Trump is going crazy.

One would, one wouldn’t and another one could be a maybe.
Well, gods' plans are ineffable, fer shure. Seems Christians have no complaints with an omnipotent god choosing to defend them through the agency of a serial pussy grabber and adulterer. Praise the load.
So? What do you have now?
What part of 'have patience' is so tough for you to understand?

What part of the question. What proof of Russia Collusion do you have? My guess is you have none and are hoping Mueller has some secret evidence...but if you believe that...then you can just state, as of today there is ZERO evidence of collusion
Here's collusion. Donald Reump Jr.sent an email prior to the June 16, 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russian operatives saying that if the information about the DNC emails was in the offing, "That would be great, better nearer the end of the summer". That's setting up a meeting with Russian operatives to receive, accept or possess material used to influence an election from a foreign power. That's collusion and, if anyone else was aware of or attended the meeting, a conspiracy to defraud the United States of America. Everything else is gravy.
In the mean time the democrats are using Russians to put together a fake dossier on Trump and paying them well for it. And the whole time it was China sitting on all of hilda’s Top Secret emails.
There is no proof of Chinese meddling. And the FBI, CIA,and NSA have all claimed, along with the house and senate intelligence committees, that the Russians have, and continue to interfere.
One would, one wouldn’t and another one could be a maybe.
Well, gods' plans are ineffable, fer shure. Seems Christians have no complaints with an omnipotent god choosing to defend them through the agency of a serial pussy grabber and adulterer. Praise the load.
I wonder why you don’t do full quotes? It must be easier to sound like you know what you’re talking about if you just ignore the points you don’t understand.
What part of 'have patience' is so tough for you to understand?

What part of the question. What proof of Russia Collusion do you have? My guess is you have none and are hoping Mueller has some secret evidence...but if you believe that...then you can just state, as of today there is ZERO evidence of collusion
Here's collusion. Donald Reump Jr.sent an email prior to the June 16, 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russian operatives saying that if the information about the DNC emails was in the offing, "That would be great, better nearer the end of the summer". That's setting up a meeting with Russian operatives to receive, accept or possess material used to influence an election from a foreign power. That's collusion and, if anyone else was aware of or attended the meeting, a conspiracy to defraud the United States of America. Everything else is gravy.
In the mean time the democrats are using Russians to put together a fake dossier on Trump and paying them well for it. And the whole time it was China sitting on all of hilda’s Top Secret emails.
There is no proof of Chinese meddling. And the FBI, CIA,and NSA have all claimed, along with the house and senate intelligence committees, that the Russians have, and continue to interfere.
The FBI, CIA and both houses of congress told us that the Russians have and continue to meddle. Tucker Carlson told you it was the Chinese.

Who ya gonna believe?
Those of us NOT living in a leftist indoctrinated city/state have learned to think for ourselves. The rest of you are ignorant lemmings.
Pure brainwashed tripe!

Brainwashed? Man, you guys are really hopeless. Enjoy the booming economy. If the leftists get back in power, it will end. Remember the left wing experts saying how the economy would crash if Trump was elected? Weird. My guess is when it does crash under some Socialist they will circle back and blame it on Trump. The sad part is the lemmings will believe it.
What part of the question. What proof of Russia Collusion do you have? My guess is you have none and are hoping Mueller has some secret evidence...but if you believe that...then you can just state, as of today there is ZERO evidence of collusion
Here's collusion. Donald Reump Jr.sent an email prior to the June 16, 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russian operatives saying that if the information about the DNC emails was in the offing, "That would be great, better nearer the end of the summer". That's setting up a meeting with Russian operatives to receive, accept or possess material used to influence an election from a foreign power. That's collusion and, if anyone else was aware of or attended the meeting, a conspiracy to defraud the United States of America. Everything else is gravy.
In the mean time the democrats are using Russians to put together a fake dossier on Trump and paying them well for it. And the whole time it was China sitting on all of hilda’s Top Secret emails.
There is no proof of Chinese meddling. And the FBI, CIA,and NSA have all claimed, along with the house and senate intelligence committees, that the Russians have, and continue to interfere.
The FBI, CIA and both houses of congress told us that the Russians have and continue to meddle. Tucker Carlson told you it was the Chinese.

Who ya gonna believe?
The FBI told us the Tsaranev brothers were suffering refugees. The head of the CIA admitted that they lie to us on a continuing basis.

It's not a hard decision
Those of us NOT living in a leftist indoctrinated city/state have learned to think for ourselves. The rest of you are ignorant lemmings.
Pure brainwashed tripe!

Brainwashed? Man, you guys are really hopeless. Enjoy the booming economy. If the leftists get back in power, it will end. Remember the left wing experts saying how the economy would crash if Trump was elected? Weird. My guess is when it does crash under some Socialist they will circle back and blame it on Trump. The sad part is the lemmings will believe it.
The economy is "booming" at the exact same pace as under Obama when you liars said it sucked. Just give Tramp a little more time and he will crash the economy, after all it took Bush several years to destroy the great Clinton economy.
The growth is stronger now, but most importantly, it is more of an "organic" growth vs. a "synthetic" one. Democrats tend to think they can regulate, tax and stimulus their way to a good economy. In reality, that is very shortsighted, as more tax revenue is created in the short term, but in the long term growth slows. Trump has deregulated and cut taxes which can result in less tax revenue in the short term, but in the long term increases revenue by creating more profits for businesses who inturn pay more taxes(in monetary terms), hire more employees, etc. More control by the government was not what made America the strongest in the world, in fact, just the opposite.
The growth is stronger now, but most importantly, it is more of an "organic" growth vs. a "synthetic" one. Democrats tend to think they can regulate, tax and stimulus their way to a good economy. In reality, that is very shortsighted, as more tax revenue is created in the short term, but in the long term growth slows. Trump has deregulated and cut taxes which can result in less tax revenue in the short term, but in the long term increases revenue by creating more profits for businesses who inturn pay more taxes(in monetary terms), hire more employees, etc. More control by the government was not what made America the strongest in the world, in fact, just the opposite.
Your fantasy has already been attempted in Kansas with disastrous results. An immutable fact is that GDP is 70 percent consumer demand. Companies only hire when demand increases.
The growth is stronger now, but most importantly, it is more of an "organic" growth vs. a "synthetic" one. Democrats tend to think they can regulate, tax and stimulus their way to a good economy. In reality, that is very shortsighted, as more tax revenue is created in the short term, but in the long term growth slows. Trump has deregulated and cut taxes which can result in less tax revenue in the short term, but in the long term increases revenue by creating more profits for businesses who inturn pay more taxes(in monetary terms), hire more employees, etc. More control by the government was not what made America the strongest in the world, in fact, just the opposite.
Your fantasy has already been attempted in Kansas with disastrous results. An immutable fact is that GDP is 70 percent consumer demand. Companies only hire when demand increases.

