Trump is horrible, why does he have so much success trolling Republicans?

Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say.
including lots of Democrats....
What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?
geezus ravi....have you been paying attention?....what he is saying about many,not all mind you, but a small percentage of illegals is true....some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country....if he would have thought about what he was saying and said it without blanketing all illegals it would have been pretty hard for anyone to prove him wrong....and out where i live a hell of a lot of democrats agree with..... some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country......because most out here have seen this for that being said, 90% of illegals are decent people and are not here to rob and rape your spite of what the racists and the far right have to say....
That isn't what he said, though. He demonized all Mexicans. That doesn't take guts and in fact is a cowardly act.
Meet The Mexican-Americans Who Are Backing Donald Trump In New Hampshire
The Huffington Post's Entertainment ^
It's become one of his loudest, most frequently repeated boasts. As polls have shown him surging to the top of the Republican pack, Donald Trump has made a point of asserting his particular strength among Hispanic voters. "I have so many Hispanics, and they love me," Trump said during a speech in Laconia, New Hampshire, last week. "And interestingly, we just got from the state of Nevada a poll [that] just came out, and Trump won with a tremendous amount. And the second line was, 'Takes Hispanic vote in a landslide,' and I've been saying that. I'm going to win...
New Hampshire? many can there be in that State?...just asking because there cant be that great of a number to really matter....
Apparently quite a few.... just look at all the muslim's in Dearborn!!!!
His stands on all issues are to the left of Hillary's. He gets a pass. I can't believe I am seeing otherwise sensible people following that blowhard. He is like the pied piper of Hamlin, people hear what they want to, not what is actually there.

His personal life is messyier than his politics. Multiple bankruptcies, multiple divorces, lawsuits for failure to deliver, the fact he owns casinos. He is something that should be embarrased, but he takes his bankruptcies and divorces with pride.

He is a troll. The media doesn't report his reality, just fantisies. He is a repeat of Ross Perot, only a lot nastier.

This is the year of the Republican Troll, First Bush, and with Bush fading fast as people get to know who he is, Trump. Trump is the worse troll, as he is threatening 3rd party.

And the Republican field is so weak that his threat of a 3rd party makes them pee their pants. I'm lovin' it.
Let these jerks who have crowed over the 2010 and 2012 midterms grow a pair. Duh Donald doesn't kiss Sheldon Adelson's ring or the Koch brothers ass. Even uni-brows can see that.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say. The problem is the media and the left spins his words to something he didn't say.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say.
including lots of Democrats....
What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?

He's exposing the racism, bigotry, hatred, and ignorance endemic in the issue of immigration; he proposes no actual, viable solutions such as comprehensive immigration reform, and instead seeks to stoke the flames of nativism that is a traditional, historic component of the GOP.

ILLEGAL immigration. Stop omitting that part

they won't. but the MAJORITY of people understood. or he wouldn't have the backing of people including Hispanics. they want people to believe they speak for EVERYONE. Don't ya know.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say.
including lots of Democrats....
What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?

He's exposing the racism, bigotry, hatred, and ignorance endemic in the issue of immigration; he proposes no actual, viable solutions such as comprehensive immigration reform, and instead seeks to stoke the flames of nativism that is a traditional, historic component of the GOP.

ILLEGAL immigration. Stop omitting that part

they won't. but the MAJORITY of people understood. or he wouldn't have the backing of people including Hispanics.

I fond it difficult to believe they don't realize the man was talking about illegals committing crimes.
More COMMON SENSE by Trump..... pre Baltimore?

What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?

He's exposing the racism, bigotry, hatred, and ignorance endemic in the issue of immigration; he proposes no actual, viable solutions such as comprehensive immigration reform, and instead seeks to stoke the flames of nativism that is a traditional, historic component of the GOP.

ILLEGAL immigration. Stop omitting that part

they won't. but the MAJORITY of people understood. or he wouldn't have the backing of people including Hispanics.

