Trump is FAILING on ALL Fronts

And it was up by 15,000 from the time Obama took office until he left Dow Jones Industrial Average

What you see happening now may well be a house of cards.

If Dodd-Frank is repealed things will be rosy for a while as the banks take advantage of deregulation and put short term profits ahead of stability- then it will all come crashing down like in 2008

If Trump starts a trade war with China or Mexico, it will all go south much sooner. Guaranteed!!
If if if if if
That's what the demented orange ogre wants to do, right?? Wall street is rallying on the promise of deregulation while ignoring his disastrous trade policies- so far. You are at least smart enough to know that? oh shit, no??

What if!
And it was up by 15,000 from the time Obama took office until he left Dow Jones Industrial Average

What you see happening now may well be a house of cards.

If Dodd-Frank is repealed things will be rosy for a while as the banks take advantage of deregulation and put short term profits ahead of stability- then it will all come crashing down like in 2008

If Trump starts a trade war with China or Mexico, it will all go south much sooner. Guaranteed!!
If if if if if
That's what the demented orange ogre wants to do, right?? Wall street is rallying on the promise of deregulation while ignoring his disastrous trade policies- so far. You are at least smart enough to know that? oh shit, no??

What if!
Asking me if I'm smart enough.....

Fails to properly operate the quote function
Now let's move on to this miserable failure's EXPENSE REPORT for the last two months.

Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty
Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty

Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels
By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years – all at the expense of taxpayers
Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels

And how much it costs to keep Melania in Manhattan? These elitist pigs don't think D.C. has a decent school for their little brat? At least that's their excuse.

Anyone bitching about Trump’s spending loses their credibility when they say they supported Obama....who famously spent over $4.2 billion a year on travel and upkeep for 4 people.

Even fox news called you out on this figure you pulled out of somewhere.

Watchdog: Obama's 'Vacation, Political Travel' Cost $100M Over 8 Years

$4.2B a year? Mud is a liar, not as a good a one as Trump, but nonetheless a liar.
Even Breitbart shows you're nothing but a liar, Muddy.

Report: Obama Family Travel Expenses Cost Taxpayers $96 Million Over 8 Years - Breitbart
Learn to read dickhead. I said travel and upkeep...that includes everything. Hairdresser, makeup, parties, security, everything.

"The Obamas notorious abuse of presidential travel perks wasted military resources and stressed the Secret Service,” Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, said in a statement. “Judicial Watch estimates that the final costs of Obama’s unnecessary vacation and political travel will well exceed $100 million.”

Every time Obama vacationed in Hawaii they had to station a fleet of ships off the coast to protect him. How much do you think that cost us???

Any idea what Rump's orange face costs?

Stationing ships offshore huh? Good thing we no longer have a POTUS that hangs out near an ocean huh.
Oh wait.

>> On a related note, the city of New York pays roughly $500,000 per day securing Trump Tower, where First Lady Melania Trump and son Barron are currently living. The annual cost could end up being around $183 million for this alone. << -- Price of Rump's Mar-a-Lago Trips Sobering to Small Businesses

Told you klowns throughout the entire campaign --- it's all about Numero Uno, it has always been all about Numero Uno, and it will always BE about Numero Uno. Period.
Now let's move on to this miserable failure's EXPENSE REPORT for the last two months.

Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty
Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty

Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels
By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years – all at the expense of taxpayers
Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels

And how much it costs to keep Melania in Manhattan? These elitist pigs don't think D.C. has a decent school for their little brat? At least that's their excuse.

Anyone bitching about Trump’s spending loses their credibility when they say they supported Obama....who famously spent over $4.2 billion a year on travel and upkeep for 4 people.

Even fox news called you out on this figure you pulled out of somewhere.

Watchdog: Obama's 'Vacation, Political Travel' Cost $100M Over 8 Years

$4.2B a year? Mud is a liar, not as a good a one as Trump, but nonetheless a liar.
Even Breitbart shows you're nothing but a liar, Muddy.

Report: Obama Family Travel Expenses Cost Taxpayers $96 Million Over 8 Years - Breitbart
Learn to read dickhead. I said travel and upkeep...that includes everything. Hairdresser, makeup, parties, security, everything.

"The Obamas notorious abuse of presidential travel perks wasted military resources and stressed the Secret Service,” Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, said in a statement. “Judicial Watch estimates that the final costs of Obama’s unnecessary vacation and political travel will well exceed $100 million.”

Every time Obama vacationed in Hawaii they had to station a fleet of ships off the coast to protect him. How much do you think that cost us???

Any idea what Rump's orange face costs?

Stationing ships offshore huh? Good thing we no longer have a POTUS that hangs out near an ocean huh.
Oh wait.

