Trump is now George W. Bush

I figured this is how it would go from the beginning.


All one and the same.
Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Won’t be fooled again!”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”, and Trumpers are being fooled again.

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support a war with Iran. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

U.S. Strike in Iraq Kills Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iranian Forces
As a proud “trumpist” I have known iran was our enemy since 1979

Great, why haven't we taken out Putin & Kim?
Putin is not killing Americans in Iraq

But if war breaks out in Korea hopefully kim be killed before its over

Soleimani never killed anyone, he supported those that did. Your fat assed orange POS said he did it to prevent some future attack. Putin supports those who would attack Americans. Kim threatens the US all the time.

So why the fuck not kill them too?

Hell, that guy in Venezuela - send a drone.

Like Putin is doing through threir support of
Are you claiming that Suleimanin was just a poor working stiff that trump killed for no reason?

if so I think you know better than that
Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Won’t be fooled again!”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”, and Trumpers are being fooled again.

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support a war with Iran. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

U.S. Strike in Iraq Kills Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iranian Forces
Trump is and always has been in a position of "can't win" with you leftards.
If he did something he's damned and if he didn't do something, he's damned.
Screw it, he did something, and yes, the world is a better place without that terrorist.
Wrong. The problem with Trumpers is that everything is looked through the lens that any criticism is an attack on Trump. Trumpers are a defensive lot. The fact is that this attack was not thoroughly thought out. You may never admit that no matter what the fallout.
I am not a warmonger. Trump ran on a promise. We are not at war in the middle east. However we have been at war domestically for to long. All of those entertainers and media people are not your friends if you are a peasant. They come first in the real trickle down theory. Most live their lives the opposite and/or different then they spout. The ones that live traditional and within their culture, religion, ethnic background, etc. are the biggest scammers. For they are hypocrites. The peasants fight each other while the authoritarian police/corrections/judicial system keeps us in line and away from the real privileged. notice the mass shootings are most always peasant against peasant. Up the game.
I figured this is how it would go from the beginning.


All one and the same.

Shaking my head here. Not even Bush, the mendacious clown, piled up a five-digit lie count in just over two years in office.

And Bush, Obama, and Trump had Suleimani in their sights. Even Bush - you could count the blunders he avoided with the fingers on one hand - realized targeting Suleimani was too benighted a move to be contemplated seriously. But Trump "got him", a man traveling overtly at the invitation of Iraq together with an Iraqi general. No one above the level of complete imbecility does such a thing.

But yeah, all one and the same.

Trump is W. without the brains.
I didn’t know W had brains. Clearly he never exhibited them.

He is a mass murdering criminal who should be in solitary at Supermax, with Ears in the next cell. Donnie appears to be making himself eligible for a cell there too.
/----/ No Brains Bush beat the snot out of the democRATs who ran against him. AlBore and Lurch still carry the scars.
Yes and I still carry the shame of having voted for him, though it’s likely the other two would have been just as bad. Very little difference between all those assholes.
I figured this is how it would go from the beginning.


All one and the same.

Shaking my head here. Not even Bush, the mendacious clown, piled up a five-digit lie count in just over two years in office.

And Bush, Obama, and Trump had Suleimani in their sights. Even Bush - you could count the blunders he avoided with the fingers on one hand - realized targeting Suleimani was too benighted a move to be contemplated seriously. But Trump "got him", a man traveling overtly at the invitation of Iraq together with an Iraqi general. No one above the level of complete imbecility does such a thing.

But yeah, all one and the same.

All one and the same. Lying war mongers. Every time we kill one of these guys that are claimed to be the worse of the worse until we kill the next one. This is never going to end. When are we going to start paying for it? If we had to actually do that, it would end.
The 53 billion barrel oilfield they just discovered in southern Iran has a lot to do with all this.
The general of any countries military has the authority to protect his country.
BTW, a lot of the ones he killed were ISIS members.
You libs keep forgetting our cars run on oil.

Libs? You're talking to me? This is priceless. The USA is not running off of Iranian oil. Remember, we don't buy oil from Iran.
Libs? You're talking to me? This is priceless. The USA is not running off of Iranian oil. Remember, we don't buy oil from Iran.
If they would behave in a civilized manner we would buy oil from them. They've given us no other option than to end diplomatic efforts and to start dropping bombs.
I figured this is how it would go from the beginning.


All one and the same.

Shaking my head here. Not even Bush, the mendacious clown, piled up a five-digit lie count in just over two years in office.

And Bush, Obama, and Trump had Suleimani in their sights. Even Bush - you could count the blunders he avoided with the fingers on one hand - realized targeting Suleimani was too benighted a move to be contemplated seriously. But Trump "got him", a man traveling overtly at the invitation of Iraq together with an Iraqi general. No one above the level of complete imbecility does such a thing.

But yeah, all one and the same.

All one and the same. Lying war mongers. Every time we kill one of these guys that are claimed to be the worse of the worse until we kill the next one. This is never going to end. When are we going to start paying for it? If we had to actually do that, it would end.

