Trump is horrible, why does he have so much success trolling Republicans?

i will answer for hillary: Just The Lives Of Those Who Will Vote For Me In 2016. Those Lives Matter.

You sure she wasn't STEALING the O'Panderers answer?

someone needs to ask Putin who's lives matter, hey, Id pay to see that interview
I am going to predict that come early October, Trump will lose his first place status and we will see the "Obvious Three Contenders" in the top three right thru the Iowa Crocuses.

Trump shall proclaim a President...when he tells his backers to now back Cruz for the nomination, and it will happen at the RNC convention! That should start a fire!

that would be Awesome and shock the hell out of a lot Democrats. I like Cruz. I feel he does still care about WE THE PEOPLE.
I am going to predict that come early October, Trump will lose his first place status and we will see the "Obvious Three Contenders" in the top three right thru the Iowa Crocuses.

Trump shall proclaim a President...when he tells his backers to now back Cruz for the nomination, and it will happen at the RNC convention! That should start a fire!
i am pretty sure that by the time the first three primaries are over, Trump will bow out when he sees that he cant even get 20%. and going into October,real start of the campaign season, we will see those three candidates taking turns to who is the flavor of the week. After the first debates, we will see Trump slide to either 4/5th place as the other three steal the show.

Personally, I never really saw him as a real serious candidate at the time. who knows. He might change my mind.
god i wish a reporter/or cable host ask hillary, Whos Lives Matter Mrs Clinton? Black Lives? White Lives, Or ALL LIVES ??? Which One?? Straight Answer Please !!!!

won't happen, People better start realizing this Leftwing liberal Lamesteam medias have become our enemy to anyone who is Republican.
I am going to predict that come early October, Trump will lose his first place status and we will see the "Obvious Three Contenders" in the top three right thru the Iowa Crocuses.

Trump shall proclaim a President...when he tells his backers to now back Cruz for the nomination, and it will happen at the RNC convention! That should start a fire!

that would be Awesome and shock the hell out of a lot Democrats. I like Cruz. I feel he does still care about WE THE PEOPLE.

There are millions that feel that way!

Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say.
including lots of Democrats....
What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?
geezus ravi....have you been paying attention?....what he is saying about many,not all mind you, but a small percentage of illegals is true....some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country....if he would have thought about what he was saying and said it without blanketing all illegals it would have been pretty hard for anyone to prove him wrong....and out where i live a hell of a lot of democrats agree with..... some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country......because most out here have seen this for that being said, 90% of illegals are decent people and are not here to rob and rape your spite of what the racists and the far right have to say....
That isn't what he said, though. He demonized all Mexicans. That doesn't take guts and in fact is a cowardly act.

No he did NOT demonize "all Mexicans" that was the spin the liberals attached to his comments. He was talking about illegal immigration and everyone who listened to his comments knew that. This is why, after a week of the media harping on his "outrageous comments" his poll numbers went UP instead of down.
His numbers went up because most on the Right dislike Mexicans coming to the US.
many people on the left dont like the ILLEGALS coming here too.....
Trump is ignorant and racist. He appeals to the worst in Americans. Or, as he completely understands, the GOP base.
hey dipshit...have you found that reference were you prove im a racist yet?...or am i going to see more dean talk?....

that's funny though. rdean acting like he understands anyone. let alone his fellow country men and women who he seems to hate if they aren't a Democrat. sheesh
poor rdean. he's so filled with hate and delusions. it's has to be a miserable life
Trump is ignorant and racist. He appeals to the worst in Americans. Or, as he completely understands, the GOP base.
hey dipshit...have you found that reference were you prove im a racist yet?...or am i going to see more dean talk?....

that's funny though. rdean acting like he understands anyone. let alone his fellow country men and women who he seems to hate if they aren't a Democrat. sheesh
poor rdean. he's so filled with hate and delusions. it's has to be a miserable life
he is all talk....he talks big but cant prove shit.....and he is a pussy....i think he got his ass kicked quite often while growing up....
Perhaps WE, The People, have finally opened our eyes to the this disaster that has been going on since Jan. 2009, and see NO ONE ELSE, right now, to grab that wheel, and talk about things both parties REFUSE to talk about, let alone, do anything about it!

I love trump, he has the republicans by the balls, and on some issues apart from foreign policy, he actually seems somewhat moderate. He basically has the GOP bending over to meet his needs, if he runs third party, the democrats will most certainly win. Oh trump, thank you.
...he actually seems somewhat moderate.

I think this spells trouble for Democrats. I wouldn't really say he is "moderate" as much as he's a conservative who isn't an ideologue.
He supports universal healthcare, not cutting medicare/medicaid/etc.. He actually supports gun control, he doesn't want to outright ban gay marriage..

Wow... why aren't you Libtards falling all over yourselves to support him???

Let's see now...
You HATE Tea Party people... too "far right wing!"
You HATE Social conservatives... too religious!
You HATE Libertarian conservatives... too draconian!
Now you hate Moderates too?

Oh but you're not radical extremist ideologues! Noooooo! ;)
...he actually seems somewhat moderate.

I think this spells trouble for Democrats. I wouldn't really say he is "moderate" as much as he's a conservative who isn't an ideologue.
He supports universal healthcare, not cutting medicare/medicaid/etc.. He actually supports gun control, he doesn't want to outright ban gay marriage..

Wow... why aren't you Libtards falling all over yourselves to support him???

Let's see now...
You HATE Tea Party people... too "far right wing!"
You HATE Social conservatives... too religious!
You HATE Libertarian conservatives... too draconian!
Now you hate Moderates too?

Oh but you're not radical extremist ideologues! Noooooo! ;)
Because of his views on immigration?

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