Trump is horrible, why does he have so much success trolling Republicans?

arent we all a little suspicious of the Trump Numbers? I still dont think he will supercede the other 4 potential candidates.
i dont see trump winning any of the early primaries, we all know its going to be Rubio/Walker/Cruz battling it out for a good two months, with Trump always hovering around 4th/5th place with Jebby up his butt.
arent we all a little suspicious of the Trump Numbers? I still dont think he will supercede the other 4 potential candidates.
i dont see trump winning any of the early primaries, we all know its going to be Rubio/Walker/Cruz battling it out for a good two months, with Trump always hovering around 4th/5th place with Jebby up his butt.

I don't know if anyone here does. But I do like the topics he's bringing to the forefront. like Illegal Immigration, Sanctuary cities, the VA, etc etc. All the things the Democrats don't want the people to know what they are doing TO THEM right now on all these things. I hope he opens a few peoples eyes to the Democrat party and they change who they vote for. that's all I care about for now
arent we all a little suspicious of the Trump Numbers? I still dont think he will supercede the other 4 potential candidates.
i dont see trump winning any of the early primaries, we all know its going to be Rubio/Walker/Cruz battling it out for a good two months, with Trump always hovering around 4th/5th place with Jebby up his butt.

I don't know if anyone here does. But I do like the topics he's bringing to the forefront. like Illegal Immigration, Sanctuary cities, the VA, etc etc. All the things the Democrats don't want the people to know what they are doing TO THEM right now on all these things. I hope he opens a few peoples eyes to the Democrat party and they change who they vote for. that's all I care about for now
if 70% of all voters were "White and intelligent" Trump would send Hillary packing her bags back to Arkansas,but we need that Hispanic vote along with those 6/7 crucial states, thats why I like that Rubio/Kasich ticket. Trump can always be in charge of the money in 2017. while Chris Christie is the White House Head Chef.
arent we all a little suspicious of the Trump Numbers? I still dont think he will supercede the other 4 potential candidates.
i dont see trump winning any of the early primaries, we all know its going to be Rubio/Walker/Cruz battling it out for a good two months, with Trump always hovering around 4th/5th place with Jebby up his butt.

I don't know if anyone here does. But I do like the topics he's bringing to the forefront. like Illegal Immigration, Sanctuary cities, the VA, etc etc. All the things the Democrats don't want the people to know what they are doing TO THEM right now on all these things. I hope he opens a few peoples eyes to the Democrat party and they change who they vote for. that's all I care about for now
if 70% of all voters were "White and intelligent" Trump would send Hillary packing her bags back to Arkansas,but we need that Hispanic vote along with those 6/7 crucial states, thats why I like that Rubio/Kasich ticket. Trump can always be in charge of the money in 2017. while Chris Christie is the White House Head Chef.

I don't know about Rubio/Kasich. they are both big RINOS to me. I'm looking at Walker/Cruz. Walker was a governor who got a lot of things accomplished in a State that was run into the ground by Democrats. Plus he kicked their ass and money when they pulled their STUNT of trying to him recalled. That's how NASTY the Democrats are and they are only getting worse. Did you see the feds raided the office of a SITTING sheriff? Joe Arpaio? but we can't get the emails or reports on Benghazi, the IRS, etc....people need to open their eyes to these progressive/Dem/commies of today
More astute political analysis by the left :"Trump is horrible and Trump is a Troll". They learned how to put a condom on a cucumber and they became knee jerk democrats but they didn't learn how to express their opinions except in trite cliches. Education mission accomplished.
More astute political analysis by the left :"Trump is horrible and Trump is a Troll". They learned how to put a condom on a cucumber and they became knee jerk democrats but they didn't learn how to express their opinions except in trite cliches. Education mission accomplished.

I don't know if they ever grow up. Even some of these liberal professors can't seem to speak or write without stupid and hate in their thoughts and writings . it's childish, ugly and hateful and what the rest of us is up against in the country
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say. The problem is the media and the left spins his words to something he didn't say.
I haven't heard much about Trump's solutions, though, on many topics. He may address this on Aug. 6th. Meanwhile I don't see him working well with Congress or world leaders. He has too much going for ( against ) him, as our current president has.
Pay attention to him. You will hate him if you pay attention to his history. He endorsed 0bama both times. He is in favor of late term abortions. he is in favor of letting those here already have citizenship. He is in favor of anti israeli boycotts. He is getting attention because he says the border is permiable. He has made money keeping it so. He is loved by the newsies at NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN. If that doesn't tell you a lot right there.....

More astute political analysis by the left :"Trump is horrible and Trump is a Troll". They learned how to put a condom on a cucumber and they became knee jerk democrats but they didn't learn how to express their opinions except in trite cliches. Education mission accomplished.

I don't know if they ever grow up. Even some of these liberal professors can't seem to speak or write without stupid and hate in their thoughts and writings . it's childish, ugly and hateful and what the rest of us is up against in the country
Walker/Cruz is probably the most desired ticket, its just a matter if they can take those purple states, all we can hope for is that Hillary keeps tanking in all purple states, we already know she probably wont win Iowa and Colorado for starters, but we really need to win back most of the purple states we lost to Bozo in 2012.
I am going to predict that come early October, Trump will lose his first place status and we will see the "Obvious Three Contenders" in the top three right thru the Iowa Crocuses.
I am going to predict that come early October, Trump will lose his first place status and we will see the "Obvious Three Contenders" in the top three right thru the Iowa Crocuses.

