Trump is FAILING on ALL Fronts

Team Trump should be focused on their agenda:

Repeal Obamacare, build a wall, Muslim ban, the budget

Instead, they spend their time trying to redefine what the boss has said
Their agenda? Make America Great Again?

It's coming along nicely but it's good to see you lefties are focused on superfluous bullshit as usual.
Team Trump should be focused on their agenda:

Repeal Obamacare, build a wall, Muslim ban, the budget

Instead, they spend their time trying to redefine what the boss has said
Their agenda? Make America Great Again?

It's coming along nicely but it's good to see you lefties are focused on superfluous bullshit as usual.
and showing they don't care about America.
Given that Democrats are proving how much they hate America and are standing in the way of progress, President Trump is actually doing a great job.
Given that Democrats are proving how much they hate America and are standing in the way of progress, President Trump is actually doing a great job.
there you go, I couldn't have said it better.
Team Trump should be focused on their agenda:

Repeal Obamacare, build a wall, Muslim ban, the budget

Instead, they spend their time trying to redefine what the boss has said
all being done and he still has time to state obummmer is a douche. Finally a multi-tasker in office.

Multi tasks that accomplish nothing

What legislation has been passed? Failed twice at his Muslim ban...the Constitution keeps getting in the way
Donnycare was a laughing stock with no chance of passing
The budget is DOA
Mexico told him to go fuck himself when he asked them to pay for the wall

Totally inept
Team Trump should be focused on their agenda:

Repeal Obamacare, build a wall, Muslim ban, the budget

Instead, they spend their time trying to redefine what the boss has said
Their agenda? Make America Great Again?

It's coming along nicely but it's good to see you lefties are focused on superfluous bullshit as usual.
and showing they don't care about America.
Discrediting Trump supercedes all.
Team Trump should be focused on their agenda:

Repeal Obamacare, build a wall, Muslim ban, the budget

Instead, they spend their time trying to redefine what the boss has said
Their agenda? Make America Great Again?

It's coming along nicely but it's good to see you lefties are focused on superfluous bullshit as usual.

What has he accomplished?
Team Trump should be focused on their agenda:

Repeal Obamacare, build a wall, Muslim ban, the budget

Instead, they spend their time trying to redefine what the boss has said
Their agenda? Make America Great Again?

It's coming along nicely but it's good to see you lefties are focused on superfluous bullshit as usual.
and showing they don't care about America.
Discrediting Trump supercedes all.
nothing like voting for a democrat and getting zip representation. Wow, are there really that many americans that stupid?
Half the country considers itself in a state of rebellion. Trump is doing magnificently with the chaos he has to work with.

Even someone as stupid as you can see he's created the chaos that I have posted in my thread. Where's those brilliant negotiator skills he likes to brag about, DrunkPussyLover?
He can't negotiate with liberals. But then again, no one can. He does quite a lot but you can't see it due to your religious devotion.

When has he even TRIED to negotiate with liberals?

Donald very clearly believes he's president for only the 20% or so of the country who voted for him. That kind of leadership is bound to fail.
i felt Obama was president just to those who agreed with him and i felt the same way about Bush...and before Bush,i never felt that way about any President.....thats why i have said many a time,Obama and Bush were piss poor leaders...

If Obama and Bush were piss poor leaders, then Trump is a shit poor leader.
Team Trump should be focused on their agenda:

Repeal Obamacare, build a wall, Muslim ban, the budget

Instead, they spend their time trying to redefine what the boss has said
all being done and he still has time to state obummmer is a douche. Finally a multi-tasker in office.

Multi tasks that accomplish nothing

What legislation has been passed? Failed twice at his Muslim ban...the Constitution keeps getting in the way
Donnycare was a laughing stock with no chance of passing
The budget is DOA
Mexico told him to go fuck himself when he asked them to pay for the wall

Totally inept
Just like I've said for years....

WHY DO WE NEED NEW LAWS PASSED EVERY MONTH? Legislation is nothing but busy work to pay off supporters and influential entities. It's a big fucking circle jerk that leaves out the middle class.

Are new crimes being invented every week? We have MORE THAN ENOUGH LAWS to govern us.

What we really need is regulation reform & that he has been working on. America always thrives best when DC gets the fuck out of the way.

I've said for years congress needs to be a part time UNPAID position.
Now let's move on to this miserable failure's EXPENSE REPORT for the last two months.

Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty
Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty

Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels
By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years – all at the expense of taxpayers
Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels

And how much it costs to keep Melania in Manhattan? These elitist pigs don't think D.C. has a decent school for their little brat? At least that's their excuse.

Now let's move on to this miserable failure's EXPENSE REPORT for the last two months.

Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty
Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty

Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels
By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years – all at the expense of taxpayers
Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels

And how much it costs to keep Melania in Manhattan? These elitist pigs don't think D.C. has a decent school for their little brat? At least that's their excuse.

