Trump is in over his head.....biggly.


VIP Member
Oct 31, 2015
The questions only get harder from this point on. Trump has relied on vague solutions, positions: "I'll take care of me....why do I have to say what I'm going to do...the voters don't want'll be great." He can't name one specific thing he'd do or how he'd do it. When asked how he'd make Mexicans pay for a wall, he says the wall just got higher. Huh? When asked if women who got an abortion should be punished, he said yes. Then quickly changed his mind: "No, no, I didn't mean WOMEN should be punished, I meant the doctors! Did I say women?"
Trump must have thought running for president would be an amusing stunt, a reality show, a contest that he would win because he's the greatest everything. Now it gets down to the nitty-gritty and it's not going to be so much fun when people (like the media and the RNC) keep pushing him for real-world answers to questions he's never thought about in his life. Now it's "not fair" and "they're not treating me well" according to him. What did he think a presidential run was going to be like? His reactions to normal politics are childish, below the belt and not at all presidential. But just wait until he's elected. Then he'll be presidential, he says.
who would you rather have?

Creepy Cruz = congress for a few years, everyone he works with hate him, receives big money from large super-pacs, and lies with a strait face, probably cheated on his wife.
The questions only get harder from this point on. Trump has relied on vague solutions, positions: "I'll take care of me....why do I have to say what I'm going to do...the voters don't want'll be great." He can't name one specific thing he'd do or how he'd do it. When asked how he'd make Mexicans pay for a wall, he says the wall just got higher. Huh? When asked if women who got an abortion should be punished, he said yes. Then quickly changed his mind: "No, no, I didn't mean WOMEN should be punished, I meant the doctors! Did I say women?"
Trump must have thought running for president would be an amusing stunt, a reality show, a contest that he would win because he's the greatest everything. Now it gets down to the nitty-gritty and it's not going to be so much fun when people (like the media and the RNC) keep pushing him for real-world answers to questions he's never thought about in his life. Now it's "not fair" and "they're not treating me well" according to him. What did he think a presidential run was going to be like? His reactions to normal politics are childish, below the belt and not at all presidential. But just wait until he's elected. Then he'll be presidential, he says.

I'm afraid to trust him with nuclear weapons.
who would you rather have?

Creepy Cruz = congress for a few years, everyone he works with hate him, receives big money from large super-pacs, and lies with a strait face, probably cheated on his wife.

Kasich or Gary Johnson before Trump or the Canadian Anchor Baby...

( I can not believe Trump called him ( Cruz ) that! )
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The questions only get harder from this point on. Trump has relied on vague solutions, positions: "I'll take care of me....why do I have to say what I'm going to do...the voters don't want'll be great." He can't name one specific thing he'd do or how he'd do it. When asked how he'd make Mexicans pay for a wall, he says the wall just got higher. Huh? When asked if women who got an abortion should be punished, he said yes. Then quickly changed his mind: "No, no, I didn't mean WOMEN should be punished, I meant the doctors! Did I say women?"
Trump must have thought running for president would be an amusing stunt, a reality show, a contest that he would win because he's the greatest everything. Now it gets down to the nitty-gritty and it's not going to be so much fun when people (like the media and the RNC) keep pushing him for real-world answers to questions he's never thought about in his life. Now it's "not fair" and "they're not treating me well" according to him. What did he think a presidential run was going to be like? His reactions to normal politics are childish, below the belt and not at all presidential. But just wait until he's elected. Then he'll be presidential, he says.
If you don't like him don't vote for him. But when you come here and lie you've defeated your purpose. He says they'll pay for the wall because of the 58 billion dollar trade advantage so he's proposing to make it more balanced. The real reality show is all the hens clucking around making noise because they think the fox is in the hen house. Funny as hell.
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Donald J. Trump


You're being kind!

The J stand for this:

Riiiiight and the professional politicians have done a bang up job sinking us $19 trillion in debt, raiding the social security trust fund, pissing money away on green pipe dreams yeah we need another professional politician. /SARCASM
Riiiiight and the professional politicians have done a bang up job sinking us $19 trillion in debt, raiding the social security trust fund, pissing money away on green pipe dreams yeah we need another professional politician. /SARCASM

So you want a circus clown to take over brain surgery, eh?

Common Logical Fallacies In Political Arguments:

Politician's Syllogism: This fallacy usually takes the form:
1. We must do something.
2. This is something.
3. Therefore, we must do this.

This makes the false assumption the "solution" is better than the problem. For example, let's say brain surgeons have a 3 percent malpractice rate. Then a circus clown comes along and says, "Brain surgeons are causing too many serious injuries. It's a disaster. Something needs to be done about this. Therefore, I should take over brain surgery."
who would you rather have?

Creepy Cruz = congress for a few years, everyone he works with hate him, receives big money from large super-pacs, and lies with a strait face, probably cheated on his wife.

Fortunately, neither of those two has a chance at the presidency.
Riiiiight and the professional politicians have done a bang up job sinking us $19 trillion in debt,
It is not the fault of the politicians we are in debt. The politicians are doing EXACTLY what we want.

