Trump is going crazy.

"This November 6 election is very much a referendum on not only me, it's a referendum on your religion, it's a referendum on free speech and the First Amendment. It's a referendum on so much," Trump told the assemblage of pastors and other Christian leaders gathered in the State Dining Room, according to a recording from people in the room.

"It's not a question of like or dislike, it's a question that they will overturn everything that we've done and they will do it quickly and violently. And violently. There is violence. When you look at Antifa -- these are violent people," Trump said, describing what would happen should his voters fail to cast ballots. "You have tremendous power. You were saying, in this room, you have people who preach to almost 200 million people. Depending on which Sunday we're talking about."
Trump warns evangelicals of 'violence' if GOP loses in the midterms

Trying to get the Evangelicals to speak to their people. Crazy. First Amendment is only threatened due to him.

More lies and demagoguery from Trump; more racism from Trump, and more of Trump trying to divide the Nation.

If Clinton has no penalty for doing an innocent underage intern, then Trump certainly has no issues doing porn stars.
Of course, Clinton never did an "underage" intern, just another in the endless lies about the Clintons.
Trump is going crazy.


Take a look at the shit he comes up with. I read today he is after Google ... GOOGLE

the guy who shot up the madden football tournament said Trump was crazy
wrong he was a rabid trump hater
You are a rabid Tramp liar!

fuck you

He's a whackaloon.


and after all the hillary did to the women who came forward

and they had the balls to claim later on that she was a champion of womens rights

the guy who shot up the madden football tournament said Trump was crazy
wrong he was a rabid trump hater
You are a rabid Tramp liar!
fuck you
He's a whackaloon.
Maybe so, but this "whackaloon" didn't fall for the LIE that the Madden shooter was a Tramp hater like you dumb gullible SUCKERS did! :rofl::lmao:
The fuckhead in the oval office is basically saying that there will be violence if people don't vote to protect him from democrats taking over the House in the midterms..Mafia-line extortion??..

Knee jerking much? President Trump was predicting violence FROM the American Left, not inciting the American Right to violence. What can improve the world is reading an article through to its end or watching a video to its end, prior to making snap judgements about the cover, or based on the OP's hyperventilating alarmist misinterpretation. This is exactly how ideologues brainwash individuals such as yourself into becoming violent revolutionaries who attack their fellow citizens.

I predict violence from the left whether they win or lose.

Trump inciting VIOLENCE

In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on the day of the Iowa caucuses, Trump told audience members he would pay their legal fees if they engaged in violence against protesters.

At a Las Vegas rally later Trump said security guards were too gentle with a protester. "He's walking out with big high-fives, smiling, laughing," Trump said. "I'd like to punch him in the face, I'll tell you."

At a rally in Warren, Michigan, Trump shouted, "Get him out," he said of a protester. "Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court. Don't worry about it."

Trump is currently being sued for inciting violence:

Three protesters who claim they were roughed up by Trump supporters at a March 1, 2016, rally in Louisville, Kentucky, have filed a federal suit against Trump, accusing him of inciting violence.

His lawyers tried to get the case dismissed by saying his comments are protected by the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of speechand that he did not intend for his words to incite violence.

But federal Judge David Hale rejected that argument in April 2017 and said there was sufficient evidence that the protesters' injuries were a "direct and proximate result" of Trump's comments, according to The Associated Press. Trump was allowed to appeal the case, and the latest step in the proceedings came when a stay was issued in June 2018 pending interlocutory appeals, according to court documents.

it's 2018
"Trump doesnt get jokes. he doesnt get tone. he doesnt get punch lines. he'll say words differently. he's just a dweeb" - SNL's Pete Davidson
Where does he get this shit from? Why does he only communicate with evangelicals and invite only them to the White House when we live in a 320-million-plus country with people of every religion under the sun, including many who are non-evangelical Christians, and also people who choose not to have a religion? His religious bias is clear to even the most casual observer. Our government is supposed to be clean of religious bias.

Where does he get this shit from?”
Ummm....this nation was founded by Christians, funded by Christians and built by Christians and their belief huh?

You fail to understand that there is no single Christianity and no single belief system. Even as they tried to destroy Native Americans, the Christians who came here squabbled incessantly among themselves, even to the point of banishing, beating, and killing.

It is totally wrong and, frankly, totally un-American for a person occupying the position as POTUS to openly align himself with one religion and one specific cult.

To praise someone like jeffress as a "great leader for Christianity" shows how ignorant this guy is. jeffress is not even a Christian. He is a leader of some crazy off-shoot cult that seems to be affiliated with the Calvinist religion. Going around telling everybody who doesn't think like he does that they are going to hell and trying to subjugate women has nothing to do with any faith in Jesus and his teachings. It was a national disgrace that he was allowed to go to Jerusalem and dirty the new embassy.

I doubt that there would be any more violence if the GOP lost in the midterms than has occurred so far unless the right-wing instigates it.
"This November 6 election is very much a referendum on not only me, it's a referendum on your religion, it's a referendum on free speech and the First Amendment. It's a referendum on so much," Trump told the assemblage of pastors and other Christian leaders gathered in the State Dining Room, according to a recording from people in the room.

"It's not a question of like or dislike, it's a question that they will overturn everything that we've done and they will do it quickly and violently. And violently. There is violence. When you look at Antifa -- these are violent people," Trump said, describing what would happen should his voters fail to cast ballots. "You have tremendous power. You were saying, in this room, you have people who preach to almost 200 million people. Depending on which Sunday we're talking about."
Trump warns evangelicals of 'violence' if GOP loses in the midterms

Trying to get the Evangelicals to speak to their people. Crazy. First Amendment is only threatened due to him.
Why do you support the criminals in the Deep State and ruling class?

You have nothing in common with them.
Even though Trump slept with A porn star and A playmate of the year, it just proves he is a healthy heterosexual male. Not sure what else to take from those gals except maybe a few really cool memories...I recall when a president did an intern and that was just consensual sex, so WTF, which is worse??

Billy boy had not just got married and just had an infant. No he didn't do an intern. She did him.

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