Trump is horrible, why does he have so much success trolling Republicans?

Trump, Smarter Than You!!!!!
\ ^ | July 25, 2015
Say what you will about Donald Trump but the man is exciting. Within minutes of bringing his comb over, in your face style and strong name ID to the main stage of the Republican primary field, people started freaking out as his popularity rose. This excitement is not owing to some grand policy insight, his pledge to build a great wall or his excoriation of China and Mexico. What excites people about him is his authenticity. Whether you love Trump or want to dump Trump, there is one consistent philosophy about the man: he feels authentic. Even for those who...
oh really, the majority of the people thinks Obama is horrible so how was he able to AND still DUPE so many of you in the Democrat party. you can think what you want but people DON'T see you all as any better: by being duped by some community agitator.

go vote for you crooked and Corrupted old lady Hillary and don't worry your wee heads over the Republicans. that's the last THING they want from anyone from the Democrat party
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Here you go for all you haters of Trump. this should get your panties all in a bunch.
The Democrat base is just as Ugly as their nasty party. Never forget how they treated a woman Governor running for VICE President of our United States. now they've just turned it on Trump. talk about horrible people you all need to look in a mirror

Oh yes: Trump’s “Make America Great Again” cap will be on sale online soon
posted at 6:01 pm on July 24, 2015

I wasn’t joking yesterday. I want one and I will have one. My one misgiving about it is that there are bound to be many painful misunderstandings on the streets of America when conservatives who are wearing the hat earnestly because they love Trump bump into liberals who are wearing the hat ironically because they hate him. Imagine how crestfallen you’ll feel in your “MAGA” hat when you spot Pajama Boy wearing the same one and shoot him a thumbs up in hopes that he’s finally seen the light politically, only to be greeted with “the bird” in reply.

It’ll start some interesting conversations, though, huh? Sign me up:
The baseball hat Donald Trump wore on his mission to the Mexican border on Thursday quickly achieved meme status. And now, you can buy your own copy of the hat, which is emblazoned with Trump’s presidential campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again.”

On Friday morning, a Trump campaign aide confirmed to Business Insider that the hats are on sale at Trump Tower in Manhattan and are “coming soon to” The aide said all of the campaign merchandise was “made in the USA.”

all of it here:
Oh yes Trump s Make America Great Again cap will be on sale online soon Hot Air
I jumped to the end of this thread to respond. (and I admit it) I did not read this thread except for the 1st page, so if someone has explained this already, forgive me.

Trump is a goofball, but he stands for Americans. He has brought to the forefront a topic that both LIBS and RINOS try to hide. Both factions are trying soooooooo hard to pander to them, as Americans we should be insulted.

Anyone who believes in their nonsense should just give away rule of law! The political parties actually think that they can give away the farm andWE will vote for them because we wear a D or an R hat.

You, regardless if you wear a D or an R hat and make money, support this country. Who are you going to buy in to? You buying Americans, or are you buying people who have no idea of your American dream?

I can demand to know; but may I suggest you look into the eyes of your children, and grandchildren, and let them know how you are going to handle this. They deserve to know! Why? Because anything you decide is going to force them to pay YOUR bills! And here you thought that all they were going to have to do is bury you! Surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!! The things you decide today are going to have a HUGE impact on those that follow you tomorrow.

I personally can NOT look my children in the face and claim that we are all good. Can you?
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say. The problem is the media and the left spins his words to something he didn't say.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say.
including lots of Democrats....
What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?
geezus ravi....have you been paying attention?....what he is saying about many,not all mind you, but a small percentage of illegals is true....some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country....if he would have thought about what he was saying and said it without blanketing all illegals it would have been pretty hard for anyone to prove him wrong....and out where i live a hell of a lot of democrats agree with..... some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country......because most out here have seen this for that being said, 90% of illegals are decent people and are not here to rob and rape your spite of what the racists and the far right have to say....
That isn't what he said, though. He demonized all Mexicans. That doesn't take guts and in fact is a cowardly act.
That kind of blowhard is a horrible coward. His whole shtick reminds me of the cowardly lion from Wizard of Oz. He likes humilating folks, as witness his show "The Apprentice"
You see the snobs in the lib/democrats. ANYONE can run for President in this country. Yet they f are never civil or respectful of any Republicans who do. no matter who they are. it's shameful how they treat people. Trump is a CIVILIAN running and that isn't good enough for them. they have to be some rude asshole (Obama) who spews nonsense at them like; they are going to stop the seas rising and health thy planet..... Or how they claim (Hillary and Obama): white people are afraid of black people in hoodies. I mean really....
the Majority of the people can't stand Obama yet here they are putting down anyone who might back Trump. really where do you get off?
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Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say. The problem is the media and the left spins his words to something he didn't say.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say.
including lots of Democrats....
What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?
geezus ravi....have you been paying attention?....what he is saying about many,not all mind you, but a small percentage of illegals is true....some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country....if he would have thought about what he was saying and said it without blanketing all illegals it would have been pretty hard for anyone to prove him wrong....and out where i live a hell of a lot of democrats agree with..... some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country......because most out here have seen this for that being said, 90% of illegals are decent people and are not here to rob and rape your spite of what the racists and the far right have to say....
That isn't what he said, though. He demonized all Mexicans. That doesn't take guts and in fact is a cowardly act.
That kind of blowhard is a horrible coward. His whole shtick reminds me of the cowardly lion from Wizard of Oz. He likes humilating folks, as witness his show "The Apprentice"
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say. The problem is the media and the left spins his words to something he didn't say.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say.
including lots of Democrats....
What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?
geezus ravi....have you been paying attention?....what he is saying about many,not all mind you, but a small percentage of illegals is true....some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country....if he would have thought about what he was saying and said it without blanketing all illegals it would have been pretty hard for anyone to prove him wrong....and out where i live a hell of a lot of democrats agree with..... some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country......because most out here have seen this for that being said, 90% of illegals are decent people and are not here to rob and rape your spite of what the racists and the far right have to say....
That isn't what he said, though. He demonized all Mexicans. That doesn't take guts and in fact is a cowardly act.
did i not say that?....when he said illegals i think most figured out he meant Mexicans.....since they make up the majority of illegals they get most of the shit....
"Trump is horrible, why does he have so much success trolling Republicans?"

