Trump is endangering journalists


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
In Lieu of Comedy, WHCD Opens with Dark Sermon on Trump Endangering Journalists

“I’ve had to tell my family not to touch packages on our stoop,” he told the crowd. “My name is on a statement criticizing the president for celebrating a congressman’s criminal assault on a reporter. I’ve had death threats, including one this week. Too many of us have. It shouldn’t need to be said in a room full of people who understand the power of words but fake news and enemies of the people are not punch lines, pet names or presidential. And we should reject politically expedient assaults on the men and women whose hard work makes it possible to hold the powerful to account."

First of all, these are not "journalists", they're apparatchiks. They're not "holding the powerful to account", they're manipulating public opinion. When their moonbat messiah was in office, they ignored the multiple scandals his administration was involved in, to a point where the meat puppet faggot was bold enough to brag about a lack of scandal. Yet if any president was suppressing the media, it was their own dear leader.

Trump Wages War on the Press, but Was Obama Much Better to Reporters? (Guest Column)

Obama, who campaigned on a promise to protect government whistle-blowers, made greater use of the Espionage Act to prosecute leakers and menace journalists than all other presidents combined.
Obama’s Justice Department accessed the personal email of a Fox News reporter and surveilled the reporter’s parents and colleagues. They seized the home, work and mobile phone records of journalists at the Associated Press.
Risen, who fought the administration to protect his sources, got so deep in his own legal battle with Obama that he selected a reading list for prison before the government finally backed off.

As far as I'm concerned these apparatchiks need to be held liable for malpractice. I don't give a shit who is guilty of corruption in DC, if it's Trump, Ted Cruz, hitlery, Schumer, Et Al... The media is supposed to expose it and make sure independent legal professionals peruse charges against them. That isn't being done, and it hasn't been done for decades. So when this bed wetter whines about being terrified for failing to do his job, and for promoting agitprop at the WHCD, I wish I could have been there to heckle his ass.

In Lieu of Comedy, WHCD Opens with Dark Sermon on Trump Endangering Journalists

“I’ve had to tell my family not to touch packages on our stoop,” he told the crowd. “My name is on a statement criticizing the president for celebrating a congressman’s criminal assault on a reporter. I’ve had death threats, including one this week. Too many of us have. It shouldn’t need to be said in a room full of people who understand the power of words but fake news and enemies of the people are not punch lines, pet names or presidential. And we should reject politically expedient assaults on the men and women whose hard work makes it possible to hold the powerful to account."

First of all, these are not "journalists", they're apparatchiks. They're not "holding the powerful to account", they're manipulating public opinion. When their moonbat messiah was in office, they ignored the multiple scandals his administration was involved in, to a point where the meat puppet faggot was bold enough to brag about a lack of scandal. Yet if any president was suppressing the media, it was their own dear leader.

Trump Wages War on the Press, but Was Obama Much Better to Reporters? (Guest Column)

Obama, who campaigned on a promise to protect government whistle-blowers, made greater use of the Espionage Act to prosecute leakers and menace journalists than all other presidents combined.
Obama’s Justice Department accessed the personal email of a Fox News reporter and surveilled the reporter’s parents and colleagues. They seized the home, work and mobile phone records of journalists at the Associated Press.
Risen, who fought the administration to protect his sources, got so deep in his own legal battle with Obama that he selected a reading list for prison before the government finally backed off.

As far as I'm concerned these apparatchiks need to be held liable for malpractice. I don't give a shit who is guilty of corruption in DC, if it's Trump, Ted Cruz, hitlery, Schumer, Et Al... The media is supposed to expose it and make sure independent legal professionals peruse charges against them. That isn't being done, and it hasn't been done for decades. So when this bed wetter whines about being terrified for failing to do his job, and for promoting agitprop at the WHCD, I wish I could have been there to heckle his ass.

BWAHAHAHAHA oh man those journalists really know how to party. That's some funny shit right there.
Funny, I haven't seen mobs of right wingers surrounding and threatening the homes of leftist journalists.

