Trump is horrible, why does he have so much success trolling Republicans?

I would have thought his views on abortion, where he is practicly in favor of post partum abortion would make him anethema to republicans.
I changed my views to pro-life based on personal stories

Q: Evangelicals want to feel secure that they're going to have a nominee that's solid on those social issues.

A: One thing about me, I'm a very honorable guy. I'm pro-life, but I changed my view a number of years ago. One of the primary reasons I changed [was] a friend of mine's wife was pregnant, and he didn't really want the baby. He was crying as he was telling me the story. He ends up having the baby and the baby is the apple of his eye. It's the greatest thing that's ever happened to him. And you know here's a baby that wasn't going to be let into life. And I heard this, and some other stories, and I am pro-life.

Q: So those stories did change you, they came around and changed you?

A: They changed me. Yeah, they changed my view as to that, absolutely.

Source: David Brody interview on , Apr 8, 2011
I don't trust him in this. He has said too much. Ii is also not consistant with what he is.
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The best thing about Trump is that the media is no longer calling Bush the front-runner, even when he wasn't leading in the polls.
He was 'front runner' with 17% in the polls? Ha! And most of that 17% was name recognition.

Walker was a true leader.

Trump has most of his affection is the same source.
Lolz ... Trump isn't necessarily trolling the GOP ... He is trolling the Democrats and some of the GOP cannot handle it.

Look at some of the posters that protest the most ... Democrats are pissed because Trump has indicated that he won't let them control the dialog any longer.
The GOP candidates who step in front of the bus ... Trying so desperately to give the dialog back to the Democrats ... Are just screwing themselves up the ass proving to be the same spineless bitches they always are ... This shit is priceless.

The smarter ones have left Trump alone for the most part.

trump is harming the right by playing with your racist base.

you can pretend its harming the left but its just pretending
trump is harming the right by playing with your racist base.
you can pretend its harming the left but its just pretending

You are not in the camp I would consider to be associated with Trump ... And guess what, you don't get to control the dialog or determine who is hurting who.
See how that (controlling dialog) works ... It's more like a "fuck you" than pretending you are worth listening to.

What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?
geezus ravi....have you been paying attention?....what he is saying about many,not all mind you, but a small percentage of illegals is true....some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country....if he would have thought about what he was saying and said it without blanketing all illegals it would have been pretty hard for anyone to prove him wrong....and out where i live a hell of a lot of democrats agree with..... some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country......because most out here have seen this for that being said, 90% of illegals are decent people and are not here to rob and rape your spite of what the racists and the far right have to say....
That isn't what he said, though. He demonized all Mexicans. That doesn't take guts and in fact is a cowardly act.
Meet The Mexican-Americans Who Are Backing Donald Trump In New Hampshire
The Huffington Post's Entertainment ^
It's become one of his loudest, most frequently repeated boasts. As polls have shown him surging to the top of the Republican pack, Donald Trump has made a point of asserting his particular strength among Hispanic voters. "I have so many Hispanics, and they love me," Trump said during a speech in Laconia, New Hampshire, last week. "And interestingly, we just got from the state of Nevada a poll [that] just came out, and Trump won with a tremendous amount. And the second line was, 'Takes Hispanic vote in a landslide,' and I've been saying that. I'm going to win...
New Hampshire? many can there be in that State?...just asking because there cant be that great of a number to really matter....

New Hampshire is 95% White.
no shit....why do you think i questioned when he said Mexicans in NH like trump?...the few thousand who live there mean shit when you are talking about millions around the country...who probably dont like trump..
arent we all a little suspicious of the Trump Numbers? I still dont think he will supercede the other 4 potential candidates.
i dont see trump winning any of the early primaries, we all know its going to be Rubio/Walker/Cruz battling it out for a good two months, with Trump always hovering around 4th/5th place with Jebby up his butt.