Trump isn't 'horrible,' he's a salesman, and he's getting republicans to buy because he's telling them what they want to hear.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say. The problem is the media and the left spins his words to something he didn't say.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say.
including lots of Democrats....
What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?
geezus ravi....have you been paying attention?....what he is saying about many,not all mind you, but a small percentage of illegals is true....some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country....if he would have thought about what he was saying and said it without blanketing all illegals it would have been pretty hard for anyone to prove him wrong....and out where i live a hell of a lot of democrats agree with..... some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country......because most out here have seen this for that being said, 90% of illegals are decent people and are not here to rob and rape your spite of what the racists and the far right have to say....
That isn't what he said, though. He demonized all Mexicans. That doesn't take guts and in fact is a cowardly act.

No he did NOT demonize "all Mexicans" that was the spin the liberals attached to his comments. He was talking about illegal immigration and everyone who listened to his comments knew that. This is why, after a week of the media harping on his "outrageous comments" his poll numbers went UP instead of down.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say. The problem is the media and the left spins his words to something he didn't say.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say.
including lots of Democrats....
What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?
geezus ravi....have you been paying attention?....what he is saying about many,not all mind you, but a small percentage of illegals is true....some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country....if he would have thought about what he was saying and said it without blanketing all illegals it would have been pretty hard for anyone to prove him wrong....and out where i live a hell of a lot of democrats agree with..... some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country......because most out here have seen this for that being said, 90% of illegals are decent people and are not here to rob and rape your spite of what the racists and the far right have to say....
That isn't what he said, though. He demonized all Mexicans. That doesn't take guts and in fact is a cowardly act.
Meet The Mexican-Americans Who Are Backing Donald Trump In New Hampshire
The Huffington Post's Entertainment ^
It's become one of his loudest, most frequently repeated boasts. As polls have shown him surging to the top of the Republican pack, Donald Trump has made a point of asserting his particular strength among Hispanic voters. "I have so many Hispanics, and they love me," Trump said during a speech in Laconia, New Hampshire, last week. "And interestingly, we just got from the state of Nevada a poll [that] just came out, and Trump won with a tremendous amount. And the second line was, 'Takes Hispanic vote in a landslide,' and I've been saying that. I'm going to win...
New Hampshire? many can there be in that State?...just asking because there cant be that great of a number to really matter....
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say. The problem is the media and the left spins his words to something he didn't say.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say.
including lots of Democrats....
What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?
geezus ravi....have you been paying attention?....what he is saying about many,not all mind you, but a small percentage of illegals is true....some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country....if he would have thought about what he was saying and said it without blanketing all illegals it would have been pretty hard for anyone to prove him wrong....and out where i live a hell of a lot of democrats agree with..... some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country......because most out here have seen this for that being said, 90% of illegals are decent people and are not here to rob and rape your spite of what the racists and the far right have to say....
That isn't what he said, though. He demonized all Mexicans. That doesn't take guts and in fact is a cowardly act.

No he did NOT demonize "all Mexicans" that was the spin the liberals attached to his comments. He was talking about illegal immigration and everyone who listened to his comments knew that. This is why, after a week of the media harping on his "outrageous comments" his poll numbers went UP instead of down.

It's a waste of time to argue with Partisan sheep of the Democrat party. lying, making up crap about what someone says is something they have no shame over
THIS is why they have to LIE folks. stop letting them get away with it. time to stand up and as their Master Obama instructed his sheep to do. GET in their faces, ruin Thanksgiving dinners doing it if you have to.

