Trump is FAILING on ALL Fronts

There is no negotiation with those that refuse to negotiate. The democrat goal is not good governance. The goal is to destroy Trump and destroy his presidency. If the country suffers, that's the price we pay.

A Republican saying this is grounds for uncontrollable laughter.

If somebody I hired fucked up this badly in the first two months, I'd fire his sorry ass:

On Obamacare repeal:
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails

On Trump's budget proposal:
Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 9:11pm EDT
Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

On Trump's wire-tapping claim :
Fri Mar 17, 2017 | 9:23am EDT
UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 8:38pm EDT
Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

On Trump's new travel ban :
2 Federal Judges Rule Against Trump’s Latest Travel Ban

Seems to me Trump is the only one making any progress. The Dems are the ones fucking everything up.

lol @ "progress"

How, exactly? By proposing a budget with 0% chance of passing? By endorsing healthcare reform that breaks all of his promises? By ordering a failed raid in Yemen? By losing all his court battles on the travel ban?

He's a bigger failure than Franklin Pierce. He should just go back to his gold toilets and reality TV, because he's WAY out of his depth.
There is no negotiation with those that refuse to negotiate. The democrat goal is not good governance. The goal is to destroy Trump and destroy his presidency. If the country suffers, that's the price we pay.

A Republican saying this is grounds for uncontrollable laughter.
How so?

Democrats never work to do anything practical. The only bipartisanship that exists is when Republicans throw their hands up and capitulate.

If somebody I hired fucked up this badly in the first two months, I'd fire his sorry ass:

On Obamacare repeal:
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails

On Trump's budget proposal:
Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 9:11pm EDT
Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

On Trump's wire-tapping claim :
Fri Mar 17, 2017 | 9:23am EDT
UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 8:38pm EDT
Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

On Trump's new travel ban :
2 Federal Judges Rule Against Trump’s Latest Travel Ban


and democrats are flailing on all fronts.

Fun to watch


If somebody I hired fucked up this badly in the first two months, I'd fire his sorry ass:

On Obamacare repeal:
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails

On Trump's budget proposal:
Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 9:11pm EDT
Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

On Trump's wire-tapping claim :
Fri Mar 17, 2017 | 9:23am EDT
UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 8:38pm EDT
Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

On Trump's new travel ban :
2 Federal Judges Rule Against Trump’s Latest Travel Ban

Seems to me Trump is the only one making any progress. The Dems are the ones fucking everything up.

lol @ "progress"

How, exactly? By proposing a budget with 0% chance of passing? By endorsing healthcare reform that breaks all of his promises? By ordering a failed raid in Yemen? By losing all his court battles on the travel ban?

He's a bigger failure than Franklin Pierce. He should just go back to his gold toilets and reality TV, because he's WAY out of his depth.
Obviously your definition of failure is refusing to give in to the establishment.

In that respect he's a yuge success at failing.
Trumps first 50 days have been a Train Wreck

One crisis after another mostly of Trump's making
Half the country considers itself in a state of rebellion. Trump is doing magnificently with the chaos he has to work with.

Even someone as stupid as you can see he's created the chaos that I have posted in my thread. Where's those brilliant negotiator skills he likes to brag about, DrunkPussyLover?
He can't negotiate with liberals. But then again, no one can. He does quite a lot but you can't see it due to your religious devotion.

When has he even TRIED to negotiate with liberals?

Donald very clearly believes he's president for only the 20% or so of the country who voted for him. That kind of leadership is bound to fail.

Donald is used to being the boss and not being questioned. All of his companies are privately held. So he's having a very tough time learning that The Hill is not a "Tower" with his name in big letters over the door.

One more glaring reason it makes no sense to hire a business goon to run a government. They serve opposite goals and they do so in opposite ways.
All democrats are doing is proving the need for a Republican 60 vote majority that they will get next year.
Half the country considers itself in a state of rebellion. Trump is doing magnificently with the chaos he has to work with.

Even someone as stupid as you can see he's created the chaos that I have posted in my thread. Where's those brilliant negotiator skills he likes to brag about, DrunkPussyLover?
He can't negotiate with liberals. But then again, no one can. He does quite a lot but you can't see it due to your religious devotion.

When has he even TRIED to negotiate with liberals?

Donald very clearly believes he's president for only the 20% or so of the country who voted for him. That kind of leadership is bound to fail.

Donald is used to being the boss and not being questioned. All of his companies are privately held. So he's having a very tough time learning that The Hill is not a "Tower" with his name in big letters over the door.

One more glaring reason it makes no sense to hire a business goon to run a government. They serve opposite goals and they do so in opposite ways.
...which proves he is the right man for the job. Pissing off liberals and their failing belief system is as good as it gets.
There is no negotiation with those that refuse to negotiate. The democrat goal is not good governance. The goal is to destroy Trump and destroy his presidency. If the country suffers, that's the price we pay.

