Trump is literally creating a military junta

Doesn't matter what I would do if I had the power, I don't. So lets see how your way works. Either I'm wrong about your way or I'm not. Last time GW Bush proved me right but you guys said he was a RINO. Well guess what? You have to be a RINO.

Trump Says He’ll Spend More Than $500 Billion on Infrastructure

Now you can call Trump a RINO.

I'm not a Republican and I didn't vote for W either time or Trump, retard

You are still one of us. A rwnj. I have joined your party by the way. If you can't beat them join them. You'll see I'm a changed man. I may be the most liberal Republican but at least I'm a republican.

White, male, straight, college educated, non union, no kids, saves money, not in debt, I am sick of fighting for people who can't even be bothered to show up and vote every 4 years let alone 2.

I'm on your side now. Fuck all those people with their hands out and they are so fucking lazy they can't even show up to vote.

So while I'll still argue global warming and all that other stuff, I'm ok with the GOP being in charge. I'm not the kind of person they fuck with. Hopefully they don't cause another great recession and end up killing my social security but other than them doing that, I'll be ok. So good luck. Prove me wrong.

As far as the social stuff, I hope you stop letting gays adopt, women abort, poor getting welfare, muslims not assimilating to our ways, blacks getting shot, women getting equal pay, poor getting healthcare. Fuck all them.

Republicans don't need you, they have enough idiots now

That's right. In fact, I've learned from people like teabaggers, libertarians and alaska independence people like Sarah Palin if you want to change a party you have to change it from within.

So I'm the Ayn Rand Republican. I'm an atheist. Don't give a fuck about gay issues. I'm like Trump. Abortion is cool with me. I'm fiscally conservative which is greek for I have money.

And I'm white, white collar, racist, greedy, already got mine, a male. I'm a perfect candidate to be a Republican

No Republican thinks you are one, so how are you changing it from within?

They don't? The Republicans at work are convinced I'm one of them. I grin and nod when they deny global warming and I talk about cutting poor people off welfare and....

Lets put it this way. If Trump can fake it so can I. And like Trump, I'm not going to get fucked by GOPanomics. I'm not poor, young, black, arab, gay or a woman. I'll be ok.

And I am serious when I say fuck all those people I was caring about before. If they think life is unfair for their group then maybe their group needs to vote. Or when they vote, vote for the right party.
I'm not a Republican and I didn't vote for W either time or Trump, retard

You are still one of us. A rwnj. I have joined your party by the way. If you can't beat them join them. You'll see I'm a changed man. I may be the most liberal Republican but at least I'm a republican.

White, male, straight, college educated, non union, no kids, saves money, not in debt, I am sick of fighting for people who can't even be bothered to show up and vote every 4 years let alone 2.

I'm on your side now. Fuck all those people with their hands out and they are so fucking lazy they can't even show up to vote.

So while I'll still argue global warming and all that other stuff, I'm ok with the GOP being in charge. I'm not the kind of person they fuck with. Hopefully they don't cause another great recession and end up killing my social security but other than them doing that, I'll be ok. So good luck. Prove me wrong.

As far as the social stuff, I hope you stop letting gays adopt, women abort, poor getting welfare, muslims not assimilating to our ways, blacks getting shot, women getting equal pay, poor getting healthcare. Fuck all them.

Republicans don't need you, they have enough idiots now

That's right. In fact, I've learned from people like teabaggers, libertarians and alaska independence people like Sarah Palin if you want to change a party you have to change it from within.

So I'm the Ayn Rand Republican. I'm an atheist. Don't give a fuck about gay issues. I'm like Trump. Abortion is cool with me. I'm fiscally conservative which is greek for I have money.

And I'm white, white collar, racist, greedy, already got mine, a male. I'm a perfect candidate to be a Republican

No Republican thinks you are one, so how are you changing it from within?

They don't? The Republicans at work are convinced I'm one of them. I grin and nod when they deny global warming and I talk about cutting poor people off welfare and....

Lets put it this way. If Trump can fake it so can I. And like Trump, I'm not going to get fucked by GOPanomics. I'm not poor, young, black, arab, gay or a woman. I'll be ok.

And I am serious when I say fuck all those people I was caring about before. If they think life is unfair for their group then maybe their group needs to vote. Or when they vote, vote for the right party.

