Trump Is Definitely NOT Going To Win Reelection

Hillary was guaranteed to win also. How'd that work out?

The polls clearly showed that Clinton ran the weakest against all of the Republican candidates. Biden and Sanders beat Trump by the upper teens. It was surprising but not shocking.
Not w/o the Rust Belt states.

And the way things are right now, he doesn't seem to have them, perhaps except for Indiana.

Unlike before when he was a concept, that they could project all their dreams, wishes and hopes on...he now has record.

Let's see how they judge him.

Me thinks it does't bode well for the emperor w/no clothes.

What say you?

trump's tariffs and trade policy has cost those people their jobs.

The thing is, the whole nation suffers. It's not just the car manufacturing companies but all their suppliers. It's a domino effect. Take the car manufacturing jobs away and cause hundreds of other companies to be harmed.

The bush boy put tariffs on steel. A few short years later the car manufacturing industry collapsed along with the economy.

The real estate industry for high priced homes above middle class slowed way down in 2004 and came to nearly a stand still. A few short years later the real estate industry collapsed along with the rest of the economy.

The republican tax cuts have caused the sale of higher priced homes to come to nearly a stand still. Middle income homes sales are starting to slow down now.

We are in for another republican collapse of our economy.

Republicans say the economy goes in cycles but isn't it interesting that recession cycles happen when we have republicans in power? Democrats come in to clean the mess up then another republican gets into the White House and blows the whole thing up all over again.
Hillary was guaranteed to win also. How'd that work out?

The polls clearly showed that Clinton ran the weakest against all of the Republican candidates. Biden and Sanders beat Trump by the upper teens. It was surprising but not shocking.

That's laughable. Anyone who believe that Biden or Sanders would have actually beaten Trump, is smoking crack.
Not w/o the Rust Belt states.

And the way things are right now, he doesn't seem to have them, perhaps except for Indiana.

Unlike before when he was a concept, that they could project all their dreams, wishes and hopes on...he now has record.

Let's see how they judge him.

Me thinks it does't bode well for the emperor w/no clothes.

What say you?

I say that's almost exactly what you leftnuts were saying prior to the election 2016.

Doubt it'll work as a magic chant any better than it did last time.
Not w/o the Rust Belt states.

And the way things are right now, he doesn't seem to have them, perhaps except for Indiana.

Unlike before when he was a concept, that they could project all their dreams, wishes and hopes on...he now has record.

Let's see how they judge him.

Me thinks it does't bode well for the emperor w/no clothes.

What say you?
depends who you guys put up....hillary or some other old piece of shit?.... look for that other old piece of shit trump to be around another 4 years unless he dies in office....
Not w/o the Rust Belt states.

And the way things are right now, he doesn't seem to have them, perhaps except for Indiana.

Unlike before when he was a concept, that they could project all their dreams, wishes and hopes on...he now has record.

Let's see how they judge him.

Me thinks it does't bode well for the emperor w/no clothes.

What say you?

Just because the GOP got nailed in the Rust Belt during the midterms doesn't mean Trump won't be reelected. Obama lost six Senate seats, 63 House seats, and numerous state legislative chambers in 2010 and he got reelected two years later quite easily. That amount of time is an eternity in politics and a lot can change between now and then.

People are losing their jobs now because of trump's tariffs.

GM is closing plants in 3 states. In the rust belt.

Ford has lost a billion dollars this year because of the tariffs and is laying off people.

I highly doubt that they will vote for the man who caused them to be unemployed.

Same with the farmers. They're being destroyed by the tariffs. Crops rotted in the fields because the price for them crashed. Specifically soy beans.

I would be very surprised if they voted for trump again.
Not w/o the Rust Belt states.

And the way things are right now, he doesn't seem to have them, perhaps except for Indiana.

Unlike before when he was a concept, that they could project all their dreams, wishes and hopes on...he now has record.

Let's see how they judge him.

Me thinks it does't bode well for the emperor w/no clothes.

What say you?

Who are you? Nostradamus? Carnac the Magnificent?

Dude, you are a real case study. Just because your late night television comedians and fake news networks are filling your head full of mush, doesn't mean that you or they have a clue as to who will win. That's because you're basing everything on your 2-year long hatred for a person named "Donald Trump."

Personally, I believe people should use logical and sane methods for coming to conclusions. Given the results Trump has had, the promises he made and promised he kept, and the current state of this country, one can only surmise that no matter who the Democrat party runs, they will lose.

After all, what do the Democrats have to offer that Trump isn't producing? Nothing. He's accomplishing everything that not only you Democrats failed at for decades, but many Republicans as well.

The trouble is that he was not elected on his promises. He was elected because people hated him less than Hillary Clinton If things are so good for Trump then how did Democrats win the House. They won because suburban women rebelled against the GOP and voted for Democrats. The ultimate disparager of women and someone who has harassed women will be at the top of the ballot. Also healthcare was the number one issue and voters trust Democrats by a huge margin.
Hillary was guaranteed to win also. How'd that work out?