I have seen the opposite, though...
Two years of an openly hostile press pushing a biased narrative proves a couple things.
The press is still very free and the constant barrage against Trump shows it daily.
Trump is a shitty dictator to allow this open display of contempt. Not a single journalist arrested.
Good! Journalist presstitutes deserve whatever horrors they get and I'm quite happy when they die. Besides, it's not like journalists are an endangered species; if any media whores get killed there are a hundred more of these swine to take their place. I don't know why any true American would care about the safety and well-being of a journalist piece of bowel-disturbed shit. I say PLEASE endanger media whores, they've earned it.
Two years of an openly hostile press pushing a biased narrative proves a couple things.
The press is still very free and the constant barrage against Trump shows it daily.
Trump is a shitty dictator to allow this open display of contempt. Not a single journalist arrested.
Abraham lincoln, he is not.
Two years of an openly hostile press pushing a biased narrative proves a couple things.
The press is still very free and the constant barrage against Trump shows it daily.
Trump is a shitty dictator to allow this open display of contempt. Not a single journalist arrested.
Abraham lincoln, he is not.
Nor a Woodrow Wilson...
Funny, I haven't seen mobs of right wingers surrounding and threatening the homes of leftist journalists.

I have seen the opposite, though...

I wonder how many prominent journalists and Democrats condemned the leftist mob that converged on Tucker Carlson's home to terrorize Carlson's family.
Trump is endangering journalists

See? This is what CRCs are all about now.
Oh my Fucking God!!!

You're right, the "CRC's" (whoever the fuck that is) demand accountability for the media. Wouldn't it be great to trust government and have a functioning frontal lobe...

Fucking disturbed parasite.
In Lieu of Comedy, WHCD Opens with Dark Sermon on Trump Endangering Journalists

“I’ve had to tell my family not to touch packages on our stoop,” he told the crowd. “My name is on a statement criticizing the president for celebrating a congressman’s criminal assault on a reporter. I’ve had death threats, including one this week. Too many of us have. It shouldn’t need to be said in a room full of people who understand the power of words but fake news and enemies of the people are not punch lines, pet names or presidential. And we should reject politically expedient assaults on the men and women whose hard work makes it possible to hold the powerful to account."

First of all, these are not "journalists", they're apparatchiks. They're not "holding the powerful to account", they're manipulating public opinion. When their moonbat messiah was in office, they ignored the multiple scandals his administration was involved in, to a point where the meat puppet faggot was bold enough to brag about a lack of scandal. Yet if any president was suppressing the media, it was their own dear leader.

Trump Wages War on the Press, but Was Obama Much Better to Reporters? (Guest Column)

Obama, who campaigned on a promise to protect government whistle-blowers, made greater use of the Espionage Act to prosecute leakers and menace journalists than all other presidents combined.
Obama’s Justice Department accessed the personal email of a Fox News reporter and surveilled the reporter’s parents and colleagues. They seized the home, work and mobile phone records of journalists at the Associated Press.
Risen, who fought the administration to protect his sources, got so deep in his own legal battle with Obama that he selected a reading list for prison before the government finally backed off.

As far as I'm concerned these apparatchiks need to be held liable for malpractice. I don't give a shit who is guilty of corruption in DC, if it's Trump, Ted Cruz, hitlery, Schumer, Et Al... The media is supposed to expose it and make sure independent legal professionals peruse charges against them. That isn't being done, and it hasn't been done for decades. So when this bed wetter whines about being terrified for failing to do his job, and for promoting agitprop at the WHCD, I wish I could have been there to heckle his ass.


I'm not sure there are any journalist left, they all seem to be shills for politics and advocates. When they tell students in journalism school they can change the world, they're not producing journalist. A journalist is suppose to report on the happenings of the world, not try to alter them.

Question for the LEFTISTS------------->

A used car dealership buy150 cars from a flood ravaged area, ships them to New York, and sells them to 150 New Yorkers. The New York Times discovers this, and tells all of New York that said dealerships are selling "fake cars!"

All of those 150 buyers, along with everyone else who purchased a car at that dealership are now extremely upset, and at the very least, will NEVER do business with that dealership again!

So who is to blame because everyone is soooooooooo pissed? Is it the CROOKED dealership? Or is it the New York Times for exposing the scam-)

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