Trump is Guilty – Republicans Don’t Care

Yep - GOP is now the party of Donald Trump and Creepy Roy Moore. Highly unlikely that this Republican Congress will move on impeachment. And they may even sit idly by as Trump pardons Flynn, Jared, Sessions and perhaps even himself. Sad :(
Yep - GOP is now the party of Donald Trump and Creepy Roy Moore. Highly unlikely that this Republican Congress will move on impeachment. And they may even sit idly by as Trump pardons Flynn, Jared, Sessions and perhaps even himself. Sad :(

Raping slaves, allowing women to drown, clinton raping at least 3 women and sexually assaulting a dozen others if not more, and only getting rid of conyers, and franken cause they get replaced by democrats...while trying to stay as quiet as possible about child rapist bob menendez in New Jersey because N.J. has a republican Governor for a few more weeks....

Your party is sacrifice low level democrat women to the rapists and sexual abusers in your party....and then you try to take the high ground against men with 40 year old allegations that can't be proven.... aren't going to create the next big lie.....your sexual violence and hate is going to stick to you like mud on a pig....
Posts like the OP illustrates why the American People threw the left out of power. The left thinks everyone is as stupid as they are. We are through with the lies.

And Trump is telling us the truth?


Asked if he’s “honest,” 51 percent of Morning Consult’s respondents say “no,” as opposed to just 36 percent who say “yes.”
Only 37 percent think Trump is “stable.” 51 percent don’t.
Thirty-six percent think Trump is “compassionate.” Fifty-three percent don’t.
Sixty percent think Trump is “reckless.” Only 29 percent don’t.​

Trump Proud of Poll Showing Most Americans Think He’s a Lying Sexist

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Posts like the OP illustrates why the American People threw the left out of power. The left thinks everyone is as stupid as they are. We are through with the lies.

And Trump is telling us the truth?


Asked if he’s “honest,” 51 percent of Morning Consult’s respondents say “no,” as opposed to just 36 percent who say “yes.”
Only 37 percent think Trump is “stable.” 51 percent don’t.
Thirty-six percent think Trump is “compassionate.” Fifty-three percent don’t.
Sixty percent think Trump is “reckless.” Only 29 percent don’t.​

Trump Proud of Poll Showing Most Americans Think He’s a Lying Sexist

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List didn't read my last it is politicians are rapists and sexual predator...and no amount of lying about republicans will change that...

Raping slaves, allowing women to drown, clinton raping at least 3 women and sexually assaulting a dozen others if not more, and only getting rid of conyers, and franken cause they get replaced by democrats...while trying to stay as quiet as possible about child rapist bob menendez in New Jersey because N.J. has a republican Governor for a few more weeks....

Your party is sacrifice low level democrat women to the rapists and sexual abusers in your party....and then you try to take the high ground against men with 40 year old allegations that can't be proven.... aren't going to create the next big lie.....your sexual violence and hate is going to stick to you like mud on a pig....
I guess we could retroactively send Bill Clinton to prison.

for what? :uhoh3:
That’s what republicans will do. Bring up the past. Too late cal. The clintons are gone.

And we will sacrifice the clintons for trump and pence. Have them. Clinton signed nafta and deregulated the media. He’s one of those corporate democrats. Hillary too.

Still she would have been better than trump. Hopefully this is just a. 4 year experiment
The Clintons are already gone, douchebag, so you are offering nothing.

Hopefully, America will never elect another Democrat.
Posts like the OP illustrates why the American People threw the left out of power. The left thinks everyone is as stupid as they are. We are through with the lies.

And Trump is telling us the truth?


Asked if he’s “honest,” 51 percent of Morning Consult’s respondents say “no,” as opposed to just 36 percent who say “yes.”
Only 37 percent think Trump is “stable.” 51 percent don’t.
Thirty-six percent think Trump is “compassionate.” Fifty-three percent don’t.
Sixty percent think Trump is “reckless.” Only 29 percent don’t.​

Trump Proud of Poll Showing Most Americans Think He’s a Lying Sexist

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

You are another example of why you guys lose all the time. America doesn’t want your lies.
When you begin your quest to bring down a newly elected President BEFORE he has spent ONE DAY in office, your motives are already in question. You can't find anything substantive, so some Liberal genius comes up with the NON-CRIME OF COLLUSION and that becomes the rallying cry. When that fails, we will be treated to a non-stop parade of sexual harassment victims. After that fails, then what? Oh right, tax evasion. After that fails, then what? How about focus on problems that affect American citizens and support the President who is trying to solve them?
We knew of Russian involvement before he was elected

Collusion is a is participation in a crime

There's no such crime as collusion, moron.
Raping slaves, allowing women to drown, clinton raping at least 3 women and sexually assaulting a dozen others if not more, and only getting rid of conyers, and franken cause they get replaced by democrats...while trying to stay as quiet as possible about child rapist bob menendez in New Jersey because N.J. has a republican Governor for a few more weeks....

