Trump is FAILING on ALL Fronts

Even when it's clear that President Trump has accomplished more in two months than Hussein achieved in eight years the radical left still embraces the ultimate fantasy. When are they gonna grow up?

Trump has accomplished nothing......No wall, no Muslim ban, no repeal Obamacare, Donnycare is an embarrassment

All while he humiliates himself over Twitter

Trump's One Man FREAK Show rolls on.


Britain Said to Be ‘Livid’ Over Trump’s Bogus Claim

March 17, 2017

President Trump “refused to back down on Friday after his White House aired an unverified claim that Britain’s spy agency secretly monitored him during last year’s campaign at the behest of President Barack Obama,” the New York Times reports.

“Although his aides in private conversations since Thursday night had tried to calm British officials who were livid over the claim,
Mr. Trump made clear that he felt the White House had nothing to retract or apologize for. He said his spokesman was simply repeating an assertion made by a Fox News commentator.”
Even when it's clear that President Trump has accomplished more in two months than Hussein achieved in eight years the radical left still embraces the ultimate fantasy. When are they gonna grow up?

Trump has accomplished nothing......No wall, no Muslim ban, no repeal Obamacare, Donnycare is an embarrassment

All while he humiliates himself over Twitter

Doesn't have to; all he has to do is let your obstructionist heroes do all the work of shooting themselves in the foot and out themselves as the vermin they are, and the rest takes care of itself. was the right wing former TeaTards who bought in to Trump

Waited eight years to control government and Republicans haven't done shit
Trump has done more good for this country in a couple of months than that Kenyan Catastrophe did in eight years and the Moon Bats can't stand it. Just wait until his tax reductions hit the street and the economy booms like we all know it will. Then the Moon Bats will being gong even more batshit crazy with their fake news trying to discredit his success. Just nothing more than typical Left dishonesty.
Trump has done more good for this country in a couple of months than that Kenyan Catastrophe did in eight years and the Moon Bats can't stand it. Just wait until his tax reductions hit the street and the economy booms like we all know it will. Then the Moon Bats will being gong even more batshit crazy with their fake news trying to discredit his success. Just nothing more than typical Left dishonesty.

Trump is a train wreck

Worst start to a presidency ever, worst approval ratings
Trump is a train wreck

Worst start to a presidency ever, worst approval ratings

Trump on national security - Michael Flynn - FAIL
Trump of foreign policy - Mexican President - FAIL
Trump on foreign policy - Angela Merkel - FAIL
Trump on constitution - 1st executive order - FAIL
Trump on constitution - 2nd executive order - FAIL
Trump on reality - Obama bugged my phone - FAIL
Just wait until his tax reductions hit the street and the economy booms like we all know it will. .
Mind if we wait until it actually happens before high fiveing?

Any tax cut will stimulate the Kenyan Catastrophe's dismal economy.

This 2K increase in the stock market since Trump was elected is the investors of this country agreeing with me.

The country always does better when the filthy ass government lets the people that earned the money spend it rather than some stupid bureaucrat whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups.

The combined Federal, state and local governments of the US collects about 40% of the GDP for the cost of inefficient and corrupt government and then the Moon Bats wonder why we have increasing poverty, decreasing family income. dismal economic growth and more welfare. ...and if that ain't enough we are $20 trillion in debt.

It is time to stop so much spending and return some money to the people that actually earned it, don't you think? Wouldn't you rather keep some of the money you earned rather than it going for food stamps for an illegal alien? I know I would.

We will see how successful he is but for now it seems like Trump is on the right track. That is a good thing. Better than that Crooked Hillary asshole who ran on a platform to increase taxes don't you think?
This 2K increase in the stock market since Trump was elected is the investors of this country agreeing with me.

The 12K increase in the stock market since Obama was elected is the investors of this country agreeing with Obama.
This 2K increase in the stock market since Trump was elected is the investors of this country agreeing with me.

The 12K increase in the stock market since Obama was elected is the investors of this country agreeing with Obama.

You forget to mention that the low stock market in 2007 and 2008 was caused by the Democrat Congress screwing up the economy that Bush had kept sound for six years with his tax cut. The Democrat Congress whose leadership was Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry, Barney Queerboy and that worthless piece of shit affirmative action asshole Senator from Illinois. The Democrats who supported the CRA that caused the economic problems that Trump will now get around to fixing because Obama failed at it. Who, except the Democrats, would have ever thunk that the dumbass Libtard plan to use government pressure to lenders to give credit to people that had neither the means or the inclination to pay back the debt would come close to destroying the economy? You know, for social justice reasons.

