Trump is Guilty – Republicans Don’t Care

“We need to prepare for the eventuality that the Mueller probe catches President Trump, family members and associates red-handed — and Republicans in Congress refuse to do anything about it.

This is beginning to look like a possible or even probable outcome. With a cravenness matched only by its arrogance, the GOP is Trump’s party now. It no longer has any claim to be Lincoln’s.
The Trump presidency poses a challenge beyond politics or policy. Wrongheaded trickle-down tax policy is a matter of arithmetic; it can be corrected by moving numbers around a spreadsheet. But once corruption has become established, it takes herculean effort to root it out; once respect for the rule of law is lost, it takes generations to restore.”

Opinion | What if Mueller catches Trump — and it isn’t enough?

And it’s more likely the rule of law, once lost, can never be restored.

Prosecutors are accusing Manafort and a longtime associate they linked to Russian intelligence of repeatedly contacting two members of a public relations firm and asking them to falsely testify about secret lobbying they did at Manafort’s behest. …

Manafort allegedly took action that would not only be a serious felony to add to the long list of charges but also would present powerful evidence of a guilty mind in the other crimes for which he has been indicted.

Needless to say, innocent people don’t ordinarily resort to falsifying evidence to prove their innocence. Come to think of it, neither do they draft exculpatory statements falsely explaining a meeting before the election with a Kremlin-linked lawyer and their son, son-in-law and campaign chairman. And yet, multiple denials that the president had anything to do with such a statement (explaining the purpose of the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting) are now lies we learn.

The official story is that Trump did draft the untrue statement — during an FBI investigation, an investigation into Russian collusion. Manafort is not alone in his recklessness, it seems.

Thanks to Manafort and to the president’s assertion that he cannot obstruct justice (and to boot can pardon himself), we now have public attention focused on the crime of obstruction of justice, which is serious for any private individual and a fatal breach of the president’s oath to “take care” that the laws are faithfully executed. Even Republicans are fessing up that obstruction is a really big deal, whether a president can be prosecuted in office (or after office) or “merely” impeached.

If Mueller does have credible proof of obstruction, how would Republicans wriggle out of voting to convict?

Opinion | Why it’s essential to go after Trump for obstruction of justice
/----/ The "President cannot obstruct justice because he is the chief law enforcement officer under [the Constitution's Article II] and has every right to express his view of any case,

Just remember you won't like it when President Michelle Obama pulls this shit and locks up the Trump family. LOL

Why would Americans vote for more Obama? The economy is booming...there are more jobs than there are people to fill them...people have money in their pockets and feel good about the direction the country is headed in! What would make the electorate fall for the whole "Hope and Change" thing again? So we can do the "Jobs created or saved" farce one more time? So black unemployment can soar? So we can sign more international agreements that aren't good for us? I don't care how much the liberal elites would love a Michelle Obama in the White House...I think the average American knows what that would entail and want no part of it.
/——/ For a Liberal to be elected president things have to be really really good. For a conservative to be elected things have to be really really bad.

Yea like when we voted in Obama because of Bush's recession.

And when we voted in Clinton because of Bush 1's shitty economy.

Or when voters got stupid and voted for Bush after 8 good Clinton years.

Or when Obama got us out of the GOP Great Recession and we went back to the GOP after 8 years of their crying.

Americans are stupid. That's a fact.
“We need to prepare for the eventuality that the Mueller probe catches President Trump, family members and associates red-handed — and Republicans in Congress refuse to do anything about it.

This is beginning to look like a possible or even probable outcome. With a cravenness matched only by its arrogance, the GOP is Trump’s party now. It no longer has any claim to be Lincoln’s.
The Trump presidency poses a challenge beyond politics or policy. Wrongheaded trickle-down tax policy is a matter of arithmetic; it can be corrected by moving numbers around a spreadsheet. But once corruption has become established, it takes herculean effort to root it out; once respect for the rule of law is lost, it takes generations to restore.”

Opinion | What if Mueller catches Trump — and it isn’t enough?

