Trump is in a "Lose-Lose" corner with his latest tweets...

Maybe it was done without Comey's knowledge. Nobody else is dealing in facts, so why not just out ALL the possibilities? Or maybe Comey did know. We all are aware that Comey has no ethical problem meddling in elections.

Again, anyone within the FBI that would lie before a FISA judge with FALSE probable cause, would be facing imprisonment......

For the likes of Hillary?????? NO WAY !!!
Let's review Trump's (yet unproven accusations) that Obama illegally wiretapped the orange clown.......

If Trump's allegations are proven FALSE, then his childish tirade should make for fun ridiculing of this charlatan..........on the other hand,

If Trump is correct that he was wiretapped, then the proof presented to the FISA court authorizing the wiretapping will ALSO become public......and those reasons that allowed for the warrant to be legally issued may not be too pleasant to be known by the general public.....

I am sure that smarter trump aides (which probably include ALL of them) must be cursing Trump's tweeter account as the chilsih maniac paints himself into a corner.
Running with unproven accusations doesn't seem to be an issue when its the left doing it.
Btw, I have forgotten nothing. You, on the other hand, forget that you have the intellectual capacity of a lobotomized turnip.

THANK YOU......nothing confirms for me that I may be on the right track than a right wing moron's attempt to "hurt my feelings".....Again, thank you....
Maybe it was done without Comey's knowledge. Nobody else is dealing in facts, so why not just out ALL the possibilities? Or maybe Comey did know. We all are aware that Comey has no ethical problem meddling in elections.

Again, anyone within the FBI that would lie before a FISA judge with FALSE probable cause, would be facing imprisonment......

For the likes of Hillary?????? NO WAY !!!

They either lied, had bad info, or Obama is just sitting on info that belongs to the federal government and refuses to release it.

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Running with unproven accusations doesn't seem to be an issue when its the left doing it.

I'll ask my dog to interpret what you stated, in countering the meaning of the O/P......My dog is good as deciphering bitching.
Btw, I have forgotten nothing. You, on the other hand, forget that you have the intellectual capacity of a lobotomized turnip.

THANK YOU......nothing confirms for me that I may be on the right track than a right wing moron's attempt to "hurt my feelings".....Again, thank you....

I am not trying to hurt your feelings. It is your own vanity that thinks I care. Rather, I am pointing out that you lack credibility.

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Do you know the difference between "collaborated" and "corroborated"? Your credibility is falling faster than Trumps approval ratings.

Well, yes I do know the difference between those 2 terms, moron......

i stand by COLLABORATED since Trump may have urged Russia to he openly stated while campaigning.....

To CORROBORATE is to agree with the findings of an inquiry....Something that you nitwits will have to face and weep over AFTER a thorough and independent investigation.

Are you getting dizzy yet? Your spin doesn't negate the inappropriate context in which you used the word. Since you lack the balls to post the context, let's remind everyone what you said, so they may judge your ignorance themselves.
Although yet to be collaborated, there are rumors that Trump is so damn pissed (at everybody but himself) that he actually ordered Priebus and Bannon off Air Force One and not go with him for his fourth "vacation" in Florida.

Now sweetie, how about you man up and admit you fucked up. BTW here's the actual definition.

Definition of corroborate

  1. transitive verb

  2. : to support with evidence or authority : make more certain
Definition of CORROBORATE
Let's review Trump's (yet unproven accusations) that Obama illegally wiretapped the orange clown.......

If Trump's allegations are proven FALSE, then his childish tirade should make for fun ridiculing of this charlatan..........on the other hand,

If Trump is correct that he was wiretapped, then the proof presented to the FISA court authorizing the wiretapping will ALSO become public......and those reasons that allowed for the warrant to be legally issued may not be too pleasant to be known by the general public.....

I am sure that smarter trump aides (which probably include ALL of them) must be cursing Trump's tweeter account as the chilsih maniac paints himself into a corner.
Running with unproven accusations doesn't seem to be an issue when its the left doing it.

Of course it is not. The left demands strict proof when they clearly do something wrong (e.g., Hillary's sham foundation). But will say whatever serves them to libel their opponents, the republic be damned.

