Trump is in a "Lose-Lose" corner with his latest tweets...

NO proof necessary for Democrats to accuse Jeff Sessions of what amounts to treason

here, I'll play your stupid game for a minute........

If Sessions is so "pure" as the recently fallen snow.....WHY DID HE RECUSE HIMSELF from any further investigations?

Go on....answer that.......LOL

That's easy, it will legitimize the investigation in to THE DNC server where nothing will be found. Then as we move on to the illegal wire tapping and find Obama not only knew about it, but ordered it, and sent his friend Kislyak to visit the wire tapped targets, no one will complain when Obama Bin Lying goes to Leaven Worth. And finally when we look in to why Russia gave Hillary Clinton $145 Million Dollars after selling our Uranium to them, and why Obama Bin Lying was give a $64 Million Dollar Book Deal by a publishing company with Russian Ties, Lefty will fade away in to Oblivion Forever.

Wire Tap This!
You did us a favor and phucked yourselves in the process.
Thanks Obama.
Obama wire tapped one of our closest allies, really very believable he would try with Trump.

Well, moron.....So far, the ONLY proof that trump was wiretapped comes from Mark Levin who must have read it in a Chinese Fortune cookie....

Actually Clapper stated that "intelligence was gathered on the Trump Team that suggested interactions with Russia."
And then once the wire tap story came out, he said, "There is no evidence the Trump team had anything to do with Russia, and there was no wire tapping."

So which statement is the lie told by Clapper who can only talk when he removes his mouth from Obama's Anus?

You morons are toast. You finally got entrapped by your own lies and treachery.

This makes Watergate look like child's play and you have the rats scurrying in every direction for cover.

Obama is in his bunker with Clinton and a 50 year doomsday supply of booze right now about to seal themselves in until Putin rescues them.

And the president you elected is the BIGGEST LIAR THAT EVER INHABITED THE WHITE HOUSE!

That's debateable. I wonder if he would even break the top ten
Obama wire tapped one of our closest allies, really very believable he would try with Trump.

Well, moron.....So far, the ONLY proof that trump was wiretapped comes from Mark Levin who must have read it in a Chinese Fortune cookie....

Actually Clapper stated that "intelligence was gathered on the Trump Team that suggested interactions with Russia."
And then once the wire tap story came out, he said, "There is no evidence the Trump team had anything to do with Russia, and there was no wire tapping."

So which statement is the lie told by Clapper who can only talk when he removes his mouth from Obama's Anus?

You morons are toast. You finally got entrapped by your own lies and treachery.

This makes Watergate look like child's play and you have the rats scurrying in every direction for cover.

Obama is in his bunker with Clinton and a 50 year doomsday supply of booze right now about to seal themselves in until Putin rescues them.

And the president you elected is the BIGGEST LIAR THAT EVER INHABITED THE WHITE HOUSE!
Damn son that was a lame comeback.

Maybe you should huff paint more.

You might sound a little more intelligent.
Maybe it was done without Comey's knowledge. Nobody else is dealing in facts, so why not just out ALL the possibilities? Or maybe Comey did know. We all are aware that Comey has no ethical problem meddling in elections.

Again, anyone within the FBI that would lie before a FISA judge with FALSE probable cause, would be facing imprisonment......

For the likes of Hillary?????? NO WAY !!!
They either lied
Btw, why did the foundation shut down after Hillary lost? Because there was no influence for foreign states to purchase so the money stopped flowing.

God, you are an idiot.

Actually....contrary to what FOX tells you, the Foundation is not shut down....The segment called Global Initiatives is shutting down.....

But thank you for your lame attempt to divert this thread to your fucked up prejudices.....LOL
Nat, you ignorant fuckwit, the Global initiative is what draws all the foreign money. The rest of their foundation is just a group of non-profits.

Yes, I spoke too broadly. But your representations are just outright fraud. It is beyond doubt that the huge foreign donations stopped after Hillary lost.

So is New York still going after the Comrade's foundation for being fraudulent?
Not yet. They're still working on the 32 oz. Coke fiasco.
Actually, the TRUMP Foundation IS shut down, since it was a scam and useless. And cutting sugar and garbage in our food IS a DAMN good idea, dupe. YOUR party is a fake news fiasco, and amazingly your president believes that shytte too...I'm STILL praying he learns.
Obama wire tapped one of our closest allies, really very believable he would try with Trump.

Well, moron.....So far, the ONLY proof that trump was wiretapped comes from Mark Levin who must have read it in a Chinese Fortune cookie....

Actually Clapper stated that "intelligence was gathered on the Trump Team that suggested interactions with Russia."
And then once the wire tap story came out, he said, "There is no evidence the Trump team had anything to do with Russia, and there was no wire tapping."

So which statement is the lie told by Clapper who can only talk when he removes his mouth from Obama's Anus?

You morons are toast. You finally got entrapped by your own lies and treachery.

This makes Watergate look like child's play and you have the rats scurrying in every direction for cover.

Obama is in his bunker with Clinton and a 50 year doomsday supply of booze right now about to seal themselves in until Putin rescues them.

And the president you elected is the BIGGEST LIAR THAT EVER INHABITED THE WHITE HOUSE!
Damn son that was a lame comeback.

Maybe you should huff paint more.

You might sound a little more intelligent.
Comeback is also true, superdupe.
NO proof necessary for Democrats to accuse Jeff Sessions of what amounts to treason

here, I'll play your stupid game for a minute........

If Sessions is so "pure" as the recently fallen snow.....WHY DID HE RECUSE HIMSELF from any further investigations?

Go on....answer that.......LOL

You have to be joking. No one is this stupid

You're delusional. Sessions is dirty as the day is long.

Forest Gump Sessions....:badgrin:

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