I don't know if anyone here does. But I do like the topics he's bringing to the forefront. like Illegal Immigration, Sanctuary cities, the VA, etc etc. All the things the Democrats don't want the people to know what they are doing TO THEM right now on all these things. I hope he opens a few peoples eyes to the Democrat party and they change who they vote for. that's all I care about for now
if 70% of all voters were "White and intelligent" Trump would send Hillary packing her bags back to Arkansas,but we need that Hispanic vote along with those 6/7 crucial states, thats why I like that Rubio/Kasich ticket. Trump can always be in charge of the money in 2017. while Chris Christie is the White House Head Chef.

I don't know about Rubio/Kasich. they are both big RINOS to me. I'm looking at Walker/Cruz. Walker was a governor who got a lot of things accomplished in a State that was run into the ground by Democrats. Plus he kicked their ass and money when they pulled their STUNT of trying to him recalled. That's how NASTY the Democrats are and they are only getting worse. Did you see the feds raided the office of a SITTING sheriff? Joe Arpaio? but we can't get the emails or reports on Benghazi, the IRS, etc....people need to open their eyes to these progressive/Dem/commies of today
people need to open their eyes about the republicans of today too...they are just as nasty and have no problems spinning things to make them look good........
I am going to predict that come early October, Trump will lose his first place status and we will see the "Obvious Three Contenders" in the top three right thru the Iowa Crocuses.

Trump shall proclaim a President...when he tells his backers to now back Cruz for the nomination, and it will happen at the RNC convention! That should start a fire!

that would be Awesome and shock the hell out of a lot Democrats. I like Cruz. I feel he does still care about WE THE PEOPLE.
right now he does....if he gets elected we can then start hearing why "we" is not used anymore....
the right will get Bush and they will like it

remember how much they hated robmoney until they loved him
He is getting the snot pounded out of him in GE matchups against Clinton AND Sanders. That says something. Good for us.

I can live with that.

If you really believe this, why are you trying to derail his campaign? If I were you guys, I would be doing everything in my power to derail Jeb Bush. But we don't see the board flooded with libtards attacking Jeb. In fact, there are no threads at all about Jeb.
arent we all a little suspicious of the Trump Numbers? I still dont think he will supercede the other 4 potential candidates.
i dont see trump winning any of the early primaries, we all know its going to be Rubio/Walker/Cruz battling it out for a good two months, with Trump always hovering around 4th/5th place with Jebby up his butt.

I don't know if anyone here does. But I do like the topics he's bringing to the forefront. like Illegal Immigration, Sanctuary cities, the VA, etc etc. All the things the Democrats don't want the people to know what they are doing TO THEM right now on all these things. I hope he opens a few peoples eyes to the Democrat party and they change who they vote for. that's all I care about for now
if 70% of all voters were "White and intelligent" Trump would send Hillary packing her bags back to Arkansas,but we need that Hispanic vote along with those 6/7 crucial states, thats why I like that Rubio/Kasich ticket. Trump can always be in charge of the money in 2017. while Chris Christie is the White House Head Chef.

I don't know about Rubio/Kasich. they are both big RINOS to me. I'm looking at Walker/Cruz. Walker was a governor who got a lot of things accomplished in a State that was run into the ground by Democrats. Plus he kicked their ass and money when they pulled their STUNT of trying to him recalled. That's how NASTY the Democrats are and they are only getting worse. Did you see the feds raided the office of a SITTING sheriff? Joe Arpaio? but we can't get the emails or reports on Benghazi, the IRS, etc....people need to open their eyes to these progressive/Dem/commies of today
people need to open their eyes about the republicans of today too...they are just as nasty and have no problems spinning things to make them look good........

oh I agree with that. But I see the evil more with these Democrats right now. such as Obama and everyone he's stuck in our government. they are Fascist/tyrants radicals from all walks of life
The only problem for you is that it's all on video, for the whole world to see.

And the problem for you is, most people watched the video and disagree with your take.

No. Most hard-core Republicans disagree with my take. Most voters who are NOT Republicans AGREE with me.

Nice try. Better luck next time.
He is getting the snot pounded out of him in GE matchups against Clinton AND Sanders. That says something. Good for us.

I can live with that.

