if NY carbon knows that his/her/its mother was pro-life. If she was pro-choice, he/she/it would not be here.

most of us think women should have children when they're ready.... like WE did.

damn, you're stupid.
only to uneducated uninformed trumptards.

try again.

We did not elect Trump to be popular, we elected him to get things done and fix the mess created by Obama, the Bushes, and Clinton. He is doing exactly what we sent him to DC to do.

IOW you have no respect for what most Americans want. You want rule by minority.

I want rule by majority, in accordance with our constitution and our existing body of law. Got news for you, Most americans do not agree with your left wing ideas. the media is lying to you when they tell you that they do.

What leftwing ideas of mine do most Americans oppose? And cite evidence to support your claim.

Rhetorical question, right?

wrong... but Donald's thirty-ish percent probably isn't smart enough to know that.
My wife’s super low IQ, married, closet lesbian is there.
She teaches kindergarten and her students are more knowledgeable than she is.
LOL, your arrogance accompanied by your ignorance make you a complete fool. You talk about government interference, but you support the global warmers that want to control your thermostats, you ability to drive where you want, the kind of car you can drive, the size of your house, what you can eat, etc. you also want to deprive unborn human beings of their right to life and allow them to be murdered for convenience. You also support higher taxes in order to fund more government intrusion. You are a walking talking contradiction i.e a typical liberal.

The unborn have no right to life. The Constitution is clear on that.

really? then why is someone who kills a pregnant woman charged with two counts or murder. If the unborn have no right to life, why does every state and the federal government indict such a murderer with two counts of murder?

Now, please quote the language in the constitution that says that unborn humans do not have the right to life. A real quote from the constitution, not some talking point or left wing judge's ruling.

There are no civil rights for fetuses anywhere in the Constitution.

there are rights for human beings. When does a fetus become a human being in your small mind?

there are no spelled out rights for 2 year olds either, so should you be able to kill them if they become a burden?

There are spelled out rights for 2 year olds because they are persons who have been born, who are citizens.

I am still waiting for a quote that says that civil rights are confirmed at the instant of birth. Is it when the head pops out? when the feet pop out? when the cord is cut? Tell us the instant that a baby becomes a human being with rights (according to the constitution), and quote the language from the constitution that says that.
LOL, your arrogance accompanied by your ignorance make you a complete fool. You talk about government interference, but you support the global warmers that want to control your thermostats, you ability to drive where you want, the kind of car you can drive, the size of your house, what you can eat, etc. you also want to deprive unborn human beings of their right to life and allow them to be murdered for convenience. You also support higher taxes in order to fund more government intrusion. You are a walking talking contradiction i.e a typical liberal.

The unborn have no right to life. The Constitution is clear on that.

No, it isn't. It has however been ruled upon and declared so. Technically , according to said "ruling" once they hit 24 weeks they have the same "rights" you do.

SCOTUS rulings are not the constitution. NY carbonhead said the constitution says that the unborn have no rights. No 24 week limit, he/she/it said they had no civil rights. He/she/it lied, as he/she/it does continuously

Oh I agree, but Roe expressly says 24 weeks.

yep, I wonder if NY carbon knows that his/her/its mother was pro-life. If she was pro-choice, he/she/it would not be here.

what are you blathering about?

i'm pro choice and i'm pretty sure that a) i'm a great mother; and b) my now 20 year old son was the most wanted kid ever.

are you really that stupid?

never mind... that IS a rhetorical question.
We did not elect Trump to be popular, we elected him to get things done and fix the mess created by Obama, the Bushes, and Clinton. He is doing exactly what we sent him to DC to do.

IOW you have no respect for what most Americans want. You want rule by minority.

I want rule by majority, in accordance with our constitution and our existing body of law. Got news for you, Most americans do not agree with your left wing ideas. the media is lying to you when they tell you that they do.

What leftwing ideas of mine do most Americans oppose? And cite evidence to support your claim.

Rhetorical question, right?

wrong... but Donald's thirty-ish percent probably isn't smart enough to know that.

those 30% ratings come from the same pollsters that told you that Hillary had a 97% chance of winning. They were lying to you then and they are lying to you now, and you are too stupid to realize it.
IOW you have no respect for what most Americans want. You want rule by minority.

I want rule by majority, in accordance with our constitution and our existing body of law. Got news for you, Most americans do not agree with your left wing ideas. the media is lying to you when they tell you that they do.

