Trump is literally creating a military junta

Wow, your butt hurt times your wacko is a big number!
That is what I said about Trump supporters when he started his campaign. Now we are on the eve of seeing a monster inaugurated as our leader.

That was going to happen either way
Have you prepared your "Schindler's List?"

You're not on it
I wouldn't want to be.... I'm a fighter...I'd die on my feet fighting before I'd submit to your ilk!

What is it you think libertarians are going to do to you? Cut off your welfare? OK, yeah, we'd do that ...
The radical hypocritical left used to spit on Military Veterans but lately they pretend to care about the Military. Now the hypocrites claim that hiring Veterans for cabinet positions constitutes a "Junta". what the hell is a Junta anyway?
Democrats have hated the military ever since Vietnam. Their habit of spitting on military personnel and calling them baby-killers didn't stop with the end of the war.

Now they are having a melt down over having veterans in key positions to defend our nation in the modern era which includes a strong threat of terrorism and cyberwarfare.
That's right. In fact, I've learned from people like teabaggers, libertarians and alaska independence people like Sarah Palin if you want to change a party you have to change it from within.

So I'm the Ayn Rand Republican. I'm an atheist. Don't give a fuck about gay issues. I'm like Trump. Abortion is cool with me. I'm fiscally conservative which is greek for I have money.

And I'm white, white collar, racist, greedy, already got mine, a male. I'm a perfect candidate to be a Republican
You epitomize the Modern LWL, a perfect foil for the modern RWNJ. You're racist, misandrist, socialist, atheist and strongly bigoted toward anyone to the right of your political views. Although the Republican party is slightly ahead of you in the self-implosion department, with members like you, the Democrat party is close behind.
I'd rather see Generals and Business Professionals in the Executive Branch than the incompetent and corrupt politicians and political insiders that we have there now. Generals and Business Professionals know how to effectively manage organizations while politicians only know how to steal from them.
Oh, I'm sorry. I guess you want to see every single defense-related cabinet position led by some former general. Michael Flynn literally accused Obama of not doing enough against ISIS. Is that someone you want in charge of your children's safety? What an asshole that guy is. At least Hillary would've picked someone qualified like Biden.

Are you attempting to imply that Castro wasn't a "bad guy" ?
Are you attempting to imply that Justin Trudeau, John Kerry, Pope Francis, Xi Jinping, Bashar al-Assad, President Obama, Ban Ki Moon, and the other legitimate world leaders who mourned the passing of a personal friend when Castro died are poor judges of character?

Let me actually think that Obama did enough against ISIS? Flynn was 100% correct.

As for Castro? Fidel Castro has put Cuban people in prison for decades for nothing less than opposing his regime's policies. He was not a "good guy". The Cuban people are not even allowed to speak negatively about the Castro brothers. To do so earns you time behind bars. Try being at least a little informed,'re embarrassing yourself with strings like this one!
Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.
It's not a military junta at all because he's appointing former generals and not "real" generals.
In other words they're civilians now. :)
That is what I said about Trump supporters when he started his campaign. Now we are on the eve of seeing a monster inaugurated as our leader.

That was going to happen either way
Have you prepared your "Schindler's List?"

You're not on it
I wouldn't want to be.... I'm a fighter...I'd die on my feet fighting before I'd submit to your ilk!

What is it you think libertarians are going to do to you? Cut off your welfare? OK, yeah, we'd do that ...

You can't cut the welfare of a self made conservative man like me. I create my own. And what the heck is a libertarian? Even the dictionary gives an ambiguous definition that focuses on civil liberties. But, so far, you "libertarians" are all mouth and no action. You are one of those shadowy political ideologues that do nothing for anyone
Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.
It's not a military junta at all because he's appointing former generals and not "real" generals.
In other words they're civilians now. :)
You're making way too much sense.
That was going to happen either way
Have you prepared your "Schindler's List?"

You're not on it
I wouldn't want to be.... I'm a fighter...I'd die on my feet fighting before I'd submit to your ilk!

What is it you think libertarians are going to do to you? Cut off your welfare? OK, yeah, we'd do that ...

You can't cut the welfare of a self made conservative man like me. I create my own. And what the heck is a libertarian? Even the dictionary gives an ambiguous definition that focuses on civil liberties. But, so far, you "libertarians" are all mouth and no action. You are one of those shadowy political ideologues that do nothing for anyone

You're a conservative?


As to your question:

What is a small government libertarian?
The radical hypocritical left used to spit on Military Veterans but lately they pretend to care about the Military. Now the hypocrites claim that hiring Veterans for cabinet positions constitutes a "Junta". what the hell is a Junta anyway?
Democrats have hated the military ever since Vietnam. Their habit of spitting on military personnel and calling them baby-killers didn't stop with the end of the war.

