Trump is lionizing Jan. 6 rioters as 'warriors.' Could the dog whistle be any louder?


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
‘Donald Trump says the rioters who assaulted police officers in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot are “warriors.” That’s not just wrong; it’s dangerous.
For months, Trump has called defendants like them “hostages” and “political prisoners,” as if they were being held unfairly by a repressive regime — a grotesque lie meant to attack the judicial system Trump wants to destroy.

But recently he gave the Jan. 6 attackers a more heroic title.

“Those J6 warriors — they were warriors,” the former president said at a rally in Las Vegas. “But they were really, more than anything else, they’re victims of what happened. All they were doing is protesting a rigged election.”

That’s quite a promotion. “Warriors” is a word Americans generally apply to members of the armed forces, not militants who attack police officers with bear spray.’

The judicial system Trump wants to destroy, indeed.
‘Donald Trump says the rioters who assaulted police officers in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot are “warriors.” That’s not just wrong; it’s dangerous.
For months, Trump has called defendants like them “hostages” and “political prisoners,” as if they were being held unfairly by a repressive regime — a grotesque lie meant to attack the judicial system Trump wants to destroy.

But recently he gave the Jan. 6 attackers a more heroic title.

“Those J6 warriors — they were warriors,” the former president said at a rally in Las Vegas. “But they were really, more than anything else, they’re victims of what happened. All they were doing is protesting a rigged election.”

That’s quite a promotion. “Warriors” is a word Americans generally apply to members of the armed forces, not militants who attack police officers with bear spray.’

The judicial system Trump wants to destroy, indeed.
‘Donald Trump says the rioters who assaulted police officers in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot are “warriors.” That’s not just wrong; it’s dangerous.
For months, Trump has called defendants like them “hostages” and “political prisoners,” as if they were being held unfairly by a repressive regime — a grotesque lie meant to attack the judicial system Trump wants to destroy.

But recently he gave the Jan. 6 attackers a more heroic title.

“Those J6 warriors — they were warriors,” the former president said at a rally in Las Vegas. “But they were really, more than anything else, they’re victims of what happened. All they were doing is protesting a rigged election.”

That’s quite a promotion. “Warriors” is a word Americans generally apply to members of the armed forces, not militants who attack police officers with bear spray.’

The judicial system Trump wants to destroy, indeed.
Keep trumps "warriors" in prison and/or paying their debt to society for their crimes.
And, by all means, Do Not Vote For Trump, as he is against the rule of law and the justice system of the coutry.
‘Donald Trump says the rioters who assaulted police officers in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot are “warriors.” That’s not just wrong; it’s dangerous.
For months, Trump has called defendants like them “hostages” and “political prisoners,” as if they were being held unfairly by a repressive regime — a grotesque lie meant to attack the judicial system Trump wants to destroy.

But recently he gave the Jan. 6 attackers a more heroic title.

“Those J6 warriors — they were warriors,” the former president said at a rally in Las Vegas. “But they were really, more than anything else, they’re victims of what happened. All they were doing is protesting a rigged election.”

That’s quite a promotion. “Warriors” is a word Americans generally apply to members of the armed forces, not militants who attack police officers with bear spray.’

The judicial system Trump wants to destroy, indeed.

What if he called it "fiery, but mostly peaceful"? Is that better?
There is no general description that accurately describes the January 6th intruders. Some were intentionally making mayhem, some were curiosity seekers, some were vandals...all were pissed off about the election results and the apparent lack of any official institution taking the massive irregularities seriously.

Many deserve pardons, many deserve prison sentences, and some deserve compensation for their ill treatment. The DoJ has generally acted disgracefully, proving that Trump must "clean house" as one of his first official acts when he is inaugurated.
‘Donald Trump says the rioters who assaulted police officers in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot are “warriors.” That’s not just wrong; it’s dangerous.
For months, Trump has called defendants like them “hostages” and “political prisoners,” as if they were being held unfairly by a repressive regime — a grotesque lie meant to attack the judicial system Trump wants to destroy.

But recently he gave the Jan. 6 attackers a more heroic title.

“Those J6 warriors — they were warriors,” the former president said at a rally in Las Vegas. “But they were, more than anything else, they’re victims of what happened. All they were doing is protesting a rigged election.”