What leftwing ideas of mine do most Americans oppose? And cite evidence to support your claim.

Rhetorical question, right?

wrong... but Donald's thirty-ish percent probably isn't smart enough to know that.

those 30% ratings come from the same pollsters that told you that Hillary had a 97% chance of winning. They were lying to you then and they are lying to you now, and you are too stupid to realize it.

It keeps them warm and fuzzy at night...then they wake up to the reality Trump is POTUS despite what their precious polls told them
The unborn have no right to life. The Constitution is clear on that.

No, it isn't. It has however been ruled upon and declared so. Technically , according to said "ruling" once they hit 24 weeks they have the same "rights" you do.

SCOTUS rulings are not the constitution. NY carbonhead said the constitution says that the unborn have no rights. No 24 week limit, he/she/it said they had no civil rights. He/she/it lied, as he/she/it does continuously

Oh I agree, but Roe expressly says 24 weeks.

yep, I wonder if NY carbon knows that his/her/its mother was pro-life. If she was pro-choice, he/she/it would not be here.

what are you blathering about?

i'm pro choice and i'm pretty sure that a) i'm a great mother; and b) my now 20 year old son was the most wanted kid ever.

are you really that stupid?

never mind... that IS a rhetorical question.

since you are answering for NY carbonhead, I must assume that you are too stupid to see who a post is directed to. Liberalism is indeed a mental disease. You prove it every day.
The unborn have no right to life. The Constitution is clear on that.

No, it isn't. It has however been ruled upon and declared so. Technically , according to said "ruling" once they hit 24 weeks they have the same "rights" you do.

SCOTUS rulings are not the constitution. NY carbonhead said the constitution says that the unborn have no rights. No 24 week limit, he/she/it said they had no civil rights. He/she/it lied, as he/she/it does continuously

Oh I agree, but Roe expressly says 24 weeks.

yep, I wonder if NY carbon knows that his/her/its mother was pro-life. If she was pro-choice, he/she/it would not be here.

most of us think women should have children when they're ready.... like WE did.

damn, you're stupid.

How many of your kids have you killed?
LOL, your arrogance accompanied by your ignorance make you a complete fool. You talk about government interference, but you support the global warmers that want to control your thermostats, you ability to drive where you want, the kind of car you can drive, the size of your house, what you can eat, etc. you also want to deprive unborn human beings of their right to life and allow them to be murdered for convenience. You also support higher taxes in order to fund more government intrusion. You are a walking talking contradiction i.e a typical liberal.

The unborn have no right to life. The Constitution is clear on that.

No, it isn't. It has however been ruled upon and declared so. Technically , according to said "ruling" once they hit 24 weeks they have the same "rights" you do.

The states have the right to legalize abortion from conception to birth. They can't legalize aborting you.
Actually states can not make laws more strict than Federal Law, and states can not ignore Federal laws....

What's 'more strict' about a state law that makes abortion legal in some cases beyond 24 weeks?
Barry argued for the right of parents to murder a baby laying on the table, having survived a failed abortion, claiming it was the parent's right to abort the baby so they should be allowed to.

Democrats argued that as long as the baby's head did not come out of the mother it was still a 'fetus' and not a baby, therefore allowing them to shove a rod inside of its head, scrambling the brains - killing it - then pulling it out.

That is not an argument for 'Pro-CHOICE'. That is an argument for 'Pro-MURDER'. Someone needs / needed to explain to Barry that a baby breathing on its own outside the womb after a failed abortion attempt is a human being, a person, not a 'Fetus'. I know Barry never showed a lot of great concern for human life as President (American life, any way), but his defense of that right to murder abortion-surviving babies outside the womb was barbaric and 'murderous'.
The unborn have no right to life. The Constitution is clear on that.

No, it isn't. It has however been ruled upon and declared so. Technically , according to said "ruling" once they hit 24 weeks they have the same "rights" you do.

The states have the right to legalize abortion from conception to birth. They can't legalize aborting you.
Actually states can not make laws more strict than Federal Law, and states can not ignore Federal laws....

What's 'more strict' about a state law that makes abortion legal in some cases beyond 24 weeks?
Barry argued for the right of parents to murder a baby laying on the table, having survived a failed abortion, claiming it was the parent's right to abort the baby so they should be allowed to.

