Trump is DOJ target

Again, using what evidence?

Durham spent 4 years looking into allegations. He found jackshit. The one plea deal for 400 hours of community service was found by the IG.

Mueller spent less than half that and indicted more than 30 people for literally dozens of felonies with 8 plea deals and convictions.

Jack Smith has spent even less than that and already has 30+ indictments with more on the way.

The the evidence.

Du-Ham had three trials.

One Conviction - Reduced to Community Service.

Two Not Guilty Verdicts.

That is all Duh-Ham got.
It has taken this long to compile all the evidence and witness testimony.

Really, dummy? You seriously think it took 2.5 years for the federal government to collect witnesses and testimony to a president trying to overthrow the government on national TV at one building right in their own backyard, shithead?

Heaven help us then if Russia ever attacks! I wonder how many years it would taken then to agree we were under attack and to rally our troops full of nuts and fruitcakes?

Damn, we may need to stretch the new definition of idiot-loser-nincompoop to include idiots like you!
You nailed it.

Democrats stole the election and since Biden won and Dems had full control for two years and now 2 of 3 branches for what will be two years; it's over.

The Dems cheating has only got more sophisticated.

To be honest, any Trump supporters that goes to the polls and votes are just a joke...cuckolds actually.

What else would you call a bunch of voters who know the election is rigged, yet they take time to vote anyhow!'s crazy.

If I were a trump supporter, I wouldn't want to be seen voting. Dems are just pointing at them and laughing to themselves.

Trump supporters should just stay home so they don't look like a bunch of rubes.

Your message is a powerful and poignant reminder of the futility of Trump supporter voting.

Thank you.
Your welcome stupid.
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Really, dummy? You seriously think it took 2.5 years for the federal government to collect witnesses and testimony to a president trying to overthrow the government on national TV at one building right in their own backyard, shithead?

Heaven help us then if Russia ever attacks! I wonder how many years it would taken then to agree we were under attack and to rally our troops full of nuts and fruitcakes?

Damn, we may need to stretch the new definition of idiot-loser-nincompoop to include idiots like you!
So what new indictments against orange golf boy do you predict will be unsealed when he appears for this next arraignment within 4 days as ordered?
Manafart gave (in his case selling) information to a known hostile state. It is also collusion. To an officer of Russian Military Intelligence.
He didn't give Kilimnik anything but talking points. Hillary used the Russians to make false claims against Trump.
Also didn’t happen.
I see candycornhole brainlessly called my reply “fake news.” But just to correct her error, since she’s far too dumb to do so on her own, it should be noted clearly that there isn’t one single bit of evidence that he ever threatened the life of Vice President Pence.

And brain dead crappycorn ought to know this. But to her, facts are irrelevant.
Settle down there, pumpkin. There was no attempt to overturn the 2020 election in spite of what the Dem / Marxist clowns told you.

Oh. Could you throw in some more 1970’s vintage slogans and clichés?

YOU get down on your knees and open you mouth for a known Maxist/Leninist/Communist.....former Lieutenant Colonel in K.G.B. Vladimir love him.
So what new indictments against orange golf boy do you predict will be unsealed

It doesn't matter, moron. They are all baseless, unprecedented, disprovable, and solely to hurt Trump and keep him from running against the feeble fool in the WH who hasn't a thing to claim as an accomplishment (unless he were reporting to the chinese in China).

Then Joe is just FULL of accomplishments!

But thanks for admitting that you hate democracy and free and fair elections and are all for treasonous election interference so long as it gets your traitor another four years in office by removing the man who casn beat him with one hand behind his back.
And not ONCE did we hear Hillary WHINING about "persecution" like the little orange golf boy bitch.

HRC has been investigated by the ReNaziKlans for over 25-Years. Not one in those 25-Years has the ReNaziKlans found a damn thing. I remember the Red, White and Blue shit fit they had when it discovered that......Oh My Mother Fucking God....they found her finger prints on files at the Rose Law Firm, where she worked before WJC was elected Governor of Arkansas.
Well kid, its apparent that we are not living in the same reality. You are emersed in this Marxist rhetoric and spew it on cue like a zombie troll bot. You are totally absorbed by the Trump Cult bubble and I have no illusions or fantasies about rescuing you. I am sure that you have ben convinced that I am the one in a echo chamber who has lost touch with reality. But the facts are the facts. Objective reality is reality. There are some things that cannot be argued. My work is done here .

PS Still waiting for you to show some sign that you actually understand Marxism
Well, dear. It seems the alternate reality of the Dem / Marxist psyche is a very dark place. From rampant crime, to homelessness, to deficit spending to child trafficking and government corruption, the Dems / Marxists insist that overarching government is what this country needs.

It’s just remarkable that Dems / Marxists insist that their destruction of the cities they run into the ground should be the model for running the entire country into the ground.

PS, still waiting for you to make an attempt at understanding the core concepts of Marxism.
So what new indictments against orange golf boy do you predict will be unsealed when he appears for this next arraignment within 4 days as ordered?
You got that wrong, too, you abysmally ignorant twat.

They can’t have an arraignment before an indictment. And he’s been offered a chance to testify in 4 days.

Do you ever get anything right? Ever?

Damn, you’re worthless.
Really, dummy? You seriously think it took 2.5 years for the federal government to collect witnesses and testimony to a president trying to overthrow the government on national TV at one building right in their own backyard, shithead?
Well, yeah. Those who aren't piss-gargling imbeciles understand that justice moves slowly.

But then, you're in the Trump cult , so it's a given that you're an imbecile.

And no, more whining won't change reality. But you'll keep trying anyways. What else can you do?

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