Trump is FAILING on ALL Fronts

Now let's move on to this miserable failure's EXPENSE REPORT for the last two months.

Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty
Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty

Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels
By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years – all at the expense of taxpayers
Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels

And how much it costs to keep Melania in Manhattan? These elitist pigs don't think D.C. has a decent school for their little brat? At least that's their excuse.

Anyone bitching about Trump’s spending loses their credibility when they say they supported Obama....who famously spent over $4.2 billion a year on travel and upkeep for 4 people.
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Team Trump should be focused on their agenda:

Repeal Obamacare, build a wall, Muslim ban, the budget

Instead, they spend their time trying to redefine what the boss has said
all being done and he still has time to state obummmer is a douche. Finally a multi-tasker in office.

Multi tasks that accomplish nothing

What legislation has been passed? Failed twice at his Muslim ban...the Constitution keeps getting in the way
Donnycare was a laughing stock with no chance of passing
The budget is DOA
Mexico told him to go fuck himself when he asked them to pay for the wall

Totally inept
Just like I've said for years....

WHY DO WE NEED NEW LAWS PASSED EVERY MONTH? Legislation is nothing but busy work to pay off supporters and influential entities. It's a big fucking circle jerk that leaves out the middle class.

Are new crimes being invented every week? We have MORE THAN ENOUGH LAWS to govern us.

What we really need is regulation reform & that he has been working on. America always thrives best when DC gets the fuck out of the way.

I've said for years congress needs to be a part time UNPAID position.

How about the "Ban the Muslims" law?....a total disaster
He has to pass a budget and his first draft was doomed from the start
What has he accomplished on the international front? Mexico paying for that wall yet?

Trump ran on being a "Master of the Deal"
What deals has he made so far?
the deal is coming in the pharmaceutical part of the healthcare bill. just watch.
The left goes further and further off the rails every day. We are seeing the self destruction of a political party right before our eyes, and, I have to admit, is fun to watch.

Dems are like the town drunk that people eventually lose pity for, and then marginalizes and ignores him.
Team Trump should be focused on their agenda:

Repeal Obamacare, build a wall, Muslim ban, the budget

Instead, they spend their time trying to redefine what the boss has said
all being done and he still has time to state obummmer is a douche. Finally a multi-tasker in office.

Multi tasks that accomplish nothing

What legislation has been passed? Failed twice at his Muslim ban...the Constitution keeps getting in the way
Donnycare was a laughing stock with no chance of passing
The budget is DOA
Mexico told him to go fuck himself when he asked them to pay for the wall

Totally inept
Just like I've said for years....

WHY DO WE NEED NEW LAWS PASSED EVERY MONTH? Legislation is nothing but busy work to pay off supporters and influential entities. It's a big fucking circle jerk that leaves out the middle class.

Are new crimes being invented every week? We have MORE THAN ENOUGH LAWS to govern us.

What we really need is regulation reform & that he has been working on. America always thrives best when DC gets the fuck out of the way.

I've said for years congress needs to be a part time UNPAID position.

How about the "Ban the Muslims" law?....a total disaster
He has to pass a budget and his first draft was doomed from the start
What has he accomplished on the international front? Mexico paying for that wall yet?

Trump ran on being a "Master of the Deal"
What deals has he made so far?
the deal is coming in the pharmaceutical part of the healthcare bill. just watch.

Trump is supposed to be a great Dealmaker

What deals has he made with fellow Republicans? How about Democrats? What deals has he made with other nations?

If anything, he has shown himself to be incapable of making agreements. He has a Republican Congress and can't get anything done
Half the country considers itself in a state of rebellion. Trump is doing magnificently with the chaos he has to work with.

Even someone as stupid as you can see he's created the chaos that I have posted in my thread. Where's those brilliant negotiator skills he likes to brag about, DrunkPussyLover?
He can't negotiate with liberals. But then again, no one can. He does quite a lot but you can't see it due to your religious devotion.

When has he even TRIED to negotiate with liberals?

Donald very clearly believes he's president for only the 20% or so of the country who voted for him. That kind of leadership is bound to fail.
i felt Obama was president just to those who agreed with him and i felt the same way about Bush...and before Bush,i never felt that way about any President.....thats why i have said many a time,Obama and Bush were piss poor leaders...

If Obama and Bush were piss poor leaders, then Trump is a shit poor leader.
same difference......its the same old shit.....
He can't negotiate with liberals. But then again, no one can. He does quite a lot but you can't see it due to your religious devotion.

When has he even TRIED to negotiate with liberals?

Donald very clearly believes he's president for only the 20% or so of the country who voted for him. That kind of leadership is bound to fail.