Now they are having a melt down over having veterans in key positions to defend our nation in the modern era which includes a strong threat of terrorism and cyberwarfare.
I think you are hallucinating if you think Democrats hate the military. There are just too many Democrats IN the military to support that premise.
There are some Republicans in the military but most are content to avoid military service; and, send their children attend college while Democrat's children go to war.
You RW GOP lovers talk patriotism but the Democrats are actively engaged in it.
The radical hypocritical left used to spit on Military Veterans but lately they pretend to care about the Military. Now the hypocrites claim that hiring Veterans for cabinet positions constitutes a "Junta". what the hell is a Junta anyway?
Democrats have hated the military ever since Vietnam. Their habit of spitting on military personnel and calling them baby-killers didn't stop with the end of the war.

Now they are having a melt down over having veterans in key positions to defend our nation in the modern era which includes a strong threat of terrorism and cyberwarfare.
I think you are hallucinating if you think Democrats hate the military. There are just too many Democrats IN the military to support that premise.
There are some Republicans in the military but most are content to avoid military service; and, send their children attend college while Democrat's children go to war.
You RW GOP lovers talk patriotism but the Democrats are actively engaged in it.

You're a conservative, I'm still laughing about that idiotic claim you continue to disprove. Duh, dar, drool, the military's Republican because Republicans run away, dar, dar, dar. What an idiot
Have you prepared your "Schindler's List?"

You're not on it
I wouldn't want to be.... I'm a fighter...I'd die on my feet fighting before I'd submit to your ilk!

What is it you think libertarians are going to do to you? Cut off your welfare? OK, yeah, we'd do that ...

You can't cut the welfare of a self made conservative man like me. I create my own. And what the heck is a libertarian? Even the dictionary gives an ambiguous definition that focuses on civil liberties. But, so far, you "libertarians" are all mouth and no action. You are one of those shadowy political ideologues that do nothing for anyone

You're a conservative?


As to your question:

What is a small government libertarian?
Hell yes, I am a conservative in every sense of the word. I am a law abiding citizen, a Christian, a military retiree, and a taxpayer. I am also self sufficient and owe nothing to anyone. BTW I used to also believe in the rue of law until I realized how fucked up it is here in the USA. Slager's mistrial in Charleston, NC is one of many examples of that!
The coy and cavalier attitude of RW Whites concerning the street executions of unarmed Black men is another. Racial murder defies YOUR brand of conservatism, it does not define mine!
You're not on it
I wouldn't want to be.... I'm a fighter...I'd die on my feet fighting before I'd submit to your ilk!

What is it you think libertarians are going to do to you? Cut off your welfare? OK, yeah, we'd do that ...

You can't cut the welfare of a self made conservative man like me. I create my own. And what the heck is a libertarian? Even the dictionary gives an ambiguous definition that focuses on civil liberties. But, so far, you "libertarians" are all mouth and no action. You are one of those shadowy political ideologues that do nothing for anyone

You're a conservative?


As to your question:

What is a small government libertarian?
Hell yes, I am a conservative in every sense of the word. I am a law abiding citizen, a Christian, a military retiree, and a taxpayer. I am also self sufficient and owe nothing to anyone. BTW I used to also believe in the rue of law until I realized how fucked up it is here in the USA. Slager's mistrial in Charleston, NC is one of many examples of that!
The coy and cavalier attitude of RW Whites concerning the street executions of unarmed Black men is another. Racial murder defies YOUR brand of conservatism, it does not define mine!

I just told you I'm not a conservative, fucktard. Did you read the link? You sure are stupid enough to be a Republican.

And yet another leftist who was in the military. What is in the water? Every one of you makes that claim.

So here's another constant liberal lie, you were another Republican who became a Democrat when W stole the election from Gore, right?

If you want to complete the trifecta of liberal lies, you own gun(s) too, don't you? That's how you know gun owners are wacko and shouldn't own them.

You are a hoot. You're a terrible liar.
The radical hypocritical left used to spit on Military Veterans but lately they pretend to care about the Military. Now the hypocrites claim that hiring Veterans for cabinet positions constitutes a "Junta". what the hell is a Junta anyway?
Democrats have hated the military ever since Vietnam. Their habit of spitting on military personnel and calling them baby-killers didn't stop with the end of the war.

Now they are having a melt down over having veterans in key positions to defend our nation in the modern era which includes a strong threat of terrorism and cyberwarfare.
I think you are hallucinating if you think Democrats hate the military. There are just too many Democrats IN the military to support that premise.
There are some Republicans in the military but most are content to avoid military service; and, send their children attend college while Democrat's children go to war.
You RW GOP lovers talk patriotism but the Democrats are actively engaged in it.