Your party is sacrifice low level democrat women to the rapists and sexual abusers in your party....and then you try to take the high ground against men with 40 year old allegations that can't be proven.... aren't going to create the next big lie.....your sexual violence and hate is going to stick to you like mud on a pig....

If Clinton raped anyone - where's the conviction?

Bonus question: When is this ugly-ass fucknut going to resign and pay back the 84 grand he stole from taxpayers on a single payoff??

GOP Congresswoman Calls On Rep. Blake Farenthold To Resign | HuffPost

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“We need to prepare for the eventuality that the Mueller probe catches President Trump, family members and associates red-handed — and Republicans in Congress refuse to do anything about it.

This is beginning to look like a possible or even probable outcome. With a cravenness matched only by its arrogance, the GOP is Trump’s party now. It no longer has any claim to be Lincoln’s.
The Trump presidency poses a challenge beyond politics or policy. Wrongheaded trickle-down tax policy is a matter of arithmetic; it can be corrected by moving numbers around a spreadsheet. But once corruption has become established, it takes herculean effort to root it out; once respect for the rule of law is lost, it takes generations to restore.”

Opinion | What if Mueller catches Trump — and it isn’t enough?

And it’s more likely the rule of law, once lost, can never be restored. really are stupid...they have nothing...they can't even get guilty pleas from the side characters on the Russia laundering and lying to the you drink a should stop. And the mueller team is coming under increasing scrutiny for their past actions.......creating a false file with hilary in order to lie to judges to get FISA warrants when they were with the FBI......using FBI agents with ties to the hilary machine to cover up her felonies...

You guys...your tears are going to be especially tasty when mueller, comey, lynch, holder, stzrok and the others are the ones doing time....
How many guilty pleas do you need? Sessions, manafort, don jr, papadapolos, and there’s more I’ve forgotten.

You can’t think this is going well and you won’t make this about mueller. A republican congress appointed him because he would be fair. Fuck you questioning his integrity
What have these people plead guilty to, and where is the link to the convictions?
“We need to prepare for the eventuality that the Mueller probe catches President Trump, family members and associates red-handed — and Republicans in Congress refuse to do anything about it.

This is beginning to look like a possible or even probable outcome. With a cravenness matched only by its arrogance, the GOP is Trump’s party now. It no longer has any claim to be Lincoln’s.
The Trump presidency poses a challenge beyond politics or policy. Wrongheaded trickle-down tax policy is a matter of arithmetic; it can be corrected by moving numbers around a spreadsheet. But once corruption has become established, it takes herculean effort to root it out; once respect for the rule of law is lost, it takes generations to restore.”

Opinion | What if Mueller catches Trump — and it isn’t enough?

And it’s more likely the rule of law, once lost, can never be restored.
What if? Yet you are treating it as a fait accompli.

Speaks volumes for your depth of hatred and idiocy.
When you begin your quest to bring down a newly elected President BEFORE he has spent ONE DAY in office, your motives are already in question. You can't find anything substantive, so some Liberal genius comes up with the NON-CRIME OF COLLUSION and that becomes the rallying cry. When that fails, we will be treated to a non-stop parade of sexual harassment victims. After that fails, then what? Oh right, tax evasion. After that fails, then what? How about focus on problems that affect American citizens and support the President who is trying to solve them?
We knew of Russian involvement before he was elected

Collusion is a is participation in a crime
/——/ What collusion? Please post your proof.
Raping slaves, allowing women to drown, clinton raping at least 3 women and sexually assaulting a dozen others if not more, and only getting rid of conyers, and franken cause they get replaced by democrats...while trying to stay as quiet as possible about child rapist bob menendez in New Jersey because N.J. has a republican Governor for a few more weeks....

Your party is sacrifice low level democrat women to the rapists and sexual abusers in your party....and then you try to take the high ground against men with 40 year old allegations that can't be proven.... aren't going to create the next big lie.....your sexual violence and hate is going to stick to you like mud on a pig....

If Clinton raped anyone - where's the conviction?