Then why are you so terrible at it on the board?
You are still one of us. A rwnj. I have joined your party by the way. If you can't beat them join them. You'll see I'm a changed man. I may be the most liberal Republican but at least I'm a republican.

White, male, straight, college educated, non union, no kids, saves money, not in debt, I am sick of fighting for people who can't even be bothered to show up and vote every 4 years let alone 2.

I'm on your side now. Fuck all those people with their hands out and they are so fucking lazy they can't even show up to vote.

So while I'll still argue global warming and all that other stuff, I'm ok with the GOP being in charge. I'm not the kind of person they fuck with. Hopefully they don't cause another great recession and end up killing my social security but other than them doing that, I'll be ok. So good luck. Prove me wrong.

As far as the social stuff, I hope you stop letting gays adopt, women abort, poor getting welfare, muslims not assimilating to our ways, blacks getting shot, women getting equal pay, poor getting healthcare. Fuck all them.

Republicans don't need you, they have enough idiots now

That's right. In fact, I've learned from people like teabaggers, libertarians and alaska independence people like Sarah Palin if you want to change a party you have to change it from within.

So I'm the Ayn Rand Republican. I'm an atheist. Don't give a fuck about gay issues. I'm like Trump. Abortion is cool with me. I'm fiscally conservative which is greek for I have money.

And I'm white, white collar, racist, greedy, already got mine, a male. I'm a perfect candidate to be a Republican

No Republican thinks you are one, so how are you changing it from within?

They don't? The Republicans at work are convinced I'm one of them. I grin and nod when they deny global warming and I talk about cutting poor people off welfare and....

Lets put it this way. If Trump can fake it so can I. And like Trump, I'm not going to get fucked by GOPanomics. I'm not poor, young, black, arab, gay or a woman. I'll be ok.

And I am serious when I say fuck all those people I was caring about before. If they think life is unfair for their group then maybe their group needs to vote. Or when they vote, vote for the right party.

Then why are you so terrible at it on the board?
I have no desire to hide my real feelings here. At work I do. Although the former and current president agrees with my politics I pretend I'm a moderate who doesn't follow politics that much.

OMG today I said to my con buddy, "boy I bet you're real happy with Trump EPA pick huh?" and he said yes. So the liberal who works here basically calls him out and says basically you disagree with 97% of the scientists and basically you're telling me you think the earth is flat.

The con got so offended he came up to me later to ask me who won that argument. I told him,"well, it does seem like the corporations who want to pollute are the ones behind denying global warming" and he says, "that's not true" and then goes into explaining why that's not true. I nodded and he felt like he had an ally on the subject but the fact is global warming is very real. Anyone who thinks global warming is a hoax is a fool. And who believes that? The guy Trump has running the EPA. OMG!

So we are going to pollute, warm the planet and possibly wreck the planet all because corporations don't want to pay for going green.

These are the other people who didn't show up and vote for Hillary who are going to realize just how different the two parties are. Democrats don't deny global warming and Republicans do. Why do Republicans? Because their corporate masters don't want to pay to go green.

This planet is going to get real dirty the next 5 years or more.
OMG today I said to my con buddy, "boy I bet you're real happy with Trump EPA pick huh?" and he said yes. So the liberal who works here basically calls him out and says basically you disagree with 97% of the scientists

It's really pathetic that they do that. Scientists are supposed to approach science with skepticism. Clearly science has not remotely proven global warming, climate change or human involvement. Scientists saying it's fact are pathetic.

Interestingly on this, my sister and I agree. She's a liberal tree hugger who works for an environmentalist agency that consults to the government. Her personal area is removing lead as a threat to kids.

She agrees with me that we don't remotely have proof that the earth is warming beyond normal historical averages and she estimates it would take 150 years to get enough data to remotely start to prove that.

I agree with her I'd like to take prudent steps anyway because it is possible even if it's not proven.

The problem is all you leftist moonbats oppose all the effective solutions (Nuclear, natural gas, clean coal) and insist on solutions that aren't remotely feasible (wind, solar) to produce significant energy or have nothing to do with the environment at all (cap and tax).