>> On a related note, the city of New York pays roughly $500,000 per day securing Trump Tower, where First Lady Melania Trump and son Barron are currently living. The annual cost could end up being around $183 million for this alone. << -- Price of Rump's Mar-a-Lago Trips Sobering to Small Businesses

Told you klowns throughout the entire campaign --- it's all about Numero Uno, it has always been all about Numero Uno, and it will always BE about Numero Uno. Period.
Roughly $500,000 per day.....right.....sure...uh-huh....:blahblah:
I guess the mob needs their kick-back.

We showed you bastards how much Obama was splurging on anything and everything. You're fucking excuse was that he was paying for it out of if the cocksucker made $1,000,000 extra a year to pay for his wife's birthday party, or the $1.2 million for hair and makeup.....all paid for out of pocket of course.
And the $9 billion he sent to Iran was just paybacks for some shit he claims we owed which they promptly used to buy tanks with.

You will never admit how much that son of a bitch stole from the Treasury.
So far as this issue goes......go fuck yourselves.
Last edited:
Now let's move on to this miserable failure's EXPENSE REPORT for the last two months.

Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty
Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty

Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels
By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years – all at the expense of taxpayers
Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels

And how much it costs to keep Melania in Manhattan? These elitist pigs don't think D.C. has a decent school for their little brat? At least that's their excuse.

Go fuck yourself. Many people had a problem like this with Obama. YOU weren't one of them. HACK

Hahahaha....You can't even read past a headline to get to the good part: ""By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years" and see just what kind of hack YOU ARE.
Obviously a bullshit statement.

Then put on your big-boy pants and prove it wrong. God you Trumpies are the lazy.
That's not my job. It's up to you to prove this bullshit. And not just some George Soros site or internet blog as a source. That ain't gonna cut it, biatch.

You're too lazy to see that the links are neither Soros or a blog, idiot. Trump LOVES his poorly educated morons.
Now let's move on to this miserable failure's EXPENSE REPORT for the last two months.

Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty
Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty

Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels
By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years – all at the expense of taxpayers
Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels

And how much it costs to keep Melania in Manhattan? These elitist pigs don't think D.C. has a decent school for their little brat? At least that's their excuse.

Anyone bitching about Trump’s spending loses their credibility when they say they supported Obama....who famously spent over $4.2 billion a year on travel and upkeep for 4 people.

Even fox news called you out on this figure you pulled out of somewhere.

Watchdog: Obama's 'Vacation, Political Travel' Cost $100M Over 8 Years

$4.2B a year? Mud is a liar, not as a good a one as Trump, but nonetheless a liar.
Even Breitbart shows you're nothing but a liar, Muddy.

Report: Obama Family Travel Expenses Cost Taxpayers $96 Million Over 8 Years - Breitbart
Learn to read dickhead. I said travel and upkeep...that includes everything. Hairdresser, makeup, parties, security, everything.

"The Obamas notorious abuse of presidential travel perks wasted military resources and stressed the Secret Service,” Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, said in a statement. “Judicial Watch estimates that the final costs of Obama’s unnecessary vacation and political travel will well exceed $100 million.”

Every time Obama vacationed in Hawaii they had to station a fleet of ships off the coast to protect him. How much do you think that cost us???

You'd better learn to read, dickhead. You said $4.2B and your source, which is not linked and IS a rightwing blog, says $100M.
But what's really funny is "hairdresser, makeup". Who do you think costs more now? Donald or Melania?
And it was up by 15,000 from the time Obama took office until he left Dow Jones Industrial Average

What you see happening now may well be a house of cards.

If Dodd-Frank is repealed things will be rosy for a while as the banks take advantage of deregulation and put short term profits ahead of stability- then it will all come crashing down like in 2008

If Trump starts a trade war with China or Mexico, it will all go south much sooner. Guaranteed!!
If if if if if

What if!
That's what the demented orange ogre wants to do, right?? Wall street is rallying on the promise of deregulation while ignoring his disastrous trade policies- so far. You are at least smart enough to know that? oh shit, no??

If somebody I hired fucked up this badly in the first two months, I'd fire his sorry ass:

On Obamacare repeal:
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails

On Trump's budget proposal:
Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 9:11pm EDT
Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

On Trump's wire-tapping claim :
Fri Mar 17, 2017 | 9:23am EDT
UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 8:38pm EDT
Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

On Trump's new travel ban :
2 Federal Judges Rule Against Trump’s Latest Travel Ban

View attachment 117200

I state facts. You post memes because you have no facts. You lose.
And it was up by 15,000 from the time Obama took office until he left Dow Jones Industrial Average

What you see happening now may well be a house of cards.

If Dodd-Frank is repealed things will be rosy for a while as the banks take advantage of deregulation and put short term profits ahead of stability- then it will all come crashing down like in 2008

If Trump starts a trade war with China or Mexico, it will all go south much sooner. Guaranteed!!
If if if if if
That's what the demented orange ogre wants to do, right?? Wall street is rallying on the promise of deregulation while ignoring his disastrous trade policies- so far. You are at least smart enough to know that? oh shit, no??