Democrats argued that as long as the baby's head did not come out of the mother it was still a 'fetus' and not a baby, therefore allowing them to shove a rod inside of its head, scrambling the brains - killing it - then pulling it out.

That is not an argument for 'Pro-CHOICE'. That is an argument for 'Pro-MURDER'. Someone needs / needed to explain to Barry that a baby breathing on its own outside the womb after a failed abortion attempt is a human being, a person, not a 'Fetus'. I know Barry never showed a lot of great concern for human life as President (American life, any way), but his defense of that right to murder abortion-surviving babies outside the womb was barbaric and 'murderous'.

That's an "Inconvenient Truth" for them.
To the OP.

Women have always had reproductive rights. They can choose when to become pregnant by either: not screwing, using a condom, taking BC pills, using a diaphragm, or the rhythm method. Killing an unborn human being is not a right.
Trump is the most hated man in America right now....oh and the world as well.

LOL, not even close. you are a complete idiot. He is only hated by morons like you whose socialist agenda is threatened by his America-first policies (which are working)

only to uneducated uninformed trumptards.

try again.

We did not elect Trump to be popular, we elected him to get things done and fix the mess created by Obama, the Bushes, and Clinton. He is doing exactly what we sent him to DC to do.

IOW you have no respect for what most Americans want. You want rule by minority.

I want rule by majority, in accordance with our constitution and our existing body of law. Got news for you, Most americans do not agree with your left wing ideas. the media is lying to you when they tell you that they do.
Constitution of the dark ages...and we laugh at the Taliban.
LOL, not even close. you are a complete idiot. He is only hated by morons like you whose socialist agenda is threatened by his America-first policies (which are working)

only to uneducated uninformed trumptards.

try again.

We did not elect Trump to be popular, we elected him to get things done and fix the mess created by Obama, the Bushes, and Clinton. He is doing exactly what we sent him to DC to do.

IOW you have no respect for what most Americans want. You want rule by minority.

I want rule by majority, in accordance with our constitution and our existing body of law. Got news for you, Most americans do not agree with your left wing ideas. the media is lying to you when they tell you that they do.
Constitution of the dark ages...and we laugh at the Taliban.

If you don't like our Constitution kid change it.
Trump is the most hated man in America right now....oh and the world as well.

LOL, not even close. you are a complete idiot. He is only hated by morons like you whose socialist agenda is threatened by his America-first policies (which are working)

only to uneducated uninformed trumptards.

try again.

We did not elect Trump to be popular, we elected him to get things done and fix the mess created by Obama, the Bushes, and Clinton. He is doing exactly what we sent him to DC to do.

IOW you have no respect for what most Americans want. You want rule by minority.

the last president we had won twice with 52% of the vote and they obstructed that, too.

they think THEY'RE "the people".... even though they don't reflect anything that the average American wants or believes in. but angry, uneducated misogynist bigots are like that.
Every president that came out of the right in recent history is a clown.
LOL, not even close. you are a complete idiot. He is only hated by morons like you whose socialist agenda is threatened by his America-first policies (which are working)

only to uneducated uninformed trumptards.

try again.

We did not elect Trump to be popular, we elected him to get things done and fix the mess created by Obama, the Bushes, and Clinton. He is doing exactly what we sent him to DC to do.

IOW you have no respect for what most Americans want. You want rule by minority.

the last president we had won twice with 52% of the vote and they obstructed that, too.

they think THEY'RE "the people".... even though they don't reflect anything that the average American wants or believes in. but angry, uneducated misogynist bigots are like that.
Every president that came out of the right in recent history is a clown.

This is how stupid you are, they ALL work for the same people. The Banks. Dumbass.
Seriously, does anyone believe that Donald Trump gives a shit one way or another about whether a woman can get a legal abortion?
He might.

Take the following hypothetical, but completely plausible, scenario:
Droompf gets a random woman pregnant. The child is his. DNA can prove this. He has to pay lots of money.
To the OP.

Women have always had reproductive rights. They can choose when to become pregnant by either: not screwing, using a condom, taking BC pills, using a diaphragm, or the rhythm method. Killing an unborn human being is not a right.

actually women have always had means to terminate pregnancy.... it didn't become politicized until fairly recently in historical terms.

thanks for your "opinion". Thank goodness you aren't allowed to impose your "opinion" on us.

thanks for playing.

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