Trump is in over his head.....biggly.

I don't care who pays for it, just build the damn thing. if you want it and don't care who pays for it, why don't YOU and the rest of those like you that want it built pay for it and leave the rest of us that care about how our money is spent out of it? Personally I wouldn't give a cent to build it since it's just another exercise in completely wasteful gub'mint spending.
The terrain in California makes the wall impossible to build from a practical standpoint. And, before the first mile is up, the banditos and coyotes will have more tunnels under it than a rabbit warren. What good is a wall if its foundation doesn't extend to the hot mantel core of the earth? Ask around the border towns; they'll tell ya'...stock in shovels and pick axes just jumped up in Tecate MX..
Build a wall and stop the masses just walking in and slow them to a trickle via a few tunnels vs do nothing.

I'll take the wall for 500 Alex
The questions only get harder from this point on. Trump has relied on vague solutions, positions: "I'll take care of me....why do I have to say what I'm going to do...the voters don't want'll be great." He can't name one specific thing he'd do or how he'd do it. When asked how he'd make Mexicans pay for a wall, he says the wall just got higher. Huh? When asked if women who got an abortion should be punished, he said yes. Then quickly changed his mind: "No, no, I didn't mean WOMEN should be punished, I meant the doctors! Did I say women?"
Trump must have thought running for president would be an amusing stunt, a reality show, a contest that he would win because he's the greatest everything. Now it gets down to the nitty-gritty and it's not going to be so much fun when people (like the media and the RNC) keep pushing him for real-world answers to questions he's never thought about in his life. Now it's "not fair" and "they're not treating me well" according to him. What did he think a presidential run was going to be like? His reactions to normal politics are childish, below the belt and not at all presidential. But just wait until he's elected. Then he'll be presidential, he says.

could you give us a list of real solutions offered by Hillary or Bernie? not talking points or pandering bullshit, but real solutions.

we'll wait.
Oh that's easy.
End the war on women
Black lives matter
Tax the Republicans
Arf arf
Funny how the left nit picks and quotes Trump when almost eight years ago they depended on a ridiculous cliche of "hope and change" from a guy who never had a freaking real job.

Realize that not all of this is coming from the left. The last thing I want is Hillary or any other Democrat being elected this fall. I see Trump as the most likely cause for that happening along with torpedoing the chances of GOP senate and congressional candidates. Many of us see the nomination of Trump as a wish to tear down the party and concede this fall's election to the Democrats.
Funny how the left nit picks and quotes Trump when almost eight years ago they depended on a ridiculous cliche of "hope and change" from a guy who never had a freaking real job.

Realize that not all of this is coming from the left. The last thing I want is Hillary or any other Democrat being elected this fall. I see Trump as the most likely cause for that happening along with torpedoing the chances of GOP senate and congressional candidates. Many of us see the nomination of Trump as a wish to tear down the party and concede this fall's election to the Democrats.

that will not happen if the establishment republicans will get their heads out of their asses and support the people's choice.
The terrain in California makes the wall impossible to build from a practical standpoint. And, before the first mile is up, the banditos and coyotes will have more tunnels under it than a rabbit warren. What good is a wall if its foundation doesn't extend to the hot mantel core of the earth? Ask around the border towns; they'll tell ya'...stock in shovels and pick axes just jumped up in Tecate MX..

For Trump lovestruck idiots, here's some info for ya. The only "wall" that will work to keep illegals out of our southern border is a huge fine for any employer outside the ag industry who is caught with illegals working for him. No jobs = no incentive to come here. Kick them off the rolls of welfare and medicare and they have zero reason to come here outside a few rogue heroin smugglers. Make pot illegal again and they'll drop the heroin and go back to running pot. But millions crossing the border when they know all that's here is bending over to pick lettuce all day in 110 degree heat? Now THERE'S your wall..
Build a wall and stop the masses just walking in and slow them to a trickle via a few tunnels vs do nothing.

I'll take the wall for 500 Alex

A few? Apparently you aren't aware of how effective tunnels are. Add a lot of them and there will be more illegals coming across than would dare to scamper out in the harsh desert terrain under the watchful eye of satellites and border patrol cameras. There can be a steady stream of illegals flowing through a tunnel; whereas the actual scant few who brave forward above ground will be barely a dent...wall or no wall..

Stop their economic incentive and then you actually have a real wall. One that works day and night, above and below ground with not one dime needed for border patrol except to stave the flow of drug runners.
70% of millennials
70% of women
80% of Hispanics
90% of blacks
33% of white males
99% of the disabled

And now Donald is talking about nuclear weapons.

We are going to Hillary because of the idiots that want Donald.
The terrain in California makes the wall impossible to build from a practical standpoint. And, before the first mile is up, the banditos and coyotes will have more tunnels under it than a rabbit warren. What good is a wall if its foundation doesn't extend to the hot mantel core of the earth? Ask around the border towns; they'll tell ya'...stock in shovels and pick axes just jumped up in Tecate MX..

For Trump lovestruck idiots, here's some info for ya. The only "wall" that will work to keep illegals out of our southern border is a huge fine for any employer outside the ag industry who is caught with illegals working for him. No jobs = no incentive to come here. Kick them off the rolls of welfare and medicare and they have zero reason to come here outside a few rogue heroin smugglers. Make pot illegal again and they'll drop the heroin and go back to running pot. But millions crossing the border when they know all that's here is bending over to pick lettuce all day in 110 degree heat? Now THERE'S your wall..
Build a wall and stop the masses just walking in and slow them to a trickle via a few tunnels vs do nothing.