What if!
Asking me if I'm smart enough.....

Fails to properly operate the quote function

So? The righties on here fail to properly operate the cerebral cortex function.
Half the country considers itself in a state of rebellion. Trump is doing magnificently with the chaos he has to work with.

Indeed. The OP is just more fake news, nothing to see here, just like in every other gimp thread whining about Trump.
Half the country considers itself in a state of rebellion. Trump is doing magnificently with the chaos he has to work with.

Indeed. The OP is just more fake news, nothing to see here, just like in every other gimp thread whining about Trump.
Trump is a train wreck

The only fake news would be anyone claiming he is remotely competent
Half the country considers itself in a state of rebellion. Trump is doing magnificently with the chaos he has to work with.

Indeed. The OP is just more fake news, nothing to see here, just like in every other gimp thread whining about Trump.
Trump is a train wreck

The only fake news would be anyone claiming he is remotely competent

lol you'll have to peddle that narrative to all those other establishment suckups. We expected him to be harassed and obstructed by both 'Parties', so you don't have any real news here either.
Let's not forget all of the extra expense that Big Eared prick costs us in gasoline prices, energy, food (particularly beef), cigarettes, booze, and medical care.

And multiple foreign policy disasters that will cost trillions to clean up and leave many millions dead before it can be corrected. So much for the faux 'peace left' and their violent atavistic racism and unprincipled slavery to fashion.
Half the country considers itself in a state of rebellion. Trump is doing magnificently with the chaos he has to work with.

Indeed. The OP is just more fake news, nothing to see here, just like in every other gimp thread whining about Trump.
Trump is a train wreck

The only fake news would be anyone claiming he is remotely competent
Yeah....keep saying that to yourself while you lose everything in the next two elections.
Half the country considers itself in a state of rebellion. Trump is doing magnificently with the chaos he has to work with.

Indeed. The OP is just more fake news, nothing to see here, just like in every other gimp thread whining about Trump.
Trump is a train wreck

The only fake news would be anyone claiming he is remotely competent
Yeah....keep saying that to yourself while you lose everything in the next two elections.

With Trump a shoo in for the next GOP primary, we can afford to go vote in the Democratic primary and vote for the worse possible candidate they offer up. They will have to stick their asses in their base's faces and invoke the 'super-delegate rule', reducing their turnout even more than this last round of farces they ran. lol

We can write in Jake!!!! Or Jillian!!! Or ...

If somebody I hired fucked up this badly in the first two months, I'd fire his sorry ass:

On Obamacare repeal:
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails

On Trump's budget proposal:
Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 9:11pm EDT
Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

On Trump's wire-tapping claim :
Fri Mar 17, 2017 | 9:23am EDT
UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 8:38pm EDT
Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

On Trump's new travel ban :
2 Federal Judges Rule Against Trump’s Latest Travel Ban

View attachment 117200

I state facts. You post memes because you have no facts. You lose.
For someone who is not doing anything, Trump sure has you pansy's pulling wedgies out of your asses frequently.

If somebody I hired fucked up this badly in the first two months, I'd fire his sorry ass:

On Obamacare repeal:
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails

On Trump's budget proposal:
Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 9:11pm EDT
Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

On Trump's wire-tapping claim :
Fri Mar 17, 2017 | 9:23am EDT
UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 8:38pm EDT
Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

On Trump's new travel ban :
2 Federal Judges Rule Against Trump’s Latest Travel Ban

View attachment 117200

I state facts. You post memes because you have no facts. You lose.
For someone who is not doing anything, Trump sure has you pansy's pulling wedgies out of your asses frequently.

Yes. The amount of fake news spam threads here daily is truly Yuuuuuuuge!
Half the country considers itself in a state of rebellion. Trump is doing magnificently with the chaos he has to work with.

Indeed. The OP is just more fake news, nothing to see here, just like in every other gimp thread whining about Trump.
Trump is a train wreck

The only fake news would be anyone claiming he is remotely competent
Yeah....keep saying that to yourself while you lose everything in the next two elections.
We shall see

If Trump is a hero, you win
If Trump fucks up, you lose
Half the country considers itself in a state of rebellion. Trump is doing magnificently with the chaos he has to work with.

Indeed. The OP is just more fake news, nothing to see here, just like in every other gimp thread whining about Trump.
Trump is a train wreck

The only fake news would be anyone claiming he is remotely competent
Yeah....keep saying that to yourself while you lose everything in the next two elections.

With Trump a shoo in for the next GOP primary, we can afford to go vote in the Democratic primary and vote for the worse possible candidate they offer up. They will have to stick their asses in their base's faces and invoke the 'super-delegate rule', reducing their turnout even more than this last round of farces they ran. lol

We can write in Jake!!!! Or Jillian!!! Or ...
Right now, I doubt Trump will run unopposed

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