A Republican saying this is grounds for uncontrollable laughter.
...which proves you're insane. Libs do not compromise, period. Read the forum instead of just posting, you'll see.
Trump said he would be tough on china and douched out immediately. Trump is a con man just admit it trumptards.
Even someone as stupid as you can see he's created the chaos that I have posted in my thread. Where's those brilliant negotiator skills he likes to brag about, DrunkPussyLover?
He can't negotiate with liberals. But then again, no one can. He does quite a lot but you can't see it due to your religious devotion.

When has he even TRIED to negotiate with liberals?

Donald very clearly believes he's president for only the 20% or so of the country who voted for him. That kind of leadership is bound to fail.

Donald is used to being the boss and not being questioned. All of his companies are privately held. So he's having a very tough time learning that The Hill is not a "Tower" with his name in big letters over the door.

One more glaring reason it makes no sense to hire a business goon to run a government. They serve opposite goals and they do so in opposite ways.
...which proves he is the right man for the job. Pissing off liberals and their failing belief system is as good as it gets.

I'm afraid running a gummint has nothing to do with "pissing off" anybody. Running a business very well may, so you just proved my point.

Besides which, "Liberals and their belief system" is what this country is made of; we wrote its Constitution. To paraphrase an old maxim, you piss off the Constitution, you get the horn.

If somebody I hired fucked up this badly in the first two months, I'd fire his sorry ass:

On Obamacare repeal:
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails

On Trump's budget proposal:
Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 9:11pm EDT
Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

On Trump's wire-tapping claim :
Fri Mar 17, 2017 | 9:23am EDT
UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 8:38pm EDT
Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

On Trump's new travel ban :
2 Federal Judges Rule Against Trump’s Latest Travel Ban

So far all economic indicators point to you being an idiot
Team Trump should be focused on their agenda:

Repeal Obamacare, build a wall, Muslim ban, the budget

Instead, they spend their time trying to redefine what the boss has said
Half the country considers itself in a state of rebellion. Trump is doing magnificently with the chaos he has to work with.

Even someone as stupid as you can see he's created the chaos that I have posted in my thread. Where's those brilliant negotiator skills he likes to brag about, DrunkPussyLover?
He can't negotiate with liberals. But then again, no one can. He does quite a lot but you can't see it due to your religious devotion.
he must like that almost half the US represented by a democrat is getting shit for service. And he has the nerve to speak about trump. too funny, see below...
Team Trump should be focused on their agenda:

Repeal Obamacare, build a wall, Muslim ban, the budget

Instead, they spend their time trying to redefine what the boss has said
all being done and he still has time to state obummmer is a douche. Finally a multi-tasker in office.
There is no negotiation with those that refuse to negotiate. The democrat goal is not good governance. The goal is to destroy Trump and destroy his presidency. If the country suffers, that's the price we pay.

Monica Crowley explains

That Monica Crowley? Bahahahahhaaaaa! Keep trying, idiot.

Trump aide Monica Crowley plagiarized thousands of words in Ph.D ...
Jan 12, 2017 - Conservative commentator Monica Crowley, who is slated to serve in a top national security communications role in Donald Trump's presidential administration, plagiarized thousands of words of her 2000 dissertation for her Columbia University Ph.D., a CNN KFile review has found.
Trump pick Monica Crowley plagiarized multiple sources in 2012 book ...
Jan 7, 2017 - Conservative author and television personality Monica Crowley, whom Donald Trump has tapped for a top national security communications role, plagiarized large sections of her 2012 book, a CNN KFile review has found. The review of Crowley’s June 2012 book, "What The (Bleep) Just ...
Monica Crowley's Plagiarism Scandal, Trump, and the Press - The ...
Jan 17, 2017 - Monica Crowley and the Limits of Trump's Dismissal of the Press ... Here is what the bleep just happened: Crowley was busted for plagiarizing, ...
Reports say Monica Crowley plagiarized huge sections of PhD thesis ...
Jan 12, 2017 - New allegations of plagiarism emerged Thursday againstMonica Crowley, the incoming official in President-elect Donald Trump's ...
Monica Crowley Plagiarized Parts of Her Ph.D. Dissertation - Politico
Jan 9, 2017 - Monica Crowley, President-Elect Donald J. Trump's pick for a top National Security Council job, plagiarized numerous passages in her Ph.D.
He can't negotiate with liberals. But then again, no one can. He does quite a lot but you can't see it due to your religious devotion.

When has he even TRIED to negotiate with liberals?

Donald very clearly believes he's president for only the 20% or so of the country who voted for him. That kind of leadership is bound to fail.

Donald is used to being the boss and not being questioned. All of his companies are privately held. So he's having a very tough time learning that The Hill is not a "Tower" with his name in big letters over the door.

One more glaring reason it makes no sense to hire a business goon to run a government. They serve opposite goals and they do so in opposite ways.
...which proves he is the right man for the job. Pissing off liberals and their failing belief system is as good as it gets.

I'm afraid running a gummint has nothing to do with "pissing off" anybody. Running a business very well may, so you just proved my point.

Besides which, "Liberals and their belief system" is what this country is made of; we wrote its Constitution. To paraphrase an old maxim, you piss off the Constitution, you get the horn.
a business man is who was elected. so, got anything on those pesky ruskies yet? no eh!

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