Trump is horrible, why does he have so much success trolling Republicans?

I think Trump is bringing out the best in the other 15 candidates and for that I applaud him. The race is ON because of Trump. He is making everyone better.

However I DO think Trump is a RINO and could only support him for president if he mysteriously were the GOP nominee.

I don't think there's much 'best' to bring out in those sorry sacks. But at least he's exposing all these phonies.
Here you go for all you haters of Trump. this should get your panties all in a bunch.
The Democrat base is just as Ugly as their nasty party. Never forget how they treated a woman Governor running for VICE President of our United States. now they've just turned it on Trump. talk about horrible people you all need to look in a mirror

Oh yes: Trump’s “Make America Great Again” cap will be on sale online soon
posted at 6:01 pm on July 24, 2015

I wasn’t joking yesterday. I want one and I will have one. My one misgiving about it is that there are bound to be many painful misunderstandings on the streets of America when conservatives who are wearing the hat earnestly because they love Trump bump into liberals who are wearing the hat ironically because they hate him. Imagine how crestfallen you’ll feel in your “MAGA” hat when you spot Pajama Boy wearing the same one and shoot him a thumbs up in hopes that he’s finally seen the light politically, only to be greeted with “the bird” in reply.

It’ll start some interesting conversations, though, huh? Sign me up:
The baseball hat Donald Trump wore on his mission to the Mexican border on Thursday quickly achieved meme status. And now, you can buy your own copy of the hat, which is emblazoned with Trump’s presidential campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again.”

On Friday morning, a Trump campaign aide confirmed to Business Insider that the hats are on sale at Trump Tower in Manhattan and are “coming soon to” The aide said all of the campaign merchandise was “made in the USA.”

all of it here:
Oh yes Trump s Make America Great Again cap will be on sale online soon Hot Air
Was the hat made in China or Mexico?
More COMMON SENSE by Trump..... pre Baltimore?

Now he sounds like the Laffeyet shooter
His stands on all issues are to the left of Hillary's. He gets a pass. I can't believe I am seeing otherwise sensible people following that blowhard. He is like the pied piper of Hamlin, people hear what they want to, not what is actually there.

His personal life is messyier than his politics. Multiple bankruptcies, multiple divorces, lawsuits for failure to deliver, the fact he owns casinos. He is something that should be embarrased, but he takes his bankruptcies and divorces with pride.

He is a troll. The media doesn't report his reality, just fantisies. He is a repeat of Ross Perot, only a lot nastier.

This is the year of the Republican Troll, First Bush, and with Bush fading fast as people get to know who he is, Trump. Trump is the worse troll, as he is threatening 3rd party.
Yeah it is rather ironic that Trump, who is very much a progressive, is doing well with cons and independents, but not progressives. His stance on illegal immigration seems to have generated a lot of support for him, excluding progressives. Why do progressives find him so unacceptable, when there are so many unacceptable candidates running in both parties?
What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?
geezus ravi....have you been paying attention?....what he is saying about many,not all mind you, but a small percentage of illegals is true....some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country....if he would have thought about what he was saying and said it without blanketing all illegals it would have been pretty hard for anyone to prove him wrong....and out where i live a hell of a lot of democrats agree with..... some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country......because most out here have seen this for that being said, 90% of illegals are decent people and are not here to rob and rape your spite of what the racists and the far right have to say....
That isn't what he said, though. He demonized all Mexicans. That doesn't take guts and in fact is a cowardly act.

No he did NOT demonize "all Mexicans" that was the spin the liberals attached to his comments. He was talking about illegal immigration and everyone who listened to his comments knew that. This is why, after a week of the media harping on his "outrageous comments" his poll numbers went UP instead of down.

Actually, no. You just lied.

At his announcement speech, he didn't say "illegal immigrants". He referred to Mexicans and Mexico. "They're sending us...."

Sorry, you lose this round.

As for poll numbers, among frothing Righties, he went up. Among the the rest of the electorate, he went down.

Question: are you a little bit brain-damaged?

And everyone watched the video of what he said and understood he was talking about illegal immigrants and mostly agreed with him. The polls taken among republican or republican-leaning independents all showed he gained points.

What happened is, your lie didn't work. He turned it into a three-week-long campaign speech and advertisement on every major news network. He has single-handedly put the illegal immigration crisis on the front burner of American politics and made it an issue both republican and democrat contenders are going to have to address. You helped him get that done.

What's more is, most of you have no clue how Trump is going to play you.

So, let me get this straight:

althought Donald Trump, in his candidacy speech, never mentions "illegals" in the sentences to which I refer, sentences which were more than derogatory to ALL Latinos, you decide to build context for him on your own.

At the same time, for 2 years now, Conservatives have taken Clinton's "What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?" and conveniently taken out the "at this point" to make it sound as if she didn't give a flying fuck about the 4 people who were killed in Benghazi when it was clear to every single person in that room that she was talking in absolute context of the hearing witchhunt itself.

So, Conservatives add words to Trump's statement to make it what they want it to be, and delete words from Clinton's statement to make it what they want it to be.

This is just fucking pathetic.

The only problem for you is that it's all on video, for the whole world to see.

But ok, I think you should go with that, because Donald Trump has already done the damage to his party and the numbers are already bearing it out.

He is rising with the hard-core of the GOP. Good for him.

He is getting the snot pounded out of him in GE matchups against Clinton AND Sanders. That says something. Good for us.

I can live with that.
His stands on all issues are to the left of Hillary's. He gets a pass. I can't believe I am seeing otherwise sensible people following that blowhard. He is like the pied piper of Hamlin, people hear what they want to, not what is actually there.

