Trump is DOJ target

EXACTLY. If Trump broke any egregious laws on J6 or before, they would have known that very same day and could have charged him the following day!

But instead, they waited two years first to see of Trump would run again, then to time the thing to maximize interference with next year's election, but not so close to the election to make the intent OBVIOUS.
It has taken this long to compile all the evidence and witness testimony.
Blame much of that on Trump's own stalling tactics.
Once the J6 Committee issued it's final report though and Jack Smith had all of their evidence in hand then things began moving to indictment fairly quickly.
And let's not forget that the ONLY reason Trump announced his farce of a candidacy so ridiculously early was precisely because he (falsely) believed that having "candidate status" would grant him immunity from the charges he knew were on the horizon.
Didn't work though.
Trump is in serious trouble because he couldn't give up the grift. His whole presidency was nothing more than a grift.
(fill in the blanks Democrat talking point) ^^^^^^^^ Here.....Biden is in serious trouble because he couldn't give up the grift. His whole presidency is nothing more than grift.
So many sore-loser tears flowing like a waterfall from the Trump cult traitor filth.

So tasty. So delicious. They nourish the souls of patriots. Yumyumyumyumyumyum. More plz.

They’re coming for him. Bout time

Biden Admin weaponizing the DOJ to target political opponents and has the gall to say that they are restoring the Rule of Law.

Kind of similar to Bejing, Moscow, Ukraine, or a Banana Republic.

It's a sad state we are in. The powerful forces who control Biden are devising their strategies to maintain power, and will use any means necessary.

More to come for sure.
The actual results you have are a result of fraud and a corrupt DC. that stole an election and now dares anyone to say any different. They are illegitimate. It is time for you to admit it.
You nailed it.

Democrats stole the election and since Biden won and Dems had full control for two years and now 2 of 3 branches for what will be two years; it's over.

The Dems cheating has only got more sophisticated.

To be honest, any Trump supporters that goes to the polls and votes are just a joke...cuckolds actually.

What else would you call a bunch of voters who know the election is rigged, yet they take time to vote anyhow!'s crazy.

If I were a trump supporter, I wouldn't want to be seen voting. Dems are just pointing at them and laughing to themselves.

Trump supporters should just stay home so they don't look like a bunch of rubes.

Your message is a powerful and poignant reminder of the futility of Trump supporter voting.

Thank you.
So many MAGA tears today. :laugh:

Its fucking delicious. And its so far from over.

16 fake electors were indicted. Georgia is still up, with Trump's legal play to avoid accountability shot down by the Georgia Supreme Court. And judge Cannon shot down his indefinite delay. This after Gulliani was recommended for disbarment for his election lies.

All Big Liars do is fail....because all Big Liars do is fail.
It has taken this long to compile all the evidence and witness testimony.
Blame much of that on Trump's own stalling tactics.
Once the J6 Committee issued it's final report though and Jack Smith had all of their evidence in hand then things began moving to indictment fairly quickly.
And let's not forget that the ONLY reason Trump announced his farce of a candidacy so ridiculously early was precisely because he (falsely) believed that having "candidate status" would grant him immunity from the charges he knew were on the horizon.
Didn't work though.
What is the legal code reference for “candidate status”?

Is that found in the “I just made that up” section of the code?
Says you, a grifter who is shilling a fraud that has raised literally hundreds of millions of dollars from rubes.

Alas, you can't back your con with evidence. Every court to hear your nonsense, state or federal....has laughed it out the door.

Which is why you despise the courts. The court is where your grifts go to die.
You deny what happened. Half the country was ignored and insulted on J6. Then censorship and intimidation. A clearly biased judiciary. It is still going on today.

Why? Because fraud happened.
Posting that fake video again doesn't make Trump's words match what he is saying. You guys think repetition somehow makes your lies true. Sad little Marxists.

Anyone can watch it. Anyone can read it.

But like you do with all the evidence in the indictment you refuse to look insist that its all fake.

Laughing.......good luck with that.
What is the legal code reference for “candidate status”?

Is that found in the “I just made that up” section of the code?
Once you announce you are running for office and file the required paperwork you are a candidate.
Once you are a candidate your "status" that you are officially a candidate.
Anymore collossally stupid questions?
Certainly, you use “we” in reference to the Dems / Marxists because as the spokes-Marxist for the Dem politburo, you are tasked with being the politburo mouthpiece.

Strange, though. The entirety of the Dem / Marxist gulag has a singular focus of making up phony charges in an attempt to keep Trump from taking office.

Might I suggest you meet with the Dem / Marxist politburo and get your priorities in focus?
Well kid, its apparent that we are not living in the same reality. You are emersed in this Marxist rhetoric and spew it on cue like a zombie troll bot. You are totally absorbed by the Trump Cult bubble and I have no illusions or fantasies about rescuing you. I am sure that you have ben convinced that I am the one in a echo chamber who has lost touch with reality. But the facts are the facts. Objective reality is reality. There are some things that cannot be argued. My work is done here .

PS Still waiting for you to show some sign that you actually understand Marxism

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