Go fuck yourself. Many people had a problem like this with Obama. YOU weren't one of them. HACK
Team Trump should be focused on their agenda:

Repeal Obamacare, build a wall, Muslim ban, the budget

Instead, they spend their time trying to redefine what the boss has said
all being done and he still has time to state obummmer is a douche. Finally a multi-tasker in office.

Multi tasks that accomplish nothing

What legislation has been passed? Failed twice at his Muslim ban...the Constitution keeps getting in the way
Donnycare was a laughing stock with no chance of passing
The budget is DOA
Mexico told him to go fuck himself when he asked them to pay for the wall

Totally inept
Just like I've said for years....

WHY DO WE NEED NEW LAWS PASSED EVERY MONTH? Legislation is nothing but busy work to pay off supporters and influential entities. It's a big fucking circle jerk that leaves out the middle class.

Are new crimes being invented every week? We have MORE THAN ENOUGH LAWS to govern us.

What we really need is regulation reform & that he has been working on. America always thrives best when DC gets the fuck out of the way.

I've said for years congress needs to be a part time UNPAID position.

How about the "Ban the Muslims" law?....a total disaster
He has to pass a budget and his first draft was doomed from the start
What has he accomplished on the international front? Mexico paying for that wall yet?

Trump ran on being a "Master of the Deal"
What deals has he made so far?
Team Trump should be focused on their agenda:

Repeal Obamacare, build a wall, Muslim ban, the budget

Instead, they spend their time trying to redefine what the boss has said
Their agenda? Make America Great Again?

It's coming along nicely but it's good to see you lefties are focused on superfluous bullshit as usual.

Would you like to point out what is superfluous in my O/P?

Oh, and I left out the Flynn and Sessions scandals, unless you think lying under oath in confirmation meetings is superfluous?

Michael Flynn lied under oath about taking money from russians ...
Michael Flynn lied under oath about taking money from russians. - Politics Message Board - GameFAQs
1 day ago - 1 post - ‎1 author
On Politics, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Michael Flynn lied under oath about taking money from russians.".
Mike Flynn May Face Felony Charges For Lying To The FBI | Zero ...
Feb 15, 2017 - Mike Flynn May Face Felony Charges For Lying To The FBI .... a senior naval officer who served under President Donald Trump's Defense Secretary James Mattis. ... He got locked up for lying under oath to congress right?
Could NSA Flynn face Criminal Charges over Russia Ties? | Informed ...
Could NSA Flynn face Criminal Charges over Russia Ties?
Feb 11, 2017 - Flynn wasn't under oath, so I suppose this is just a lie and not perjury. ... Trump Security Adviser Mike Flynn Gives Putin Standing Ovation at ...
The FBI interviewed Michael Flynn. If he lied, he could face a felony.
Feb 14, 2017 - In the first days following President Donald Trump's inauguration, FBI agents interviewed Michael Flynn about his discussions with the Russian ...


Ted Lieu on Jeff Sessions: 'Lying Before Congress Under Oath ...
Mar 4, 2017 - "I hope Attorney General Sessions has a nice dinner becauselying before Congress under oath qualifies to be sent to prison," Lieu stated.
Poll: Majority of voters say Jeff Sessions lied under oath, should resign ...
Mar 8, 2017 - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied under oath during his confirmation hearing about his contact with the Russians and he should resign, ...
Nancy Pelosi: Jeff Sessions Lied Under Oath And Must Resign | The ...
Mar 2, 2017 - “Jeff Sessions lied under oath during his confirmation hearing before the Senate,” Pelosi said in a statement released late Wednesday. “Under ...
Rep. Lieu: Sessions lied under oath, should be sent to prison | MSNBC
Mar 4, 2017 - Rep. Ted Lieu, D-CA, responds to the recent news that Attorney General Jeff Sessions will be meeting with President Trump on Saturday night ...
Now let's move on to this miserable failure's EXPENSE REPORT for the last two months.

Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty
Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty

Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels
By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years – all at the expense of taxpayers
Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels

And how much it costs to keep Melania in Manhattan? These elitist pigs don't think D.C. has a decent school for their little brat? At least that's their excuse.

Go fuck yourself. Many people had a problem like this with Obama. YOU weren't one of them. HACK

Hahahaha....You can't even read past a headline to get to the good part: ""By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years" and see just what kind of hack YOU ARE.
Team Trump should be focused on their agenda:

Repeal Obamacare, build a wall, Muslim ban, the budget

Instead, they spend their time trying to redefine what the boss has said
Their agenda? Make America Great Again?

It's coming along nicely but it's good to see you lefties are focused on superfluous bullshit as usual.

Would you like to point out what is superfluous in my O/P?

Oh, and I left out the Flynn and Sessions scandals, unless you think lying under oath in confirmation meetings is superfluous?