Trump shall proclaim a President...when he tells his backers to now back Cruz for the nomination, and it will happen at the RNC convention! That should start a fire!
More astute political analysis by the left :"Trump is horrible and Trump is a Troll". They learned how to put a condom on a cucumber and they became knee jerk democrats but they didn't learn how to express their opinions except in trite cliches. Education mission accomplished.

I don't know if they ever grow up. Even some of these liberal professors can't seem to speak or write without stupid and hate in their thoughts and writings . it's childish, ugly and hateful and what the rest of us is up against in the country
Walker/Cruz is probably the most desired ticket, its just a matter if they can take those purple states, all we can hope for is that Hillary keeps tanking in all purple states, we already know she probably wont win Iowa and Colorado for starters, but we really need to win back most of the purple states we lost to Bozo in 2012.

time will tell. but I think its absolutely horrible that they don't see how HORRIBLE it is that Hillary is even running with all scandals, corruption with their foundation, her secret email accounts while SOS of our country etc etc. Yet here they whine over Trump who hasn't been office to Screw us over like Hillary, O'Malley and Sanders has
this is why our country is doomed. with these people voting for our lives.
I am going to predict that come early October, Trump will lose his first place status and we will see the "Obvious Three Contenders" in the top three right thru the Iowa Crocuses.

Trump shall proclaim a President...when he tells his backers to now back Cruz for the nomination, and it will happen at the RNC convention! That should start a fire!
i am pretty sure that by the time the first three primaries are over, Trump will bow out when he sees that he cant even get 20%. and going into October,real start of the campaign season, we will see those three candidates taking turns to who is the flavor of the week. After the first debates, we will see Trump slide to either 4/5th place as the other three steal the show.
I think we can all make our Iowa Predictions, but can we nail it down to per-centages? lets see,,,Walker:35% Rubio 30% Cruz 29% Bush 21% Trump 19% Macrus O'Malley: 7 votes.
I am going to predict that come early October, Trump will lose his first place status and we will see the "Obvious Three Contenders" in the top three right thru the Iowa Crocuses.

Trump shall proclaim a President...when he tells his backers to now back Cruz for the nomination, and it will happen at the RNC convention! That should start a fire!
i am pretty sure that by the time the first three primaries are over, Trump will bow out when he sees that he cant even get 20%. and going into October,real start of the campaign season, we will see those three candidates taking turns to who is the flavor of the week. After the first debates, we will see Trump slide to either 4/5th place as the other three steal the show.

Personally, I never really saw him as a real serious candidate at the time. who knows. He might change my mind.
I am going to predict that come early October, Trump will lose his first place status and we will see the "Obvious Three Contenders" in the top three right thru the Iowa Crocuses.

Trump shall proclaim a President...when he tells his backers to now back Cruz for the nomination, and it will happen at the RNC convention! That should start a fire!
i am pretty sure that by the time the first three primaries are over, Trump will bow out when he sees that he cant even get 20%. and going into October,real start of the campaign season, we will see those three candidates taking turns to who is the flavor of the week. After the first debates, we will see Trump slide to either 4/5th place as the other three steal the show.

Personally, I never really saw him as a real serious candidate at the time. who knows. He might change my mind.
god i wish a reporter/or cable host ask hillary, Whos Lives Matter Mrs Clinton? Black Lives? White Lives, Or ALL LIVES ??? Which One?? Straight Answer Please !!!!
I am going to predict that come early October, Trump will lose his first place status and we will see the "Obvious Three Contenders" in the top three right thru the Iowa Crocuses.

Trump shall proclaim a President...when he tells his backers to now back Cruz for the nomination, and it will happen at the RNC convention! That should start a fire!
i am pretty sure that by the time the first three primaries are over, Trump will bow out when he sees that he cant even get 20%. and going into October,real start of the campaign season, we will see those three candidates taking turns to who is the flavor of the week. After the first debates, we will see Trump slide to either 4/5th place as the other three steal the show.

Personally, I never really saw him as a real serious candidate at the time. who knows. He might change my mind.
god i wish a reporter/or cable host ask hillary, Whos Lives Matter Mrs Clinton? Black Lives? White Lives, Or ALL LIVES ??? Which One?? Straight Answer Please !!!!
Nailed it!

I am going to predict that come early October, Trump will lose his first place status and we will see the "Obvious Three Contenders" in the top three right thru the Iowa Crocuses.

Trump shall proclaim a President...when he tells his backers to now back Cruz for the nomination, and it will happen at the RNC convention! That should start a fire!
i am pretty sure that by the time the first three primaries are over, Trump will bow out when he sees that he cant even get 20%. and going into October,real start of the campaign season, we will see those three candidates taking turns to who is the flavor of the week. After the first debates, we will see Trump slide to either 4/5th place as the other three steal the show.

Personally, I never really saw him as a real serious candidate at the time. who knows. He might change my mind.
god i wish a reporter/or cable host ask hillary, Whos Lives Matter Mrs Clinton? Black Lives? White Lives, Or ALL LIVES ??? Which One?? Straight Answer Please !!!![/QUOTE

Nailed it!
I wonder if Slaves Lives Matter, we need to ask that of Joe Biden

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