The polls clearly showed that Clinton ran the weakest against all of the Republican candidates. Biden and Sanders beat Trump by the upper teens. It was surprising but not shocking.

That's laughable. Anyone who believe that Biden or Sanders would have actually beaten Trump, is smoking crack.

If you believe that, you are a crackhead.
Trump is his own worst enemy.

Mueller is his second-worst.

It's been a while (Bush 41) since we've had a one-term President.

Seems to me that we may be looking at another future one-termer, when we look at Trump.
From your mouth to GODS ear
Not w/o the Rust Belt states.

And the way things are right now, he doesn't seem to have them, perhaps except for Indiana.

Unlike before when he was a concept, that they could project all their dreams, wishes and hopes on...he now has record.

Let's see how they judge him.

Me thinks it does't bode well for the emperor w/no clothes.

What say you?

Who are you? Nostradamus? Carnac the Magnificent?

Dude, you are a real case study. Just because your late night television comedians and fake news networks are filling your head full of mush, doesn't mean that you or they have a clue as to who will win. That's because you're basing everything on your 2-year long hatred for a person named "Donald Trump."

Personally, I believe people should use logical and sane methods for coming to conclusions. Given the results Trump has had, the promises he made and promised he kept, and the current state of this country, one can only surmise that no matter who the Democrat party runs, they will lose.

After all, what do the Democrats have to offer that Trump isn't producing? Nothing. He's accomplishing everything that not only you Democrats failed at for decades, but many Republicans as well.

The trouble is that he was not elected on his promises. He was elected because people hated him less than Hillary Clinton If things are so good for Trump then how did Democrats win the House. They won because suburban women rebelled against the GOP and voted for Democrats. The ultimate disparager of women and someone who has harassed women will be at the top of the ballot. Also healthcare was the number one issue and voters trust Democrats by a huge margin.

Seriously? :laughing0301:

Promises made, promises kept. Greatest President ever.
Hillary was guaranteed to win also. How'd that work out?

The polls clearly showed that Clinton ran the weakest against all of the Republican candidates. Biden and Sanders beat Trump by the upper teens. It was surprising but not shocking.

That's laughable. Anyone who believe that Biden or Sanders would have actually beaten Trump, is smoking crack.

If you believe that, you are a crackhead.

No, seriously. Bernie attracted quite a crowd, but that means nothing. The majority of people in this country aren't brain-dead shiftless morons wanting free shit from the government. That's pretty much the pipe dream Bernie was pushing.

As for Biden, he's old. He's white, he's rich, and pretty much appeals to moderate Democrats, who would turn on their own party and vote for candidates like Trump, should they become disgruntled with their own party.

The truth is, you democrats have nothing in the way to offer the American people. You are old, racist holdovers from the Jim Crow days, who have no real strategy, no plan, no method, no solution to America's modern-day problems. You can't protect us, you can't make the economy grow, you can't create real jobs, and to believe so would be delusional.

No solutions expect "tax the rich", "open borders", "free shit, yo", and "Orange Man Bad." Anyone who truly believes that the next President will be a Democrat isn't only smoking crack, they're full-blown crazy. They're merely wishing in one hand and crapping in the other.

Guess which hand is going to fill up first?
When you look at the results from the midterms, Michigan and Pennsylvania are back in the Democrat column. One exit poll question was whether sexual harassment is a serious issue. Nationally 46% of voters said yes and Democrats won these voters by huge margins. In Pennsylvania, 52% said it was a serious issue and 51% in Michigan said it was a serious issue.

That would give Democrats 258 to 221 for Republicans. There are only 4 swing states right now. Iowa, NC, Florida and Wisconsin. In Iowa, Democrats hold 3 of 4 House seats while Republicans won the Governorship. In Wisconsin Democrats won the Governorship. In NC, voters were split on ballot initiatives backed by Republicans. Florida was exceedingly close.
Not w/o the Rust Belt states.

And the way things are right now, he doesn't seem to have them, perhaps except for Indiana.

Unlike before when he was a concept, that they could project all their dreams, wishes and hopes on...he now has record.

Let's see how they judge him.

Me thinks it does't bode well for the emperor w/no clothes.

What say you?

He will resign. He has to protect his money-laundering brackets with the Russians and his back-door deals with the Saudis.
No to mention his money-laundering deals with his Panama connections.
He's a fucking traitor.
He should be tried and then LOCK HIM UP.
Not w/o the Rust Belt states.

And the way things are right now, he doesn't seem to have them, perhaps except for Indiana.

Unlike before when he was a concept, that they could project all their dreams, wishes and hopes on...he now has record.

Let's see how they judge him.

Me thinks it does't bode well for the emperor w/no clothes.

What say you?