If you really believe this, why are you trying to derail his campaign? If I were you guys, I would be doing everything in my power to derail Jeb Bush. But we don't see the board flooded with libtards attacking Jeb. In fact, there are no threads at all about Jeb.

Uhm, please show me where I am trying to derail Trump's campaign. Please. I can wait...

You see, you see thread titles, but you obviously have not read why I have been writing.

I would RELISH a Trump nomination.

Please, whatever you do, nominate Trump.

The only problem for you is that it's all on video, for the whole world to see.

And the problem for you is, most people watched the video and disagree with your take.

No. Most hard-core Republicans disagree with my take. Most voters who are NOT Republicans AGREE with me.

Nice try. Better luck next time.

No... polls indicate Trump gained ground with likely republican voters and republican-leaning independents. Nothing else really matters... Trump isn't counting on Libtards to vote for him.

Now you reveal a lot by admitting this is your "take" on what Trump said. We have to completely ignore that Trump has corrected your "take" on the record in two weeks of interviews about it. So in order to agree with your "take" we have to believe YOU know better about what Trump meant than Trump.

That's not surprising to me, I have run into that with you in my own postings here.
He is getting the snot pounded out of him in GE matchups against Clinton AND Sanders. That says something. Good for us.

I can live with that.

If you really believe this, why are you trying to derail his campaign? If I were you guys, I would be doing everything in my power to derail Jeb Bush. But we don't see the board flooded with libtards attacking Jeb. In fact, there are no threads at all about Jeb.

Uhm, please show me where I am trying to derail Trump's campaign. Please. I can wait...

You see, you see thread titles, but you obviously have not read why I have been writing.

I would RELISH a Trump nomination.

Please, whatever you do, nominate Trump.


Again, I said it before, you people are MANIC with it. You literally go from one post where you are wishing and hoping Trump is the pick to posting copy/paste bullet points on why Trump is awful. Right here on this very page, within the last few posts you've made... you imply that Trump made statements about Mexicans that he did not make. You sit here and lie through your teeth about the context of what he was saying and insist you're right in spite of him telling you you're wrong. Doesn't sound like you're much of a Trump fan at all.
His stands on all issues are to the left of Hillary's. He gets a pass. I can't believe I am seeing otherwise sensible people following that blowhard. He is like the pied piper of Hamlin, people hear what they want to, not what is actually there.

His personal life is messyier than his politics. Multiple bankruptcies, multiple divorces, lawsuits for failure to deliver, the fact he owns casinos. He is something that should be embarrased, but he takes his bankruptcies and divorces with pride.

He is a troll. The media doesn't report his reality, just fantisies. He is a repeat of Ross Perot, only a lot nastier.

This is the year of the Republican Troll, First Bush, and with Bush fading fast as people get to know who he is, Trump. Trump is the worse troll, as he is threatening 3rd party.
First his company declared ch 11, he never declared or went bankrupt. The vast majority were strategic BKs. Understand BK law before making arrogant statements.

Second, you trash Trump because of his personal life, but be honest people only want Hillary because they think it will be a 3rd Slick Willy term. He was the habitual sexual harasser, cheater, liar and borderline rapist. Yep the Dems care about character.
THIS SUMS UP what a vast portion of America thinks, Forget what the whining Liberals and Babbling RINO'S say.....THIS IS WHY TRUMP IS STILL RIDING THAT #1 SPOT......anything else is bilge water!

Straight-talk style aids Trump in Iowa ^ | MELISSA HAYES
“The main lesson I think for the other candidates regarding Mr. Trump’s great growth here in the last three weeks is, number one, speak out strongly on the issues,” said Phil Cavanaugh, an Ottumwa resident who attended Trump’s campaign event in nearby Oskaloosa. “It’s like some of them, if not half of them, are too timid because they don’t want to offend. We’ve had way too much of that in our entire country.” *snip* Cavanaugh, who is co-chairman of the Wapello County GOP, said he hasn’t gotten behind a candidate yet, in part because of how large the Republican field...

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