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Do you know the difference between "collaborated" and "corroborated"? Your credibility is falling faster than Trumps approval ratings.

Well, yes I do know the difference between those 2 terms, moron......

i stand by COLLABORATED since Trump may have urged Russia to he openly stated while campaigning.....

To CORROBORATE is to agree with the findings of an inquiry....Something that you nitwits will have to face and weep over AFTER a thorough and independent investigation.

Are you getting dizzy yet? Your spin doesn't negate the inappropriate context in which you used the word. Since you lack the balls to post the context, let's remind everyone what you said, so they may judge your ignorance themselves.
Although yet to be collaborated, there are rumors that Trump is so damn pissed (at everybody but himself) that he actually ordered Priebus and Bannon off Air Force One and not go with him for his fourth "vacation" in Florida.

Now sweetie, how about you man up and admit you fucked up. BTW here's the actual definition.

Definition of corroborate

  1. transitive verb

  2. : to support with evidence or authority : make more certain
Definition of CORROBORATE

yes, Tigger ...I made a mistake in typing "collaborated" instead of "corroborated".......I expect a lawsuit from you any day....Great attempt to divert from the objective of the thread......Congrats....
Now go beat up on some old lady to make you feel even MORE superior......LOL
Let's review Trump's (yet unproven accusations) that Obama illegally wiretapped the orange clown.......

If Trump's allegations are proven FALSE, then his childish tirade should make for fun ridiculing of this charlatan..........on the other hand,

If Trump is correct that he was wiretapped, then the proof presented to the FISA court authorizing the wiretapping will ALSO become public......and those reasons that allowed for the warrant to be legally issued may not be too pleasant to be known by the general public.....

I am sure that smarter trump aides (which probably include ALL of them) must be cursing Trump's tweeter account as the chilsih maniac paints himself into a corner.
Running with unproven accusations doesn't seem to be an issue when its the left doing it.

yup, those bastards are known for running with fake birth certificate accusations, and criminal email investigations ...

aint they Gomer ?
Do you know the difference between "collaborated" and "corroborated"? Your credibility is falling faster than Trumps approval ratings.

Well, yes I do know the difference between those 2 terms, moron......

i stand by COLLABORATED since Trump may have urged Russia to he openly stated while campaigning.....

To CORROBORATE is to agree with the findings of an inquiry....Something that you nitwits will have to face and weep over AFTER a thorough and independent investigation.

Are you getting dizzy yet? Your spin doesn't negate the inappropriate context in which you used the word. Since you lack the balls to post the context, let's remind everyone what you said, so they may judge your ignorance themselves.
Although yet to be collaborated, there are rumors that Trump is so damn pissed (at everybody but himself) that he actually ordered Priebus and Bannon off Air Force One and not go with him for his fourth "vacation" in Florida.

Now sweetie, how about you man up and admit you fucked up. BTW here's the actual definition.

Definition of corroborate

  1. transitive verb

  2. : to support with evidence or authority : make more certain
Definition of CORROBORATE

yes, Tigger ...I made a mistake in typing "collaborated" instead of "corroborated".......I expect a lawsuit from you any day....Great attempt to divert from the objective of the thread......Congrats....
Now go beat up on some old lady to make you feel even MORE superior......LOL

Nah, the forced admission is enough, but seeing you double down on being wrong was very entertaining. LMAO
Of course it is not. The left demands strict proof when they clearly do something wrong (e.g., Hillary's sham foundation)

No big fan of the Clintons.....BUT.........

Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation | Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch

Whoops! You are not sticking to the op!

Btw, why did the foundation shut down after Hillary lost? Because there was no influence for foreign states to purchase so the money stopped flowing.

God, you are an idiot.

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Just found this as the possible source of Trump's accusations against Obama.....Ironic that Chris ex-MI 6 Brit is called a sham, but this lady is to be heralded as coming down from Mt. Sinai.

Breitbart links to a report that appeared in Heat Street, another right-leaning news organization: “EXCLUSIVE: FBI ‘Granted FISA Warrant’ Covering Trump Camp’s Ties To Russia.” It was written by Louise Mensch, a former Tory member of the British Parliament and an independent journalist. This is one of the news reports identified by the White House,


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