Trump is going crazy.

Even though Trump slept with A porn star and A playmate of the year, it just proves he is a healthy heterosexual male. Not sure what else to take from those gals except maybe a few really cool memories...I recall when a president did an intern and that was just consensual sex, so WTF, which is worse??

Exactly. Trump has an affair, and is hated for it.

Bill Clinton has multiple affairs. sexually assaults and rapes several women, and it's "What a man!".
Where's that Christian forgiveness for Clinton?

You are a fucking hypocrite, and Trump is your hypocritical God.

Has he asked any of those women he raped, if they'd forgive him?

Did Trump ask any of the minimum of three wives he has cheated on how much of an azzhat they think he is?

It's fairly obvious that Trump is dead set on destroying America just as he destroyed every marriage he ever had. Great guy.

Next time run a candidate that can win.

What is so hard about that to understand cupcake?

Maybe he tried to, but Hillary screwed his candidate out of the nomination. I'd be eternally pissed too.

"It's a referendum on your religion", said the serial adulterer who sleeps with porn stars.

You wouldn’t defend their religion. Sometimes not the best Christian is the best defender.

True. With the exception of Jesus Christ, many of the greatest men of and women of the Bible were not the best people of the time: Samson, David, Jacob, the Apostle Paul who once had Christians murdered, to name a few. Even though they were horrible people, God used them for his purpose. Many times he will pick those who are imperfect people in order to show how magnificent He really is.

So, this 'god' utilizes complete assholes to round out his 'perfect' work?

I was wondering why so many folks I met in the church over the years seem to be real azzholes.

Your post leads me to believe that you haven't really met many people.

Nice try though.

You shouldn't concern yourself with my 57 years of meeting, conversing, learning from, and enjoying some of the many humans I have had the pleasure to interact with.

The problem is, many are just too greedy to be real & that (greed) seems to be a Republican value.


You job at the glory hole doesn't really count sweetheart
A 'true' leader does not break vow, after vow, after vow & ANY 'god' won't choose such an adulterer to guide any nation, UNLESS it is to guide that nation into damnation.

The naivete here is off the naivete meter.

Please explain how Trump has broken any vows? He sure as hell hasn't lied to me about the things he would do as President. Except for a few things which are being obstructed by an uncooperative Congress, Trump is doing far more than he promised.

So, you REALLY are that stupid. F***ing congrats bud.

Actually, no. I had enough intelligence to know that Hillary should not be the leader of the greatest country in the world. You on the other hand, are a sad, pathetic, angry, and unhinged person who could very well be a candidate for the next mass shooting, for all I know.

Maybe you should seek professional help for your little anger problem, ummmm....ok little man? :biggrin:

Why are you bringing HRC into the debate?

Why not? It reinforces the idea that you're a loser.

Maybe some day you'll accept that and work through to the next stage of grief.

You bring HRC into the debate for what reason? I didn't vote for HRC.

I understand that Trump supporters are completely f***Ing brain dead but bringing HRC into a debate that has nothing to do with HRC, particularly when I did not vote for HRC demonstrates your complete lack of objective thought.

I also understand that Trump supporters are not able to think objectively so, no surprise.
Where does he get this shit from? Why does he only communicate with evangelicals and invite only them to the White House when we live in a 320-million-plus country with people of every religion under the sun, including many who are non-evangelical Christians, and also people who choose not to have a religion? His religious bias is clear to even the most casual observer. Our government is supposed to be clean of religious bias.
----------------------------- i think that the Government is clean of Religious bias but the President May not be Lysis .
You wouldn’t defend their religion. Sometimes not the best Christian is the best defender.

True. With the exception of Jesus Christ, many of the greatest men of and women of the Bible were not the best people of the time: Samson, David, Jacob, the Apostle Paul who once had Christians murdered, to name a few. Even though they were horrible people, God used them for his purpose. Many times he will pick those who are imperfect people in order to show how magnificent He really is.

So, this 'god' utilizes complete assholes to round out his 'perfect' work?

I was wondering why so many folks I met in the church over the years seem to be real azzholes.

Your post leads me to believe that you haven't really met many people.

Nice try though.

You shouldn't concern yourself with my 57 years of meeting, conversing, learning from, and enjoying some of the many humans I have had the pleasure to interact with.

The problem is, many are just too greedy to be real & that (greed) seems to be a Republican value.


You job at the glory hole doesn't really count sweetheart

I tell you what; you can go fuck yourself
All trigglypuffs say Trump is crazy.

There's a meme for that...

True. With the exception of Jesus Christ, many of the greatest men of and women of the Bible were not the best people of the time: Samson, David, Jacob, the Apostle Paul who once had Christians murdered, to name a few. Even though they were horrible people, God used them for his purpose. Many times he will pick those who are imperfect people in order to show how magnificent He really is.

