Trump is FAILING on ALL Fronts

Trump is supposed to be a great Dealmaker

What deals has he made with fellow Republicans? How about Democrats? What deals has he made with other nations?

If anything, he has shown himself to be incapable of making agreements. He has a Republican Congress and can't get anything done
your lack of knowledge on how bills get through the senate is hilarious. thanks for the laugh.

It is not my knowledge but Trumps

He bragged about his ability to make deals like we have never seen. What I have seen is his ability to mess up alliances and destroy trust
yep, and he is fifty plus days in and working it. And?

By this time, President Obama had already saved the world and won a Nobel Prize

Trump is a slacker

yeppers, he "saved the world" by helping to create ISIS. Yet another rightwinger epic fail.

The creation of DAESH began upon the US invasion of Iraq. You know, the one that more people around the world protested than had ever protested anything before in the history of the world, literally.

your lack of knowledge on how bills get through the senate is hilarious. thanks for the laugh.

It is not my knowledge but Trumps

He bragged about his ability to make deals like we have never seen. What I have seen is his ability to mess up alliances and destroy trust
yep, and he is fifty plus days in and working it. And?

By this time, President Obama had already saved the world and won a Nobel Prize

Trump is a slacker

By this time (a month ago Feb. 17 2009) ---- O'bama (it is St. Pat's Day) had signed into law the ARRA to stimulate the economy after it passed both houses of Congress. By this time 8 years ago work was already starting via that program to widen our local highway here from 2 lanes to 4. That happened.

Meanwhile the Rump Wall is ---- uh, "soon".

Not that that's a complaint. The ARRA was after all a constructive thing. ARRA was done to address the real problem of a collapsed economy. The Wall is..... uh... well........

Yes, his "recovery" was so good that the Fed didn't dare raise interest rates a tenth of a point for fear of watching the whole house of cards topple over. The trumpster has been in for less than three months and the Fed is already raising the interest rates. Yet another pogo epic fail.

--- which the Fed doesn't do unless and until the economy is healthy again. And it's actually less than two months. Economies don't heal in two months --- even I know that.

You're sidestepping the point, which was a comparison of what-got-done-when.
your lack of knowledge on how bills get through the senate is hilarious. thanks for the laugh.

It is not my knowledge but Trumps

He bragged about his ability to make deals like we have never seen. What I have seen is his ability to mess up alliances and destroy trust
yep, and he is fifty plus days in and working it. And?

By this time, President Obama had already saved the world and won a Nobel Prize

Trump is a slacker

yeppers, he "saved the world" by helping to create ISIS. Yet another rightwinger epic fail.

The creation of DAESH began upon the US invasion of Iraq. You know, the one that more people around the world protested than had ever protested anything before in the history of the world, literally.


Wrong, ISIS formed as obummer pulled the US military out of Iraq. And yes, it most certainly was on topic.
It is not my knowledge but Trumps

He bragged about his ability to make deals like we have never seen. What I have seen is his ability to mess up alliances and destroy trust
yep, and he is fifty plus days in and working it. And?

By this time, President Obama had already saved the world and won a Nobel Prize

Trump is a slacker

By this time (a month ago Feb. 17 2009) ---- O'bama (it is St. Pat's Day) had signed into law the ARRA to stimulate the economy after it passed both houses of Congress. By this time 8 years ago work was already starting via that program to widen our local highway here from 2 lanes to 4. That happened.

Meanwhile the Rump Wall is ---- uh, "soon".

Not that that's a complaint. The ARRA was after all a constructive thing. ARRA was done to address the real problem of a collapsed economy. The Wall is..... uh... well........

Yes, his "recovery" was so good that the Fed didn't dare raise interest rates a tenth of a point for fear of watching the whole house of cards topple over. The trumpster has been in for less than three months and the Fed is already raising the interest rates. Yet another pogo epic fail.

--- which the Fed doesn't do unless and until the economy is healthy again. And it's actually less than two months. Economies don't heal in two months --- even I know that.

You're sidestepping the point, which was a comparison of what-got-done-when.

Oh? So obummer had no Fed hikes, yet you claim his "recovery" was awesome? Is that what you're saying? obummers economy was a FAILURE. It was so bad that all it witnessed were interest rates LOWERING in an effort to save the "recovery". They are already saying that three interest hikes this year may not be enough.