I fond it difficult to believe they don't realize the man was talking about illegals committing crimes.

they knew he was. this is how the Leftwing medias along with the Democrat party leads them around by the nose. you would THINK they'd be embarrassed once they found out he was . but as we see like good little DNC tools, they still prance around speaking and spreading: the LIE. it's a shameful way of politics just to WIN something. but the people needs to wake up to it.
He's exposing the racism, bigotry, hatred, and ignorance endemic in the issue of immigration; he proposes no actual, viable solutions such as comprehensive immigration reform, and instead seeks to stoke the flames of nativism that is a traditional, historic component of the GOP.

ILLEGAL immigration. Stop omitting that part

they won't. but the MAJORITY of people understood. or he wouldn't have the backing of people including Hispanics.

I fond it difficult to believe they don't realize the man was talking about illegals committing crimes.

they knew he was. this is how the Leftwing medias along with the Democrat party leads them around by the nose. you would THINK they'd be embarrassed once they found out he wasn't . but as we see like good little DNC tools, they still prance around speaking and spreading: the LIE. it's a shameful way of politics just to WIN something. but the people needs to wake up to it.

Actually when I see them doing this I know I'm dealing one of two things, someone who is woefully uniformed or someone who is purposely lying to promote an agenda
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say. The problem is the media and the left spins his words to something he didn't say.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say.
including lots of Democrats....
What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?

He's exposing the racism, bigotry, hatred, and ignorance endemic in the issue of immigration; he proposes no actual, viable solutions such as comprehensive immigration reform, and instead seeks to stoke the flames of nativism that is a traditional, historic component of the GOP.
can you explain that jones?....
It's a waste of time to argue with Partisan sheep of the Democrat party. lying, making up crap about what someone says is something they have no shame over

Oh there's no "argument" about it. What I said was a fact not an argument.

I actually think the biggest problem the GOP has had since Clinton is the unwillingness to confront these asswipes with their false rhetoric. Whether they've felt it's a "waste of time" to do it or thought it was "beneath them" in some way? I have no idea, but that has been a problem because there are a lot of really stupid sheep out there who won't bother to question the "facts" which aren't really facts at all.

Trump knows how to deal with them. Within a week, he had the whole political nation talking about illegal immigration and how it differs greatly from legal immigration. Thanks to his "controversial statement" and the resulting media rush to judgement. They fell right into his trap and never even realized it. Same thing happened to the McCain comments... a week later and you have liberals wrapping themselves in the flag and bowing in respect to our men and women in the armed forces... when the hell was the last time THAT happened? Meanwhile, he pulls out to a double-digit lead over his competition in the GOP.

I didn't mean to put you down if that's what you thought. I read what you posted. and it was all the truth. and I agree, this Gop has become milk toast standing up to these bullies like the one who started this thread. But the people didn't KICK their party out of Congress for NO REASON. and being nasty like they are now was PART of the reason. so they need to understand. THEY had a hand in their party LOSING Congress. but hey, they think all this BS is going to help them. I say let them carry on

Sorry if that came across negatively, I just didn't want any libtards thinking there was an 'argument' being made. They lied about what Trump said and I told the truth... that's not arguing.

Now, they DO think the BS is going to help them. After all, it has been working since the days of Clinton, why wouldn't it just keep right on working? Well, maybe what's been missing is someone who understands BS and knows how to manipulate it better? Someone who can turn their BS around and use it to bash them over the heads with? Someone who can exploit their BS to actually gain popularity!

Then you have these Establishment Republicans who want to attack Trump and his supporters... He knows how to deal with them too. And unlike Sarah Palin, he's not just going to whine about things on his Facebook page. He's going to hit back and he's going to hit hard.
He's exposing the racism, bigotry, hatred, and ignorance endemic in the issue of immigration; he proposes no actual, viable solutions such as comprehensive immigration reform, and instead seeks to stoke the flames of nativism that is a traditional, historic component of the GOP.

ILLEGAL immigration. Stop omitting that part

they won't. but the MAJORITY of people understood. or he wouldn't have the backing of people including Hispanics.

I fond it difficult to believe they don't realize the man was talking about illegals committing crimes.

they knew he was. this is how the Leftwing medias along with the Democrat party leads them around by the nose. you would THINK they'd be embarrassed once they found out he wasn't . but as we see like good little DNC tools, they still prance around speaking and spreading: the LIE. it's a shameful way of politics just to WIN something. but the people needs to wake up to it.