BTW, I spent years working in management in the energy industry, including GE Nuclear and GE Power
OMG today I said to my con buddy, "boy I bet you're real happy with Trump EPA pick huh?" and he said yes. So the liberal who works here basically calls him out and says basically you disagree with 97% of the scientists

It's really pathetic that they do that. Scientists are supposed to approach science with skepticism. Clearly science has not remotely proven global warming, climate change or human involvement. Scientists saying it's fact are pathetic.

Interestingly on this, my sister and I agree. She's a liberal tree hugger who works for an environmentalist agency that consults to the government. Her personal area is removing lead as a threat to kids.

She agrees with me that we don't remotely have proof that the earth is warming beyond normal historical averages and she estimates it would take 150 years to get enough data to remotely start to prove that.

I agree with her I'd like to take prudent steps anyway because it is possible even if it's not proven.

The problem is all you leftist moonbats oppose all the effective solutions (Nuclear, natural gas, clean coal) and insist on solutions that aren't remotely feasible (wind, solar) to produce significant energy or have nothing to do with the environment at all (cap and tax).

BTW, I spent years working in management in the energy industry, including GE Nuclear and GE Power
This planet is going to get real dirty the next 5 years or more.


And so if you actually believe this, are you ready to start with feasible solutions, nuclear, natural gas and clean coal? Or are you still going to go with the solutions that are nowhere near ready for prime time and others that have nothing to do with the environment?
This planet is going to get real dirty the next 5 years or more.


And so if you actually believe this, are you ready to start with feasible solutions, nuclear, natural gas and clean coal? Or are you still going to go with the solutions that are nowhere near ready for prime time and others that have nothing to do with the environment?
The GOP are in full control. I'm all for all these sources of energy. Oh and by the way, wind and solar are great forms of energy. Only a gw denier rwnj would suggest those things aren't an important part of our energy solution.

Harnessing power from the wind is one of the cleanest and most sustainable ways to generate electricity as it produces no toxic pollution or global warming emissions. Wind is also abundant, inexhaustible, and affordable, which makes it a viable and large-scale alternative to fossil fuels.

And funny but we are one of the top 10 countries using solar.

These 10 countries are leading the world in solar energy

Why are we so stupid to be using wind and the sun for energy!!! LOL
OMG today I said to my con buddy, "boy I bet you're real happy with Trump EPA pick huh?" and he said yes. So the liberal who works here basically calls him out and says basically you disagree with 97% of the scientists

It's really pathetic that they do that. Scientists are supposed to approach science with skepticism. Clearly science has not remotely proven global warming, climate change or human involvement. Scientists saying it's fact are pathetic.

Interestingly on this, my sister and I agree. She's a liberal tree hugger who works for an environmentalist agency that consults to the government. Her personal area is removing lead as a threat to kids.

She agrees with me that we don't remotely have proof that the earth is warming beyond normal historical averages and she estimates it would take 150 years to get enough data to remotely start to prove that.

I agree with her I'd like to take prudent steps anyway because it is possible even if it's not proven.

The problem is all you leftist moonbats oppose all the effective solutions (Nuclear, natural gas, clean coal) and insist on solutions that aren't remotely feasible (wind, solar) to produce significant energy or have nothing to do with the environment at all (cap and tax).

BTW, I spent years working in management in the energy industry, including GE Nuclear and GE Power

You are such a dinosaur you have no clue what is going on today. Now stop using Boca Vista's wifi and get back to shuffle board old man.
This planet is going to get real dirty the next 5 years or more.


And so if you actually believe this, are you ready to start with feasible solutions, nuclear, natural gas and clean coal? Or are you still going to go with the solutions that are nowhere near ready for prime time and others that have nothing to do with the environment?
The GOP are in full control. I'm all for all these sources of energy. Oh and by the way, wind and solar are great forms of energy. Only a gw denier rwnj would suggest those things aren't an important part of our energy solution.

Harnessing power from the wind is one of the cleanest and most sustainable ways to generate electricity as it produces no toxic pollution or global warming emissions. Wind is also abundant, inexhaustible, and affordable, which makes it a viable and large-scale alternative to fossil fuels.

And funny but we are one of the top 10 countries using solar.

These 10 countries are leading the world in solar energy

Why are we so stupid to be using wind and the sun for energy!!! LOL

You whiffed on my point on wind. It's nowhere near technologically providing a significant portion of our energy. Sure, we should keep developing it but it's way over deployed for what we get for it.

