Trump is now George W. Bush

Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Won’t be fooled again!”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”, and Trumpers are being fooled again.

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support a war with Iran. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

U.S. Strike in Iraq Kills Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iranian Forces
As a proud “trumpist” I have known iran was our enemy since 1979
Too bad you can't read or understand history before then. Say 1953 when the CIA overthrew the government of Iran because they wouldn't kiss America's ass. THAT is where this started,1979 was just the Iranian people's response but go ahead wash your hands of ANYTHING wrong the US ever does.
The US and britain backed royalists in iran who wanted to return the shah to power in the midst of a bitter struggle with the soviet union

I still believe the iranian people were better off under the shah than what they got after he was gone

but thats old history now

the fact Is that iran today is a theocracy ruled by 14th century muslim wackos and is a threat to every democracy in the world
No they aren't a threat to ANYONE but those who want to STEAL the resources the country has and want to install a ZIONIST ruled central bank to control their money flow. Iran hasn't attacked a country in 200 years vs the puppet regimes in the US who have attacked hundreds.
Thats total bullshit
Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Won’t be fooled again!”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”, and Trumpers are being fooled again.

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support a war with Iran. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

U.S. Strike in Iraq Kills Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iranian Forces
We arent at war, retard. We simply killed one Iranian scrub. Quit your whining.

Trump is W. without the brains.
I didn’t know W had brains. Clearly he never exhibited them.

He is a mass murdering criminal who should be in solitary at Supermax, with Ears in the next cell. Donnie appears to be making himself eligible for a cell there too.
I was being facious. Trump is so friggin stupid he is not even equal to W’s stupidity.
Whatcha gonna do...
Whatcha gonna do...
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you.

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