If you want to know whose fault it is we are in so much debt, look in the mirror.
so he's proposing to make it more balanced
He's me, it'll be huge. Trump has done nothing. He's never been elected, never served in the military, never had any experience governing. He says he's a businessman. He got a million dollars from his dad and bought some hotels, and went bankrupt. He imports foreign workers to build his buildings instead of local union workers, but somehow that's okay. His clothing line is also outsourced. He thinks everything is a business deal, but it's not. He says he'll do a lot of things, but we have nothing to judge him with. No record of his accomplishments for the average voter.
I love it when the "Yes we can" and Hope 'n Change" crowd starts talking about other people being stupid and/or gullible.
Riiiiight and the professional politicians have done a bang up job sinking us $19 trillion in debt, raiding the social security trust fund, pissing money away on green pipe dreams yeah we need another professional politician. /SARCASM
But he can't do anything is the point. He does not have the power as a president. Only the Congress can do that.
Riiiiight and the professional politicians have done a bang up job sinking us $19 trillion in debt, raiding the social security trust fund, pissing money away on green pipe dreams yeah we need another professional politician. /SARCASM

So you want a circus clown to take over brain surgery, eh?

Common Logical Fallacies In Political Arguments:

Politician's Syllogism: This fallacy usually takes the form:
1. We must do something.
2. This is something.
3. Therefore, we must do this.

This makes the false assumption the "solution" is better than the problem. For example, let's say brain surgeons have a 3 percent malpractice rate. Then a circus clown comes along and says, "Brain surgeons are causing too many serious injuries. It's a disaster. Something needs to be done about this. Therefore, I should take over brain surgery."

A brain surgeon offered and competed to take over the circus, but not only clowns remain.
The questions only get harder from this point on. Trump has relied on vague solutions, positions: "I'll take care of me....why do I have to say what I'm going to do...the voters don't want'll be great." He can't name one specific thing he'd do or how he'd do it. When asked how he'd make Mexicans pay for a wall, he says the wall just got higher. Huh? When asked if women who got an abortion should be punished, he said yes. Then quickly changed his mind: "No, no, I didn't mean WOMEN should be punished, I meant the doctors! Did I say women?"
Trump must have thought running for president would be an amusing stunt, a reality show, a contest that he would win because he's the greatest everything. Now it gets down to the nitty-gritty and it's not going to be so much fun when people (like the media and the RNC) keep pushing him for real-world answers to questions he's never thought about in his life. Now it's "not fair" and "they're not treating me well" according to him. What did he think a presidential run was going to be like? His reactions to normal politics are childish, below the belt and not at all presidential. But just wait until he's elected. Then he'll be presidential, he says.
If you don't like him don't vote for him. But when you come here and lie you've defeated your purpose. He says they'll pay for the wall because of the 58 billion dollar trade advantage so he's proposing to make it more balanced. The real reality show is all the hens clucking around making noise because they think the fox is in the hen house. Funny as hell.
Where is the lie? Trump's proposal for financing the Wall is not rational or workable. You comment as if it has been judged to be a serious solution when there are plenty of reasons to see his proposal as silly and unworkable. It is actually a prime example of Trump not being able to add substance to his ideas and why he is judged as a charlatan and not fit to be a President.
The questions only get harder from this point on. Trump has relied on vague solutions, positions: "I'll take care of me....why do I have to say what I'm going to do...the voters don't want'll be great." He can't name one specific thing he'd do or how he'd do it. When asked how he'd make Mexicans pay for a wall, he says the wall just got higher. Huh? When asked if women who got an abortion should be punished, he said yes. Then quickly changed his mind: "No, no, I didn't mean WOMEN should be punished, I meant the doctors! Did I say women?"
Trump must have thought running for president would be an amusing stunt, a reality show, a contest that he would win because he's the greatest everything. Now it gets down to the nitty-gritty and it's not going to be so much fun when people (like the media and the RNC) keep pushing him for real-world answers to questions he's never thought about in his life. Now it's "not fair" and "they're not treating me well" according to him. What did he think a presidential run was going to be like? His reactions to normal politics are childish, below the belt and not at all presidential. But just wait until he's elected. Then he'll be presidential, he says.
If you don't like him don't vote for him. But when you come here and lie you've defeated your purpose. He says they'll pay for the wall because of the 58 billion dollar trade advantage so he's proposing to make it more balanced. The real reality show is all the hens clucking around making noise because they think the fox is in the hen house. Funny as hell.
Where is the lie? Trump's proposal for financing the Wall is not rational or workable. You comment as if it has been judged to be a serious solution when there are plenty of reasons to see his proposal as silly and unworkable. It is actually a prime example of Trump not being able to add substance to his ideas and why he is judged as a charlatan and not fit to be a President.

Mexico will pay for the wall don't worry about it.
Riiiiight and the professional politicians have done a bang up job sinking us $19 trillion in debt, raiding the social security trust fund, pissing money away on green pipe dreams yeah we need another professional politician. /SARCASM

So you want a circus clown to take over brain surgery, eh?

Common Logical Fallacies In Political Arguments:

Politician's Syllogism: This fallacy usually takes the form:
1. We must do something.
2. This is something.
3. Therefore, we must do this.

This makes the false assumption the "solution" is better than the problem. For example, let's say brain surgeons have a 3 percent malpractice rate. Then a circus clown comes along and says, "Brain surgeons are causing too many serious injuries. It's a disaster. Something needs to be done about this. Therefore, I should take over brain surgery."

A brain surgeon offered and competed to take over the circus, but not only clowns remain.

Sure, but that brain surgeon was always asleep, and being a brain surgeon isn't the main skill we need for the leader of our country anyway.

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