His personal life is messyier than his politics. Multiple bankruptcies, multiple divorces, lawsuits for failure to deliver, the fact he owns casinos. He is something that should be embarrased, but he takes his bankruptcies and divorces with pride.

He is a troll. The media doesn't report his reality, just fantisies. He is a repeat of Ross Perot, only a lot nastier.

This is the year of the Republican Troll, First Bush, and with Bush fading fast as people get to know who he is, Trump. Trump is the worse troll, as he is threatening 3rd party.
Yeah it is rather ironic that Trump, who is very much a progressive, is doing well with cons and independents, but not progressives. His stance on illegal immigration seems to have generated a lot of support for him, excluding progressives. Why do progressives find him so unacceptable, when there are so many unacceptable candidates running in both parties?

I must agree with you. The irony of this is not lost on me.

Talk about low information people. Wow.
Trump is incoherent. He's gone from saying McCain was not a hero to saying all of our veterans are heroes.

He went from attacking immigration in the most extreme manner to expressing support for amnesty.

22 Times President Obama Said He Couldn’t Ignore or Create His Own Immigration Law - See more at: 22 Times President Obama Said He Couldn t Ignore or Create His Own Immigration Law

And what does that have to do with your fanatical support for the flip flopper Trump?
Trump is incoherent. He's gone from saying McCain was not a hero to saying all of our veterans are heroes.

He went from attacking immigration in the most extreme manner to expressing support for amnesty.

22 Times President Obama Said He Couldn’t Ignore or Create His Own Immigration Law - See more at: 22 Times President Obama Said He Couldn t Ignore or Create His Own Immigration Law

And what does that have to do with your fanatical support for the flip flopper Trump?

Tell me your NOT this stupid when you criticize Trump for changing directions, BUT will let the Chimp in the White House, after saying 22 times, on video and public record, that he can't do anything about amnesty.... why, because he now calls it a DIFFERENT NAME but effectively give millions amnesty?... You liberals are mentally defective!
If you look at UKIP in the UK, they did a similar sort of thing to Trump. They got the right to believe something. They didn't win, they didn't get anywhere. They went into the election with 2 seats and came out with one. Then they all started moaning how it was the fault of this, that or the other, and not Farage their leader or the party.

Trump is pretty similar, you play the nationalistic populist game, say stuff that simple minds can understand pretty easily, make it sound more or less true and wham, you have loads of hard core support. Simple support wins you elections, but hard core support makes people think you will win, even when you won't.
I would have thought his views on abortion, where he is practicly in favor of post partum abortion would make him anethema to republicans.
I would have thought his views on abortion, where he is practicly in favor of post partum abortion would make him anethema to republicans.
I changed my views to pro-life based on personal stories

Q: Evangelicals want to feel secure that they're going to have a nominee that's solid on those social issues.

A: One thing about me, I'm a very honorable guy. I'm pro-life, but I changed my view a number of years ago. One of the primary reasons I changed [was] a friend of mine's wife was pregnant, and he didn't really want the baby. He was crying as he was telling me the story. He ends up having the baby and the baby is the apple of his eye. It's the greatest thing that's ever happened to him. And you know here's a baby that wasn't going to be let into life. And I heard this, and some other stories, and I am pro-life.

Q: So those stories did change you, they came around and changed you?

A: They changed me. Yeah, they changed my view as to that, absolutely.

Source: David Brody interview on , Apr 8, 2011
UKIP got Cameron to make some campain promises, and boxed him in re europe. And also got the French and the Germans to pay attention to English concerns. To that level they did a good thing. Trump is making the political class take notice. Trump woke up something which he will be sorry he raised it. He thought he could play with fire. The republicans all of them, except Trump and Bush, have strong anti illeagal positions.
UKIP got Cameron to make some campain promises, and boxed him in re europe. And also got the French and the Germans to pay attention to English concerns. To that level they did a good thing. Trump is making the political class take notice. Trump woke up something which he will be sorry he raised it. He thought he could play with fire. The republicans all of them, except Trump and Bush, have strong anti illeagal positions.

Comparing Trump to anything European is apples to oranges... try harder but try to stay in America, and not Socialist Europe, which is failing!
it is amusing watching the left torture itself worrying about Republican candidates, pondering why have or dont have support from Republican voters on their total overall views or any given topic.

must be going slow wondering what their own candidates are about

because we already know what Dem's candidates are all about; 3 old White Progressives with nothing but a record of failure, trying to outpander each other
Trump is no dummy! What will he do? I bet I know.

1. If his numbers stay up high enough winning electors to the primary, he is going to stay in. Why? Because he is going to torpedo Jebster and the mush candidates like Jebster.

2. How? Because Trump can count, and he knows like everyone else that unless a bunch of candidates drop out, the vote is going to be so split that the nomination is going to the convention.

3. At the convention, Trump will give his people to someone who is going to do something, probably Cruz or Walker.

4. Then what will he do? He is going to tell the republican establishment that if they nominate a mush, he is running as a 3rd party candidate, stopping the republicans dead in their tracks.

5. Why? Because like most self made men/women, he knows the United States needs a leader to get out of this, and not a mush.

While people may not like HOW he says something, they agree with WHAT he is saying. And those people that support him? I bet 1/2 of them are the people who stayed home last election. He is going to be a force in the debates, and Jebster will NEVER get his supporters to back him. The man has plenty of money, so the libs and rinos can't shut him up that way, so I am thinking he is going to bring out a lot of truth Americans have never heard. Lets see which candidates agree with the facts he lays out!
the right will get Bush and they will like it.

remember how much they hated robmoney until they got robmoney

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