I personally think solar will but our ultimate final energy source. But that's probably a century away. Right now it generates squat
OMG today I said to my con buddy, "boy I bet you're real happy with Trump EPA pick huh?" and he said yes. So the liberal who works here basically calls him out and says basically you disagree with 97% of the scientists

It's really pathetic that they do that. Scientists are supposed to approach science with skepticism. Clearly science has not remotely proven global warming, climate change or human involvement. Scientists saying it's fact are pathetic.

Interestingly on this, my sister and I agree. She's a liberal tree hugger who works for an environmentalist agency that consults to the government. Her personal area is removing lead as a threat to kids.

She agrees with me that we don't remotely have proof that the earth is warming beyond normal historical averages and she estimates it would take 150 years to get enough data to remotely start to prove that.

I agree with her I'd like to take prudent steps anyway because it is possible even if it's not proven.

The problem is all you leftist moonbats oppose all the effective solutions (Nuclear, natural gas, clean coal) and insist on solutions that aren't remotely feasible (wind, solar) to produce significant energy or have nothing to do with the environment at all (cap and tax).

BTW, I spent years working in management in the energy industry, including GE Nuclear and GE Power

You are such a dinosaur you have no clue what is going on today. Now stop using Boca Vista's wifi and get back to shuffle board old man.

Obviously you know nothing and you don't know that either
OMG today I said to my con buddy, "boy I bet you're real happy with Trump EPA pick huh?" and he said yes. So the liberal who works here basically calls him out and says basically you disagree with 97% of the scientists

It's really pathetic that they do that. Scientists are supposed to approach science with skepticism. Clearly science has not remotely proven global warming, climate change or human involvement. Scientists saying it's fact are pathetic.

Interestingly on this, my sister and I agree. She's a liberal tree hugger who works for an environmentalist agency that consults to the government. Her personal area is removing lead as a threat to kids.

She agrees with me that we don't remotely have proof that the earth is warming beyond normal historical averages and she estimates it would take 150 years to get enough data to remotely start to prove that.

I agree with her I'd like to take prudent steps anyway because it is possible even if it's not proven.

The problem is all you leftist moonbats oppose all the effective solutions (Nuclear, natural gas, clean coal) and insist on solutions that aren't remotely feasible (wind, solar) to produce significant energy or have nothing to do with the environment at all (cap and tax).

BTW, I spent years working in management in the energy industry, including GE Nuclear and GE Power

You are such a dinosaur you have no clue what is going on today. Now stop using Boca Vista's wifi and get back to shuffle board old man.

So riddle me this, Batman. What makes you believe you know that GW is fact?
Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.

A retired general or admiral is fairly toothless, even one that has only been retired for a few years. All they do is walk around growling and barking orders.

Trump cannot grab control of the Government without active duty generals and admirals behind him on it.

I cannot imagine the JCS' or the fleet/theatre commanders conspiring treasonously with him.

Two or three retired generals does not a conspiracy make.
The GOP are in full control. I'm all for all these sources of energy. Oh and by the way, wind and solar are great forms of energy. Only a gw denier rwnj would suggest those things aren't an important part of our energy solution.

Harnessing power from the wind is one of the cleanest and most sustainable ways to generate electricity as it produces no toxic pollution or global warming emissions. Wind is also abundant, inexhaustible, and affordable, which makes it a viable and large-scale alternative to fossil fuels.

And funny but we are one of the top 10 countries using solar.

These 10 countries are leading the world in solar energy

Why are we so stupid to be using wind and the sun for energy!!! LOL

Correct: "The GOP is ... ."

Incorrect: "The GOP are ... ."

Rule: The verb must agree in number with the subject.

Subject = GOP = Grand Old Party.

"Party" is singular -- not plural.

This is what you missed by going to public schools.

Did you read the links? That's no less than three generals he's picked so far. One of them was even director of the Defense Intelligence Agency until Obama fired him for being racist against Islam. No wonder Trump picked a fellow radical bigot...

Speaking of muslims, hillary was planning on putting one of them in charge of the defense intelligence agency, if she could find a transexxual muslim, that is. Thank God we will soon have a return to sanity and common sense with Trump on the scene.
Great choices by President elect Trump! :thup:

America is great again!!! :salute: :)
OMG today I said to my con buddy, "boy I bet you're real happy with Trump EPA pick huh?" and he said yes. So the liberal who works here basically calls him out and says basically you disagree with 97% of the scientists

It's really pathetic that they do that. Scientists are supposed to approach science with skepticism. Clearly science has not remotely proven global warming, climate change or human involvement. Scientists saying it's fact are pathetic.