Actually when I see them doing this I know I'm dealing one of two things, someone who is woefully uniformed or someone who is purposely lying to promote an agenda

oh I agree,. and how they don't feel shameful and actually HURTFUL to the people for spreading such lies. I don't know. In my book that are people who has NO HONOR, pride in their party they have to stoop so low and just HORRIBLE people they claim Trump to be. I don't know I find it Disgusting. and I get tired of thread like this from them and I hope the majority of the people who kicked their party out Congress, find it the same and kick that nasty Progressive party out of OUR LIVES come 2016
What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?
geezus ravi....have you been paying attention?....what he is saying about many,not all mind you, but a small percentage of illegals is true....some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country....if he would have thought about what he was saying and said it without blanketing all illegals it would have been pretty hard for anyone to prove him wrong....and out where i live a hell of a lot of democrats agree with..... some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country......because most out here have seen this for that being said, 90% of illegals are decent people and are not here to rob and rape your spite of what the racists and the far right have to say....
That isn't what he said, though. He demonized all Mexicans. That doesn't take guts and in fact is a cowardly act.
Meet The Mexican-Americans Who Are Backing Donald Trump In New Hampshire
The Huffington Post's Entertainment ^
It's become one of his loudest, most frequently repeated boasts. As polls have shown him surging to the top of the Republican pack, Donald Trump has made a point of asserting his particular strength among Hispanic voters. "I have so many Hispanics, and they love me," Trump said during a speech in Laconia, New Hampshire, last week. "And interestingly, we just got from the state of Nevada a poll [that] just came out, and Trump won with a tremendous amount. And the second line was, 'Takes Hispanic vote in a landslide,' and I've been saying that. I'm going to win...
New Hampshire? many can there be in that State?...just asking because there cant be that great of a number to really matter....
Apparently quite a few.... just look at all the muslim's in Dearborn!!!!
thats Michigan....i just looked there are just under 5,000 living in many of them agree with trump?....i have that many living in my neighborhood...thats not a lot....
Trumpeting The Donald (builds solid ground game in New Hampshire!!!!!!) ^ | Matt Stout
Beyond the bluster, Donald Trump is building a battle plan to win the ground game in first-in-the-nation primary state New Hampshire — networking with local activists and relying on a campaign manager with Granite State roots. “In terms of Trump reaching out to activists and grass-roots people — or whatever you call us — they have done that,” state Rep. Pam Tucker, a Greenland Republican who has remained neutral in the race. “He is doing the background work. ... They have county chairs in every county. That doesn’t happen overnight.” At the core of the key primary effort is Corey...
ILLEGAL immigration. Stop omitting that part

they won't. but the MAJORITY of people understood. or he wouldn't have the backing of people including Hispanics.

I fond it difficult to believe they don't realize the man was talking about illegals committing crimes.

they knew he was. this is how the Leftwing medias along with the Democrat party leads them around by the nose. you would THINK they'd be embarrassed once they found out he wasn't . but as we see like good little DNC tools, they still prance around speaking and spreading: the LIE. it's a shameful way of politics just to WIN something. but the people needs to wake up to it.

Actually when I see them doing this I know I'm dealing one of two things, someone who is woefully uniformed or someone who is purposely lying to promote an agenda

oh I agree,. and how they don't feel shameful and actually HURTFUL to the people for spreading such lies. I don't know. In my book that are people who has NO HONOR, pride in their party they have to stoop so low and just HORRIBLE people they claim Trump to be. I don't know I find it Disgusting. and I get tired of thread like this from them and I hope the majority of the people who kicked their party out Congress, find it the same and kick that nasty Progressive party out of OUR LIVES come 2016