And what increases demand? Look, many Liberal economists predicted a crash of the markets and the economy if Trump implemented the policies he set forth on the campaign trail, including deregulation and tax cuts. They were wrong, but it was not because they didn't know better. It is because their ideology trumps their knowledge. They spend most of their time trying to prove something that they know is incorrect to bolster the insecurities they have about following a non-sensical ideology known as Liberalism. Trump was elected and the markets soared immediately because even those economists, who talked a big game, knew what was really going to happen. If they and others were so sure of a collapse, they would have pulled out immediately to limit their losses. Clearly that didn't happen. If Trump can get a hold of illegal immigration and trade practices, the markets and the economy will benefit even more. Liberal economists know this too, but can't bring themselves to admit it, so they will continue to try to fool the lemmings who can't seem to see what is right in front of their face.

I feel sorry for those of you that just don't get it. I really do. Indoctrination is a tough thing to break, sometimes impossible. I have huge admiration for folks that were raised a Liberal and switched to be a Conservative. It takes a wise, humble person to do so because it takes admitting that they were once wrong. There are plenty of intelligent Liberals but very few wise ones.
The growth is stronger now, but most importantly, it is more of an "organic" growth vs. a "synthetic" one. Democrats tend to think they can regulate, tax and stimulus their way to a good economy. In reality, that is very shortsighted, as more tax revenue is created in the short term, but in the long term growth slows. Trump has deregulated and cut taxes which can result in less tax revenue in the short term, but in the long term increases revenue by creating more profits for businesses who inturn pay more taxes(in monetary terms), hire more employees, etc. More control by the government was not what made America the strongest in the world, in fact, just the opposite.
Your fantasy has already been attempted in Kansas with disastrous results. An immutable fact is that GDP is 70 percent consumer demand. Companies only hire when demand increases.

And what increases demand? Look, many Liberal economists predicted a crash of the markets and the economy if Trump implemented the policies he set forth on the campaign trail, including deregulation and tax cuts. They were wrong, but it was not because they didn't know better. It is because their ideology trumps their knowledge. They spend most of their time trying to prove something that they know is incorrect to bolster the insecurities they have about following a non-sensical ideology known as Liberalism. Trump was elected and the markets soared immediately because even those economists, who talked a big game, knew what was really going to happen. If they and others were so sure of a collapse, they would have pulled out immediately to limit their losses. Clearly that didn't happen. If Trump can get a hold of illegal immigration and trade practices, the markets and the economy will benefit even more. Liberal economists know this too, but can't bring themselves to admit it, so they will continue to try to fool the lemmings who can't seem to see what is right in front of their face.

I feel sorry for those of you that just don't get it. I really do. Indoctrination is a tough thing to break, sometimes impossible. I have huge admiration for folks that were raised a Liberal and switched to be a Conservative. It takes a wise, humble person to do so because it takes admitting that they were once wrong. There are plenty of intelligent Liberals but very few wise ones.
ok.. I think the important point to add to that is neoliberalism and conservatism have become too intertwined. The result was the great recession of 2008-2010. Free market ideology needs to be balanced with protection from fraudulent leadership. I think thats missed by neoliberals and conservatives who follow them. It becomes apparent when the Kochs chime in on it (the tariffs). The core of neoliberal ideology is free trade, which must cause quite a cognitive dissonance among conservatives who follow that ideology.

But on the point of illegal immigration, just last week US CEOs warned about Trump's immigration policy's affect on the economy. Which can become quite funny considering how many foreigners work at Trump properties.
The growth is stronger now, but most importantly, it is more of an "organic" growth vs. a "synthetic" one. Democrats tend to think they can regulate, tax and stimulus their way to a good economy. In reality, that is very shortsighted, as more tax revenue is created in the short term, but in the long term growth slows. Trump has deregulated and cut taxes which can result in less tax revenue in the short term, but in the long term increases revenue by creating more profits for businesses who inturn pay more taxes(in monetary terms), hire more employees, etc. More control by the government was not what made America the strongest in the world, in fact, just the opposite.
Wishful thinking!
Deregulation and tax cuts always lead to recession in the long run because they always overheat the economy creating a bubble that always bursts.
Whereas now Iran and the EU are allied in open defiance of the Pussy Grabber.

Iran is close to imploding and the EU has its own issues. What are you talking about. Stop speaking with emotion and deal in facts please.

Yeah well, as far as the EU goes, we've kind of had to correct them before. Probably didn't help President Obama refinance Iranian concerns. Slick move telling the goofballs it was "their money" though. I still bet he wasn't interested in giving Bernie Madoff "his money" back.

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