Once again yet another pogo epic fail.

Why three rate hikes in 2017 may not be enough
Op-Ed: Three Fed rate hikes in 2017 may not be enough
Last edited:
yep, and he is fifty plus days in and working it. And?

By this time, President Obama had already saved the world and won a Nobel Prize

Trump is a slacker

By this time (a month ago Feb. 17 2009) ---- O'bama (it is St. Pat's Day) had signed into law the ARRA to stimulate the economy after it passed both houses of Congress. By this time 8 years ago work was already starting via that program to widen our local highway here from 2 lanes to 4. That happened.

Meanwhile the Rump Wall is ---- uh, "soon".

Not that that's a complaint. The ARRA was after all a constructive thing. ARRA was done to address the real problem of a collapsed economy. The Wall is..... uh... well........

Yes, his "recovery" was so good that the Fed didn't dare raise interest rates a tenth of a point for fear of watching the whole house of cards topple over. The trumpster has been in for less than three months and the Fed is already raising the interest rates. Yet another pogo epic fail.

--- which the Fed doesn't do unless and until the economy is healthy again. And it's actually less than two months. Economies don't heal in two months --- even I know that.

You're sidestepping the point, which was a comparison of what-got-done-when.

Oh? So obummer had no Fed hikes, yest you claim his "recovery" was awesome? Is that what you're saying? obummers economy was a FAILURE. It was so bad that all it witnessed were interest rates LOWERING in an effort to save the "recovery". They are already saying that three interest hikes this year may not be enough.

Once again yet another pogo epic fail.

Why three rate hikes in 2017 may not be enough
Op-Ed: Three Fed rate hikes in 2017 may not be enough


:desk: "History that's not going away" for 600, Alex!

Oh by the way -- you'll notice the label "March 2009". Two (not "three") months into the change of administration --- and how for the first two months, the previous trend continues before reversing course.

Inneresting doncha thinK?
Donald is used to being the boss and not being questioned. All of his companies are privately held. So he's having a very tough time learning that The Hill is not a "Tower" with his name in big letters over the door.

One more glaring reason it makes no sense to hire a business goon to run a government. They serve opposite goals and they do so in opposite ways.
...which proves he is the right man for the job. Pissing off liberals and their failing belief system is as good as it gets.

I'm afraid running a gummint has nothing to do with "pissing off" anybody. Running a business very well may, so you just proved my point.

Besides which, "Liberals and their belief system" is what this country is made of; we wrote its Constitution. To paraphrase an old maxim, you piss off the Constitution, you get the horn.
liberals and conservatives of that time who BOTH wrote the constitution were nothing like the ones today......those guys actually cared enough about the "Country" to put it ahead of their own personal shit and actually worked together to get things done.....

Nope. The Conservatives of the time were the Royalists who wanted to stay a colony. They were uh, overruled. The Constitution is built on the idea that power derives from the consent of the governed --- not from the Monarchy that the Royalists wanted to stay with. And that's Liberalism.
But that's not the conservatives of today. Our left has gone full tilt left.
Team Trump should be focused on their agenda:

Repeal Obamacare, build a wall, Muslim ban, the budget

Instead, they spend their time trying to redefine what the boss has said
Their agenda? Make America Great Again?

It's coming along nicely but it's good to see you lefties are focused on superfluous bullshit as usual.

Would you like to point out what is superfluous in my O/P?

Oh, and I left out the Flynn and Sessions scandals, unless you think lying under oath in confirmation meetings is superfluous?

Michael Flynn lied under oath about taking money from russians ...
Michael Flynn lied under oath about taking money from russians. - Politics Message Board - GameFAQs
1 day ago - 1 post - ‎1 author
On Politics, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Michael Flynn lied under oath about taking money from russians.".
Mike Flynn May Face Felony Charges For Lying To The FBI | Zero ...
Feb 15, 2017 - Mike Flynn May Face Felony Charges For Lying To The FBI .... a senior naval officer who served under President Donald Trump's Defense Secretary James Mattis. ... He got locked up for lying under oath to congress right?
Could NSA Flynn face Criminal Charges over Russia Ties? | Informed ...
Could NSA Flynn face Criminal Charges over Russia Ties?
Feb 11, 2017 - Flynn wasn't under oath, so I suppose this is just a lie and not perjury. ... Trump Security Adviser Mike Flynn Gives Putin Standing Ovation at ...
The FBI interviewed Michael Flynn. If he lied, he could face a felony.
Feb 14, 2017 - In the first days following President Donald Trump's inauguration, FBI agents interviewed Michael Flynn about his discussions with the Russian ...