To them the end justifies the means
geezus ravi....have you been paying attention?....what he is saying about many,not all mind you, but a small percentage of illegals is true....some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country....if he would have thought about what he was saying and said it without blanketing all illegals it would have been pretty hard for anyone to prove him wrong....and out where i live a hell of a lot of democrats agree with..... some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country......because most out here have seen this for that being said, 90% of illegals are decent people and are not here to rob and rape your spite of what the racists and the far right have to say....
That isn't what he said, though. He demonized all Mexicans. That doesn't take guts and in fact is a cowardly act.
Meet The Mexican-Americans Who Are Backing Donald Trump In New Hampshire
The Huffington Post's Entertainment ^
It's become one of his loudest, most frequently repeated boasts. As polls have shown him surging to the top of the Republican pack, Donald Trump has made a point of asserting his particular strength among Hispanic voters. "I have so many Hispanics, and they love me," Trump said during a speech in Laconia, New Hampshire, last week. "And interestingly, we just got from the state of Nevada a poll [that] just came out, and Trump won with a tremendous amount. And the second line was, 'Takes Hispanic vote in a landslide,' and I've been saying that. I'm going to win...
New Hampshire? many can there be in that State?...just asking because there cant be that great of a number to really matter....
Apparently quite a few.... just look at all the muslim's in Dearborn!!!!
thats Michigan....i just looked there are just under 5,000 living in many of them agree with trump?....i have that many living in my neighborhood...thats not a lot....

Harry, get a phone book and start calling, if it interests you that much!
It's a waste of time to argue with Partisan sheep of the Democrat party. lying, making up crap about what someone says is something they have no shame over

Oh there's no "argument" about it. What I said was a fact not an argument.

I actually think the biggest problem the GOP has had since Clinton is the unwillingness to confront these asswipes with their false rhetoric. Whether they've felt it's a "waste of time" to do it or thought it was "beneath them" in some way? I have no idea, but that has been a problem because there are a lot of really stupid sheep out there who won't bother to question the "facts" which aren't really facts at all.

Trump knows how to deal with them. Within a week, he had the whole political nation talking about illegal immigration and how it differs greatly from legal immigration. Thanks to his "controversial statement" and the resulting media rush to judgement. They fell right into his trap and never even realized it. Same thing happened to the McCain comments... a week later and you have liberals wrapping themselves in the flag and bowing in respect to our men and women in the armed forces... when the hell was the last time THAT happened? Meanwhile, he pulls out to a double-digit lead over his competition in the GOP.

I didn't mean to put you down if that's what you thought. I read what you posted. and it was all the truth. and I agree, this Gop has become milk toast standing up to these bullies like the one who started this thread. But the people didn't KICK their party out of Congress for NO REASON. and being nasty like they are now was PART of the reason. so they need to understand. THEY had a hand in their party LOSING Congress. but hey, they think all this BS is going to help them. I say let them carry on

Sorry if that came across negatively, I just didn't want any libtards thinking there was an 'argument' being made. They lied about what Trump said and I told the truth... that's not arguing.

Now, they DO think the BS is going to help them. After all, it has been working since the days of Clinton, why wouldn't it just keep right on working? Well, maybe what's been missing is someone who understands BS and knows how to manipulate it better? Someone who can turn their BS around and use it to bash them over the heads with? Someone who can exploit their BS to actually gain popularity!

Then you have these Establishment Republicans who want to attack Trump and his supporters... He knows how to deal with them too. And unlike Sarah Palin, he's not just going to whine about things on his Facebook page. He's going to hit back and he's going to hit hard.

oh no problem whatsoever. I get so tired of these kinds of threads. and like I said, if he wasn't hitting at the heart of what people care about. He wouldn't have the following he is right now. Do I think he could win. Don't know, but I am for his way of campaigning right now. I say. KEEP it up. sometimes that's what is needed to wake the sleeping giant.
they won't. but the MAJORITY of people understood. or he wouldn't have the backing of people including Hispanics.

I fond it difficult to believe they don't realize the man was talking about illegals committing crimes.

they knew he was. this is how the Leftwing medias along with the Democrat party leads them around by the nose. you would THINK they'd be embarrassed once they found out he wasn't . but as we see like good little DNC tools, they still prance around speaking and spreading: the LIE. it's a shameful way of politics just to WIN something. but the people needs to wake up to it.

