Trump is FAILING on ALL Fronts

Trump is FAILING on ALL Fronts

Yes, he is the poster boy for failure - and the Peter Principle...


BREAKING DOWN 'Peter Principle'
The Peter Principle was laid out by Canadian educational scholar, Dr. Laurence J. Peter, in his 1968 book titled "The Peter Principle." Dr. Peter also stated in his book that an employee's inability to fulfill the requirements of a given position that he is promoted to may not be the result of general incompetence on the part of the employee as much as it is due to the fact that the position simply requires different skills than those the employee actually possesses. For example, an employee who is very good at following rules or company policies may be promoted into the position of creating rules or policies, despite the fact that being a good rule follower does not mean that an individual is well-suited to be a good rule creator.

Expanding on the Peter Principle
Dr. Peter summed up the Peter Principle with a twist on the old adage that "the cream rises to the top" by stating that "the cream rises until it sours." In other words, excellent employee performance is inevitably promoted to the point where the employee's performance is no longer excellent, or even satisfactory. According to the Peter Principle, competence is rewarded with promotion because competence, in the form of employee output, is noticeable and therefore usually recognized. However, once an employee reaches a position in which they are incompetent, they are no longer evaluated based on their output, but instead are evaluated on input factors, such as arriving at work on time and having a good attitude. Dr. Peter further argued that employees tend to remain in positions for which they are incompetent because mere incompetence is rarely sufficient to cause the employee to be fired from the position. Ordinarily, only extreme incompetence causes dismissal.

More: Peter Principle
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Trump is FAILING on ALL Fronts

Yes, he is the poster boy for failure - and the Peter Principle...


BREAKING DOWN 'Peter Principle'
The Peter Principle was laid out by Canadian educational scholar, Dr. Laurence J. Peter, in his 1968 book titled "The Peter Principle." Dr. Peter also stated in his book that an employee's inability to fulfill the requirements of a given position that he is promoted to may not be the result of general incompetence on the part of the employee as much as it is due to the fact that the position simply requires different skills than those the employee actually possesses. For example, an employee who is very good at following rules or company policies may be promoted into the position of creating rules or policies, despite the fact that being a good rule follower does not mean that an individual is well-suited to be a good rule creator.

Expanding on the Peter Principle
Dr. Peter summed up the Peter Principle with a twist on the old adage that "the cream rises to the top" by stating that "the cream rises until it sours." In other words, excellent employee performance is inevitably promoted to the point where the employee's performance is no longer excellent, or even satisfactory. According to the Peter Principle, competence is rewarded with promotion because competence, in the form of employee output, is noticeable and therefore usually recognized. However, once an employee reaches a position in which they are incompetent, they are no longer evaluated based on their output, but instead are evaluated on input factors, such as arriving at work on time and having a good attitude. Dr. Peter further argued that employees tend to remain in positions for which they are incompetent because mere incompetence is rarely sufficient to cause the employee to be fired from the position. Ordinarily, only extreme incompetence causes dismissal.

More: Peter Principle

That may very well be the stupidest post you've ever made....and that's saying a lot

Incompetent people (or as your idiot link says, employees) don't become billionaires.

However it may explain Ears and his disastrous reign of error
Trump is FAILING on ALL Fronts

Yes, he is the poster boy for failure - and the Peter Principle...


BREAKING DOWN 'Peter Principle'
The Peter Principle was laid out by Canadian educational scholar, Dr. Laurence J. Peter, in his 1968 book titled "The Peter Principle." Dr. Peter also stated in his book that an employee's inability to fulfill the requirements of a given position that he is promoted to may not be the result of general incompetence on the part of the employee as much as it is due to the fact that the position simply requires different skills than those the employee actually possesses. For example, an employee who is very good at following rules or company policies may be promoted into the position of creating rules or policies, despite the fact that being a good rule follower does not mean that an individual is well-suited to be a good rule creator.

Expanding on the Peter Principle
Dr. Peter summed up the Peter Principle with a twist on the old adage that "the cream rises to the top" by stating that "the cream rises until it sours." In other words, excellent employee performance is inevitably promoted to the point where the employee's performance is no longer excellent, or even satisfactory. According to the Peter Principle, competence is rewarded with promotion because competence, in the form of employee output, is noticeable and therefore usually recognized. However, once an employee reaches a position in which they are incompetent, they are no longer evaluated based on their output, but instead are evaluated on input factors, such as arriving at work on time and having a good attitude. Dr. Peter further argued that employees tend to remain in positions for which they are incompetent because mere incompetence is rarely sufficient to cause the employee to be fired from the position. Ordinarily, only extreme incompetence causes dismissal.

