Trump is FAILING on ALL Fronts

If somebody I hired fucked up this badly in the first two months, I'd fire his sorry ass:

On Obamacare repeal:
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails

On Trump's budget proposal:
Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 9:11pm EDT
Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

On Trump's wire-tapping claim :
Fri Mar 17, 2017 | 9:23am EDT
UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 8:38pm EDT
Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

On Trump's new travel ban :
2 Federal Judges Rule Against Trump’s Latest Travel Ban

Oh Fuck you back
Not only are the Trump Rubes stupid ...somehow they are arrogant as though they had Intelligence ...get this through your are all are Trump University bait...your Fucking Moron Orange God had top pay $25 million due to his Money Grubbing Fake University SCAM...and you all will toss Trump salad in a NY minute
"Nobody in Washington believes the president's claims that President Obama wiretapped him."

Charles Krauthamner - Fox News.

We have a pathological liar in the White House who seems to be losing grasp with reality. Thiscountry is in big trouble.
So true. No original talking points, no decent arguments
Fuck you wing Nut all the Fake News comes from the white House ...Fuck Trump He sucks you Salad tossing Trump Rube.,mouth Breather readers of Breitbart Fuck you...have a great evening Fuck Face asshole

View attachment 117285
White House
Promotes Fake
News Article
Praising Trump Budget
The Daily Beast · 23 hours ago

View attachment 117286
White House Cites
Satire Story to
Support Trump's
Nightmare Budget [Update]
Gizmodo · 10 hours ago

View attachment 117287
White House
Apologizes To UK
For Using Fake Fox
News Report That They Helped Obama Spy On Trump
PoliticusUSA · 13 hours ago

Angry Pedo-Freindly on it's way to the bath house wieghs in with one of their more high brow posts here.
You and your ilk are completely irrelevant now. Nobody cares about your whining and fake news. We're on Trump Time now, and you're toast. Live with it or even better leave the country.

Bravado in the face of realizing your mistake. You suddenly realize that shinny new ferrari you bought costs $500 for a tire, $5,000 for a brake job, $10,000 for a clutch, and needs a $2,000 tuneup every 6 months.
A better analogy would be assuming the American public was just as far left as you are, and never learning otherwise no matter what.
"Nobody in Washington believes the president's claims that President Obama wiretapped him."

Charles Krauthamner - Fox News.

We have a pathological liar in the White House who seems to be losing grasp with reality. Thiscountry is in big trouble.
Where the Russian conspiracy evidence? None needed?

Leftists are in trouble. The other guy is worse is their running theme, it's all you have to sell and America isn't buying anymore. The country is in a upswing in this reality, you're getting left behind, that's why it looks so dark to you.
Funny. Look, sparky, several financial experts have reported that Trump would be worth as much, or even more, had he simply "invested" his inheritance in index funds.
Or he could have lost it all since humans cannot see into the future. You lefties are full of useless information.

If somebody I hired fucked up this badly in the first two months, I'd fire his sorry ass:

On Obamacare repeal:
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Major Hospitals Group: GOP Needs To Hit 'Reset Button' On Repeal Bill
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails
Trump and Ryan fear GOP 'bloodbath' in 2018 if Obamacare repeal fails

On Trump's budget proposal:
Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 9:11pm EDT
Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

Trump's budget cuts to domestic, aid programs draw Republican scorn

On Trump's wire-tapping claim :
Fri Mar 17, 2017 | 9:23am EDT
UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated

Thu Mar 16, 2017 | 8:38pm EDT
Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

Leading Republicans, Democrats reject Trump's Obama wiretap assertion

On Trump's new travel ban :
2 Federal Judges Rule Against Trump’s Latest Travel Ban


Yeah, and Hillary is going to win in a landslide!

watch that Picaro Trump Bitch Rube start whining watch the silly Trump loving asshole whine about rude liberals Fuck you../..Trump suck off artists like you Read Fucking Gateway Pundit motherfucker and whatever other Bull shit that Sissy ass Bannon puts out

‘I’ve never seen this level of falsehood’: Tapper tells Maher Trump’s behavior is ’empirically indecent’

Bill Maher zaps Trump on ‘wiretap’ lies: His tiny hands make it easier to pull stuff out of his a**

Watch stoner idiot spam the thread with a lot of stupid photoshops and other illiterate juvenile gibberish, and then congratulate itself like some pigeon trying to play chess.
Even when it's clear that President Trump has accomplished more in two months than Hussein achieved in eight years the radical left still embraces the ultimate fantasy. When are they gonna grow up?

Trump has accomplished nothing......No wall, no Muslim ban, no repeal Obamacare, Donnycare is an embarrassment

All while he humiliates himself over Twitter
Leftists are in trouble. The other guy is worse is their running theme, it's all you have to sell and America isn't buying anymore. The country is in a upswing in this reality, you're getting left behind, that's why it looks so dark to you.

Yes. they have nothing to sell. All the noise Democratic Party hacks make and never deliver and these gimps still believe everything they're told by them. They're clueless muppets.
Even when it's clear that President Trump has accomplished more in two months than Hussein achieved in eight years the radical left still embraces the ultimate fantasy. When are they gonna grow up?

Trump has accomplished nothing......No wall, no Muslim ban, no repeal Obamacare, Donnycare is an embarrassment

All while he humiliates himself over Twitter

Doesn't have to; all he has to do is let your obstructionist heroes do all the work of shooting themselves in the foot and out themselves as the vermin they are, and the rest takes care of itself.
watch that Picaro Trump Bitch Rube start whining watch the silly Trump loving asshole whine about rude liberals Fuck you../..Trump suck off artists like you Read Fucking Gateway Pundit motherfucker and whatever other Bull shit that Sissy ass Bannon puts out

‘I’ve never seen this level of falsehood’: Tapper tells Maher Trump’s behavior is ’empirically indecent’

Bill Maher zaps Trump on ‘wiretap’ lies: His tiny hands make it easier to pull stuff out of his a**

Watch stoner idiot spam the thread with a lot of stupid photoshops and other illiterate juvenile gibberish, and then congratulate itself like some pigeon trying to play chess.
Fuck you Drunken Punk ..weakling Mother Fucker Go Fuck you self Punk Boy.. I put up Information about what an An Anus Eater your God Trump is .../ whiney little Bitch
you have no man hood and that is what draws someone like you to Trumpo
Read it and whine you effeminate Trump Rube
Here Go Fuck Yourself
A Major New Study Shows That Political Polarization Is Mainly A Right-Wing Phenomenon
(WGBH) A major new study of social-media sharing patterns shows that political polarization is more common among conservatives than liberals — and that the exaggerations and falsehoods emanating from right-wing media outlets such as Breitbart News have infected mainstream discourse.

Angry Pedo-Freindly on it's way to the bath house wieghs in with one of their more high brow posts here.
Sissified Trump supporter tries his hand at are disgusting in your lack of any Manhood...are you under the Impression your are posting "High Browe" are you fucking kidding are a weak lil Trump Bitch

Donald Trump Acts Like a Petulant Child and Refuses to Shake Angela Merkel’s Hand

As J.K. Rowling captioned the moment, 'Mommy was mean to me and I don't wanna hold her hand no more.'…
Yes. they have nothing to sell. All the noise Democratic Party hacks make and never deliver and these gimps still believe everything they're told by them. They're clueless muppets.
You are a weakling looking for Orange Daddy to Protect are PATHETIC in your Weakness

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