Obama was a disaster for this country that produced increased poverty, decreased family income, astronomical debt and never once was even able to achieve a paltry 3% increase in the GDP so they investors would have been smarter to have waited until Trump was elected, don't you think? Do you Moon Bats ever bother to think?
You forget to mention that the low stock market in 2007 and 2008 was caused by the Democrat Congress screwing up the economy that Bush had kept sound for six years with his tax cut.

Are you talking about the democratic congress elected in 2006, whose first budget was FY 2008. while the Bush recession started in 2007.
Just wait until his tax reductions hit the street and the economy booms like we all know it will. .
Mind if we wait until it actually happens before high fiveing?

Any tax cut will stimulate the Kenyan Catastrophe's dismal economy.

This 2K increase in the stock market since Trump was elected is the investors of this country agreeing with me.

The country always does better when the filthy ass government lets the people that earned the money spend it rather than some stupid bureaucrat whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups.

The combined Federal, state and local governments of the US collects about 40% of the GDP for the cost of inefficient and corrupt government and then the Moon Bats wonder why we have increasing poverty, decreasing family income. dismal economic growth and more welfare. ...and if that ain't enough we are $20 trillion in debt.

It is time to stop so much spending and return some money to the people that actually earned it, don't you think? Wouldn't you rather keep some of the money you earned rather than it going for food stamps for an illegal alien? I know I would.

We will see how successful he is but for now it seems like Trump is on the right track. That is a good thing. Better than that Crooked Hillary asshole who ran on a platform to increase taxes don't you think?

Tax cuts for the wealthy will only stimulate the bank accounts and portfolios of the wealthy

The DOW is up 1K since inauguration day but that is a house of card built on the promise of deregulation which is bound to end badly as it did in 2008 ( The Dow gained 15K during Obamas time
This is astounding..this Orange Scum Bag Trump who Refuses to pay his Creditors [the Orange Piece of Dog Fuck Declared "Strategic" Bankruptcies Six Times in order to Fleece Creditors] is Calling out Germany for "vast sums of money owed"? are you fucking kidding me

Trump blows up at Germany over ‘vast sums of money’ owed to NATO in series of tweets
As is his custom on Saturday mornings when he is vacationing at his Mar-a-Lago resort, President Donald Trump jumped on Twitter to complain. This time about the media AND Germany.
We showed you bastards how much Obama was splurging on anything and everything. You're fucking excuse was that he was paying for it out of pocket....

I said that, huh.

------------------------------------ link?

And the $9 billion he sent to Iran was just paybacks for some shit he claims we owed which they promptly used to buy tanks with.

You will never admit how much that son of a bitch stole from the Treasury.
So far as this issue goes......go fuck yourselves.


When you're losing the point and desperate, Things Go Better with Tu Quoque. Or maybe not.

Even when it's clear that President Trump has accomplished more in two months than Hussein achieved in eight years the radical left still embraces the ultimate fantasy. When are they gonna grow up?

Trump has accomplished nothing......No wall, no Muslim ban, no repeal Obamacare, Donnycare is an embarrassment

All while he humiliates himself over Twitter

Doesn't have to; all he has to do is let your obstructionist heroes do all the work of shooting themselves in the foot and out themselves as the vermin they are, and the rest takes care of itself. was the right wing former TeaTards who bought in to Trump

Waited eight years to control government and Republicans haven't done shit

Trump could spend the entire 8 years sunning himself on the White House patio and be 10 times the better President Obama was, and 20 times better than wha Hillary would have been.

And, voting for Trump was as much about giving the finger to the GOP establishment as it was to the racist Democrats, so nobody cares about your GOP bashing; it just shows how clueless you really are about it.
You moonbats will be singing a different tune when you start experiencing the positive changes he's pushing for.

If somebody I hired fucked up this badly in the first two months, I'd fire his sorry ass:

On Obamacare repeal:
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails

On Trump's budget proposal:
Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 9:11pm EDT
Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

On Trump's wire-tapping claim :
Fri Mar 17, 2017 | 9:23am EDT
UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 8:38pm EDT
Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

On Trump's new travel ban :
2 Federal Judges Rule Against Trump’s Latest Travel Ban


is it snowing here???
Trump could spend the entire 8 years sunning himself on the White House patio and be 10 times the better President Obama was, and 20 times better than wha Hillary would have been.

And, voting for Trump was as much about giving the finger to the GOP establishment as it was to the racist Democrats, so nobody cares about your GOP bashing; it just shows how clueless you really are about it.

Maybe Trump should spend some time reading the Constitution. He's signed more unconstitutional executive orders than Obama.

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