Ted Lieu on Jeff Sessions: 'Lying Before Congress Under Oath ...
Mar 4, 2017 - "I hope Attorney General Sessions has a nice dinner becauselying before Congress under oath qualifies to be sent to prison," Lieu stated.
Poll: Majority of voters say Jeff Sessions lied under oath, should resign ...
Mar 8, 2017 - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied under oath during his confirmation hearing about his contact with the Russians and he should resign, ...
Nancy Pelosi: Jeff Sessions Lied Under Oath And Must Resign | The ...
Mar 2, 2017 - “Jeff Sessions lied under oath during his confirmation hearing before the Senate,” Pelosi said in a statement released late Wednesday. “Under ...
Rep. Lieu: Sessions lied under oath, should be sent to prison | MSNBC
Mar 4, 2017 - Rep. Ted Lieu, D-CA, responds to the recent news that Attorney General Jeff Sessions will be meeting with President Trump on Saturday night ...
What i mean?

You all bitch endlessly about political stories but give him zero credit for how well the economy is responding to him. The shit you're bitching about has little to no impact on everyday Americans and just like Hillary you marginalize yourself doing this.

If Trump continues with his lunatic, paranoid accusations against Obama and the money trail to Putin is confirmed, the economy is going to tank.
Team Trump should be focused on their agenda:

Repeal Obamacare, build a wall, Muslim ban, the budget

Instead, they spend their time trying to redefine what the boss has said
Their agenda? Make America Great Again?

It's coming along nicely but it's good to see you lefties are focused on superfluous bullshit as usual.

Yes he is, just look at Wv and Ky and the heartland, they have great health insurance coal and manufacturing jobs and rolling in the dough.

Go back to bed grandpa and dream some more.
Now let's move on to this miserable failure's EXPENSE REPORT for the last two months.

Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty
Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty

Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels
By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years – all at the expense of taxpayers
Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels

And how much it costs to keep Melania in Manhattan? These elitist pigs don't think D.C. has a decent school for their little brat? At least that's their excuse.

Go fuck yourself. Many people had a problem like this with Obama. YOU weren't one of them. HACK

Hahahaha....You can't even read past a headline to get to the good part: ""By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years" and see just what kind of hack YOU ARE.
Obviously a bullshit statement.

Then put on your big-boy pants and prove it wrong. God you Trumpies are the lazy.
Now let's move on to this miserable failure's EXPENSE REPORT for the last two months.

Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty
Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty

Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels
By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years – all at the expense of taxpayers
Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels

And how much it costs to keep Melania in Manhattan? These elitist pigs don't think D.C. has a decent school for their little brat? At least that's their excuse.

Anyone bitching about Trump’s spending loses their credibility when they say they supported Obama....who famously spent over $4.2 billion a year on travel and upkeep for 4 people.

Even fox news called you out on this figure you pulled out of somewhere.

Watchdog: Obama's 'Vacation, Political Travel' Cost $100M Over 8 Years
the deal is coming in the pharmaceutical part of the healthcare bill. just watch.

Trump is supposed to be a great Dealmaker

What deals has he made with fellow Republicans? How about Democrats? What deals has he made with other nations?

If anything, he has shown himself to be incapable of making agreements. He has a Republican Congress and can't get anything done
your lack of knowledge on how bills get through the senate is hilarious. thanks for the laugh.

It is not my knowledge but Trumps

He bragged about his ability to make deals like we have never seen. What I have seen is his ability to mess up alliances and destroy trust
yep, and he is fifty plus days in and working it. And?

By this time, President Obama had already saved the world and won a Nobel Prize

Trump is a slacker

To busy tweeting.
It is not my knowledge but Trumps

He bragged about his ability to make deals like we have never seen. What I have seen is his ability to mess up alliances and destroy trust
yep, and he is fifty plus days in and working it. And?