You're a conservative, I'm still laughing about that idiotic claim you continue to disprove. Duh, dar, drool, the military's Republican because Republicans run away, dar, dar, dar. What an idiot
Laugh all you want. That just shows your ignorance. I think I sufficiently explained my position in post #192. BTW Louis Farrakhan is one of the most conservative persons of celebrity status in the Black community. There is NOTHING liberal about him!
I think you are hallucinating if you think Democrats hate the military. There are just too many Democrats IN the military to support that premise.
There are some Republicans in the military but most are content to avoid military service; and, send their children attend college while Democrat's children go to war.
You RW GOP lovers talk patriotism but the Democrats are actively engaged in it.
Disagreed, but since you are delusional about racism and have expressed your hate for the military before, even though I know you are a vet, it doesn't surprise me that you disagree with me.

I do agree there are far, far too many chickenhawks and non-military types in DC. This is why I like seeing veterans posted to Trump's cabinet.
Laugh all you want. That just shows your ignorance. I think I sufficiently explained my position in post #192. BTW Louis Farrakhan is one of the most conservative persons of celebrity status in the Black community. There is NOTHING liberal about him!
Louis Farrakhan had Malcolm X murdered. All murderers belong in prison.
The radical hypocritical left used to spit on Military Veterans but lately they pretend to care about the Military. Now the hypocrites claim that hiring Veterans for cabinet positions constitutes a "Junta". what the hell is a Junta anyway?
Democrats have hated the military ever since Vietnam. Their habit of spitting on military personnel and calling them baby-killers didn't stop with the end of the war.

Now they are having a melt down over having veterans in key positions to defend our nation in the modern era which includes a strong threat of terrorism and cyberwarfare.
I think you are hallucinating if you think Democrats hate the military. There are just too many Democrats IN the military to support that premise.
There are some Republicans in the military but most are content to avoid military service; and, send their children attend college while Democrat's children go to war.
You RW GOP lovers talk patriotism but the Democrats are actively engaged in it.

You're a conservative, I'm still laughing about that idiotic claim you continue to disprove. Duh, dar, drool, the military's Republican because Republicans run away, dar, dar, dar. What an idiot
Laugh all you want. That just shows your ignorance. I think I sufficiently explained my position in post #192. BTW Louis Farrakhan is one of the most conservative persons of celebrity status in the Black community. There is NOTHING liberal about him!

You love the socialist party of America, the Democrat party. Why would a "conservative" do that? You called me a conservative too after reading my link I want to slash the military, make it defensive focused and I oppose all morality laws including prostitution, gambling, euthanasia, drugs, .... You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
I wouldn't want to be.... I'm a fighter...I'd die on my feet fighting before I'd submit to your ilk!

What is it you think libertarians are going to do to you? Cut off your welfare? OK, yeah, we'd do that ...

You can't cut the welfare of a self made conservative man like me. I create my own. And what the heck is a libertarian? Even the dictionary gives an ambiguous definition that focuses on civil liberties. But, so far, you "libertarians" are all mouth and no action. You are one of those shadowy political ideologues that do nothing for anyone

You're a conservative?


As to your question:

What is a small government libertarian?
Hell yes, I am a conservative in every sense of the word. I am a law abiding citizen, a Christian, a military retiree, and a taxpayer. I am also self sufficient and owe nothing to anyone. BTW I used to also believe in the rue of law until I realized how fucked up it is here in the USA. Slager's mistrial in Charleston, NC is one of many examples of that!
The coy and cavalier attitude of RW Whites concerning the street executions of unarmed Black men is another. Racial murder defies YOUR brand of conservatism, it does not define mine!

I just told you I'm not a conservative, fucktard. Did you read the link? You sure are stupid enough to be a Republican.

And yet another leftist who was in the military. What is in the water? Every one of you makes that claim.

So here's another constant liberal lie, you were another Republican who became a Democrat when W stole the election from Gore, right?

If you want to complete the trifecta of liberal lies, you own gun(s) too, don't you? That's how you know gun owners are wacko and shouldn't own them.

You are a hoot. You're a terrible liar.
Why diid you tell me you were not a conservative when I didn't ask you to do that? And all that other garbage you are spewing has nothing to do with this thread or me.

BUt speaking of did say this:

Kaz said:
3) Fiscal - we are fiscal conservatives, we don't just talk about fiscal conservatism.

Oppsss! there goes your credibility.
Laugh all you want. That just shows your ignorance. I think I sufficiently explained my position in post #192. BTW Louis Farrakhan is one of the most conservative persons of celebrity status in the Black community. There is NOTHING liberal about him!
Louis Farrakhan had Malcolm X murdered. All murderers belong in prison.
You don't know that to be true...but even so... He is still a conservative.
Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.

Wait what? What DemScum are proposing is a Coup, and Overthrow of Democracy to install Hillary Clinton as a Dictator. Libtards are proof that people actually can grow more stupid as they go through life.

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