There's a line in the movie "Casablanca," where the guy is talking to the German Major, he says something to the effect of "every time you kill one of us, another will rise and take his place. Even the NAZI's can't kill that fast.
Countries and their leadership aren't going to just vanish. The US's foreign policy has always been, "do as we say, or we'll make you." Which just happens to be the same thing they tell us about taxes and everything else.

People aren't supposed to fear their governments. Governments are supposed to fear the people.
I figured this is how it would go from the beginning.


All one and the same.

Shaking my head here. Not even Bush, the mendacious clown, piled up a five-digit lie count in just over two years in office.

And Bush, Obama, and Trump had Suleimani in their sights. Even Bush - you could count the blunders he avoided with the fingers on one hand - realized targeting Suleimani was too benighted a move to be contemplated seriously. But Trump "got him", a man traveling overtly at the invitation of Iraq together with an Iraqi general. No one above the level of complete imbecility does such a thing.

But yeah, all one and the same.
Not at the invitation of Iraq. Just a certain segment Iran has infiltrated.
Iraqi protesters torch Iran consulate amid deadly protests - Egypt Independent
Libs? You're talking to me? This is priceless. The USA is not running off of Iranian oil. Remember, we don't buy oil from Iran.
If they would behave in a civilized manner we would buy oil from them. They've given us no other option than to end diplomatic efforts and to start dropping bombs.

They were. At least to us. That's what we got from the trade deal that Trump destroyed. Who give's a fuck what Israel and the Saud's think about Iran. We had a sweet deal with Iran.
We had companies manufacturing things and exporting their products to Iran. American jobs created out of it. Plus they were no trying to build a nuclear weapon.

Me thinks you don't even realize just how your taking up for our spoiled brat little brothers called "Israel and Saudi Arabia." Screw them. They're just welfare sponges. Hundreds of billions that go to them every year.

But back to your initial point, before you changed the subject. Irans oil doesn't come here. We don't need Irans oil. THE only ones that want it, are the US oil companies and brokers. Of course, the MIC wants us to use a lot of bombs, so they can sell us more.
And then we have the Federal Reserve, who's demanding the Iranians trade their oil in USD.
They were. At least to us. That's what we got from the trade deal that Trump destroyed. Who give's a fuck what Israel and the Saud's think about Iran. We had a sweet deal with Iran.
You can't coddle rogue nations that have nuclear ambitions.
Libs? You're talking to me? This is priceless. The USA is not running off of Iranian oil. Remember, we don't buy oil from Iran.
If they would behave in a civilized manner we would buy oil from them. They've given us no other option than to end diplomatic efforts and to start dropping bombs.

They were. At least to us. That's what we got from the trade deal that Trump destroyed. Who give's a fuck what Israel and the Saud's think about Iran. We had a sweet deal with Iran.
We had companies manufacturing things and exporting their products to Iran. American jobs created out of it. Plus they were no trying to build a nuclear weapon.

Me thinks you don't even realize just how your taking up for our spoiled brat little brothers called "Israel and Saudi Arabia." Screw them. They're just welfare sponges. Hundreds of billions that go to them every year.

But back to your initial point, before you changed the subject. Irans oil doesn't come here. We don't need Irans oil. THE only ones that want it, are the US oil companies and brokers. Of course, the MIC wants us to use a lot of bombs, so they can sell us more.
And then we have the Federal Reserve, who's demanding the Iranians trade their oil in USD.
Oh, just stop. They can drill oil here now in safer territory. The biggest oil companies are not American, ya know.
List of largest oil and gas companies by revenue - Wikipedia
They were. At least to us. That's what we got from the trade deal that Trump destroyed. Who give's a fuck what Israel and the Saud's think about Iran. We had a sweet deal with Iran.
You can't coddle rogue nations that have nuclear ambitions.

"Rogue" nations? Is that something you learned from Trump, or the media? Every country in the world as just as much right to arms that will defend their country, as Americans have a right to bear arms to also protect themselves.

Just because a government says it's a right, doesn't mean it's a right granted by a government. They're called unalienable for a reason.
Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Won’t be fooled again!”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”, and Trumpers are being fooled again.

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support a war with Iran. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

U.S. Strike in Iraq Kills Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iranian Forces
As a proud “trumpist” I have known iran was our enemy since 1979
Too bad you can't read or understand history before then. Say 1953 when the CIA overthrew the government of Iran because they wouldn't kiss America's ass. THAT is where this started,1979 was just the Iranian people's response but go ahead wash your hands of ANYTHING wrong the US ever does.
The US and britain backed royalists in iran who wanted to return the shah to power in the midst of a bitter struggle with the soviet union

I still believe the iranian people were better off under the shah than what they got after he was gone

but thats old history now

the fact Is that iran today is a theocracy ruled by 14th century muslim wackos and is a threat to every democracy in the world
No they aren't a threat to ANYONE but those who want to STEAL the resources the country has and want to install a ZIONIST ruled central bank to control their money flow. Iran hasn't attacked a country in 200 years vs the puppet regimes in the US who have attacked hundreds.

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