Donald is used to being the boss and not being questioned. All of his companies are privately held. So he's having a very tough time learning that The Hill is not a "Tower" with his name in big letters over the door.

One more glaring reason it makes no sense to hire a business goon to run a government. They serve opposite goals and they do so in opposite ways.
...which proves he is the right man for the job. Pissing off liberals and their failing belief system is as good as it gets.

I'm afraid running a gummint has nothing to do with "pissing off" anybody. Running a business very well may, so you just proved my point.

Besides which, "Liberals and their belief system" is what this country is made of; we wrote its Constitution. To paraphrase an old maxim, you piss off the Constitution, you get the horn.
liberals and conservatives of that time who BOTH wrote the constitution were nothing like the ones today......those guys actually cared enough about the "Country" to put it ahead of their own personal shit and actually worked together to get things done.....
Now let's move on to this miserable failure's EXPENSE REPORT for the last two months.

Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty
Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty

Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels
By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years – all at the expense of taxpayers
Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels

And how much it costs to keep Melania in Manhattan? These elitist pigs don't think D.C. has a decent school for their little brat? At least that's their excuse.

Anyone bitching about Trump’s spending loses their credibility when they say they supported Obama....who famously spent over $4.2 billion a years on travel and upkeep for 4 people.

This is, quite simply, a fantastical lie.
all being done and he still has time to state obummmer is a douche. Finally a multi-tasker in office.

Multi tasks that accomplish nothing

What legislation has been passed? Failed twice at his Muslim ban...the Constitution keeps getting in the way
Donnycare was a laughing stock with no chance of passing
The budget is DOA
Mexico told him to go fuck himself when he asked them to pay for the wall

Totally inept
Just like I've said for years....

WHY DO WE NEED NEW LAWS PASSED EVERY MONTH? Legislation is nothing but busy work to pay off supporters and influential entities. It's a big fucking circle jerk that leaves out the middle class.

Are new crimes being invented every week? We have MORE THAN ENOUGH LAWS to govern us.

What we really need is regulation reform & that he has been working on. America always thrives best when DC gets the fuck out of the way.

I've said for years congress needs to be a part time UNPAID position.

How about the "Ban the Muslims" law?....a total disaster
He has to pass a budget and his first draft was doomed from the start
What has he accomplished on the international front? Mexico paying for that wall yet?

Trump ran on being a "Master of the Deal"
What deals has he made so far?
the deal is coming in the pharmaceutical part of the healthcare bill. just watch.

Trump is supposed to be a great Dealmaker

What deals has he made with fellow Republicans? How about Democrats? What deals has he made with other nations?

If anything, he has shown himself to be incapable of making agreements. He has a Republican Congress and can't get anything done
dude, he's doing it today.
all being done and he still has time to state obummmer is a douche. Finally a multi-tasker in office.

Multi tasks that accomplish nothing

What legislation has been passed? Failed twice at his Muslim ban...the Constitution keeps getting in the way
Donnycare was a laughing stock with no chance of passing
The budget is DOA
Mexico told him to go fuck himself when he asked them to pay for the wall

Totally inept
Just like I've said for years....

WHY DO WE NEED NEW LAWS PASSED EVERY MONTH? Legislation is nothing but busy work to pay off supporters and influential entities. It's a big fucking circle jerk that leaves out the middle class.

Are new crimes being invented every week? We have MORE THAN ENOUGH LAWS to govern us.

What we really need is regulation reform & that he has been working on. America always thrives best when DC gets the fuck out of the way.

I've said for years congress needs to be a part time UNPAID position.

How about the "Ban the Muslims" law?....a total disaster
He has to pass a budget and his first draft was doomed from the start
What has he accomplished on the international front? Mexico paying for that wall yet?

Trump ran on being a "Master of the Deal"
What deals has he made so far?
the deal is coming in the pharmaceutical part of the healthcare bill. just watch.

Trump is supposed to be a great Dealmaker

What deals has he made with fellow Republicans? How about Democrats? What deals has he made with other nations?

If anything, he has shown himself to be incapable of making agreements. He has a Republican Congress and can't get anything done
your lack of knowledge on how bills get through the senate is hilarious. thanks for the laugh.
Multi tasks that accomplish nothing

What legislation has been passed? Failed twice at his Muslim ban...the Constitution keeps getting in the way
Donnycare was a laughing stock with no chance of passing
The budget is DOA
Mexico told him to go fuck himself when he asked them to pay for the wall

Totally inept
Just like I've said for years....

WHY DO WE NEED NEW LAWS PASSED EVERY MONTH? Legislation is nothing but busy work to pay off supporters and influential entities. It's a big fucking circle jerk that leaves out the middle class.

Are new crimes being invented every week? We have MORE THAN ENOUGH LAWS to govern us.