I'll take the wall for 500 Alex

A few? Apparently you aren't aware of how effective tunnels are. Add a lot of them and there will be more illegals coming across than would dare to scamper out in the harsh desert terrain under the watchful eye of satellites and border patrol cameras. There can be a steady stream of illegals flowing through a tunnel; whereas the actual scant few who brave forward above ground will be barely a dent...wall or no wall..

Stop their economic incentive and then you actually have a real wall. One that works day and night, above and below ground with not one dime needed for border patrol except to stave the flow of drug runners.
Yes a few when you compare it to the current situation. Being obtuse is not a valid argument
Sil is right when she writes, "The only "wall" that will work to keep illegals out of our southern border is a huge fine for any employer outside the ag industry who is caught with illegals working for him."

Add minimum ten year jail terms for those personnel from the office staff to management at all levels who knowingly commit the crime.

And triple fine the amount of dividends earned by stockholders in the years affected.
weasel, he won't be president, so it does not matter.

Trump will be president, Hillary will be indicted and drop out of the race this summer. Bernie will implode. Its basically over already.

well, snakey, since you think this is funny, are you willing to put your money where your mouth is? No money since you are on welfare, but how about a bet that you and your sock RW will leave this forum forever if Trump wins and I will leave if the hildebeast wins? Bet?
Sil is right when she writes, "The only "wall" that will work to keep illegals out of our southern border is a huge fine for any employer outside the ag industry who is caught with illegals working for him."

Add minimum ten year jail terms for those personnel from the office staff to management at all levels who knowingly commit the crime.

And triple fine the amount of dividends earned by stockholders in the years affected.

that's fine, the easy solution is just let the border patrol do its job. Build the wall and let the border patrol enforce our existing immigration laws.
weasel, he won't be president, so it does not matter.

Trump will be president, Hillary will be indicted and drop out of the race this summer. Bernie will implode. Its basically over already.

well, snakey, since you think this is funny, are you willing to put your money where your mouth is? No money since you are on welfare, but how about a bet that you and your sock RW will leave this forum forever if Trump wins and I will leave if the hildebeast wins? Bet?
Since my retirement is five times your annual income, money is no problem. Suggest a sum, and let cereal_killer hold it and give the total to his favorite charity. He will be fair. I have no doubt you would cheat otherwise.
Sil is right when she writes, "The only "wall" that will work to keep illegals out of our southern border is a huge fine for any employer outside the ag industry who is caught with illegals working for him."

Add minimum ten year jail terms for those personnel from the office staff to management at all levels who knowingly commit the crime.

And triple fine the amount of dividends earned by stockholders in the years affected.

that's fine, the easy solution is just let the border patrol do its job. Build the wall and let the border patrol enforce our existing immigration laws.
No need for the wall if we punish business that cheats on employment.
Sil is right when she writes, "The only "wall" that will work to keep illegals out of our southern border is a huge fine for any employer outside the ag industry who is caught with illegals working for him."

Add minimum ten year jail terms for those personnel from the office staff to management at all levels who knowingly commit the crime.

And triple fine the amount of dividends earned by stockholders in the years affected.

that's fine, the easy solution is just let the border patrol do its job. Build the wall and let the border patrol enforce our existing immigration laws.
No need for the wall if we punish business that cheats on employment.

that doesn't keep the terrorists out, they are not looking for jobs.
weasel, he won't be president, so it does not matter.

Trump will be president, Hillary will be indicted and drop out of the race this summer. Bernie will implode. Its basically over already.

well, snakey, since you think this is funny, are you willing to put your money where your mouth is? No money since you are on welfare, but how about a bet that you and your sock RW will leave this forum forever if Trump wins and I will leave if the hildebeast wins? Bet?
Since my retirement is five times your annual income, money is no problem. Suggest a sum, and let cereal_killer hold it and give the total to his favorite charity. He will be fair. I have no doubt you would cheat otherwise.

Nope, my original offer is the only one you are going to get. You lose, you and your sock leave.

If you want to compare portfolios, you would come up very short. But brag away, no one really cares what you say, you have proven yourself to be a partisan bullshit artist too many times to have any credibility on any subject.
You hit out, you get knocked down, and then you whine, Redfish.

Do my bet or you get. You are not trustworthy. You would break your promise.

You do it my or you are back on the highway.
You hit out, you get knocked down, and then you whine, Redfish.

Do my bet or you get. You are not trustworthy. You would break your promise.

You do it my or you are back on the highway.

no whine here, I offered you a bet, you don't have to take it if you are afraid of losing. I really don't care either way.
Funny how the left nit picks and quotes Trump when almost eight years ago they depended on a ridiculous cliche of "hope and change" from a guy who never had a freaking real job.

Realize that not all of this is coming from the left. The last thing I want is Hillary or any other Democrat being elected this fall. I see Trump as the most likely cause for that happening along with torpedoing the chances of GOP senate and congressional candidates. Many of us see the nomination of Trump as a wish to tear down the party and concede this fall's election to the Democrats.

that will not happen if the establishment republicans will get their heads out of their asses and support the people's choice.

Again, there are those of us who think you folks have your heads so far up your own that you see the world by peaking out of your navel.
Anyone read his latest interview with Bob Woodward and Bob Cesca of the Washington Post?

He's the least prepared candidate in the race.

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