So, this 'god' utilizes complete assholes to round out his 'perfect' work?

I was wondering why so many folks I met in the church over the years seem to be real azzholes.

Your post leads me to believe that you haven't really met many people.

Nice try though.

You shouldn't concern yourself with my 57 years of meeting, conversing, learning from, and enjoying some of the many humans I have had the pleasure to interact with.

The problem is, many are just too greedy to be real & that (greed) seems to be a Republican value.


You job at the glory hole doesn't really count sweetheart

I tell you what; you can go fuck yourself

So it was Bernie then? You do know that we Republicans had nothing to do with he and his supporters getting schlonged like that, right?

I just wanted you to know. :itsok:
"It's a referendum on free speech and the First Amendment" said the guy who called for "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States".

------------------------ and why not , what RIGHT does a foreign muslim from the zhithole of 'morocco' have to come to the USA G5000 ??
True. With the exception of Jesus Christ, many of the greatest men of and women of the Bible were not the best people of the time: Samson, David, Jacob, the Apostle Paul who once had Christians murdered, to name a few. Even though they were horrible people, God used them for his purpose. Many times he will pick those who are imperfect people in order to show how magnificent He really is.

So, this 'god' utilizes complete assholes to round out his 'perfect' work?

I was wondering why so many folks I met in the church over the years seem to be real azzholes.

Your post leads me to believe that you haven't really met many people.

Nice try though.

You shouldn't concern yourself with my 57 years of meeting, conversing, learning from, and enjoying some of the many humans I have had the pleasure to interact with.

The problem is, many are just too greedy to be real & that (greed) seems to be a Republican value.


You job at the glory hole doesn't really count sweetheart

I tell you what; you can go fuck yourself

Cabbo don't sugar coat it, tell me how you real feel honey?
Where does he get this shit from? Why does he only communicate with evangelicals and invite only them to the White House when we live in a 320-million-plus country with people of every religion under the sun, including many who are non-evangelical Christians, and also people who choose not to have a religion? His religious bias is clear to even the most casual observer. Our government is supposed to be clean of religious bias.

THIS is why we have brain dead white males with the IQ of 45, at best, in Tennessee, that burn black folk to death, alive.

Yes; the nation is going to Hell under Trump rule & the evangelicals are supporting the insanity.
Where does he get this shit from? Why does he only communicate with evangelicals and invite only them to the White House when we live in a 320-million-plus country with people of every religion under the sun, including many who are non-evangelical Christians, and also people who choose not to have a religion? His religious bias is clear to even the most casual observer. Our government is supposed to be clean of religious bias.

THIS is why we have brain dead white males with the IQ of 45, at best, in Tennessee, that burn black folk to death, alive.

Yes; the nation is going to Hell under Trump rule & the evangelicals are supporting the insanity.

Come on dude, this isn't the 1920's any more. Time to grow up a little.
Knee jerking much? President Trump was predicting violence FROM the American Left, not inciting the American Right to violence. What can improve the world is reading an article through to its end or watching a video to its end, prior to making snap judgements about the cover, or based on the OP's hyperventilating alarmist misinterpretation. This is exactly how ideologues brainwash individuals such as yourself into becoming violent revolutionaries who attack their fellow citizens.

Remember Charlottsville ???........Those bastards ARE Trump's base.
"This November 6 election is very much a referendum on not only me, it's a referendum on your religion, it's a referendum on free speech and the First Amendment. It's a referendum on so much," Trump told the assemblage of pastors and other Christian leaders gathered in the State Dining Room, according to a recording from people in the room.

"It's not a question of like or dislike, it's a question that they will overturn everything that we've done and they will do it quickly and violently. And violently. There is violence. When you look at Antifa -- these are violent people," Trump said, describing what would happen should his voters fail to cast ballots. "You have tremendous power. You were saying, in this room, you have people who preach to almost 200 million people. Depending on which Sunday we're talking about."
Trump warns evangelicals of 'violence' if GOP loses in the midterms

Trying to get the Evangelicals to speak to their people. Crazy. First Amendment is only threatened due to him.

You got no choice Penelope, but to join the rest of butthurt feminists in the ritual of screaming at Trump through their vaginas.

View attachment 213507
------------------------------- thats crazy funny good , what a sight Americano
Knee jerking much? President Trump was predicting violence FROM the American Left, not inciting the American Right to violence. What can improve the world is reading an article through to its end or watching a video to its end, prior to making snap judgements about the cover, or based on the OP's hyperventilating alarmist misinterpretation. This is exactly how ideologues brainwash individuals such as yourself into becoming violent revolutionaries who attack their fellow citizens.

Remember Charlottsville ???........Those bastards ARE Trump's base.

Must really suck to be so obsessive that you have to check under your bed every night for Russians, and make sure there's not a Dodge Charger parked in front of your yard before you go outside.

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