What we really need is regulation reform & that he has been working on. America always thrives best when DC gets the fuck out of the way.

I've said for years congress needs to be a part time UNPAID position.

How about the "Ban the Muslims" law?....a total disaster
He has to pass a budget and his first draft was doomed from the start
What has he accomplished on the international front? Mexico paying for that wall yet?

Trump ran on being a "Master of the Deal"
What deals has he made so far?
the deal is coming in the pharmaceutical part of the healthcare bill. just watch.

Trump is supposed to be a great Dealmaker

What deals has he made with fellow Republicans? How about Democrats? What deals has he made with other nations?

If anything, he has shown himself to be incapable of making agreements. He has a Republican Congress and can't get anything done
your lack of knowledge on how bills get through the senate is hilarious. thanks for the laugh.

It is not my knowledge but Trumps

He bragged about his ability to make deals like we have never seen. What I have seen is his ability to mess up alliances and destroy trust
Now let's move on to this miserable failure's EXPENSE REPORT for the last two months.

Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty
Trump’s Florida trips to Mar-a-Lago cost taxpayers plenty

Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels
By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years – all at the expense of taxpayers
Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels

And how much it costs to keep Melania in Manhattan? These elitist pigs don't think D.C. has a decent school for their little brat? At least that's their excuse.

Anyone bitching about Trump’s spending loses their credibility when they say they supported Obama....who famously spent over $4.2 billion a years on travel and upkeep for 4 people.

This is, quite simply, a fantastical lie.
It's most likely understated if not under reported.
Just like I've said for years....

WHY DO WE NEED NEW LAWS PASSED EVERY MONTH? Legislation is nothing but busy work to pay off supporters and influential entities. It's a big fucking circle jerk that leaves out the middle class.

Are new crimes being invented every week? We have MORE THAN ENOUGH LAWS to govern us.

What we really need is regulation reform & that he has been working on. America always thrives best when DC gets the fuck out of the way.

I've said for years congress needs to be a part time UNPAID position.

How about the "Ban the Muslims" law?....a total disaster
He has to pass a budget and his first draft was doomed from the start
What has he accomplished on the international front? Mexico paying for that wall yet?

Trump ran on being a "Master of the Deal"
What deals has he made so far?
the deal is coming in the pharmaceutical part of the healthcare bill. just watch.

Trump is supposed to be a great Dealmaker

What deals has he made with fellow Republicans? How about Democrats? What deals has he made with other nations?

If anything, he has shown himself to be incapable of making agreements. He has a Republican Congress and can't get anything done
your lack of knowledge on how bills get through the senate is hilarious. thanks for the laugh.

It is not my knowledge but Trumps

He bragged about his ability to make deals like we have never seen. What I have seen is his ability to mess up alliances and destroy trust
yep, and he is fifty plus days in and working it. And?
How about the "Ban the Muslims" law?....a total disaster
He has to pass a budget and his first draft was doomed from the start
What has he accomplished on the international front? Mexico paying for that wall yet?

Trump ran on being a "Master of the Deal"
What deals has he made so far?
the deal is coming in the pharmaceutical part of the healthcare bill. just watch.

Trump is supposed to be a great Dealmaker

What deals has he made with fellow Republicans? How about Democrats? What deals has he made with other nations?

If anything, he has shown himself to be incapable of making agreements. He has a Republican Congress and can't get anything done
your lack of knowledge on how bills get through the senate is hilarious. thanks for the laugh.

It is not my knowledge but Trumps

He bragged about his ability to make deals like we have never seen. What I have seen is his ability to mess up alliances and destroy trust
yep, and he is fifty plus days in and working it. And?

By this time, President Obama had already saved the world and won a Nobel Prize

Trump is a slacker
the deal is coming in the pharmaceutical part of the healthcare bill. just watch.

Trump is supposed to be a great Dealmaker

What deals has he made with fellow Republicans? How about Democrats? What deals has he made with other nations?

If anything, he has shown himself to be incapable of making agreements. He has a Republican Congress and can't get anything done
your lack of knowledge on how bills get through the senate is hilarious. thanks for the laugh.

It is not my knowledge but Trumps

He bragged about his ability to make deals like we have never seen. What I have seen is his ability to mess up alliances and destroy trust
yep, and he is fifty plus days in and working it. And?

By this time, President Obama had already saved the world and won a Nobel Prize

Trump is a slacker

If somebody I hired fucked up this badly in the first two months, I'd fire his sorry ass:

On Obamacare repeal:
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails

On Trump's budget proposal:
Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 9:11pm EDT
Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

On Trump's wire-tapping claim :
Fri Mar 17, 2017 | 9:23am EDT
UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 8:38pm EDT
Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

On Trump's new travel ban :
2 Federal Judges Rule Against Trump’s Latest Travel Ban


Wow, you expect him to fix the disaster that obummer had eight years to accomplish in a few months. No wonder you people think you are retarded.
the deal is coming in the pharmaceutical part of the healthcare bill. just watch.