Bonus question: When is this ugly-ass fucknut going to resign and pay back the 84 grand he stole from taxpayers on a single payoff??

GOP Congresswoman Calls On Rep. Blake Farenthold To Resign | HuffPost


This picture is a useful parenting tool. Show young boys this picture and tell them this is why it’s important to study hard and be successful. Show your daughters this picture and tell them that this is why you need to study hard and be successful.
I guess we could retroactively send Bill Clinton to prison.

for what? :uhoh3:
That’s what republicans will do. Bring up the past. Too late cal. The clintons are gone.

And we will sacrifice the clintons for trump and pence. Have them. Clinton signed nafta and deregulated the media. He’s one of those corporate democrats. Hillary too.

Still she would have been better than trump. Hopefully this is just a. 4 year experiment

Hillary may indeed have been like a broken leg but Donald Trump is like being shot point blank in the head.
Hillary would have been, at worst, a survivable event, and when I say that, I am actually paraphrasing a well known CONSERVATIVE columnist named P.J. O'Rourke.

"I am endorsing Hillary, and all her lies and all her empty promises," O'Rourke continued. "It's the second-worst thing that can happen to this country, but she's way behind in second place. She's wrong about absolutely everything, but she's wrong within normal parameters."

Conservative Author P.J. O'Rourke Reluctantly Backs Clinton

"Hillary is wrong about everything. She is to politics and statecraft what Pope Urban VIII and the Inquisition were to Galileo. She thinks the sun revolves around herself. [...]
But Trump Earth™ is flat. We’ll sail over the edge. Here be monsters.[...]
Speaking of which… Like a toddler in a home with a loaded handgun, sooner or later Donald will find the briefcase with the nuclear launch codes. Better set the combination lock code to “411” before he does—he’ll never think of that. Donald hates information."

P.J. O’Rourke: I’m Endorsing Hillary Clinton, the Devil We Know


The problem isn't Trump supporters as much as it is petty, immature and arrogant people on the left who cannot or will not grasp the fact that politics is not only the art of the possible, it's the art of compromise.
When they don't hear, and get, everything they feel they are entitled to they tend to act out in very strange ways and those ways are, invariably, against their own best interests. Its said, for instance, that a lot of Bernie supporters switched their votes to Trump and were, in large part, responsible for Trump getting elected.
These people must be disowned by liberals and Democrats alike. They're not liberal, they're insane.

The other problem is the millennial vote. WHAT millennial vote?
Turnout by millennials was sixteen percent in the General Election.
They weren't allowed to have the Captain of the Soccer Team they wanted, so they took their ball and went home and sulked.


We have one chance left to extricate ourselves, by doing our duty in 2018.
We MUST sweep both chambers in Congress or we're toast.
Not just for the next four years, for a generation, or even worse.
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“We need to prepare for the eventuality that the Mueller probe catches President Trump, family members and associates red-handed — and Republicans in Congress refuse to do anything about it.

This is beginning to look like a possible or even probable outcome. With a cravenness matched only by its arrogance, the GOP is Trump’s party now. It no longer has any claim to be Lincoln’s.
The Trump presidency poses a challenge beyond politics or policy. Wrongheaded trickle-down tax policy is a matter of arithmetic; it can be corrected by moving numbers around a spreadsheet. But once corruption has become established, it takes herculean effort to root it out; once respect for the rule of law is lost, it takes generations to restore.”

Opinion | What if Mueller catches Trump — and it isn’t enough?

And it’s more likely the rule of law, once lost, can never be restored.

Just because you are discovering that your whole shtick is being reversed on you, is no reason to get shrill, or jump off a bridge you know-)
When you can name the crime he is guilty of, let me know.

Until then you're living in a fantasy world. I'd get some professional help to that
When you begin your quest to bring down a newly elected President BEFORE he has spent ONE DAY in office, your motives are already in question. You can't find anything substantive, so some Liberal genius comes up with the NON-CRIME OF COLLUSION and that becomes the rallying cry. When that fails, we will be treated to a non-stop parade of sexual harassment victims. After that fails, then what? Oh right, tax evasion. After that fails, then what? How about focus on problems that affect American citizens and support the President who is trying to solve them?

So then it's safe to assume you also agree that Republicans did the exact same thing for eight years, starting on Day One of the Obama administration?

McConnell Strategy Shuns Bipartisanship -

If you cannot acknowledge record obstructionism which occurred during both Obama terms, then you're arguing from the premise that a double standard is perfectly okay


t's OK If You Are Republican

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