And it’s more likely the rule of law, once lost, can never be restored.

Prosecutors are accusing Manafort and a longtime associate they linked to Russian intelligence of repeatedly contacting two members of a public relations firm and asking them to falsely testify about secret lobbying they did at Manafort’s behest. …

Manafort allegedly took action that would not only be a serious felony to add to the long list of charges but also would present powerful evidence of a guilty mind in the other crimes for which he has been indicted.

Needless to say, innocent people don’t ordinarily resort to falsifying evidence to prove their innocence. Come to think of it, neither do they draft exculpatory statements falsely explaining a meeting before the election with a Kremlin-linked lawyer and their son, son-in-law and campaign chairman. And yet, multiple denials that the president had anything to do with such a statement (explaining the purpose of the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting) are now lies we learn.

The official story is that Trump did draft the untrue statement — during an FBI investigation, an investigation into Russian collusion. Manafort is not alone in his recklessness, it seems.

Thanks to Manafort and to the president’s assertion that he cannot obstruct justice (and to boot can pardon himself), we now have public attention focused on the crime of obstruction of justice, which is serious for any private individual and a fatal breach of the president’s oath to “take care” that the laws are faithfully executed. Even Republicans are fessing up that obstruction is a really big deal, whether a president can be prosecuted in office (or after office) or “merely” impeached.

If Mueller does have credible proof of obstruction, how would Republicans wriggle out of voting to convict?

Opinion | Why it’s essential to go after Trump for obstruction of justice
/----/ The "President cannot obstruct justice because he is the chief law enforcement officer under [the Constitution's Article II] and has every right to express his view of any case,

Just remember you won't like it when President Michelle Obama pulls this shit and locks up the Trump family. LOL

Why would Americans vote for more Obama? The economy is booming...there are more jobs than there are people to fill them...people have money in their pockets and feel good about the direction the country is headed in! What would make the electorate fall for the whole "Hope and Change" thing again? So we can do the "Jobs created or saved" farce one more time? So black unemployment can soar? So we can sign more international agreements that aren't good for us? I don't care how much the liberal elites would love a Michelle Obama in the White House...I think the average American knows what that would entail and want no part of it.
/——/ For a Liberal to be elected president things have to be really really good. For a conservative to be elected things have to be really really bad.

Lets remind you what it was like before the Obama McCain election of 2008

Global financial crisis in October 2008 - Wikipedia

You must be 12 and a conservative who actually believes the economy was really bad in 2016. Fucking idiots!
“We need to prepare for the eventuality that the Mueller probe catches President Trump, family members and associates red-handed — and Republicans in Congress refuse to do anything about it.

This is beginning to look like a possible or even probable outcome. With a cravenness matched only by its arrogance, the GOP is Trump’s party now. It no longer has any claim to be Lincoln’s.
The Trump presidency poses a challenge beyond politics or policy. Wrongheaded trickle-down tax policy is a matter of arithmetic; it can be corrected by moving numbers around a spreadsheet. But once corruption has become established, it takes herculean effort to root it out; once respect for the rule of law is lost, it takes generations to restore.”

Opinion | What if Mueller catches Trump — and it isn’t enough?

And it’s more likely the rule of law, once lost, can never be restored.

Prosecutors are accusing Manafort and a longtime associate they linked to Russian intelligence of repeatedly contacting two members of a public relations firm and asking them to falsely testify about secret lobbying they did at Manafort’s behest. …

Manafort allegedly took action that would not only be a serious felony to add to the long list of charges but also would present powerful evidence of a guilty mind in the other crimes for which he has been indicted.

Needless to say, innocent people don’t ordinarily resort to falsifying evidence to prove their innocence. Come to think of it, neither do they draft exculpatory statements falsely explaining a meeting before the election with a Kremlin-linked lawyer and their son, son-in-law and campaign chairman. And yet, multiple denials that the president had anything to do with such a statement (explaining the purpose of the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting) are now lies we learn.