That’s quite a promotion. “Warriors” is a word Americans generally apply to members of the armed forces, not militants who attack police officers with bear spray.’

The judicial system Trump wants to destroy, indeed.
This might have been true at one time. Today, the word describing our military wouldn't be warrior, it would be "drag queen".
Dangerous, there were no rioters or insurrectionists on Jan 6th. It was a peaceful crowd of half a million people. Crowds of 10 to 20 thousand killed a dozen people. How is it a crowd rioting, provoked by the most dangerous man in the world, bent on overthrowing the government, did not kill one person.

The only think dangerous is the democrats obvious hate, rhetoric, and violence.

BLM and Antifa, FBI, crooked judges, support of terrorism, destroying the dollar, out of control inflation.
Democrats are no different than any other dictatorship that kills its own people
"The rioters who assaulted police officers are criminals---the rest of them are not"

Yes, those violent dicks are criminals. Everybody saw it, recognizes it, and knows it.
But too, there is no need to stop at the violent batterers and assaulters.
Also include the dicks who broke windows and tore down barriers to allow access.
Also include those who stole laptops, paperwork, furniture and souvenirs. (it was the Capitol of the United States. NOT...the downtown Nike store.)
Also include those who urinated or defecated in the hallways or in Representatives offices.
Also include those who conspired, planned, and organized groups to attack ---ala' Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, Boogaloo Bois, et al.

Now, for the Trump duped and snookered who really believed the lies Trump and his enablers promoted about a 'stolen election'....and just merely walked in with no violence or vandalism, took selfies, and left....well, for those souls charge 'em with trespass into a highly sensitive and important facility and sentence 'em to fines, amaybe a few days in jail, or social service. After all, it was the Capitol......not the Piggly Wiggly. And their punishment should reflect that.

Yes, those violent dicks are criminals. Everybody saw it, recognizes it, and knows it.
But too, there is no need to stop at the violent batterers and assaulters.
Also include the dicks who broke windows and tore down barriers to allow access.
Also include those who stole laptops, paperwork, furniture and souvenirs. (it was the Capitol of the United States. NOT...the downtown Nike store.)
Also include those who urinated or defecated in the hallways or in Representatives offices.
Also include those who conspired, planned, and organized groups to attack ---ala' Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, Boogaloo Bois, et al.

Now, for the Trump duped and snookered who really believed the lies Trump and his enablers promoted about a 'stolen election'....and just merely walked in with no violence or vandalism, took selfies, and left....well, for those souls charge 'em with trespass into a highly sensitive and important facility and sentence 'em to fines, amaybe a few days in jail, or social service. After all, it was the Capitol......not the Piggly Wiggly. And their punishment should reflect that.
OK them too----but how many so engaged? As to glass smashing at the piggy wiggly-----same crime
‘Donald Trump says the rioters who assaulted police officers in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot are “warriors.” That’s not just wrong; it’s dangerous.
For months, Trump has called defendants like them “hostages” and “political prisoners,” as if they were being held unfairly by a repressive regime — a grotesque lie meant to attack the judicial system Trump wants to destroy.

But recently he gave the Jan. 6 attackers a more heroic title.

“Those J6 warriors — they were warriors,” the former president said at a rally in Las Vegas. “But they were really, more than anything else, they’re victims of what happened. All they were doing is protesting a rigged election.”

That’s quite a promotion. “Warriors” is a word Americans generally apply to members of the armed forces, not militants who attack police officers with bear spray.’

The judicial system Trump wants to destroy, indeed.
As well he should. It was a set up.
‘Donald Trump says the rioters who assaulted police officers in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot are “warriors.” That’s not just wrong; it’s dangerous.
For months, Trump has called defendants like them “hostages” and “political prisoners,” as if they were being held unfairly by a repressive regime — a grotesque lie meant to attack the judicial system Trump wants to destroy.

But recently he gave the Jan. 6 attackers a more heroic title.

“Those J6 warriors — they were warriors,” the former president said at a rally in Las Vegas. “But they were really, more than anything else, they’re victims of what happened. All they were doing is protesting a rigged election.”

That’s quite a promotion. “Warriors” is a word Americans generally apply to members of the armed forces, not militants who attack police officers with bear spray.’

The judicial system Trump wants to destroy, indeed.
Dog whistle?

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