Trump is supposed to be a great Dealmaker

What deals has he made with fellow Republicans? How about Democrats? What deals has he made with other nations?

If anything, he has shown himself to be incapable of making agreements. He has a Republican Congress and can't get anything done
your lack of knowledge on how bills get through the senate is hilarious. thanks for the laugh.

It is not my knowledge but Trumps

He bragged about his ability to make deals like we have never seen. What I have seen is his ability to mess up alliances and destroy trust
yep, and he is fifty plus days in and working it. And?

By this time, President Obama had already saved the world and won a Nobel Prize

Trump is a slacker

yeppers, he "saved the world" by helping to create ISIS. Yet another rightwinger epic fail.
When has he even TRIED to negotiate with liberals?

Donald very clearly believes he's president for only the 20% or so of the country who voted for him. That kind of leadership is bound to fail.

Donald is used to being the boss and not being questioned. All of his companies are privately held. So he's having a very tough time learning that The Hill is not a "Tower" with his name in big letters over the door.

One more glaring reason it makes no sense to hire a business goon to run a government. They serve opposite goals and they do so in opposite ways.
...which proves he is the right man for the job. Pissing off liberals and their failing belief system is as good as it gets.

I'm afraid running a gummint has nothing to do with "pissing off" anybody. Running a business very well may, so you just proved my point.

Besides which, "Liberals and their belief system" is what this country is made of; we wrote its Constitution. To paraphrase an old maxim, you piss off the Constitution, you get the horn.
liberals and conservatives of that time who BOTH wrote the constitution were nothing like the ones today......those guys actually cared enough about the "Country" to put it ahead of their own personal shit and actually worked together to get things done.....

Nope. The Conservatives of the time were the Royalists who wanted to stay a colony. They were uh, overruled. The Constitution is built on the idea that power derives from the consent of the governed --- not from the Monarchy that the Royalists wanted to stay with. And that's Liberalism.
the deal is coming in the pharmaceutical part of the healthcare bill. just watch.

Trump is supposed to be a great Dealmaker

What deals has he made with fellow Republicans? How about Democrats? What deals has he made with other nations?

If anything, he has shown himself to be incapable of making agreements. He has a Republican Congress and can't get anything done
your lack of knowledge on how bills get through the senate is hilarious. thanks for the laugh.

It is not my knowledge but Trumps

He bragged about his ability to make deals like we have never seen. What I have seen is his ability to mess up alliances and destroy trust
yep, and he is fifty plus days in and working it. And?

By this time, President Obama had already saved the world and won a Nobel Prize

Trump is a slacker

By this time (a month ago Feb. 17 2009) ---- O'bama (it is St. Pat's Day) had signed into law the ARRA to stimulate the economy after it passed both houses of Congress. By this time 8 years ago work was already starting via that program to widen our local highway here from 2 lanes to 4. That happened.

Meanwhile the Rump Wall is ---- uh, "soon".

Not that that's a complaint. The ARRA was after all a constructive thing. ARRA was done to address the real problem of a collapsed economy. The Wall is..... uh... well........ think Rump University: "you don't sell solutions, you sell feelings".
Trump is supposed to be a great Dealmaker

What deals has he made with fellow Republicans? How about Democrats? What deals has he made with other nations?

If anything, he has shown himself to be incapable of making agreements. He has a Republican Congress and can't get anything done
your lack of knowledge on how bills get through the senate is hilarious. thanks for the laugh.

It is not my knowledge but Trumps

He bragged about his ability to make deals like we have never seen. What I have seen is his ability to mess up alliances and destroy trust
yep, and he is fifty plus days in and working it. And?

By this time, President Obama had already saved the world and won a Nobel Prize

Trump is a slacker

By this time (a month ago Feb. 17 2009) ---- O'bama (it is St. Pat's Day) had signed into law the ARRA to stimulate the economy after it passed both houses of Congress. By this time 8 years ago work was already starting via that program to widen our local highway here from 2 lanes to 4. That happened.

Meanwhile the Rump Wall is ---- uh, "soon".

Not that that's a complaint. The ARRA was after all a constructive thing. ARRA was done to address the real problem of a collapsed economy. The Wall is..... uh... well........

Yes, his "recovery" was so good that the Fed didn't dare raise interest rates a tenth of a point for fear of watching the whole house of cards topple over. The trumpster has been in for less than three months and the Fed is already raising the interest rates. Yet another pogo epic fail.

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