More: Peter Principle

That may very well be the stupidest post you've ever made....and that's saying a lot

Incompetent people (or as your idiot link says, employees) don't become billionaires.

However it may explain Ears and his disastrous reign of error

Funny. Look, sparky, several financial experts have reported that Trump would be worth as much, or even more, had he simply "invested" his inheritance in index funds.

Donald Trump Would Be Richer If He Had Invested in Index Funds ...
What's More Lucrative: "The Apprentice" or the S&P 500? - similar pages
Aug 20, 2015 ...Donald Trump's wealth could be almost $10 billion larger if he had retired and invested his money in index funds.

Trump Worth $10 Billion Less Than If He'd Simply Invested in Index funds ... / why-youre-probably-bette / - 101k - similar pages
Dec 9, 2015 ... Forbes reports Donald Trump is worth $4.1 billion; Trump says $10 billion. ... All he had to do was shift away from real estate and park his money in the same ... Per this calculator, every dollar invested in January 1982 would have been ... They're talking abouthis inheritance after the death of his father.
Trump is FAILING on ALL Fronts

Yes, he is the poster boy for failure - and the Peter Principle...


BREAKING DOWN 'Peter Principle'
The Peter Principle was laid out by Canadian educational scholar, Dr. Laurence J. Peter, in his 1968 book titled "The Peter Principle." Dr. Peter also stated in his book that an employee's inability to fulfill the requirements of a given position that he is promoted to may not be the result of general incompetence on the part of the employee as much as it is due to the fact that the position simply requires different skills than those the employee actually possesses. For example, an employee who is very good at following rules or company policies may be promoted into the position of creating rules or policies, despite the fact that being a good rule follower does not mean that an individual is well-suited to be a good rule creator.

Expanding on the Peter Principle
Dr. Peter summed up the Peter Principle with a twist on the old adage that "the cream rises to the top" by stating that "the cream rises until it sours." In other words, excellent employee performance is inevitably promoted to the point where the employee's performance is no longer excellent, or even satisfactory. According to the Peter Principle, competence is rewarded with promotion because competence, in the form of employee output, is noticeable and therefore usually recognized. However, once an employee reaches a position in which they are incompetent, they are no longer evaluated based on their output, but instead are evaluated on input factors, such as arriving at work on time and having a good attitude. Dr. Peter further argued that employees tend to remain in positions for which they are incompetent because mere incompetence is rarely sufficient to cause the employee to be fired from the position. Ordinarily, only extreme incompetence causes dismissal.

More: Peter Principle

That may very well be the stupidest post you've ever made....and that's saying a lot

Incompetent people (or as your idiot link says, employees) don't become billionaires.

However it may explain Ears and his disastrous reign of error

Funny. Look, sparky, several financial experts have reported that Trump would be worth as much, or even more, had he simply "invested" his inheritance in index funds.

Donald Trump Would Be Richer If He Had Invested in Index Funds ...
What's More Lucrative: "The Apprentice" or the S&P 500? - similar pages
Aug 20, 2015 ...Donald Trump's wealth could be almost $10 billion larger if he had retired and invested his money in index funds.

Look, "Sparky" the man is successful.

You're blabbering and drivel is old and tiresome....that and you're stupid as a stump.

This forum needs some new lefties that can hold their own, you can't

If somebody I hired fucked up this badly in the first two months, I'd fire his sorry ass:

On Obamacare repeal:
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails

On Trump's budget proposal:
Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 9:11pm EDT
Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

On Trump's wire-tapping claim :
Fri Mar 17, 2017 | 9:23am EDT
UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 8:38pm EDT
Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

On Trump's new travel ban :
2 Federal Judges Rule Against Trump’s Latest Travel Ban


Nobody legitimate is disappointed in the Trump admin...PERIOD!
The illegitimate whack-jobs, bottom feeders, criminals and illegals are still pissing their pants...that's all.
Trump has delivered and or attempted to deliver on promises made during his campaign, he's shown he has the balls to do the right thing for the RIGHT PEOPLE, he's made this country's bottom feeders feel like the piece of shits they really are, he's established an "American's First" philosophy, he's perpetuated a high level of optimism in industry resulting in job growth and investments.
He's hit it out of the park on those "Fronts"
Trump is FAILING on ALL Fronts

Yes, he is the poster boy for failure - and the Peter Principle...


BREAKING DOWN 'Peter Principle'
The Peter Principle was laid out by Canadian educational scholar, Dr. Laurence J. Peter, in his 1968 book titled "The Peter Principle." Dr. Peter also stated in his book that an employee's inability to fulfill the requirements of a given position that he is promoted to may not be the result of general incompetence on the part of the employee as much as it is due to the fact that the position simply requires different skills than those the employee actually possesses. For example, an employee who is very good at following rules or company policies may be promoted into the position of creating rules or policies, despite the fact that being a good rule follower does not mean that an individual is well-suited to be a good rule creator.