He will resign. He has to protect his money-laundering brackets with the Russians and his back-door deals with the Saudis.
No to mention his money-laundering deals with his Panama connections.
He's a fucking traitor.
He should be tried and then LOCK HIM UP.

Dude. Do you actually believe yourself? :laughing0301:
If the Mueller Investigation unveils traitorous behaviors, Republicans will leave Trump's side at the speed of light.

At which point, an Impeachment in the House and a Conviction in the Senate seem entirely plausible.

The American Body Politic excising a cancer, by peaceful means, using the law.
If the Mueller Investigation unveils traitorous behaviors, Republicans will leave Trump's side at the speed of light.

At which point, an Impeachment in the House and a Conviction in the Senate seem entirely plausible.

The American Body Politic excising a cancer, by peaceful means, using the law.

Tentative word there, "if". Mueller has nothing, otherwise we would have already known about it. Don't count on Republicans turning their backs on him either, not gonna happen.

I would also mention that a mere impeachment in the House doesn't mean that trump would be gone. You'd still be stuck with him for at least the next two years, possibly six, because nothing Mueller has is going to convince the Senate.

But keep dreaming. At least it shows that you have an imagination.
Not w/o the Rust Belt states.

And the way things are right now, he doesn't seem to have them, perhaps except for Indiana.

Unlike before when he was a concept, that they could project all their dreams, wishes and hopes on...he now has record.

Let's see how they judge him.

Me thinks it does't bode well for the emperor w/no clothes.

What say you?

Who are you? Nostradamus? Carnac the Magnificent?

Dude, you are a real case study. Just because your late night television comedians and fake news networks are filling your head full of mush, doesn't mean that you or they have a clue as to who will win. That's because you're basing everything on your 2-year long hatred for a person named "Donald Trump."

Personally, I believe people should use logical and sane methods for coming to conclusions. Given the results Trump has had, the promises he made and promised he kept, and the current state of this country, one can only surmise that no matter who the Democrat party runs, they will lose.

After all, what do the Democrats have to offer that Trump isn't producing? Nothing. He's accomplishing everything that not only you Democrats failed at for decades, but many Republicans as well.

The trouble is that he was not elected on his promises. He was elected because people hated him less than Hillary Clinton If things are so good for Trump then how did Democrats win the House. They won because suburban women rebelled against the GOP and voted for Democrats. The ultimate disparager of women and someone who has harassed women will be at the top of the ballot. Also healthcare was the number one issue and voters trust Democrats by a huge margin.

Seriously? :laughing0301:

Promises made, promises kept. Greatest President ever.

You are a crackhead.
Hillary was guaranteed to win also. How'd that work out?

The polls clearly showed that Clinton ran the weakest against all of the Republican candidates. Biden and Sanders beat Trump by the upper teens. It was surprising but not shocking.

That's laughable. Anyone who believe that Biden or Sanders would have actually beaten Trump, is smoking crack.

If you believe that, you are a crackhead.

No, seriously. Bernie attracted quite a crowd, but that means nothing. The majority of people in this country aren't brain-dead shiftless morons wanting free shit from the government. That's pretty much the pipe dream Bernie was pushing.

As for Biden, he's old. He's white, he's rich, and pretty much appeals to moderate Democrats, who would turn on their own party and vote for candidates like Trump, should they become disgruntled with their own party.

The truth is, you democrats have nothing in the way to offer the American people. You are old, racist holdovers from the Jim Crow days, who have no real strategy, no plan, no method, no solution to America's modern-day problems. You can't protect us, you can't make the economy grow, you can't create real jobs, and to believe so would be delusional.

No solutions expect "tax the rich", "open borders", "free shit, yo", and "Orange Man Bad." Anyone who truly believes that the next President will be a Democrat isn't only smoking crack, they're full-blown crazy. They're merely wishing in one hand and crapping in the other.

Guess which hand is going to fill up first?

I am a former Republican turned Independent. The Republican Party is the party of racism. The economy was growing under Obama even though he and Trump have had nothing to do with it.

You apparently have crap for a brain. A center-left Democrat would take Trump apart. Your solutions are big tax cuts for the rich, racist hatred of minorities, and letting people starve in the streets are our solutions.
If the Mueller Investigation unveils traitorous behaviors, Republicans will leave Trump's side at the speed of light.

At which point, an Impeachment in the House and a Conviction in the Senate seem entirely plausible.

The American Body Politic excising a cancer, by peaceful means, using the law.

Tentative word there, "if". Mueller has nothing, otherwise we would have already known about it. Don't count on Republicans turning their backs on him either, not gonna happen.

I would also mention that a mere impeachment in the House doesn't mean that trump would be gone. You'd still be stuck with him for at least the next two years, possibly six, because nothing Mueller has is going to convince the Senate.

But keep dreaming. At least it shows that you have an imagination.
Have to see what is found

If Republicans are excusing criminal behavior, let them answer to the voters

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