Trump is DOWN... CNN-16.... WSJ/NBC-14.... Rasmussen-12... FOX-10... Real Clear Politics-9.7

We have seen this movie before... Gawd I hate reruns...

You Trumpees like to imagine that if Trump won in 2016 he can't possibly lose in 2020, but thats not a rational idea, that's just magical thinking.

It’s like drawing two cards trying to fill an inside straight in poker. It can be done but is not a strategy to expect to win very often

Trump has done NOTHING to expand his base.
Going all in with only Conservatives is not a winning strategy
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How clear is "realclear"? It looks like fuzzy data to me. They had Hillary up in 2016 right up to election day.
We have seen this movie before... Gawd I hate reruns...

You Trumpees like to imagine that if Trump won in 2016 he can't possibly lose in 2020, but thats not a rational idea, that's just magical thinking.

It’s like drawing two cards trying to fill an inside straight in poker. It can be done but is not a strategy to expect to win very often

Trump has done NOTHING to expand his base.
Going all in with only Conservatives is not a winning strategy
Dude, your lies are so obvious.
Do they pay you by the hour to do this or by the lie?
And he is trending down in ALL. Not improving.
Doubling Down in FOX and others.
He's falling much faster than his fever.
Doubling his deficit in near all the polls over the last few weeks.


Come see me on election day. Bring plenty of tissues. Hell, bring a bucket . . . to catch your tears.
They got him now! Thankfully he was up against Hillary yugely.
I bet your pivot from Trump is going to win..all polls are shit--to Voter fraud the Dems stole the election..will be seamless. On Nov. 5

Hillary was up even more in many of those polls of yours.

President Trump will have a landslide. If you don't vote for president Trump, you aren't an American.

THIS is the crux of everything. Vote democrat and vote for the destruction of the American civilization.
And he is trending down in ALL. Not improving.
Doubling Down in FOX and others.
He's falling much faster than his fever.
Doubling his deficit in near all the polls over the last few weeks.

This is EXACTLY why I was able to make this thread...

We have seen this movie before... Gawd I hate reruns...
Good, this one has a different ending.
Time will tell...

Polling in the battle ground states is toss up... All within the MOE(margin of Error) but now the polling on the economy is becoming more important as the president is living proof that the virus is beatable.. And that is a message of HOPE... Not the negative message of the democrats..
Perhaps Trump can raise his numbers if he goes in a coughing spell during his rally.
538 has Trump in BETTER numbers today than in 2016

Wrong, wrong again.

Trump has gone down from 23in100 odds of winnning before debate to 15in100 now.
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Ad the trends are dropping Not improving.
He's falling much faster than his fever.
Doubling his deficit in near all the polls over the last few weeks.

Then why is Pelosi panicking and trying her 25A coup?
Trump is so frantically worried. Donors are dumping him. Polls are showing him drastic losses in battle ground and swing states. As for the 25th? Trump is a psychopath.

Sound like you're the one who is worried and rightly so.

Anyone who believes polls has rocks for brains. Every poll, pundit and talking head told us all Hitlery would be POTUS in 2016.


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