Poll: Most Hispanic Voters Don’t Think A Path To Citizenship Is Solution

More than 60 percent of registered Hispanic voters do not think a pathway to citizenship for illegals would benefit the country, and most do not see it as the best way to solve the country’s immigration problems, a new poll shows.

Of the 62 percent who felt a pathway to citizenship for illegals would not benefit the country, 33 percent felt it would hurt the economy, 7 percent felt it would overly burden public schools and 10 percent felt it would create public safety issues, the McKeon & Associates Wednesday poll found.

“The economy is still the issue,” Michael McKeon told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “When 33 percent think immigration will hurt the economy, that’s what’s on their mind.”

ALL of it here:

Poll Hispanic Voters Don t See Path To Citizenship As Benefit The Daily Caller
THIS is why they have to LIE folks. stop letting them get away with it. time to stand up and as their Master Obama instructed his sheep to do. GET in their faces, ruin Thanksgiving dinners doing it if you have to.

Poll: Most Hispanic Voters Don’t Think A Path To Citizenship Is Solution

More than 60 percent of registered Hispanic voters do not think a pathway to citizenship for illegals would benefit the country, and most do not see it as the best way to solve the country’s immigration problems, a new poll shows.

Of the 62 percent who felt a pathway to citizenship for illegals would not benefit the country, 33 percent felt it would hurt the economy, 7 percent felt it would overly burden public schools and 10 percent felt it would create public safety issues, the McKeon & Associates Wednesday poll found.

“The economy is still the issue,” Michael McKeon told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “When 33 percent think immigration will hurt the economy, that’s what’s on their mind.”

ALL of it here:

Poll Hispanic Voters Don t See Path To Citizenship As Benefit The Daily Caller

Which explains why Republicans' stance on immigration is so popular with Hispanics.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say. The problem is the media and the left spins his words to something he didn't say.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say.
including lots of Democrats....
What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?

He's exposing the racism, bigotry, hatred, and ignorance endemic in the issue of immigration; he proposes no actual, viable solutions such as comprehensive immigration reform, and instead seeks to stoke the flames of nativism that is a traditional, historic component of the GOP.
It's a waste of time to argue with Partisan sheep of the Democrat party. lying, making up crap about what someone says is something they have no shame over

Oh there's no "argument" about it. What I said was a fact not an argument.

I actually think the biggest problem the GOP has had since Clinton is the unwillingness to confront these asswipes with their false rhetoric. Whether they've felt it's a "waste of time" to do it or thought it was "beneath them" in some way? I have no idea, but that has been a problem because there are a lot of really stupid sheep out there who won't bother to question the "facts" which aren't really facts at all.

Trump knows how to deal with them. Within a week, he had the whole political nation talking about illegal immigration and how it differs greatly from legal immigration. Thanks to his "controversial statement" and the resulting media rush to judgement. They fell right into his trap and never even realized it. Same thing happened to the McCain comments... a week later and you have liberals wrapping themselves in the flag and bowing in respect to our men and women in the armed forces... when the hell was the last time THAT happened? Meanwhile, he pulls out to a double-digit lead over his competition in the GOP.
It's a waste of time to argue with Partisan sheep of the Democrat party. lying, making up crap about what someone says is something they have no shame over

Oh there's no "argument" about it. What I said was a fact not an argument.

I actually think the biggest problem the GOP has had since Clinton is the unwillingness to confront these asswipes with their false rhetoric. Whether they've felt it's a "waste of time" to do it or thought it was "beneath them" in some way? I have no idea, but that has been a problem because there are a lot of really stupid sheep out there who won't bother to question the "facts" which aren't really facts at all.

Trump knows how to deal with them. Within a week, he had the whole political nation talking about illegal immigration and how it differs greatly from legal immigration. Thanks to his "controversial statement" and the resulting media rush to judgement. They fell right into his trap and never even realized it. Same thing happened to the McCain comments... a week later and you have liberals wrapping themselves in the flag and bowing in respect to our men and women in the armed forces... when the hell was the last time THAT happened? Meanwhile, he pulls out to a double-digit lead over his competition in the GOP.

I didn't mean to put you down if that's what you thought. I read what you posted. and it was all the truth. and I agree, this Gop has become milk toast standing up to these bullies like the one who started this thread. But the people didn't KICK their party out of Congress for NO REASON. and being nasty like they are now was PART of the reason. so they need to understand. THEY had a hand in their party LOSING Congress. but hey, they think all this BS is going to help them. I say let them carry on
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Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say. The problem is the media and the left spins his words to something he didn't say.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say.
including lots of Democrats....
What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?

He's exposing the racism, bigotry, hatred, and ignorance endemic in the issue of immigration; he proposes no actual, viable solutions such as comprehensive immigration reform, and instead seeks to stoke the flames of nativism that is a traditional, historic component of the GOP.

ILLEGAL immigration. Stop omitting that part

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