Expanding on the Peter Principle
Dr. Peter summed up the Peter Principle with a twist on the old adage that "the cream rises to the top" by stating that "the cream rises until it sours." In other words, excellent employee performance is inevitably promoted to the point where the employee's performance is no longer excellent, or even satisfactory. According to the Peter Principle, competence is rewarded with promotion because competence, in the form of employee output, is noticeable and therefore usually recognized. However, once an employee reaches a position in which they are incompetent, they are no longer evaluated based on their output, but instead are evaluated on input factors, such as arriving at work on time and having a good attitude. Dr. Peter further argued that employees tend to remain in positions for which they are incompetent because mere incompetence is rarely sufficient to cause the employee to be fired from the position. Ordinarily, only extreme incompetence causes dismissal.

More: Peter Principle

That may very well be the stupidest post you've ever made....and that's saying a lot

Incompetent people (or as your idiot link says, employees) don't become billionaires.

However it may explain Ears and his disastrous reign of error

Funny. Look, sparky, several financial experts have reported that Trump would be worth as much, or even more, had he simply "invested" his inheritance in index funds.

Donald Trump Would Be Richer If He Had Invested in Index Funds ...
What's More Lucrative: "The Apprentice" or the S&P 500? - similar pages
Aug 20, 2015 ...Donald Trump's wealth could be almost $10 billion larger if he had retired and invested his money in index funds.

Look, "Sparky" the man is successful.

You're blabbering and drivel is old and tiresome....that and you're stupid as a stump.

This forum needs some new lefties that can hold their own, you can't

Oh, so you're smarter than Fortune and Forbes? Interesting...
Funny. Look, sparky, several financial experts have reported that Trump would be worth as much, or even more, had he simply "invested" his inheritance in index funds.

Look, "Sparky" the man is successful.

You're blabbering and drivel is old and tiresome....that and you're stupid as a stump.

This forum needs some new lefties that can hold their own, you can't

So true. No original talking points, no decent arguments, no nothing from the usual pedo-friendlies and deviants in years here, exact same crap you can read at Daily Kos and Paint Huffer's Post. They just run back and forth posting the same idiotic fake news over and over and over and over and over, and try to convince each other they're really getting over or something. Absolutely pathetic.
So true. No original talking points, no decent arguments
Fuck you wing Nut all the Fake News comes from the white House ...Fuck Trump He sucks you Salad tossing Trump Rube.,mouth Breather readers of Breitbart Fuck you...have a great evening Fuck Face asshole

White House
Promotes Fake
News Article
Praising Trump Budget

The Daily Beast · 23 hours ago

White House Cites
Satire Story to
Support Trump's
Nightmare Budget [Update]

Gizmodo · 10 hours ago

White House
Apologizes To UK
For Using Fake Fox
News Report That They Helped Obama Spy On Trump

PoliticusUSA · 13 hours ago
Half the country considers itself in a state of rebellion. Trump is doing magnificently with the chaos he has to work with.

Even someone as stupid as you can see he's created the chaos that I have posted in my thread. Where's those brilliant negotiator skills he likes to brag about, DrunkPussyLover?
He can't negotiate with liberals. But then again, no one can. He does quite a lot but you can't see it due to your religious devotion.

What has he been denied?
Half the country considers itself in a state of rebellion. Trump is doing magnificently with the chaos he has to work with.
You certainly need a Tissue cry baby dummy...mother fucking Trump is cutting Meals on wheels while we Tax payers pay tens of millions for him to go on vacations every weekend and you are whining and crying about Trump ...FUCK TRUMp

Utah Republican: Trump is ‘leader of the free world’ — but doesn’t know how to act like it

Fox News Just Made Trump Look Like A Total Lunatic On Obama Wiretap Claims
Fox News wasted no time firing back and President Trump after he tried to blame the cable network for his claim that the British helped Obama spy on him. Fox made Trump look nuts by saying there is no evidence that Trump was wiretapped.…

Trump Trashes Fox News In Front Of The World While Sticking To Claim Obama Spied On Him
Donald Trump threw Fox News under the bus by claiming that it was Fox's fault that his press secretary reported the claim that the UK helped Obama spy on him during a joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.…

If somebody I hired fucked up this badly in the first two months, I'd fire his sorry ass:

On Obamacare repeal:
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails

On Trump's budget proposal:
Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 9:11pm EDT
Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

On Trump's wire-tapping claim :
Fri Mar 17, 2017 | 9:23am EDT
UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 8:38pm EDT
Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

On Trump's new travel ban :
2 Federal Judges Rule Against Trump’s Latest Travel Ban


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