By this time, President Obama had already saved the world and won a Nobel Prize

Trump is a slacker

yeppers, he "saved the world" by helping to create ISIS. Yet another rightwinger epic fail.

The creation of DAESH began upon the US invasion of Iraq. You know, the one that more people around the world protested than had ever protested anything before in the history of the world, literally.


Wrong, ISIS formed as obummer pulled the US military out of Iraq. And yes, it most certainly was on topic.

Think you better check your sources again it formed during Bush years.
It is not my knowledge but Trumps

He bragged about his ability to make deals like we have never seen. What I have seen is his ability to mess up alliances and destroy trust
yep, and he is fifty plus days in and working it. And?

By this time, President Obama had already saved the world and won a Nobel Prize

Trump is a slacker

yeppers, he "saved the world" by helping to create ISIS. Yet another rightwinger epic fail.

The creation of DAESH began upon the US invasion of Iraq. You know, the one that more people around the world protested than had ever protested anything before in the history of the world, literally.


Wrong, ISIS formed as obummer pulled the US military out of Iraq. And yes, it most certainly was on topic.

Wrong as usual. ISIS was formed in Camp Bucca in Iraq in 2008-2009 where al-Baghdadi was being held along with other AQ members.

How the Islamic State evolved in an American prison - Washington Post
Nov 4, 2014 - The sprawling Camp Bucca detention center, which had detained some of the war's most radical extremists along the Kuwait border, had just ...
You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 6/15/16
Camp Bucca: The US prison that became the birthplace of Isis | The ... › News › World › Middle East
Nov 4, 2014 - The sprawling detention center called Camp Bucca, which had detained some of the Iraq War's most radical jihadists along the Kuwait border, ...
ISIS: Camp Bucca during Iraq war helped form terrorist group
Nov 23, 2015 - Camp Bucca seen as critical point in formation of Islamic State. November .... Picture: AP Photo/Dusan Vranic TITLE: Who are ISIS?Source:AP ...
ISIS Was Born In An American Detention Facility (And It Wasn't Gitmo ...
Feb 3, 2016 - It appears that it has. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the key architect behind ISIS, was an American prisoner at Camp Bucca in southern Iraq in 2004.

AND....Obama was bound to abide by THE SOFA TREATY THAT BUSH SIGNED when it went into effect on December 31, 2011.

Iraq’s Government, Not Obama, Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence
By Tony Karon @tonykaronOct. 21, 2011
Iraq’s Government, Not Obama, Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence |
"""In one of his final acts in office, President Bush in December of 2008 had signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Iraqi government that set the clock ticking on ending the war he’d launched in March of 2003. The SOFA provided a legal basis for the presence of U.S. forces in Iraq after the United Nations Security Council mandate for the occupation mission expired at the end of 2008. But it required that all U.S. forces be gone from Iraq by January 1, 2012, unless the Iraqi government was willing to negotiate a new agreement that would extend their mandate."""
One more glaring reason it makes no sense to hire a business goon to run a government. They serve opposite goals and they do so in opposite ways.
...which proves he is the right man for the job. Pissing off liberals and their failing belief system is as good as it gets.

I'm afraid running a gummint has nothing to do with "pissing off" anybody. Running a business very well may, so you just proved my point.

Besides which, "Liberals and their belief system" is what this country is made of; we wrote its Constitution. To paraphrase an old maxim, you piss off the Constitution, you get the horn.
liberals and conservatives of that time who BOTH wrote the constitution were nothing like the ones today......those guys actually cared enough about the "Country" to put it ahead of their own personal shit and actually worked together to get things done.....

Nope. The Conservatives of the time were the Royalists who wanted to stay a colony. They were uh, overruled. The Constitution is built on the idea that power derives from the consent of the governed --- not from the Monarchy that the Royalists wanted to stay with. And that's Liberalism.
But that's not the conservatives of today. Our left has gone full tilt left.

:dunno: Maybe, maybe not. I didn't post anything about "the left" so this is a non sequitur.
Now let's move on to this miserable failure's EXPENSE REPORT for the last two months.

Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty
Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty

Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels
By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years – all at the expense of taxpayers
Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels

And how much it costs to keep Melania in Manhattan? These elitist pigs don't think D.C. has a decent school for their little brat? At least that's their excuse.