The official story is that Trump did draft the untrue statement — during an FBI investigation, an investigation into Russian collusion. Manafort is not alone in his recklessness, it seems.

Thanks to Manafort and to the president’s assertion that he cannot obstruct justice (and to boot can pardon himself), we now have public attention focused on the crime of obstruction of justice, which is serious for any private individual and a fatal breach of the president’s oath to “take care” that the laws are faithfully executed. Even Republicans are fessing up that obstruction is a really big deal, whether a president can be prosecuted in office (or after office) or “merely” impeached.

If Mueller does have credible proof of obstruction, how would Republicans wriggle out of voting to convict?

Opinion | Why it’s essential to go after Trump for obstruction of justice
/----/ The "President cannot obstruct justice because he is the chief law enforcement officer under [the Constitution's Article II] and has every right to express his view of any case,

Just remember you won't like it when President Michelle Obama pulls this shit and locks up the Trump family. LOL

Why would Americans vote for more Obama? The economy is booming...there are more jobs than there are people to fill them...people have money in their pockets and feel good about the direction the country is headed in! What would make the electorate fall for the whole "Hope and Change" thing again? So we can do the "Jobs created or saved" farce one more time? So black unemployment can soar? So we can sign more international agreements that aren't good for us? I don't care how much the liberal elites would love a Michelle Obama in the White House...I think the average American knows what that would entail and want no part of it.

Because I'm more honest than any Republican here, I can admit this is a pretty sad list

Analysis | The top 15 Democratic presidential hopefuls for 2020, ranked
1A. Hillary Clinton
--- She hasn’t gone anywhere, insists she is hanging around and remaining relevant, and…it’s still her turn. Does she have one more stolen nomination in her? Can she sneak back into a re-match with Bernie? Gawd, I hope so. :p

1B. Socialist Bernie Sanders
--- Can he mobilize his army again…and will the DNC skrew them all again? :p

2. Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren
--- The ‘Fake Woowoo’…’Nuff Said.

3. Former vice president Joe Biden
--- The old fart that told Americans to either walk out on your balcony and fire a gun to scare off the burglars or to just shoot someone through the door if you’re scared….The said about the Obama nomination, ‘Finally they got a clean cut black guy….’WTF? :p

4. California Sen. Kamala D. Harris
A judge declared San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris' office violated defendants' rights by hiding damaging information about a police drug lab technician and was indifferent to demands that it account for its failings. America doesn’t need a female version of Mueller as President.

5. New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker
--- ‘
His angry, eyes-bulging scene at a hearing after Trump's “s---hole countries” comment felt a little forced’ :p

6. New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand
--- Wants to guarantee everyone a federal job…a step farther than Socialist Unca Bernie Sanders

7. Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy
--- Anti-Gun Gun-Grabber – will drive up gun sales but will never win the WH

8. Former Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe
--- ‘Clinton creation / Cling-on’, Douche bar responsible for felon sex offender running for Senate

9. Former Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick
--- Showing signs of little desire to put his family through ‘politics of personal destruction’

10. Ohio Sen Sherrod Brown

--- Environment warrior, stock dropping

11. NY Gov Andrew M. Cuomo
--- Won’t be able to beat Cynthia ‘Sex In The city’ Nixon
--- ‘War on Big Sodas’ will bite him in the ass…exposed a dictatorial streak waiting to get out.

12. Former U.S. attorney general Eric Holder
--- 1st Presidential Cabinet member / US AG in history to be Censured (for his crimes of Perjury)
--- Obama Co-Conspirator in numerous scandals
*** Concern over nominating / running another criminal / crooked black nominee so soon after Obama

13. New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu
--- Little Known, not an Elitist, no scndals

14. Oprah Winfrey
--- Not “in her spirit / DNA”

15. Montana Gov. Steve Bullock
--- Too Moderate, No criminal record / scandals

So far my money is on:

1. Hillary - Sanders Re-Match
2. Harris
3. Woowoo Warren
4. McAuliffe (Naming Hillary as his VP)
5. Booker

Forum List