Interestingly on this, my sister and I agree. She's a liberal tree hugger who works for an environmentalist agency that consults to the government. Her personal area is removing lead as a threat to kids.

She agrees with me that we don't remotely have proof that the earth is warming beyond normal historical averages and she estimates it would take 150 years to get enough data to remotely start to prove that.

I agree with her I'd like to take prudent steps anyway because it is possible even if it's not proven.

The problem is all you leftist moonbats oppose all the effective solutions (Nuclear, natural gas, clean coal) and insist on solutions that aren't remotely feasible (wind, solar) to produce significant energy or have nothing to do with the environment at all (cap and tax).

BTW, I spent years working in management in the energy industry, including GE Nuclear and GE Power

You are such a dinosaur you have no clue what is going on today. Now stop using Boca Vista's wifi and get back to shuffle board old man.

So riddle me this, Batman. What makes you believe you know that GW is fact?
97% scientists say take it seriously. Your side says take a chance to save and make a buck. I go with be safe and clean/green.

I could be wrong but so could you
The GOP are in full control. I'm all for all these sources of energy. Oh and by the way, wind and solar are great forms of energy. Only a gw denier rwnj would suggest those things aren't an important part of our energy solution.

Harnessing power from the wind is one of the cleanest and most sustainable ways to generate electricity as it produces no toxic pollution or global warming emissions. Wind is also abundant, inexhaustible, and affordable, which makes it a viable and large-scale alternative to fossil fuels.

And funny but we are one of the top 10 countries using solar.

These 10 countries are leading the world in solar energy

Why are we so stupid to be using wind and the sun for energy!!! LOL

Correct: "The GOP is ... ."

Incorrect: "The GOP are ... ."

Rule: The verb must agree in number with the subject.

Subject = GOP = Grand Old Party.

"Party" is singular -- not plural.

This is what you missed by going to public schools.

That's all you got? You must be bored
OMG today I said to my con buddy, "boy I bet you're real happy with Trump EPA pick huh?" and he said yes. So the liberal who works here basically calls him out and says basically you disagree with 97% of the scientists

It's really pathetic that they do that. Scientists are supposed to approach science with skepticism. Clearly science has not remotely proven global warming, climate change or human involvement. Scientists saying it's fact are pathetic.

Interestingly on this, my sister and I agree. She's a liberal tree hugger who works for an environmentalist agency that consults to the government. Her personal area is removing lead as a threat to kids.

She agrees with me that we don't remotely have proof that the earth is warming beyond normal historical averages and she estimates it would take 150 years to get enough data to remotely start to prove that.

I agree with her I'd like to take prudent steps anyway because it is possible even if it's not proven.

The problem is all you leftist moonbats oppose all the effective solutions (Nuclear, natural gas, clean coal) and insist on solutions that aren't remotely feasible (wind, solar) to produce significant energy or have nothing to do with the environment at all (cap and tax).

BTW, I spent years working in management in the energy industry, including GE Nuclear and GE Power

You are such a dinosaur you have no clue what is going on today. Now stop using Boca Vista's wifi and get back to shuffle board old man.

So riddle me this, Batman. What makes you believe you know that GW is fact?
97% scientists say take it seriously. Your side says take a chance to save and make a buck. I go with be safe and clean/green.

I could be wrong but so could you

I already specifically addressed the point you just made
The radical hypocritical left used to spit on Military Veterans but lately they pretend to care about the Military. Now the hypocrites claim that hiring Veterans for cabinet positions constitutes a "Junta". what the hell is a Junta anyway?
Well, he needs experts with military know how to run mass concentration camps and to establish a new world order. Obama could be the last US president, period,

Wow, your butt hurt times your wacko is a big number!
That is what I said about Trump supporters when he started his campaign. Now we are on the eve of seeing a monster inaugurated as our leader.

That was going to happen either way
Have you prepared your "Schindler's List?"

You're not on it
I wouldn't want to be.... I'm a fighter...I'd die on my feet fighting before I'd submit to your ilk!

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