Anyone bitching about Trump’s spending loses their credibility when they say they supported Obama....who famously spent over $4.2 billion a year on travel and upkeep for 4 people.

Even fox news called you out on this figure you pulled out of somewhere.

Watchdog: Obama's 'Vacation, Political Travel' Cost $100M Over 8 Years

$4.2B a year? Mud is a liar, not as a good a one as Trump, but nonetheless a liar.
Even Breitbart shows you're nothing but a liar, Muddy.

Report: Obama Family Travel Expenses Cost Taxpayers $96 Million Over 8 Years - Breitbart
Team Trump should be focused on their agenda:

Repeal Obamacare, build a wall, Muslim ban, the budget

Instead, they spend their time trying to redefine what the boss has said
Their agenda? Make America Great Again?

It's coming along nicely but it's good to see you lefties are focused on superfluous bullshit as usual.

Would you like to point out what is superfluous in my O/P?

Oh, and I left out the Flynn and Sessions scandals, unless you think lying under oath in confirmation meetings is superfluous?

Michael Flynn lied under oath about taking money from russians ...
Michael Flynn lied under oath about taking money from russians. - Politics Message Board - GameFAQs
1 day ago - 1 post - ‎1 author
On Politics, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Michael Flynn lied under oath about taking money from russians.".
Mike Flynn May Face Felony Charges For Lying To The FBI | Zero ...
Feb 15, 2017 - Mike Flynn May Face Felony Charges For Lying To The FBI .... a senior naval officer who served under President Donald Trump's Defense Secretary James Mattis. ... He got locked up for lying under oath to congress right?
Could NSA Flynn face Criminal Charges over Russia Ties? | Informed ...
Could NSA Flynn face Criminal Charges over Russia Ties?
Feb 11, 2017 - Flynn wasn't under oath, so I suppose this is just a lie and not perjury. ... Trump Security Adviser Mike Flynn Gives Putin Standing Ovation at ...
The FBI interviewed Michael Flynn. If he lied, he could face a felony.
Feb 14, 2017 - In the first days following President Donald Trump's inauguration, FBI agents interviewed Michael Flynn about his discussions with the Russian ...


Ted Lieu on Jeff Sessions: 'Lying Before Congress Under Oath ...
Mar 4, 2017 - "I hope Attorney General Sessions has a nice dinner becauselying before Congress under oath qualifies to be sent to prison," Lieu stated.
Poll: Majority of voters say Jeff Sessions lied under oath, should resign ...
Mar 8, 2017 - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied under oath during his confirmation hearing about his contact with the Russians and he should resign, ...
Nancy Pelosi: Jeff Sessions Lied Under Oath And Must Resign | The ...
Mar 2, 2017 - “Jeff Sessions lied under oath during his confirmation hearing before the Senate,” Pelosi said in a statement released late Wednesday. “Under ...
Rep. Lieu: Sessions lied under oath, should be sent to prison | MSNBC
Mar 4, 2017 - Rep. Ted Lieu, D-CA, responds to the recent news that Attorney General Jeff Sessions will be meeting with President Trump on Saturday night ...
What i mean?

You all bitch endlessly about political stories but give him zero credit for how well the economy is responding to him. The shit you're bitching about has little to no impact on everyday Americans and just like Hillary you marginalize yourself doing this.

If Trump continues with his lunatic, paranoid accusations against Obama and the money trail to Putin is confirmed, the economy is going to tank.
based off of what exactly. the intelligence agencies all said nothing there move on. So who exactly are you waiting on?
Now let's move on to this miserable failure's EXPENSE REPORT for the last two months.

Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty
Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty

Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels
By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years – all at the expense of taxpayers
Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels

And how much it costs to keep Melania in Manhattan? These elitist pigs don't think D.C. has a decent school for their little brat? At least that's their excuse.

Go fuck yourself. Many people had a problem like this with Obama. YOU weren't one of them. HACK

Hahahaha....You can't even read past a headline to get to the good part: ""By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years" and see just what kind of hack YOU ARE.
Obviously a bullshit statement.

Then put on your big-boy pants and prove it wrong. God you Trumpies are the lazy.
That's not my job. It's up to you to prove this bullshit. And not just some George Soros site or internet blog as a source. That ain't gonna cut it, biatch.

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