Actually when I see them doing this I know I'm dealing one of two things, someone who is woefully uniformed or someone who is purposely lying to promote an agenda

oh I agree,. and how they don't feel shameful and actually HURTFUL to the people for spreading such lies. I don't know. In my book that are people who has NO HONOR, pride in their party they have to stoop so low and just HORRIBLE people they claim Trump to be. I don't know I find it Disgusting. and I get tired of thread like this from them and I hope the majority of the people who kicked their party out Congress, find it the same and kick that nasty Progressive party out of OUR LIVES come 2016

To them the end justifies the means

I know. that's what makes me sick. I've watched this Democrat party from back when I first started voting 45 years ago, become nothing but nasty, lowdown and dirty. I don't know how anyone can support the stuff they do. but they do and then we see those people are just as nasty are their party. will it get any better? doubtful
What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?

He's exposing the racism, bigotry, hatred, and ignorance endemic in the issue of immigration; he proposes no actual, viable solutions such as comprehensive immigration reform, and instead seeks to stoke the flames of nativism that is a traditional, historic component of the GOP.

ILLEGAL immigration. Stop omitting that part

they won't. but the MAJORITY of people understood. or he wouldn't have the backing of people including Hispanics.

I fond it difficult to believe they don't realize the man was talking about illegals committing crimes.
its the way the dumbass said it....
That isn't what he said, though. He demonized all Mexicans. That doesn't take guts and in fact is a cowardly act.
Meet The Mexican-Americans Who Are Backing Donald Trump In New Hampshire
The Huffington Post's Entertainment ^
It's become one of his loudest, most frequently repeated boasts. As polls have shown him surging to the top of the Republican pack, Donald Trump has made a point of asserting his particular strength among Hispanic voters. "I have so many Hispanics, and they love me," Trump said during a speech in Laconia, New Hampshire, last week. "And interestingly, we just got from the state of Nevada a poll [that] just came out, and Trump won with a tremendous amount. And the second line was, 'Takes Hispanic vote in a landslide,' and I've been saying that. I'm going to win...
New Hampshire? many can there be in that State?...just asking because there cant be that great of a number to really matter....
Apparently quite a few.... just look at all the muslim's in Dearborn!!!!
thats Michigan....i just looked there are just under 5,000 living in many of them agree with trump?....i have that many living in my neighborhood...thats not a lot....

Harry, get a phone book and start calling, if it interests you that much!
hey you are the one who brought this up pal....5,000 Mexicans aint shit in the bigger picture....
Meet The Mexican-Americans Who Are Backing Donald Trump In New Hampshire
The Huffington Post's Entertainment ^
It's become one of his loudest, most frequently repeated boasts. As polls have shown him surging to the top of the Republican pack, Donald Trump has made a point of asserting his particular strength among Hispanic voters. "I have so many Hispanics, and they love me," Trump said during a speech in Laconia, New Hampshire, last week. "And interestingly, we just got from the state of Nevada a poll [that] just came out, and Trump won with a tremendous amount. And the second line was, 'Takes Hispanic vote in a landslide,' and I've been saying that. I'm going to win...
New Hampshire? many can there be in that State?...just asking because there cant be that great of a number to really matter....
Apparently quite a few.... just look at all the muslim's in Dearborn!!!!
thats Michigan....i just looked there are just under 5,000 living in many of them agree with trump?....i have that many living in my neighborhood...thats not a lot....

Harry, get a phone book and start calling, if it interests you that much!
hey you are the one who brought this up pal....5,000 Mexicans aint shit in the bigger picture....
Apparently they ARE in many races have been won with 100 votes difference?.... Then we have this....LOLOL!

President Trump—Get Used to It! ^ | Roger L Simon
It’s only been a few short weeks but we’ve gone from … Trump is running… really?… to…. Did he say what I thought he said?… He’s ahead?… THAT far? … to… He said WHAT?… He’s even further ahead???….. No one else is on television?…. Who’s going to beat him? Well, the answer to the last question is probably only The Donald himself – and time will tell on that. But I think, if he wins the Republican nomination, far from an impossibility at the moment, he will have an easier time with the Democrats. Can you imagine Trump against Hillary...

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