Michael Flynn lied under oath about taking money from russians ...
Michael Flynn lied under oath about taking money from russians. - Politics Message Board - GameFAQs
1 day ago - 1 post - ‎1 author
On Politics, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Michael Flynn lied under oath about taking money from russians.".
Mike Flynn May Face Felony Charges For Lying To The FBI | Zero ...
Feb 15, 2017 - Mike Flynn May Face Felony Charges For Lying To The FBI .... a senior naval officer who served under President Donald Trump's Defense Secretary James Mattis. ... He got locked up for lying under oath to congress right?
Could NSA Flynn face Criminal Charges over Russia Ties? | Informed ...
Could NSA Flynn face Criminal Charges over Russia Ties?
Feb 11, 2017 - Flynn wasn't under oath, so I suppose this is just a lie and not perjury. ... Trump Security Adviser Mike Flynn Gives Putin Standing Ovation at ...
The FBI interviewed Michael Flynn. If he lied, he could face a felony.
Feb 14, 2017 - In the first days following President Donald Trump's inauguration, FBI agents interviewed Michael Flynn about his discussions with the Russian ...


Ted Lieu on Jeff Sessions: 'Lying Before Congress Under Oath ...
Mar 4, 2017 - "I hope Attorney General Sessions has a nice dinner becauselying before Congress under oath qualifies to be sent to prison," Lieu stated.
Poll: Majority of voters say Jeff Sessions lied under oath, should resign ...
Mar 8, 2017 - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied under oath during his confirmation hearing about his contact with the Russians and he should resign, ...
Nancy Pelosi: Jeff Sessions Lied Under Oath And Must Resign | The ...
Mar 2, 2017 - “Jeff Sessions lied under oath during his confirmation hearing before the Senate,” Pelosi said in a statement released late Wednesday. “Under ...
Rep. Lieu: Sessions lied under oath, should be sent to prison | MSNBC
Mar 4, 2017 - Rep. Ted Lieu, D-CA, responds to the recent news that Attorney General Jeff Sessions will be meeting with President Trump on Saturday night ...
What i mean?

You all bitch endlessly about political stories but give him zero credit for how well the economy is responding to him. The shit you're bitching about has little to no impact on everyday Americans and just like Hillary you marginalize yourself doing this.
Half the country considers itself in a state of rebellion. Trump is doing magnificently with the chaos he has to work with.

Even someone as stupid as you can see he's created the chaos that I have posted in my thread. Where's those brilliant negotiator skills he likes to brag about, DrunkPussyLover?
He can't negotiate with liberals. But then again, no one can. He does quite a lot but you can't see it due to your religious devotion.

When has he even TRIED to negotiate with liberals?

Donald very clearly believes he's president for only the 20% or so of the country who voted for him. That kind of leadership is bound to fail.

Donald is used to being the boss and not being questioned. All of his companies are privately held. So he's having a very tough time learning that The Hill is not a "Tower" with his name in big letters over the door.

One more glaring reason it makes no sense to hire a business goon to run a government. They serve opposite goals and they do so in opposite ways.
Yeah.....government is designed to be slow and cumbersome and he's used to getting quick results and running an office that is cheap and efficient.
Now let's move on to this miserable failure's EXPENSE REPORT for the last two months.

Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty
Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty

Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels
By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years – all at the expense of taxpayers
Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels

And how much it costs to keep Melania in Manhattan? These elitist pigs don't think D.C. has a decent school for their little brat? At least that's their excuse.

Go fuck yourself. Many people had a problem like this with Obama. YOU weren't one of them. HACK

Hahahaha....You can't even read past a headline to get to the good part: ""By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years" and see just what kind of hack YOU ARE.
Not gonna lie, you're such a partisan dick I rarely read more than a sentence or two of your posts.

As to your point, Obama created as much debt as ALL OF HIS PREDECESSORS and yet not one whimper from the left about it......until now.

Again, go fuck yourself
Now let's move on to this miserable failure's EXPENSE REPORT for the last two months.

Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty
Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty

Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels
By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years – all at the expense of taxpayers
Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels

And how much it costs to keep Melania in Manhattan? These elitist pigs don't think D.C. has a decent school for their little brat? At least that's their excuse.

Go fuck yourself. Many people had a problem like this with Obama. YOU weren't one of them. HACK

Hahahaha....You can't even read past a headline to get to the good part: ""By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years" and see just what kind of hack YOU ARE.
Obviously a bullshit statement.
Now let's move on to this miserable failure's EXPENSE REPORT for the last two months.

Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty
Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty

Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels
By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years – all at the expense of taxpayers
Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels

And how much it costs to keep Melania in Manhattan? These elitist pigs don't think D.C. has a decent school for their little brat? At least that's their excuse.

Go fuck yourself. Many people had a problem like this with Obama. YOU weren't one of them. HACK

Hahahaha....You can't even read past a headline to get to the good part: ""By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years" and see just what kind of hack YOU ARE.
Not gonna lie, you're such a partisan dick I rarely read more than a sentence or two of your posts.

As to your point, Obama created as much debt as ALL OF HIS PREDECESSORS and yet not one whimper from the left about it......until now.

Again, go fuck yourself

Debt does not matter

Cheney told us so

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